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Coffee may protect cognition in people with AFib

By American Heart Association News

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I have read two books on dealing with aFib, both recommended AGAINST coffee as it could trigger an episode.

White coat speak with forked tongue....

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I have read two books on dealing with aFib, both recommended AGAINST coffee as it could trigger an episode.

White coat speak with forked tongue....

This is addressed in the article, that is the way science advances and makes progress, limited information leads to a conclusion that is considered correct until more and better information comes along and corrects that conclusion. For aFib the previous understanding pointed to a possible risk, but after examining the evidence it ends up that people that avoided coffee did not have an advantage (except for those that get specific symptoms with the drink).

Books are much better than anecdotes, but recent studies (when properly done) are much better than books.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

There are many good things to be said for a coffee addiction, but in old age coffee can have an adverse impact on one's urinary tract.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Anecdotally, I remember from my days at Uni that some caffeine before test day seemed to increase my mental acuity. That was reflected in higher test scores. Like the classic cup of Joe in the morning to help one get one's mind and body up and running, there are stories that coffee can help in the short run. This latest study indicates that coffee can be of benefit when taken over a prolong period of time. Still, my urologist recommended no more than one cup a day.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

There are many good things to be said for a coffee addiction, but in old age coffee can have an adverse impact on one's urinary tract.

Do you happen to know if the problem is the caffeine, or something else in the coffee? A Google search is telling me it's the caffeine, but was wondering if you have additional info.

I initially switched to decaf, with the intention of quitting coffee completely after getting rid of my caffeine addiction. But now I'm considering sticking with the decaf...

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Raw Beer

I initially switched to decaf, with the intention of quitting coffee completely after getting rid of my caffeine addiction. But now I'm considering sticking with the decaf...

I am a coffee addict and have no intention to change that. What is the problem of a having an addiction with no bad side effects, and possibly even good ones? (Unless you you drink like 100 cups a day, which would be lethal I understand)

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