Actress Norika Fujiwara, 39, came first in a beautiful body survey conducted by health food producer Sun Chlorella in May. The survey, which was conducted via the Internet and attracted responses from 309 women across Japan, asked health food shoppers to name the celebrity who they thought had the ideal proportions. 11% of respondents chose Fujiwara as their model figure.
According to Sun Chorella's data breakdown, each age group made different selections relative to their own self image. Second place went to actress Ryoko Yonekura, 35, who received 8% of the votes. In third place was singer Namie Amuro, 33, who was followed by actress Nanako Matsushima, 37, who received 2% of the vote and in fifth place was Meisa Kuroki, 23.
The company added, however, that among respondents aged in their 20s, Namie Amuro received the largest share of the votes.
The number one reason for dieting, according to 76% of respondents, was for beauty. The second most popular reason for dieting was for health reasons, and the third most popular was in order to better fit into stylish clothes.
© Compiled from news reports
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Can't afgue with that. Norika definitely gets my propeller spinning.
She looks healthy, at least in this photo.
She has been winning things like this for years! Although she has a fondness for sweets and a drink, she does eat well, takes care of herself and tends to exercise often. I've met her quite a few times, and, in my opinion, she always looks great and stylish, even in casual clothes. Above all though she is a really friendly, nice person to be around.
great body shot to prove this point
Ivan Coughalot
Why such a useless picture? if ever there was an excuse for a full-length body shot, this is it! And I still want my gravatar.
Ideal for what/whom?
Mine works very well, for me.
It's called "The Internet".
This type of Fashion coercion/bullying is no longer valid.
So, 31 people's opinion represents an entire nation?
Personally I prefer Yonekura Ryoko's body, face and fashion sense, but Norika is from Kansai so she gets a few brownie points for that (in my books at least).
She has great legs, and as you know, I know legs.
This kind of thing is yet another annoying "talent" thing in Japan. One more means of conformity by telling everyone "you should be like this... if you are not? Well.....gambatte ne."
It is precisely this kind of desire to define what is, and is not ok that makes Japan hopelessly vain and shallow in modern times. And why the nation is so fixed upon surface while missing the boat on deeper issues.
I shudder at the idea of having a daughter here. The entire world is bad enough for women with all the BS pressure girls are under to conform who they are to who trending marketers think they should emmulate. We should honor and celebrate individuality and the unique beauty and originality of every woman in existence. Same for men.
Norkika you are lovely. But while you may be "ideal" for the peanut gallery of people who think such awards have meaning, you are just another model to me. For me, my partner is the perfect everything. And I am quite sure that many people out there have very different people they see perfection in.
Silly awards and dreadfully obvious efforts to fit everyone and everything into a pigeon hole is one thing I truly dislike about Japan. (and yes it is far worst than any other nation I have spent time in)
Did they ask men or women? Women are harder to please and I don't many men would really like Namie when there are others out there with some T&A.
Those feathers in her hair do not go with the dress IMHO. Should have ditched them and gone with some nice earrings. She is beautiful enough without resorting to some gimmicky hat. And JT, gotta agree with Ivan, tis a shame you only shared a small picture of her.
Are you kidding? Have you seen that Kiwi fruit TV commercial she does where she jumps around in a TV shirt? She does not have the best body what-so-ever, saggy comes to mind.
I had a look at some other photos and she is a nice size. Obviously it is impossible to say from photos and in my experience clothes can easily deceive but at least she is not anorexic skinny like some other actresses. It is all publicity.
There is no ideal and definitely what I like is different from what other men/women like but what is worse than promoting a type of appearance is the social indoctrination. I find talking to Japanese women even those in there 20's have the attitude of a 1950's housewifes.
The top 5 are all... meh...
What? No Yuma Asami? Noriko is hot and all, but come on.
Here we go again. Somebody "decides" that this or that body type is ideal. Ideal for what? For fitting into snazzy clothes? For dancing? For simply being the "hottest" - thereby telling other women out there that you are NOT ideal unless you look exactly like this. And JT too, think about the way you write headlines. The one for this article reads like a definite statement, which sends the wrong signals too.
All people are worthy of equal respect, regardless of looks or body shape or whatever. There is no such thing as an ideal body, a healthy one yes, but not an "ideally shaped" one. Be happy with who you are, for ++++'s sake.
Marketers rule our world simply because we don't do anything about it and suck up everything they say.
Oh please... I presume you are a woman?
If this was a list of the "hottest guys" would you be complaining because only handsome, slim guys made the list instead of fat balding men with nice personalities?
How about next time they vote Morisanchu as "ideal women". Would that make you happy?
We all make our own choices. I think she looks great. But a lot of other women do too. Good looks must come with a great personality, or it all goes to waste. I am not into big and fat though, but will be their friends.
Not skin and bones at least. Where's Chibana on this list? and Haruka Ayase?
shogun36 makes a great point! YA is much hotter! But mention of her on JT is off-limits?
Norika definitely wins. Loved her since she was Miss Japan (universe or just the nation). And at 40 years old (as of yesterday, if I'm not mistaken) she's still stunning.
I'd look better in a bikiini than this girl.
