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© The ConversationNeurotoxins in the environment damaging human brain health
By Arnold R. Eiser PHILADELPHIA©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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In big cities worldwide where populations are high and pollution levels also,then it is not far fetched to envisage major problems ahead.
Desert Tortoise
Dain bramage
Neurotoxins in the environment damaging human brain health:
Are intensive wild forest fires the source of new neurotoxins?
It must be already years that other brain damaging toxins & micro-organisms have been around, active and harmful..
Title of the article is obvious, if something is called a neurotoxin it means it damages the brain, and if it can be found in the environment then it will affect people (and other animals).
Sven Asai
When reading global news about all those crazy people, I guess, quite some of them already live directly in wildfires or buy those neurotoxic fumes bottled and breath it in 24/7. lol
Living next to a major road or expressway is the main cause of damage in Japan
Lead is still used in gasoline? Where?