Japan Today

Jero tries a new look for latest song


African-American enka singer Jero has swapped his cap for a Panama on the occasion of his latest song. It is the first time for Jero, 28, to work without without his trademark cap since his debut in February 2008.

When he performs his new song, "Uso Naki" (crocodile tears), Jero wears a pink Panama hat with an '80s-style, giving him a Gigolo feel and very different from his previous hip-hop fashion.

Jero said he really likes wearing a hat. Regarding the colorful suit, he said: "It's too loud for my personal life, but when I sing a new song, I am able to get a better feel for it.” For the album, titled “Covers 3", he wears an all-black outfit.

Jero said the change came about because he started working on a new song with composer Keisuke Hama, 64. Until now, Jero's songs have been reworked versions of pop artists. He said that having received an offer for the first time by Hama, whome he called “Kayokai no Omono" (big shot in the music industry), his feeling of “being able to go up one level as an enka singer” pushed him to change.

However, Jero -- who said he owns about 40 caps -- pointed out that caps are an expression of his beliefs and style. Last November, when U.S. President Barack Obama gave a speech in Tokyo, Jero wore his cap to the event and stood out among the audience.

However, he said: "From now, I'd like to enjoy wearing knitted hats and such to match the songs. Who knows? One day, I might even get rid of the cap altogether."

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This guy is cool. I respect he beat the long odds of making it as an enka singer in Japan. That would be like an arab making it as a country singer in America. Love it!

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Uso naki=cracodile tears?

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So why is he being described as African-American? I think he is plain old American. Doesnt he have a Japanese grandmother anyway? So lets be fair, he is Asian-African-American.

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Who cares what type of hat he wears? Looks like a doof. He may be talented, but I don't care for his style.

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Just like a talento on TV variety shows.... one can wear anything with 10 different colors and is considered fashionable and cool.

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He looks like a bowl of Baskin Robbins sherbert.

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I am so happy when I see a soulmate in Japan, in this case a color coordination soulmate. I like strong colors and colorful outfits and am so exhilarated when somebody in Japan dresses so happily and colorfully like Jero or me. Usually people dress very dull and use boring, depressing washed out colors, but when one is dressed cheerfully like sunshine that person makes the people around happy and merry. Jero makes people smile with his songs and outfits. You are great!

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OMG, call Gok now, this silly chappy needs urgent help, don,t you all darlings? New look!!! discard please love, it is awfull, worse than MC Hammer back in the day,

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He Debucho, Arab singer in US? How about Paula Abdul. I admire Jero. Sometimes he needs a makeover by the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy people. But it is really about the music, and it looks like he really nails the songs he sings. I can only dream about that while I mumble through enka songs in karaoke.

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LoveUSA- are you for real?

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The hat is too pink for me, I would rather go with a darker color...But that's just my taste....

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its good to focus on the important things if you want to scale the giddy heights of stardom, like hats.

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Most artists re-invent themselves or image to further their career as they get older.

Jero is no longer a teen and even though he likes a certain image it might not hurt his career to appear more mature, etc.

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Agreed, Jero does dress like an idiot. I understand he wants to differentiate himself from other enka singers... but as a Black guy who sings enka... I can tell you firsthand, Black enka singers dont need outlandish costumes to stand out.

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Even with his new look he keeps his trademark style. He is an entertainer and dresses like this. If his clothes match the mood of the song, that is great.

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LoveUSA, My precious he looks so silly. Reminds me of Timmy Mallets image change in the late 80`s and where is he these days?

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I want whatever Jero was smoking when he chose that outfit. But I have to admit, at least he thinks about his appearance. Most Western male singers look like they have been sleeping in a cardboard box under a bridge just before they've stepped out on stage...

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Please dress like this if you want to attract the attention of your object of interest. I am sure Jero attracted the attention of the ladies, fans of enka. Now I am sure critisizers will say that they are obasans but it is not true.

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I have to go with LoveUSA on this one. I like Jero's new outfit too! Sure beats the dumb baseball cap turned sideways.

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his fashion style made me curious. Now i want to see his trousers too, is their color the same as the blazer? the shoes would be interesting too.

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LoveUSA, i doubt the attntion he will receive from wearing such an outfit will be romladies. i fancy,middle aged gents of a certain persuasion shall enjoy thelook shall we say.

I also doubt very much that he has an inoput into his clothing/image etc

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Let him do as he wants. He's famous and he's EARNED it! Go Jero, sing on!

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I would change the pink hat and pink vest to another color, perhaps white.

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Have any of you ever performed on stage? You have to put on a lot of make up (even guys) and it looks ridiculous up close. But when you're on stage under bright lights in front of thousands of people it looks just right. Same goes for his "costume." Up close it looks stupid but get on stage and it looks ok. Why all the love for Susan Boyle and the hate for Jero?

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biculural, i have performed on stage countless times my dear ,but i would only wear gear like that to raise a laugh from the audience. It is ridiculous, terribly awful.

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I would change the pink hat and pink vest to another color, perhaps white.

I think it is personal taste. White vest will not go well with the white neck tie. Then you should change the color of the tie too. I think he looks sweet like this.

i fancy,middle aged gents of a certain persuasion shall enjoy thelook shall we say.

I think the aim of every entertainer is to be appealing to every sex and any audience. I can vow that he looks interesting to females.

