Japan Today

Japanese porn stars fight AIDS with 24-hour telethon

By Brett Bull

Very few company presidents could sit in a conference room and casually explain why they’re about to allow the general public to enter their corporate headquarters and fondle the breasts of female staff for a modest donation to charity. Yet Tsuyoshi Shiba, chief of provocative porn channel Paradise TV, is one of them.

“By simply broadcasting our programs, that is one way to interact with society,” says the soft-spoken 60-year-old from beneath a billowing mane of dark hair. “But we wanted a more direct interaction with our viewers so that we can better distinguish ourselves.”

The use of “direct” might be the understatement of the year.

This weekend, viewers are invited to the Shinjuku studio of Paradise TV to grasp the exposed chests of five female staffers who anchor the channel’s naked news programs (yes, the segments are exactly as revealing as that description implies). The suggested donation of 1,000 yen will be used to help prevent the spread of AIDS, a crisis that continues to worsen in Japan.

Now in its eighth year, the "24-Hour TV: Eroticism Saves the Earth telethon," broadcast live on satellite provider Sky PerfecTV!, raises around 2 million yen annually. But the numerical figure is not important, Shiba says; the show is about the message. “When we started, AIDS was still being widely discussed. However, the issue began to slowly fade from view. So I’ve felt that this drive must continue in the hope that awareness of the problem will not be lost.”

Other events aimed at getting viewers to tune in include a “strip” mahjong exhibition, where porn actresses compete and slowly disrobe as the game progresses, and a masturbation “relay,” which involves multiple actresses manually stimulating themselves. Viewers will be able to watch the proceedings uninterrupted on the Paradise TV website and for shorter periods on the regular live telecast.

Many of the garments worn by the female participants will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. During past telethons, it’s not been unusual for the bras and underpants of popular actresses to fetch upwards of 50,000 yen, with perhaps a signed DVD or poster thrown in for good measure.

Humor, too, is part of the attraction. In true Paradise TV fashion, the girls baring their bosoms are known as OKB24, a reference to mega-selling idol group AKB48. “OKB” is short for "oppai monde kansha kangeki bokin shite kurete arigato," roughly “donate and take a satisfying breast squeeze.” Likewise, the “Eroticism Saves the Earth” moniker takes a shot at Nippon Television’s simultaneous telethon “Love Saves the Earth,” a 30-year-old, celebrity-filled event that annually raises about 1 billion yen for causes related to the environment.

Some people might argue that, given the seriousness of the AIDS crisis, such frivolity is in bad taste. But Paradise TV, which has made its name by broadcasting erotic shows featuring bathroom peeping, lactating mothers and women who engage in frequent extramarital affairs, sees it as the only way. “Our viewers expect a comedic approach from us,” explains Shiba. “We can’t change that. This is our way of allowing for the issue to be discussed.”

Yet should the entertainment element overshadow the message, guests arriving at the studio will see no shortage of the campaign’s graphic, created by artist Tetsuya Koshiba and found on pink T-shirts and posters. It shows a curvy, long-haired girl waving a wrapped condom above the exclamation “Stop! AIDS.” Boxes of condoms and bracelets carrying prevention mottos will be readily available for distribution as well.

No. of AIDS cases in Japan steadily increasing

Over the last decade and a half, the number of reported HIV infections and AIDS cases in Japan has been steadily increasing. Although the health ministry reported that new cases of HIV and AIDS in 2009 (1,021 and 431, respectively) had actually fallen compared to 2008, the figures are misleading, according to the Japan Foundation for AIDS Prevention (JFAP), which supports the Paradise TV drive.

Yasushi Sawazaki, director of the JFAP’s program operation section, says that the outbreak of H1N1—aka “swine flu”—drained the resources of many health centers around the country last summer, when HIV-testing campaigns are typically held. “The reported number of new detections was reduced,” Sawazaki says from the foundation’s offices in Chiyoda Ward. “But that doesn’t mean that there’s been a real decline.”

For its part, Paradise TV requires actors to wear condoms during regular filming—even if that means losing some of the spontaneity for which the channel is known. “It’s a must,” says Shiba.

The JFAP spends much of its resources in the gay community. Last year, a majority of new HIV infections were the result of men having sex with men. Community Center Akta, which opened in 2004 through funding from the JFAP, is a drop-in office that provides safe-sex advice in the Shinjuku Ni-chome neighborhood.

Shiba admits that the gay population is not a target audience for Paradise TV, but argues that a broader perspective is best. “Some people get HIV from a blood transfusion,” he says. “It is also possible for a baby in the uterus to be infected by a mother who has HIV. So we don’t want to target any single population. Instead, we are looking at the whole picture.”

