Japan Today

New COVID wave looms in Europe as booster campaign makes slow start

By Ludwig Burger and Natalie Grover

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No idea why the booster uptake is lagging. It would have absolutely nothing to do with the fact more and more people are figuring out that the boosters don't halt the spread and have short and limited effect, and have questionable safety. Nothing at all.

5 ( +13 / -8 )

No idea why the booster uptake is lagging

If you read the article you would have one, it is even on the first paragraph

It would have absolutely nothing to do with the fact more and more people are figuring out that the boosters don't halt the spread and have short and limited effect, and have questionable safety. Nothing at all.

Since the reasons you use are false obviously they are obviously unrelated, that is like thinking people do not follow a healthy lifestyle and diet because they "figured out" eating a good diet exercising have no effect in their health.

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

virusrexToday  07:57 am JST

No idea why the booster uptake is lagging

If you read the article you would have one, it is even on the first paragraph 

It would have absolutely nothing to do with the fact more and more people are figuring out that the boosters don't halt the spread and have short and limited effect, and have questionable safety. Nothing at all.

Since the reasons you use are false obviously they are obviously unrelated, that is like thinking people do not follow a healthy lifestyle and diet because they "figured out" eating a good diet exercising have no effect in their health.

The narrative you push is falling apart.

Trust in the companies making these jabs is crumbling. This is because hard data on reinfection, efficacy and adverse effects is making its way through to the public via doctors who are brave enough to resist pressure from governments (especially what's happening in California) and captured medical registration boards, and honest journalists who are publishing facts that corporate PR organs like Thomson Reuters refuse to reveal.

Not to mention what people are experiencing in their own lives and those of people they know.

2 ( +12 / -10 )

with public health experts warning that vaccine fatigue and confusion over types of available vaccines 

Instead of warning, these experts should better start to use their brains and ask why there is a fatigue and confusion in the public

People should take 5 shots (that is the current status), plus an influenza shot, which is also recommended by the so called experts.

So 6 shots within less than 2 years!

And even with these 5 or 6 shots, people are getting infected and sick.

And then the experts are wondering why the public are getting vaccine fatigue???

And the whole world can see now, that the virus is still on the spread, people are still getting sick and hospitalized, vaccinated or not.

Everybody can see that, except the experts. Because they stuck their eyes just in data, instead to the reality.

And their argue, take the vaccine that decreases the risk to get sick and hospitailized, also doesn't count anymore, because many vacinated people are getting sick and hospitalized too. That is the reality all over the world, and that is what the people do see now.

And people are wondering if the risk to damage their health is much higher, to put 5 or 6 shots, within less than 2 years into their body, than the risk to get sick and hospitalized by the corona virus.

A good example is my company.

Many people got Covid, many are 3x vaccinated, a few are not.

The vaccinated got all sick with fever and strong symptoms. The non vaccinated are almost asymptomatic.

Our company offers next month for all staff this 4th shot, BA1. But only 20% of the staff want to take it. All other refused.

Because they looked around and see the reality.

Vaccinated or not, you can get infected and sick.

The big question of the public is, which risk is higher, to damage your own body with taking 5,6...shots, or is the risk higher to catch Covid and get hospitalized.

And the expert must come up with a new and good answer to that question, to convince the public to continue to take the vaccine.

Because what the experts told us in the past, is already debunked by the reality

3 ( +12 / -9 )

In the UK vulnerable people are getting a Covid jab at the same time as a flu jab. There is no choice of vaccine type - you get what they give you. Masks on public transport may reduce flu, which is great, because it is more unpleasant than Covid for many.

There will be no lockdowns (beyond those enforced by the endless train strikes). The government daren't become any more unpopular than they already are - currently on a level with Putin's regime. People are just getting on with life. Covid is just another bug. Get your jab. If you get Covid, you get it, like flu. No drama required. Britons are more worried about inflation, mortgage rates and power cuts. Most people have had it once or twice and expect to get it again, as with flu. It's just a part of life. Not a headline any more.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Confidence in these jabs is justifiably flagging so much that Pfizer and BioNTech threw some money at Marvel to produce one of the most embarrassing pieces of propaganda yet to try and rope in the kiddies: an Avengers comic called Everyday Heroes.


