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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.China says surge in respiratory illnesses caused by flu and other known pathogens
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With China, verify and then verify again.
Aly Rustom
this is scary. mainly because we don't know what we are dealing with.
The longer and more rigorous lockdowns were, the bigger the spike in miscellaneous infections will be after it. China had Covid Zero and will suffer the most. Kids are always getting minor bugs at school. Locked away at home, they didn't, so they didn't build up their general immune responses. That's much more important for kids than adults, and the kids are now suffering as a result.
Completely agree. It seems to me those who wore and continue to wear masks are currently getting colds, etc at a much higher rate than those who never or rarely wore masks
I would agree. The problem is that China never provides the data the international community needs for that verification. And any attempt to get that data results in China's usual threats, economic aggression, cyber attacks, etc. We still don't have the data we need on COVID-19, despite the initial outbreak being over four years ago.
As ever, China causes the problems but never wants to play a constructive part in their solutions, as this might tarnish the beautiful, shining Potemkin village that Xi has built (with forced labor.)
Can't trust the PRC to tell us the truth at any point. Until it's too late - Which if there is (unlikely imho) anything moody here, then it will be too late anyway.
What the glorious.../s CCP do not tell is the numbers in that surge in respiratory illnesses across China. I have read and seen Chinese made video's that up to 30,000 or more cases in one Shanghai hospital, and this is not confined to one city, it is happening in all cities across the country. Millions are going down with these 'so calle d' illnesses. And up until now, the CCP has denied any thing is wrong.
There is zero evidence to think the cases are from a pathogen ouside of what is present in nature, much less to think this is "another" one. The conspiracy theories that claimed covid was one were proved baseless with scientific evidence so trying to use them as a basis only mean this is even less likely to be true.
The only sense in which this is a man made problem is because once again the CCP did not act according to the recommendations of the experts that clearly warned about respiratory diseases for this season would be much more important than even before the pandemic, authorities recommending vaccination and more hospital spaces are acting many months late.
Uh huh. Sure. We totally believe you, China.
@Aly Rustom True you can't trust anything that comes out of China they speak with a straight lying face. I can't believe the "WHO" takes what they say face value instead of having a independent investigation based on what China lying reports says.
this is scary. mainly because we don't know what we are dealing with.
It must be tremendously difficult for CCP to control and manage an entire country manually. Especially in crisis situations.
Aly Rustom
sad thing is- My father worked for WHO his entire life. He was on the team that eradicated Smallpox from the world
He must be rolling over in his grave right now.
That is the thing, from 2009 many different countries (including some that now criticize the WHO) and made sure to cut out the limited political and diplomatic power the WHO had, all so economic interests were not affected by things as unimportant as global public health. China is only profiting from that huge mistake since now the WHO simply can force anything from any country, it can only get whatever the different countries want to offer as cooperation.
There have been plans to correct this situation, but once again economic interests are making sure governments do not agree on this and manipulate the people into believing letting the WHO work efficiently can only means "taking their freedums"