Shiba would like to continue with the event at least until it reaches its tenth year. After that, he’s not certain of the direction, only maintaining that expectations are high. “We wanted to make a connection, to transcend simple broadcasting with this event, and we have done that,” he says. “That was phase one. Our next mission is to cultivate something that will provide a similarly big jump.”

Sky PerfecTV! (channel 913) will broadcast “24-Hour TV: Eroticism Saves the Earth” from 7 p.m. on Aug 28 until 8 p.m. on Aug 29. “Boob Donation Time” takes place 6 p.m.-3 a.m. on the 28th and 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. on the 29th. The Paradise TV offices are located at 5-12-4 Shinjuku.

This story originally appeared in Metropolis magazine (www.metropolis.co.jp).

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Responsible, socially aware porn - well I like it!

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I think the politically correct term is "sex industry worker" not "porn star" but either way, I'd like a free demo...

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This is so humorous. Fight aids but promote sex through a 24 hour telethon. viewers are invited to the Shinjuku studio of Paradise TV to grasp the exposed chests of five female staffers who anchor the channel’s naked news programs for a 1000 yen donation.

Even thought the money goes to fight aids, there is a promotion of perverts being exploited here. Well, I guess this is the way Japanese people think in this country. Fight a good cause by promoting a bad cause.

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For those who always say how generous the Japanese are have a look at donation amounts not justr for this 2cause" but for all. I have never seen one that goes above 200,000GBP and British ones can get around 20,000,000 GBP. 2 million Yen is pathetic, Japanese still think AIDS is mostly a foreign problem and the best way to avoid is not to have sex with them.

Charity begins at home thye say, but in Japan it doesn`t even start.

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I was hoping for a better photo.

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Let's hope that the guys are more polite and not "grasping and sqeezing" as the article states.

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They cannot fight against Japan's mosaic laws but by God they will fight against HIV and AIDS!

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Do not worry dear OssanAmerica, we were all hoping for better pictures here. BTW I did not even know Skyperfect had such interesting porn going on! If it all help fight AIDS I guess more people should sign up?? Naked news on the telly?? In Japan?? Gosh! And I love CNN?? Not too sure if you can really mix porn and news or mix news and porn. Anyways, good luck to this Paradise TV company.

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For a good cause, I suppose, but a bizarre tack. I have to agree with a poster above that this is not really going to send the message the owner purports to be holding the fundraiser for; it's just going to get a bunch of pervs going in to feel up these ladies.

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Alladin."Fight a good cause by promoting a bad cause."

I am often troubled by the disparity between how modern society views sex and how it views violence. We can watch endless hours of everything from dramas to documentaries and movies that feature untold violence. We even admire it with shows about weapons, about crisis moments and heroes taking out the bad guy.

On the other hand porn and sexuality are seen as "dirty, wrong, evil, corrupt...." Yet it is far better for the world than violence. So why the disconnection? I believe that comes from uptight conservatism, religion and denial.

I am not a fan of porn, but I am not against it either so long as everyone associated is consenting and adult. It is good that this group is making light of their industry while taking an effort to address a very real and urgent issue. Far better than the greater "good" society who seem content to ignore the problem.

Perhaps a little more attention on sex and a little less on violence and discretion would help everyone think about the realities and risks of sexual behavior and maybe along the way learn to appreciate and enjoy this aspect of their existence.

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Does that one gal like fisting or is it me? Ahhh porn! Can't live without it!

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Nice. I'd give them 1000yen for a fondle.

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What happens if I give more than 1000 yen...

I'm signiing up for SkyPerfect right now!

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don't recognise the four girls, but a novel way to raise awareness. Channel 913 is PPV, I just checked. What about all the STDs other than HIV/AIDS that these girls also no doubt have had, still have?

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more interesting photos to be found here → http://metropolis.co.jp/features/feature/av-against-aids/

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I've never watched that channel but 1000yen for fondling an attractive TV star doesn't sound like a bad deal at all! Do I get to fondle all 5 or just 1 for each sen?

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I have 5000 yen and two hands...see ya Saturday girls...

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porn stars fighting AIDS. Like smokers fighting lung cancer...

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porn stars fighting AIDS. Like smokers fighting lung cancer...

Not really. More like nicotine-gum chewers fighting lung cancer :)

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If those girls in the photo are the graspees,the graspers arent gonna get much to cling to for their money.

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What a bunch of boobs. Dasai!

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You gotta to find DX in Kabukichou, 500 yen gets you a photo op too...

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Prostitutes against AIDS? Uh, that's so hypocrit. AIDS, most of times, is a consequence of a pormiscous life what these girls also promote... Protect yourself against AIDS, but don't worry. Some other consequence will be there for you. ^^

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This brazen hypocrisy would be laughable if it wasn't such a serious subject.