I wonder if the European arm will try an Asterix version. LOL.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

The narrative you push is falling apart.

Is that why you can never find any recognized institution of science or medicine that says the same as you want to push? Reality clearly shows the vaccines are effective and safe, no matter how much you don't want to accept it. Just saying the medical consensus is wrong because you know better is not an argument.

Trust in the companies making these jabs is crumbling

Nobody has to trust any company, the data collected from every country, on literally billions of people is enough to prove the value and safety of the vaccines, pretending only companies hold this data clearly shows an intent to mislead instead of recognizing the reality.

Not to mention what people are experiencing in their own lives and those of people they know.

Yes, a much reduced risk that have allowed for other measures to be relatex thanks to the safe immunity vaccines provide.

-4 ( +9 / -13 )

Yes, a much reduced risk that have allowed for other measures to be relatex thanks to the safe immunity vaccines provide.

Safe? Florida's Surgeon General is having doubts. Are you better qualified than him to make that assessment?


This analysis found that there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination. With a high level of global immunity to COVID-19, the benefit of vaccination is likely outweighed by this abnormally high risk of cardiac-related death among men in this age group. Non-mRNA vaccines were not found to have these increased risks.

As such, the State Surgeon General recommends against males aged 18 to 39 from receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Those with preexisting cardiac conditions, such as myocarditis and pericarditis, should take particular caution when making this decision.

“Studying the safety and efficacy of any medications, including vaccines, is an important component of public health,” said Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo. “Far less attention has been paid to safety and the concerns of many individuals have been dismissed – these are important findings that should be communicated to Floridians.”

0 ( +8 / -8 )

Instead of warning, these experts should better start to use their brains and ask why there is a fatigue and confusion in the public

There is no mystery, it is human nature, if this wast not a common problem for health measures nobody would have unhealthy life styles.

 6 shots within less than 2 years!

Why keep insisting on something that has been already demonstrated false to you? With what do you suppose the reduction of risk that vaccines provide can be replaced? by letting people be hospitalized and die as the unvaccinated people still do? that makes no sense.

And even with these 5 or 6 shots, people are getting infected and sick.

But less than unvaccinated people, which is the other option, this is the value that you keep trying to misrepresent as worthless, it is obviously not.

Everybody can see that, except the experts. Because they stuck their eyes just in data, instead to the reality.

The opposite, data is reality without personal biases, but if you refuse to accept yours that can make you refuse to accept reality to persist on your personal beliefs based only in that they are yours and it is impossible for you to be wrong, this is not a rational position to take.

A good example is my company.

A good example of how bias can give you a wrong impresion of reality and why scientific controls and statistical considerations are so important. Data on thousands over thousands of people, in countless countries all over the world clearly shows vaccines work, but since you prefer to give more importance to what you see (just not enough to properly classify cases by risk) you get the opposite impression, which is obviously much more likely to be completely wrong.

The big question of the public is, which risk is higher, to damage your own body with taking 5,6...shots, or is the risk higher to catch Covid and get hospitalized.

What "damage" from the vaccines are you talking about? a fever and aches for a few hours? again, this is well proved, vaccines lower the chances to get hospitalized, complicated or dying for any population for which they are used.

-4 ( +8 / -12 )

Confidence in these jabs is justifiably flagging so much that Pfizer and BioNTech threw some money at Marvel

Companies use money to promote their products everywhere, that has absolutely importance in how effective those products are, you were already contradicted by the article that says fatigue is the reason, and fatigue is not an argument to prove something is not efficient either, why is it that you can never produce any evidence the vaccines are not effective? not even one institution in the whole world that supports your personal views either.

Safe? Florida's Surgeon General is having doubts. Are you better qualified than him to make that assessment

It is not me who has criticized the use of this report as inadequate and that fails to justify the decision, the criticism comes from actual experts on vaccines, immunity and epidemiology. The "self controlled case series" is not something that can be used to compare incidences between vaccinated and unvaccinated people because of the obvious reason that no unvaccinated people are included to be examined in the same way.

In reality this "report" is very limited in the information it provides, similar to the the well debunked article previously published in vaccines that was used by Ladapo to justify his personal bias that runs contrary to scientific consensus.


