Japan Today

Climate change driving 'record threats to health': report

By Daniel Lawler

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Despite daily fear mongering I have no considerable concerns regarding climate warming at this moment in time.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

Despite daily fear mongering I have no considerable concerns regarding climate warming at this moment in time.

Precise and validated information that comes from experts in the field is not fear mongering, rational people do not fear information that let them take better decisions. Irresponsible people, on the other hand, have always been unconcerned even on the face of actual risks, there is nothing new with that.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Yes yes, everything is climate change. Apparently the world must make sure that the climate never changes.... sounds simple, doesnt it. Can not possible be a never-ending excuse to give more power to global institutions...

-2 ( +6 / -8 )


Precise and validated information that comes from experts in the field is not fear mongering,

"Precise and validated information" about something as vast as the global climate from the mouthpeaces of the "unbiased" UN? Your eternal "experts" and "respected worldwide institutions" are amazing.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Yes, we get it, Zaphod, you don't want to believe it. All the rest is self-serving sophistry.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Yes yes, everything is climate change. Apparently the world must make sure that the climate never changes.... sounds simple, doesnt it. Can not possible be a never-ending excuse to give more power to global institutions...

The scientists can prove without room for realistic doubt the consequences described on the article are real, that anyone refuses to accept this in no way disprove them. Climate change comes with consequences and there is nothing strange about it. And no, the solution is less power to global institutions that have caused this and more power to the populations that are affected by the change.

"Precise and validated information" about something as vast as the global climate from the mouthpeaces of the "unbiased" UN? 

Yes, you have been unable to refute the global consensus of the scientific community of the world (not any single institution as you like to misrepresent), so it remains valid, when you are unable to bring even one single example of an instittution that contradicts this consensus then it becomes clear the consensus is clear even if you personally don't want to accept it because that would mean your own actions can be validly described as irresponsible.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Climate change is nit always bad though, it’s lovely weather here at present, unbelievable for November, went for a picnic yesterday, another today lined up. I guess there always winners and losers whatever happens, it’s best to maintain a PMA (positive mental attitude) and enjoy life I reckon.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Climate change is nit always bad though, it’s lovely weather here at present, unbelievable for November, went for a picnic yesterday, another today lined up. I guess there always winners and losers whatever happens, it’s best to maintain a PMA (positive mental attitude) and enjoy life I reckon.

People with even tiny amounts of empathy and that actually care for the environment would still consider that something bad, something that makes millions of people die prematurely, destroy whole economies and condemn to poverty communities would still qualify as bad even if that make for a comfortable temporary situation for them personally, the problem is that this would require not being completely self centered, which is not a capacity that everybody has.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )


People who moan about others enjoyment really need to self analyse themselves. There are plenty who benefit from climate change such as farmers in certain regions. In some places the weather makes life better, maybe worse in general for the majority but that’s how it is.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

falseflagsteveToday 05:48 am JST


People who moan about others enjoyment really need to self analyse themselves. There are plenty who benefit from climate change such as farmers in certain regions. In some places the weather makes life better, maybe worse in general for the majority but that’s how it is.

So then people and companies shouldn't complain about disasters and just tough it out or move somewhere else, right?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

falseflagsteveToday 05:48 am JST

People who moan about others enjoyment really need to self analyse themselves. There are plenty who benefit from climate change such as farmers in certain regions. In some places the weather makes life better, maybe worse in general for the majority but that’s how it is.

Also your son may have to contend with not being able to go outside in summer and food costing 2-3x what it does now, but those are the breaks, amirite?

1 ( +4 / -3 )


He can go out. He’s not hyper sensitive to the sun or heat. I’m trying to help people realise it’s not all doom and gloom, keep a PMA at all times

Heres an example, the British wine producers are doing swimmingly at present as they can grow grapes to produce popular wines that they couldn’t previously.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

falseflagsteveToday 06:21 am JST


He can go out. He’s not hyper sensitive to the sun or heat. I’m trying to help people realise it’s not all doom and gloom, keep a PMA at all times

Heres an example, the British wine producers are doing swimmingly at present as they can grow grapes to produce popular wines that they couldn’t previously.

Well, yeah, wines do good when the surrounding environment is essentially desert and you can control the water. Other food crops cannot get such a wasteful treatment.

2 ( +3 / -1 )


Them Northern Europe wines are grow in fertile green areas, Before could only do up to Northen France, now U.K. too, mostly in Cornwall

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

People who moan about others enjoyment really need to self analyse themselves.

That applies more to those that boast of benefiting of something that will kill and ruin millions of people and consider this a good thing. That is not something people consider morally correct.

There are plenty who benefit from climate change such as farmers in certain regions.

Yet those unnamed farmers are not saying that it is good that others will die and be ruined, there is a huge difference between finding a silver lining of a terrible problem and saying hat probles is actually good because you find yourself in a temporarily comfortable situation so the death of others is justified.

He can go out. He’s not hyper sensitive to the sun or heat. I’m trying to help people realise it’s not all doom and gloom, keep a PMA at all times

Bragging about how you personally benefit from something that will kill milllions is not something that will bring PMA to others, if anything that can lead to despair in those responsible and empathic enough to care about other people, seeing how someone qualifies ad "good" tragedies is a reasons that justifies feeling disappointed on those that lack empathy to such a degree.

1 ( +3 / -2 )


Never bragged about anything.

Just stated facts.

I never said it’s good if people die, did you actually read what I wrote?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )


Bragging about how you personally benefit from something that will kill milllions is not something that will bring PMA to others, if anything that can lead to despair in those responsible and empathic

If anything is headed to killing millions, it is the green agenda being pushed EU and US elites. In Europe, they are in the process of destroying agriculture with new taxes on livestock, limiting fertilizers because of supposed NO2 content, pushing EVs on farmers, etc. This and much more in an endless effort to "save the planet", aka keep the sky from falling. The "climate" narrative is simply a great excuse... sadly many people fall for it.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Climate change denial is why the human race deserves to go extinct.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

If anything is headed to killing millions, it is the green agenda being pushed EU and US elites

This could not be more mistaken, the elites are pushing to mislead people into ignoring climate change, and profit a lot from doing it. If peer review was not as effective as finding lame reports as it is right now they would be paying much more than any country or university in the world for reports that "prove" climate change is not real.

The "climate" narrative is simply a great excuse... sadly many people fall for it.

When you are completely unable to disprove the scientific community of the world that clearly proved the importance of climate change then the one using excuses would be you, not the scientists. You still have not been able to provide even one single institution of science in the whole world, in any country, that says the consensus is wrong. This completely disqualifies your claim and iit is as bad as justifying the huge disaster that climate change represents saying "it is not as bad" based on personal benefit being more important than the millions of deaths it will cause.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

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