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© 2014 AFPWHO urged not to snuff out e-cigarettes
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© 2014 AFP
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Patricia Yarrow
What I REALLY want to know is what is in that "vapor" smoke they exhale.
Since I do not constant assurances that the smoke is 100% free of any harmful substances (which would not be logical, unless proven). I have NO reason to believe that the vapor-smoke is harmless, and therefore agree that it should be banned everywhere like all cigarettes should. Who needs to breath in smoker's addictive exhalations?
Mr. G
The main problem with cigarettes is not the tobacco. Its the junk the companies lace it with.
Let me get this straight Patricia Yarrow. You want to ban a product even before its proven dangerous? Thankfully, that is not the way most of the world works, or I scarcely think anyone would have any freedom at all.
E-cigarettes do contain toxins. If they don't "kill" as quick as regular ones, they still cause addiction and other side effects associated with nicotine. When normal cigarets started to become popular, I bet, there were many health experts who would claim that they aren't that bad, but what do we have today? In 5-10 years we will hear the real harm from e-cigarettes.
It's proven that e-cigs are healthier/less harmful than normal cigs, they don't harm anyone around them (no smoke/no smell), so it's time to let the people decide for themselves and stop this eternal police state behaviour.
The effects of using mobile phones on people's health is also not written in stone, but I reckon you still use one eh?
They are excellent drug gadgets as they don't pollute others around just trying to breathe fresh air...
Those who oppose e-cigarettes are the sort of people who oppose having more than one drink and then only on special occasions. They see people smoking harmless e-ciggies and enjoying themselves and in the end THEY JUST CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE!!!
It's the same as the vapor from a fog machine - all the ones I used to work with used a glycol solution, usually scented. Also essentially the same as the vapor from those plug in and battery operated air fresheners, but that tends to be released at a slower rate.
while not e-cigs are not harmless, i believe they are less harmful. regulation is more about government getting their cut as they lose tax revenue from decrease is tobacco use.
E-cigarettes have cut my tobacco consumption down to close to nil. I feel better and my sense of smell has increased beyond belief. I no longer feel guilty as I did in lighting up. But unfortunately there are still forces around who have little other to do then fret and worry, march and complain about something I do that does not affect them in the slightest. I despise these people so much more then they do me for using an e-ciggie. They seem to lack focus in their own lives so try to find meaning and existence by attacking other people who may make choices different from their own. They are quite ill people really. A mental problem perhaps, possibly someone took a doll off them when they were a small child. They worry about my life expectancy without realising they are lacking in a life themselves.
The harmful effects of an e-cigarette, especially taken passively, is going to be a fraction of the danger of walking down a main road with cars pouring out exhaust fumes.
The "ban them" crowd are absurd in my view and cannot tell the difference between a cigarette and a nicotine vapor device.
Patrica Yarrow above says: "I have NO reason to believe that the vapor-smoke [sic] is harmless, and therefore agree that it should be banned everywhere like all cigarettes should."
I do not think that she is a scientist, so she should also have NO reason to believe that vapor-smoke [sic] is harmful.
Perhaps we should ask someone who might actually know, like a scientist. How about the scientist quoted in the article?
Njicotine on its own is no more harmful than caffeine (I know it can be lethal if taken incorrectly), but I do not see anyone trying to ban coffee.
Ban tobacco and allow e-cigs everywhere!
If it stops me and millions of others from having to knock sense into selfish smokers that WE don't want to SMOKE their ciggies, all the better. Addicts need their nicotine, let them have it, but NOT at our health's expense.
Patricia Yarrow
Anyone noticed that e-smokers look like they are eating a candy bar? I suggest packaging the nicotine/tar hits into candy bars. Then "smokers" can chow down on their nicotar-bars and the rest of us can live in peace without being exposed to their noxious, cancerous, dirty smoke. What say thou, readers?
Being a smoker by default, (was raised in a house of smokers), I guess you could say I've smoked since birth. After 40 years I quit for 5 years then started back because of stress. I considered the e-cig but I see it as more of a fad thing. The addiction of cigarettes became more than just smoking. It became taboo in many places, and frankly it stinks up everything and makes things smell like an ash tray. So I quit! Over a month now. The second day was hard. Fact is, I want to live and be able to ride my bike 40 miles etc. At 60 I still can and will as long as I can. Quit! If not for yourself, for others that have to coexist with you.