39 and looking good. They did a survey where they showed foreigners pictures of famous Japanese, the ages guessed by the people surveyed were roughly 10years younger then the actual age.
Pls dont try to prove it LOL
Ah I certainly wudnt kick Norika-san outta my place for eating crackers, healthy ones! And she is a decent role model, more than just some bod.
Norika is definitely keeping it together. We all knew her marriage would fail though.
How can you go from dating K1 fighters to a skinny comedian? That is the joke, isn't it?
At her age, she's still hot stuff. She knows she can remarry easily.
Since we are on the topic of her body. Did any of you see that CM she did in the bathtub? Something about that was odd. Her mammaries didn't appear normal. We don't actually see the mammaries in the commercial but something didn't look right. I suspect she's been under the knife.
NetNinja - Friends here in Japan all claim she's had a boob job. Tis a shame IMHO. Natural is always preferable in my book.
Surely a shot of her body would be more appropriate than a shot of her head.
アメリ フセイン
Nice bodies are nice, but what is going on in her head. I don't have a daughter, but once I do I don't want her to believe that external beauty is all there is to woman.
Oh please... I presume you are a woman?
If this was a list of the "hottest guys" would you be complaining because only handsome, slim guys made the list instead of fat balding men with nice personalities?
How about next time they vote Morisanchu as "ideal women". Would that make you happy?
Nope, I am a guy. I just (really) don't agree with the fact that the chattering classes decide for us what the ideal look is and what is not. Be happy with who you are, man or women, slim or fat, bald or not, tall or short, whatever. You are you, and you have a right to the same respect as everybody else regardless of your looks.
My BIG problems are that a) marketers rule the world b) we let them because we believe them.
Well, not exactly, but it's one look to aim for.
I agree for things like bald, short or tall. Fat? Not so much. Fat doesn't look good at all in my book and you have the choice to eat well and be slim.
I have no problem at all with marketers. I wouldn't say they rule the world but they influence taste and fashion etc. Let them.
I love how these internet surveys with really small, limited sample groups about totally trivial subjects are treated as news.
I agree with smith, Norika is still stunning.
But surely Erika Sawajiri should be in the top 5?
Serrano, i agree and what about Akiko Wada, she is always missing from these polls probably as she is not considered "pure" japanese. Disgusting!!!!
JT, can't argue with the choice of Norika as "Ideal Body". Stunning is an understatement for her. However I think JT could have posted a better picture of her which justifies her choice!
Moderator: We think it is an excellent photo, as you will see when you click on it to enlarge the shot.
I have to agree with that!
Norika Fujiwara is ridiculously beautiful.
yes she is beautiful. plus her headlights are awesome. Am I talking about a car ?
I can´t argue with that survey. At 39, she is hotter than most girls half her age.
Show us! On the second thought, don´t.
If this was a list of the "hottest guys" would you be complaining because only handsome, slim guys made the list instead of fat balding men with nice personalities?
If it was Japanese women who were asked they would ask about the size of the wallet. Take a look at the who gets rated as sexy for a man. Usually older, not a six pack and grey - George Clooney comes to mind.
I don't dislike her, she does have a decent body, but in addition to the fence of fake metal/porcelain implant teeth, her face is obviously a "surgical face". There is even something wrong about the way the area from her upper lip to the base of her nose moves when she talks and smiles, like it's artificially shortened and exposing too much rabbit tooth. It's the side effect of a bad nose job. Looks like she had her eyes done too but that worked out OK. I used to live in LA, land of the bad plastic surgeries, and you learn to spot this stuff and not give the benefit of the doubt because your first instinct is almost always right. A celeb in the Japanese celeb machine...of course they have all fake teeth, cosmetic surgeries, the entire range of "treatments" to make the puppet image for the flashing lights and commercial machine. I don't know about Norika's boob job--Norika has always hidden her assets, which is another mystery to me--where are all the bikini shots, bare torso, long legs and butt and all that? Oh, right, she is marketed in the "classy" and "a cut above" niche. From 15-20 years ago or more, Japanese were going to Korea to do all their cosmetic surgery. It's a huge business over there, a huge % of Korean women get it done, and a Japanese celeb can keep anonymity more easily in Korea.
She got a decent body for her age.
Said I also hated "Sade Adu" after her eye surgery, looked way better in "Absolute Beginners". But as was said Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
When you click on the photo and enlarge the shot, is that a tatoo on her left arm?
"Ideal for what/whom?"
For marketing. For selling futile stuff to those young women. At 20, Norika had a nice body for sure and she was beauty queen. But that was not ideal. Nothing to sell, you can't become like that, it's DNA. Since then she has become underweight (that helps selling her stupid books where she gives recipes and recommands brands to eat 700 calories a day). And she had everything done, teeth, hair and skin colored, boobs, "anti-aging" , just to list the super-obvious ones... You still can't become like her, but you can buy all that too... She can sell so much.
She looks good ? Tastes and colors.
bet she doesn't eat the "Tower Burger"
All over a google image search, that's where.
You can choose not to suck up everything they say.
Bread and circuses.
Google image search reveals that she does indeed have a nice figure!
"Is that a tattoo on her left arm?"
Yikes! It sure looks like it! But it can't be...