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Why is it hypocrisy? Sex is sex and using this venue to promote safer sex is something everyone ought to really think about. Corny as it maybe, they are still making an effort to promote education about prevention. People can be so prudent when it gets to this subject. Sheesh.

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exciting news also passing condoms out in the train station instead of tissues is a great idea to spread the awareness around

I would like to get free condoms. Why are condoms so expensive in japan ?

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I think most of you missed the point. They're just promoting a safer way to do what people are going to do anyway. Enjoying sex shouldn't mean getting an STD. This is a much needed promotion in this country. The comparison to smokers and smoking doesn't match. Lame.

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raising awareness is a great thing.

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Well, sex is their tool & trade, so it seems to make sense that they would want to band together and fight something which is regarded by many as a sexually transmitted disease.

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Ryomasa - I think that your view is a bit skewed on pornography vs prostitution. Yes, both involve sex, but they aren't the same thing. "Actors & actresses" are screened for STDs regularly and they make "movies". Prostitutes have a pimp and engage in relations with any ol' guy in any ol' location for a marginal fee. They can spread diseases easily as there is nothing stopping them from doing so.

Rico - You are on the money. The awareness promotion is absolutely necessary as the usage of condoms is probably the lowest amongst the leading developed nations. Also the smoking analogy doesn't make any sense, as you state.

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Boob Donation Time

nice name....

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I reckon a lot of you need to open your minds a little wider......

debucho, way off the mark there. Its more like using racing car drivers in a road safety campaign, or rockstars in drink driving campaigns, (sound familiar???)

And I don't know about you, but a pornstar has got a much better chance of convincing me to cover up than some grumpy old politician....

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Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Some people still have not left the Victorian Age. If you don't like sex and porn, no one is making you participate.

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Prostitutes have a pimp and engage in relations with any ol' guy in any ol' location for a marginal fee.

Illegal prostitutes do that but legal prostitutes will not have relations with any ol' guy in any ol' location for a fee.

pornography vs. prostitution are the same thing, they are both payed to have sexual intercourse, keep in mind that prostitution just means that someone is paid to engage in sexual intercourse, it doesn't mean you can't reject a person or a location or that you have to have sex with the person doing the paying. Basically is this, saying that the porn stars or AV idols are not prostitutes is nothing more than a euphemism. It would be like saying escorts are not prostitutes because they have the ability to turn down a client they don't want.

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You know what the best part about this is, is that there is no age limit on who can donate/fondle the girls.

Man I wonder how many elementary school kids are going to "donate".....

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This brazen hypocrisy would be laughable if it wasn't such a serious subject.

it's a charity event. what's wrong with it? in the u.s., you have porn stars doing the same for aids, cancer, katrina, etc.

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Japan has a critical lack of awareness in regards to HIV/AIDS. Anything that serves to raise awareness should be praised.

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What ever happened to the real Japanese Relationships??? I was stationed at Itazuki Air Base during the Korean War and everyone was informed who was safe and who was unsafe. Due to this regulation, no one on Base was exposed to STD, they followed the book.

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I had no idea Aids was on the rise. I should keep abreast of the situation.

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So if you offer a girls sex for sum of money under the pretense you are making a movie and film it then its ok. Strange.

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So if you offer a girl sex for a sum of money....

Never worked for me. Perhaps you meant it the other way round? ;)

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It does seem like a very worthy cause or highlighting of the AIDS issue is being hi-jacked to some degree by a porn station.If the viewing figures for this station are high and the message can reach alot of people then maybe this will come to some use..if not ,then its a blatant publicity stunt,a tacky way to "better distinguish" themselves( the tv station) than promote awareness of a different kind.

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maninjapan79 at 05:07 PM JST - 26th August

debucho, way off the mark there. Its more like using racing car drivers in a road safety campaign...

How about this one: it's like the NRA raising gun safety awareness?

I dunno... I'm all for it anyway.

ryomasakamoto21: I have no idea what you are trying to say.

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Just realised the ads below this comment box for Express HIV home test kits!!..they are not the only ones trying some opportunistic advertising in this.

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This is to be commended. I will have to be more careful in my occasional nocturnal sorties to Roppongi........

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To all of us who are positive stay strong and don't let anyone put you down. I'd like to recommend you to try PositiveMate.com, a safe and secure club for singles with STDs to meet other singles for love and friendship. Never feel lonely again! Hope it helps.

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Prostitution is illegal in Japan, but pornography which in actuality the girls get paid for sex,meaning prostitution, is so blatantly publicized and made available in Japan. It goes to show the Japanese government practice double standard in enforcing the law by selecting who to prosecute and who not to prosecute. Are the law meant for the poor and powerless only? Since the government can condone pornography, why not legalize prostitution?

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