I started to Vaporize after 3/11 to reduce the negative Health Impact, since that Day i smoked less than 5 Cigarettes and i was a very heave Smoker of Peace one Pack a Day!
Now i can climb Mountains again without getting out of Breath, my Wife like to kiss me again and i do not need to change my Clothes twice a Day.
We need some Regulations for the Liquids because they are very dangerous for Infants but we do not need Taxes and Bans!
London's latest trendy accessory to be seen with is an E- Pipe, it's outrageous Popeye's in tears.
I'm too self-conscious to even to wave one around. My feels on E-Cigs are if's it an alternative to my friends shivering in the cold in winter time whilst puffing the real mccoy feel free to 'glow' away.
The view over my Amaretto Sour maraschino cherry intact, is a clear etiquette of using E-Cigs is emerging, a 'glow' positive. Friends refer to have a vape (the act of exhaling vapor), creating a whole new vocabulary, casual vaping, sharing a romantic vaporial, takes the fear out of being vaporized I suppose.
I think that's a wonderful, well thought out idea....intelligence is definitely on your side.
You appear to completely misunderstand e-cigs. They do not emit smoke and are not harmful to anyone, including the user. Being near a car with a running engine would be far far more dangerous than a passively vaped e-cig.
I was a pack a day smoker for 32 years. I was never able to quit, until I got an e-cig. Within 4 days of starting with it, I was done with real cigarettes. And within 5 months, I didn't need the e-cig anymore. I've been nicotine free for almost two and a half years now, with no cravings and absolutely no concern that I'll ever smoke again. Never would have happened without the e-cig. I won't say it'll work for everyone, but I can promise you that it worked for me.
There's a place for government regulation. Let's make sure that vaping liquids contain water, glycol, flavor, and nicotine (or not). No additives, no sneaky chemicals. Let's get ahead of this before companies start messing with it the way the tobacco companies did with cigarettes.
Those of you who are carping about the whole e-cig thing.... get a damn life. Or at least find something else to complain about that's actually worthy of your righteous indignation. Right now, you're just making a lot of uninformed noise that amounts to nothing.
Could it be because it could affect the tobacco industries' profits? e-cigarette probably requires longer study to conclude whether it is as bad as a regular cigarette. While it is already shown a normal cigarette definitely has harmful effect, then why don't they just ban cigarettes? So, hidden political agenda sounds a lot more like it.
Patricia Yarrow
Let me state my point once again. Where is the information on exactly what stick smokers are exhaling into my air? I suspect the worst because I do not see this information along with all the usual propaganda on the wonders of e-smoking. If it is was only water, that would be perfect but I suspect it would also be a miracle.
And, DutchDuck, thank you. :-)
Patricia Yarrow - Dutch Duck was being sarcastic.
There are actually none of the more than 10,000 chemicals present in tobacco smoke, including all the over 40 carcinogens present in the cartridge or vapor of e-cigarettes in anything greater than a trace quality. However what we know about e-cigarettes is based on science, and analyses of the ingredients. As the devices have been used less than 10 years, we don't have empirical evidence of the longer term effect of cigarettes. But still in terms of the short term effect they are probably safer than regular cigarettes. Although they are not safe or healthy in absolute terms it is still a lot safer than regular cigarettes. In the end they have the ability to save your life and should receive more support than they deserve.
Patricia Yarrow:
Again, the active ingredient is Propylene Glycol. That's what is being inhaled and exhaled, along with trace amounts of nicotine and flavoring. If you walk by someone who is vaping, 99.999% of what you might be exposed to is vaporized PG.
That's also the main ingredient in fog machines. It has also been used extensively in medical inhalers, notably for asthma.
There are dozens of scientific studies on the health effects of vaporized PG. Most of them center on health and safety for theatrical performers, because they are the ones most often exposed to what could be considered passive levels. As fog machines are also used extensively in training of military and first responders, there have been extensive studies done into the short term and long term health affects of exposure to PG vapor in extreme concentrations (ie. zero visibility for prolonged periods).
The results are that extreme prolonged exposure causes headaches and lung irritation, which can be treated by fresh air. To date, no long term health effects have been noted.