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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.How will the world decide when the pandemic is over?
By MARIA CHENG GENEVA©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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“There is not going to be one day when someone says, ‘OK, the pandemic is over,’”
The pandemic is over when the media stops their fearmongering news.
Panic and fear sheering by reporting just 1 case doesn't make any sense.
What examples do you have of the media saying something contrary to what the experts say? If you don't have examples that means it is not them, and it is not fearmongering what you are seeing but sensible awareness of the importance of the pandemic and the measures that help reducing it cost in human lives as well as resources.
If you feel panic because something completely expected happened and it is reported then that is completely on you, the rational portion of the public can understand that any disease that produce hospitalizations can also produce deaths.
The pandemic will end sooner or later but we need to keep our heads. It will pass. but now we have a vaccine and it's essential that we all get it. When enough people get it, the virus will mutate and exist forever inactive. The Hong Kong flu, Spanish flu, Norovirus, other flu strains do their thing, run their course and exist inactive forever.
And so will CoVid-19. Usually a vaxx is made in time to arrest the spread every year with a new strain developing but once everyu 38 Blue Moons we get a whopper like the Spanish Flu from 100 years ago and this one.
Vaxxes are now available and we should all get them. We need to take safety measures and we'll go thru this. But this is no time for lies, misinformation, stupidity, testing God or even messing around.
So the experts of the world continuously say this is a very important health care emergency (and have more than 5 million deaths under life changing measures to prove it) but a nameless person on the internet say they are all wrong, based on nothing? Not very difficult to see who is the one in the wrong here.
See how many deaths the flu caused the last season, that is what a variant of the flu is in comparison with COVID.
Raw Beer
Those who profit from this pandemic will want to milk it for as long as they can. It will end when the people decide that it is. Governments and the media will continue to push their fear mongering and unfortunately many will continue to gobble it all up...
Once again, calling the perfectly valid opinions, recommendations and warnings from the scientific community "fearmongering from governments and media" do not make it so. As long as the measures and warnings are congruent with the scientific consensus then there is no problem with keeping them, even if deeply anti-scientific people want to mischaracterize them as if the media or goverments came up with them by themselves.
As long as the measures and warnings are congruent with the scientific consensus then there is no problem with keeping them
It seems you don't understand the difference between measures and warnings and fearmongering.
But a single death from omicron, even just the number of cases, and it's on the headlines of every newspaper. That's fear-mongering.
Exactly what I said, Panic and fear sheering by reporting just 1 case doesn't make any sense.
That would apply much more to you, that overgeneralize and qualify everything as fearmongering, even when it has perfectly valid scientific justification. You have still not provided any example of things the media says that run opposite of what the scientific consensus holds as true.
Not at all, first because it is completely inside of what is expected since the disease makes people be hospitalized, second because it helps stopping the disinformation of people that endlessly promote COVID as if it was a "mild flu" something that can be found even in the comments section here. People need to be informed that even Omicron can kill, so until it is fully characterized the people that keep promoting it as a "natural vaccine" are wrong.
It'll be over when enough people tire of the scaremongering and just stop complying with mandates and restrictions, despite the best efforts of Pfizer, Moderna and the like who're making a motza from it, crooked governments and their media mouthpieces.
It's over!
There I did it for them ;)
Who benefitted from this pandemic? Which country are these companies from? It's over but these Pharmaceutical companies just want to keep squeezing.
Another ridiculous thing is people who don't want to be vaccinated are heavily discriminated. As if being vaccinated will prevent you from passing the virus. Correct me if I'm wrong but the vaccines are just for protection against severe complications. So unless the vaccines can do this then there is no reason to discriminate or force people to get vaccinated.
Ronin Tsukebin
The world will know the pandemic is over when the mass media stops talking about it, So simple.
Sheikh Yerboaby
Ok I will correct you.
The vaccine stops serious symptom development...yes. It doesn't necessarily stop passing it on....yes. BUT what non-vaccinated people do is provide a source pool for the virus to mutate wildly and every time the virus enters a cell, it has a potential for mutation....imagine that on a huge scale with millions of viruses invading cells of unvaccinated people, creating many more copies of themselves inside the host cell that then break out and infect different cells.....each time having a potential for mutation. This mutantion (is that a word?! ;) ) potential increase the chance that the virus will develop protections against the current vaccines. Then due to evolutionary pressure, that stronger virus will potentially become dominant and will again force society to shut down as we try and survive the new virus. THAT'S why you should get withdraw the source pool that gives the virus a chance to beat the vaccine/out immune systems. So yeah....there should be restrictions on unvaccinated people
Yes, you are wrong, vaccines reduce the risk for the person being infected, develop symptoms, get hospitalized, get complications or dying, and it also lowers the risk of this person to transmit the virus to other people. The irrational decision to refuse vaccines means the person increase the risk for himself and for others, and since this have an impact in public health then it is justified to put measures in place against this, The same as laws against people smoking in public spaces, they will not completely prevent other people from getting lung cancer, but it will reduce the extra risk coming from smokers.
As mentioned it also lowers very importantly the risk of new variants appearing, so that is another reason to validly put measures that limit the freedom of people irrationally choosing to remain unvaccinated. To lower the risk from them.
The media repeating what the experts and the scientific consensus holds as true being silenced does absolutely nothing to stop the danger from the pandemic. This false belief is based on assumptions well proven false.
According to the scientific consensus COVID vaccines work very nicely even against variants they were not made for, and are not gene therapy in any sense of the word. Repeating something that you have been completely unable to defend do not make it true, it only makes it more obvious you are against the scientific consensus
Raw Beer
Yes, many say that. But you acknowledged that:
Indeed. With Delta, it was demonstrated that the viral load was the same, whether you are vaccinated or not.