Why all the love for Susan Boyle and the hate for Jero?

On JT singers, models, actors are put under strict scrutiny and critisized for anything as a rule and by default. sometimes females are soare the critics if they look charming, but men are never spared the jokes and the irony just because i think mostly men who have sharp tongues and biting words write here and excersize their sense of humour and writing style.

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his picture makes me wants to sing "happy birthday shichi go san!" wonder if studio alice did the portraits?

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Thanks for the important news JT! His "look" is even more important than what he actually does (his music).

When he performs his new song, “Uso Naki” (crocodile tears), Jero wears a pink Panama hat with an ‘80s-style, giving him a Gigolo feel and very different from his previous hip-hop fashion.

it gives him a gigolo feel... like Ricky Martin?

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hahaha... yeah all the old ladies are mad for it?

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His old look with bandana and baseball cap made him look like an American Gang Member. We do not need Japanese youth following that kind of look. He is a good singer and should not wear what they wear in the USA Ghettos; it is bad enough that American Rap Music is so full of violence. I prefer that Jero keep his new look but the colors?? oh well better than the bandana and baseball cap sideways.

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Wonder why you never see him without a cap, hat or head rag? Because he's bald....

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My momma always said, 'If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all.'

I wish Jero continued success in his career!

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KinoyeOshiro is so right, I agree with him..Just like when Koda Kumi made her debut in those god-awful outfits that left nothing to the imagination, making her look like some cheap go-go dancer at some stripbar. Can you imagine the decent Japanese girls following that look?? OMG NO!!! Jero made a classic move and deserves all the credit.

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Oooh - look at all the pink. Suits you, sir...

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This guy needs to get away from the 'gangsta' attire as quick as possible. Thus, despite color coordination, the new look is a plus in my book. The old ballcap/bandana look screamed of racial pigeonholing (at best).

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Kawachi..for Black men from America being bald or shaving their head (as I do every week) is a cultural norm, as are various caps. It doesn't affect us the same as my White friends who upon losing hair freak out. In the 80's and 90's when Michael Jordan was at his peak with his bald head..bald brothers at home were cleaning up among women...(especially White). So he may be bald but it won't really affect his popularity, unless he has a seriously odd shaped head.

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I'll be impressed by Jero when he can go on a TV quiz program and name at least five prefectures in Japan that don't have a seacoast.

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combinibento took the word out of my mouth. And the gansta look just did not mesh with enka in any way, shape or form. It was just confusing.

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Is that really a "very different from his previous hip hop fashion" cause hip hop people are the only ones I have ever seen try to wear yellow, white, blue and pink all in the same outfit. Plus did Obama really see him just because he had a Yankees hat on sideways? Doesnt EVERYone have one of those by now? Ah well whatever, best of luck to the dude, he has found his thing and is working it, so much respect.

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Whatever the style of dress, he's a very good singer and his singing appeals to me.

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Jero is entitled to wear a fluoro pink rubber duck, if he so wishes. At the end of the day, people want to hear his voice, and that's what will keep them coming back.

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I guess somebody finally told him his cap was sideways. Good for him.

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Now someone will have to tell him his hat and vest are pink. Tee hee!

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Looks like a clown or a bunch of play-doh. I don't think he can do anything about how his agency or the record company want him to dress, but of course he would never say that. Jero might be a good performer but after all he's still a product.

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looks like a Jim Carrey outfit from the movie "MASK"

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Don't care about his clothes, but enka is garbage. Every song sounds the same and they're all rubbish.

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I like his enka songs and I prefer this new look! Good luck JERO! Ganbare!

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mrdog, to each his own. I used to feel the same way until about last year. Scary what you can get used to ... and start to like.

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"Looks like... a bunch of play-doh"


"Every ( enka ) song sounds the same"

Japan's country music.

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Sadly, I don't think this guy dresses himself. Just as all of the other spineless talent does. The new look is much better though, but the colours? Says fool more than cool.

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You know, I am reminded of the pimp in the 80's Wayans movie, "I'm gonna git you sucka" all he needs are the goldfish filled platform shoes. I met Jero when he was plain Jerome a few years back and he stood out for his polite attentive demeanour and a striking brown suit, seems he has always been one to put thought into his dress, whether it be provocative, striking, stylish, chic, outlandish or whatever. if it works for him and his career, then good luck to him.

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He now looks like Neyo - which was probably what his people were going for as he is huge in Japan.

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Enjoy your short time in the Japanese limelight Jero.....You get 2 years here if your lucky!! Make it count! I think your voice is ok, but you have to wear what the Japanese management want...i think it looks wrong, but maybe it works for the Japanese! (if you were still on top you would not need to be changing wardrobes for a new look) It just shows that your time is almost over!!

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The picture makes him look like Jimi. And as far as the argument goes, I don't think there is one. At last check I heard that he is an entertainer and not a politician or religious leader. This is what entertainers do, here, there, everywhere. I suppose you've never been to Motown.......

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Jam on, Jerry.

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He belongs in avatar.

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It's more than past time to evolve from the "Fresh Prince Circa 1989" look.

('lot of haters on this thread... any of you who think you can do better than Jero, please step on up..)

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He looks like a hustlin' pimp!

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On the cover of his latest CD he's actually wearing a similar hat and suit ensemble only in black. I actually prefer that to this pastel swatch he has on this photo.

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