In short it takes a very short period where only a tiny percentage of the population studied is exposed to the infection and compares it to 100% of the subjects were vaccinated. This makes absolutely no sense and can be more easily be understood if you reduce this time to one day, since anything happening to these people will count as post vaccine, even a tiny incidence will be translated automatically as a problem after vaccination, but since nobody will be infected on this time, then nothing will be considered related to covid.

Or as the actual reports clearly recognize as weakness and reasons why it can't be used as the basis of guidance (which is what Ladapo is trying to do)

While this method has been used to assess risk of death following COVID-19 vaccination,2 it violates the assumption that an event does not affect subsequent exposure (for mRNA vaccines), which may introduce bias. 6 Further, it does not consider the multidose vaccination schedule required for mRNA vaccination. This study cannot determine the causative nature of a participant’s death. We used death certificate data and not medical records.

Ladapo has been repeatedly criticized before for playin loose with the science in order to defend his invalid criticism for the covid vaccines for anybody, even after they were proved extremely effective on the most vulnerable population, also for pushing treatments that were demonstrated as useless.




-4 ( +8 / -12 )

Oh--so they are guaranteeing immunity with these shots?

Since this is a false argument only antivaxxers groups are pushing you are only debunking those antivaxxer groups.

Nice tracking by the WHO! Great work. Meanwhile, about those new forms of Omicron 

What about them? all RNA viruses have literally dozens of forms even on one single patient, that is their evolutionary advantage. Tracking do means keeping an eye for those variants to see if any requires further attention, but the same as the hundreds of variants of alpha, delta, etc. most are of no consequence and for all purposes they can be considered equivalent to any of the already identified variants of importance.

Not according to statistical data.

Which statistical data? you have presented a source that explicitly says it can't be used to reach the conclusions you want it have. If your own source contradicts what you say that means your source proves the opposite of what you want to use it for.

Is that why you can never find any recognized institution of science or medicine that says the same as you want to push your evolving biases, as it seem you are not pushing the natural immunity narrative this month?

It is trivially easy to find health care authorities saying the vaccines are safe and effective, you on the other hand have produced exactly zero.





-4 ( +8 / -12 )

Nobody has to trust any company, the data collected from every country, on literally billions of people is enough to prove the value and safety of the vaccines, pretending only companies hold this data clearly shows an intent to mislead instead of recognizing the reality.

Of course nobody "has" to trust a company, but when the public has essentially been coerced into taking these by their governments, these companies have an extremely high duty of care to ensure the products are safe and effective. They would earn that trust if they fulfilled that duty.

The fact that these same companies have to donate huge amounts of money to political parties, fund the organisations that are supposed to regulate them and recommend their products, and spend huge amounts of money on advertising in the corporate media to craft and maintain a narrative that their covid shots are "safe and effective" makes a mockery of any claim that the public is getting the truth about these products. At least Florida is seeing the light, as have Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

I mean, it's not like these companies haven't been sued for billions in the past for covering up safety data that's led to people dying due to faulty products, right?

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

Of course nobody "has" to trust a company, but when the public has essentially been coerced into taking these by their governments, these companies have an extremely high duty of care to ensure the products are safe and effective.

Trying to ignore the counter argument that disproved yours means you recognize you can't do anything to refute it.

The scientists and doctors all over the world have already proved the vaccines are safe and effective, there is no need for any company to do it again when they can simply refer to third parties (in this case the scientific and medical community of the world) that say so.

What importance do political decision on the evidence of vaccines safety and efficacy? thinking that a change in policy would mean the scientific basis becomes more or less invalid is deeply irrational, Scientific reports should have the power to change policy, but changes in policy have no effect on the primary sources.

I mean, it's not like these companies haven't been sued for billions in the past for covering up safety data that's led to people dying due to faulty products, right?

How many times the companies have covering up data originated from every country in the world? because that is what supports the decision to consider vaccines safe and effective. You could ignore completely any and all evidence produce by companies and the result would still be the same, this is not 2020 where only companies had data to show, at this point the data comes from everywhere, so your supposed conspiracy to hide it would have to include everyone involved. That is unbelievable.