BUT what vaccinated people do is provide selection pressure for the virus to mutate wildly...
It will be over when the beneficiaries stop making it.
Aly Rustom
Very very well said Sheikh!
Don't know, but Japan will be the last country on Earth to let people come and go freely, that's for sure.
“Probably when there are no more deaths or serious cases, in the world.”
That will take forever. I guess it’s over when we don’t have thousands of cases and hundreds of deaths per day in a single country like the US or Germany… perhaps when situation everywhere stabilizes like in Japan now for example… Just note that there are people dying because of the seasonal flu everyday…
That is a complete misrepresentation of the results, the vaccine makes less people get infected, and uninfected people do not contribute to the spreading, of those fewer people that got infected even less develop symptoms, which again means a lower risk of spreading for those that remain asymptomatic. Finally those that do develop symptoms frequently do so for less time, that means that even if the peak viral titers are the same the time this peak remains high is lower in vaccinated people.
These three differences mean vaccinated people spread the infection much less than those unvaccinated.
The opposite, the selection pressure is the same in vaccinated and unvaccinated people, the huge difference is that vaccinated people are able to mount a response that kills the virus in less time, and gives less chances for it to be transmitted to other people, this means the possibility of a variant to appear and spread is much lower in vaccinated people.
This is reflected in reality where variants of importance have appear time after time in populations with low levels of vaccination. Never in populations with high levels of immunity from vaccines, thus completely debunking the propaganda from antivaxxer groups, that said the opposite was going to happen.
“Another ridiculous thing is people who don't want to be vaccinated are heavily discriminated. “
Not the case everywhere, at least as far as I know here in Japan
Aly Rustom
So ridiculous. The world will know the pandemic is over when the developed world realizes that it will never be over until they stop hoarding the vaccines and start aiding the developing world in getting vaccinated. When everyone realizes we are in this together we will beat it.
So simple.
“Don't know, but Japan will be the last country on Earth to let people come and go freely, that's for sure.”
lmao… yeah I recalled thelonius here knew so many things for sure. So impressed.
Raw Beer
Oh! Vaccinated people are able to mount a response, while providing the same selection pressure!!!!
You might want to give that a bit more thought...
What is to think about? a stronger response compared with unvaccinated people, also faster to reach levels that make replication impossible. This makes the virus unable to survive that pressure long enough to develop a variant that can survive it.
This is the whole point, no immune response until now is completely unneffective, that means that having it is always better than not.
And again the evidence from the world is too obvious, variants have appeared in poorly vaccinated populations exactly as predicted by scientists and in complete opposition of the antivaxxers propaganda. Where are the variants from Israel? Japan? Korea? if the mistaken idea that vaccines originate variants those would be the countries where they would appear, but instead they come from India, South America, Africa, places where the population was not sufficiently vaccinated to lower the risk.
When governments cannot get away with their big pharma vax lies, and many many more people realize they can save themselves with Chloroquine and ivermectin, and they also realize their loved ones could have been saved with these two drugs. Even today, hospitals are refusing them, and people have to get a court order. Did you get that? Free people have to get a court order to get treatment from a safe decades old drug?
sick sick governments. Power and control and so many have fallen for it.
Its over in many parts of the world, including Japan. Even Australia has seen the failure of their embarrassing turn to fascism and seen the writing on the wall.
There are still pockets including leftist Europe and Canada where the governments will not let go of their failure unless booted out at the pols or by violence.
But make no mistake. Its over.
They tried one last gasp effort with the Omicron stunt, but it didn't take. Didn't even come close.
I have my list of acquaintances who drooled over forced vaccination, and I will remind them of their behavior every chance I get for years.
Sven Asai
One can say, it’s over, and another one can say, with delta and omicron it’s just starting a little bit, and still both are right and wrong at the same time. That’s why it is absolutely not about how you name or define it, but how you act, react and behave accordingly.
there are always going to be variants.
The point is the average citizen has had enough. Gonna learn to live with it and realize you can't live your life bubble-wrapped like the mentally weak have been doing.
Causing unnecessary deaths just for personal convenience is not something to be proud of. There is no need to live bubble-wrapped as the antiscience propaganda mischaracterize the situaiton. Simply having sensible precautions that prevents deaths while giving time for advances like vaccines and new drugs to keep lowering the risk is the actual point.
It will be over soon after people stop ignoring science but not before many more deaths are caused by the ignorance.
Mr Kipling
And with people thinking like this poster, Covid will be around a lot longer than it should if people used their brains and followed science not "conspiracy cults"
Raw Beer
Exactly, we should not wait for the powers-the-be tell us it is over, they will try to extend this as long as they can.
Everyone who thinks this pandemic is over should act accordingly...
I'll second that!
Exactly, that is how we feel about those who have denied people safe and effective early treatments...
Mostly informing themselves better so they can abandon such mistaken ideas, listen to the science and not baseless conspiracies.
The huge difference is that the "treatments" you keep trying to push (ivermectin and HCQ) are neither safe nor effective. They are just an excuse to oppose the science that have proved neither helps patients at any stage of the infection or disease.
El Rata
It will never be over, be ready for a life of masks, vax boosters, qr codes, fear and control. The good days are gone, this is your life now. The quicker you accept this the better for your mental health.
Luis David Yanez
Is that part of the new normal? Because I remember back in 2010 when the WHO declared the Swine flu pandemic over, well after no one cared anymore about it.
But, this time around, there are so many people that do not want to let this stop, or are just so emotionally attached to the constant adrenaline rush of fear they have experienced these two years that will never even "accept" it over, even if the WHO declared it as such.