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

t is not me who has criticized the use of this report as inadequate and that fails to justify the decision, the criticism comes from actual experts on vaccines, immunity and epidemiology. The "self controlled case series" is not something that can be used to compare incidences between vaccinated and unvaccinated people because of the obvious reason that no unvaccinated people are included to be examined in the same way.

There are thousands of epidemiologists and vaccinologists, as well as general practitioners who see the dangerous adverse effects of these shots daily, who disagree with you. Regardless of what you claim, here is no valid "consensus" that these shots are safe and effective, just a shaky narrative that is collapsing under the weight of all the BS it's holding.

-1 ( +9 / -10 )

New COVID wave looms in Europe as booster campaign makes slow start

The fact is, according to the experts, the best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus.

Zero covid is the best covid.

But nice sales promotion with the Everyday Heroes.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

6 shots within less than 2 years!

Why keep insisting on something that has been already demonstrated false to you

Because I can calculate..and it seems that the self nominated experts are not able to do that.

1, 2, 3 shot...recommended by the experts.

4th shot, as a Booster or for BA1....recommended by the experts.

5th shot for BA4, 5...recommended by the experts.

6th shot for influenza...recommended by the experts.

1, 2, 3..plus 1, plus 1, plus 1...is...???

I guess 6.

6 shots recommened by the experts.

And even with these 5 or 6 shots, people are getting infected and sick.

But less than unvaccinated people

Which is already prooved as completely false by the reality all over the world.

And like I said, the people started to see this reality.

I understand that the experts do ignore the reality, because the reality would proove them wrong in many points.

But now the public is doing their own decisions by taking the reality into consideration, and they stopped following blindly everything what the experts do recommend. (Except some brainwashed people).

And therefore the vaccine fatigue and hesitation is increasing.

What "damage" from the vaccines are you talking about?

The ones which can probably come up in the future after taking 6 shots in such a short period.

To repeat your own words from the past, the experts have no magic crystal bowl to see the future.

Yes...exactly...nobody knows the future.

So nobody knows what these 6 shots will bring to my body in the future. Will they damage my body or not? Are they harmless or not? There is a risk remaining because (like you also said) nobody knows the future.

And most of the people are not willing to take this risk.

If you would argue, that the experts are saying the vaccines are safe for the future, would mean, that you contradict your own words from the past, and that the experts have a magic crystal bowl, where they can see the future.

But nobody with a clear mind, would believe in such a future prediction.

You know what the public is expecting?

ONE vaccine! ONE shot, probably anual, (same like the influenza shot), and they are covered with a protection around, let me say 60 - 70%. (I guess influenza has just around 40%).

That is what the public is expecting from the scientists, medical institutions or however you call that.

Nobody wants to get a shot every 4-5 months for the next how many years...

Nobody wants to get a shot for each variant that appears...

The experts are such big fans from studies...than they should go out and should study why the public is fatigue from all these vaccine madness, including the confusion which is now rising among the public because of so many different vaccine the experts are recommending daily.

The confusion among the public is the fault of the experts!

Coming up almost monthly with new vaccines which the public should take.

Sensationel confusing BS.

The experts should go out and study what the public is really expecting from a vaccine against COVID.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

There are thousands of epidemiologists and vaccinologists, as well as general practitioners who see the dangerous adverse effects of these shots daily, who disagree with you.

But you can't provide none of them that actually have the data to prove it, which clearly explain why not a single institution of a related field in the world supports your personal beliefs.

Regardless of what you claim, here is no valid "consensus" that these shots are safe and effective, 

You could disprove this consensus by providing examples of institutions of the world that disagree, since you have implicitly accepted there is none (since you keep commenting without bringing any) that means there is a consensus that includes them all.

The fact is, according to the experts, the best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus.

That is still false, the BEST way is to vaccinate.


As with other vaccine-preventable diseases, you are protected best from COVID-19 when you stay up to date with the recommended vaccinations, including recommended boosters.

So what evidence do you have to contradict experts like the CDC represents?

Self nominated experts with the opinion the vaccines are effective have forgotten a basic scientific principle--the need to look at established data.

Still making baseless accusations for other commenters? who has "self nominated" to be an expert? I see nobody doing it, also I see no data that you have presented to refute the points made by the references provided. Is it that you are appealing to your authority?

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

th shot, as a Booster or for BA1....recommended by the experts.

5th shot for BA4, 5...recommended by the experts.

What you failed to prove is that both are required, instead they are just options to get the fourth as long as the people belongs to the population for which this is recommended. So your calculations are disproved again (and someone trying to discuss honestly would not repeat it after being disproved repeatedly).

6th shot for influenza...recommended by the experts.

So if another infectious disease can also be deemed less risky you consider this negative? are you also against polio vaccines? measles? they are also extra shots that save lives, which according to your logic should be avoided because they can make people tired of taking care of their health.

Which is already prooved as completely false by the reality all over the world.

No, that is still your own personal opinion based on your personal bias, the experts can prove with data that unvaccinated people do worse, and they do it with information well controlled and characterized that comes from thousands of people.

Your position is like someone saying they only know 2 people from certain nationality, and one of them stole something, which for him it means the "reality" is that 50% of the people of that country are thieves.

The ones which can probably come up in the future after taking 6 shots in such a short period.

Oh, so you mean imaginary damage you think will happen because of something that immunologists say its not dangerous at all, but that supposedly you know better? crystal ball arguments means you have nothing real to support this personal opinion based on not knowing the topic.

To repeat your own words from the past, the experts have no magic crystal bowl to see the future.

And you do? and because of that you can say they are all wrong around the world and the data they have is false? you disproved yourself with this.

If you would argue, that the experts are saying the vaccines are safe for the future,

Another strawman, the experts are saying there is no realistic possibility vaccines are less safe than not vaccinating, because of the risks that have already been found for covid, and the extremely likely chance more and more will be found in the future.

The confusion among the public is the fault of the experts!

No, that comes much more from people making up false arguments that the experts have never used to mislead others into confusion, and specially from people saying things are wrong, but suggesting absolutely nothing that could improve this, as if making things worse was the road to make.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

Wrong, obviously.

What data do you have to prove the CDC is wrong and obviously so? they explicitly say this is the best way to prevent the problems covid brings,

From your own link

The best way to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to get vaccinated before you are infected. 

getting vaccinated is the best protection.

Getting vaccinated offers the best protection against COVID-19, as it prevents severe disease and death.

or in the text that follows what you cherry picked

The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus. The CDC recommends taking measures to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases.

These include being fully vaccinated and boosted, wearing a medical-grade mask (N95 or KN95), washing your hands for at least 20 seconds, social distancing (at least 6 feet or more), and avoiding large crowds.

What is the point of bringing a source that contradicts you and then lying about it? it is not even that difficult to follow that link and see what the CDC says is the best way to be protected.

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

Honestly Id rather stick to conservative measures this time, like healthy sleep hours, healthy eating habits, less negative emotions, more faith. Though vaccinated is good maybe two times a year is enough, i dont want any booster. I got 4 times this year. First two really strong symptoms, another two weaker ones without fever but strong fatigue, insomnia etc. last time i just lost my voice overnight. In geberal, i got sick once in two months. So i think ive got enough antibodies for now.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

I got sick*

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

I got 4 times this year.

You had 4 shots in 10 months? Are you quite sure about that?

4 ( +4 / -0 )


i got sick 4 times this year even though i still had a long time to go before booster. Every two months i got ill.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

i got sick 4 times this year even though i still had a long time to go before booster. Every two months i got ill

With what?

I assume you got checked out and found out what caused these symptoms.

Was it Covid 4 times in one year?

0 ( +1 / -1 )


testedpositive first time, second time when i got sick my family member died so it wasnt the best time to get tested since i needed to help with the funeral, it was quite hellish being sick and still on feet. 3 and 4 wasnt tested as well since symptoms were more or less mild and i got sick and tired of all this so i just endured. I never got infected anyone though everything felt just exactly like covid.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


I thought you’d answer with something like that.

Best assume you’ve had Covid once.

Your initial post could be seen as a bit misleading. I assumed you’d been tested.

Covid 4 times in a year does sound highly unlikely.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


why unlikely? For someone with compromised immunity together with an autoimmune disease that wouldnt come as completely unrealistic. I know my body well and can feel whether its a flu or a virus. Some symptoms are also typically covid like so you can evaluate.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I wouldnt claim for sure of course. But it felt like covid, thats what i felt like 100% with my subjective perception of my body condition.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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