Japan Today



Airhead female fans can't get enough of 'cool' accused killer Ichihashi


"Kakkoii!" (He's really cool), one blogger posted. "When he was arrested, I thought his disheveled black hair and the line along his neck to his jaw made him look so sexy. . ." another sighs.

It seems 30-year-old accused murderer Tatsuya Ichihashi, captured by police in Osaka port on Nov 10, is attracting a following of female admirers.

Ichihashi spent 2 1/2 years on the lam after allegedly murdering 22-year-old English teacher Lindsay Ann Hawker in his Chiba apartment in March 2007.

But these celebrity groupies appear to be willing to overlook Ichihashi's transgressions. The son of physicians, he's tall (180cm), has a lean and mean physique, a talent for illustrating and can converse in a foreign language.

Nikkan Gendai (Nov 17) reports that blogs like 2-channel have opened threads (http://gimpo.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/lifesaloon/1258286080/l50x) to appeal to Ichihashi's growing fan base, where he has been bestowed with affectionate nicknames like "Ichi-sama" (Lord Ichi) and "Tobo Oji" (the fugitive prince).

For these scatterbrained airheads, idolizing a notorious desperado is the thing to do.

"It's really cool that someone who'd gone on the run in his bare feet had the vitality to save up 1 million yen while working at a construction job," another post reads. "And despite that, Ichi-sama was so cute to have wept buckets when his family's dog died."

"Ichihashi is also popular with males, and there's a chance that some of those posts were made by 'nekama' (males who pose as females on the net)," an unnamed IT journalist is quoted as saying.

Some posters even go so far as to fantasize having sex with him.

The Gyotoku police station where Ichihashi is currently incarcerated has reportedly received letters addressed to Ichihashi. One woman apparently even came to hand-deliver an album of doggie photos.

This would not be the first time females have been starstruck by a criminal suspect. After the Aum Supreme Truth doomsday cult released sarin nerve gas on the Tokyo subways in 1995, Nikkan Gendai recalls the cult's charismatic "Minister of Information," Fumihiro Joyu, attracted a brigade of groupies who became known as "Joyu gals."

"From his image on wanted posters, Ichihashi seemed like a hunk, and I suppose this had a strong impact on some young women," Masumi Kurata, a writer knowledgeable about female psychology, tells the tabloid.

"Some women have become infatuated. They see him as a man of mystery, like a hero in a romantic comic story," Kurata continues. "Hunks -- and fallen hunks -- pique their maternal instincts. Some are attracted to shadowy men, and there's no end to women who wind up marrying men on death row."

As for the blog posts, Kurata explains that women who ordinarily wouldn't indulge in such careless remarks lose self control in the anonymity of cyberspace.

"They needn't take responsibility for what they post, so they let themselves go," she says.

What's the world coming to, Nikkan Gendai wonders -- when dopey females get the hots for criminals?

© Japan Today

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The world has gone mad. I certainly hope the Hawkers never read this story.

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As Curly would say, Jesus Christ...

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The biggest Ichihashi fan club on Mixi now has over 1000 members!

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Misguided children. Everything is not cool. Sarge, I am not following you around. Cheers.

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This article says a lot about the IQ of some Japanese women and their creations on 2chn do not deserve mentioning in self respecting media. I find it extremely offensive and disrespectful to the victim and her family too. I hope JT will delete this trash.

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I haven't heard one good thing said about 2channel, which is just a garbage dump, in my opinion.

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they can all do us a favor and bury themselves in a sand filled bathtub. These people are beyond sick.

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Finally a Japan Today article that hits the nail on the head, by referring to this retards as "airheads". Couldnt think of a better word to describe them. What pathetic no-lifes who have nothing better to do than idolize people that they see on tv, much less a murderer.

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yes I meant to shout!

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“And despite that, Ichi-sama was so cute to have wept buckets when his family’s dog died.”

Yet he can easily murder someone...

I couldn't understand this culture.

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I like this new objective reporting style from JT. Looking forward to headlines like "15,000 dickheads, losers attend AKB48 concert" or "Dopey Tanigaki crashes his tricycle"

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It's kind of like women who are attracted to serial killers in films or books, except we understand there's a difference between a fictional character and someone who ACTUALLY murdered someone. I think these girls are treating it like it is fiction. A young woman was brutally murdered, but of course, because it's not them or anyone they know, they don't have to face the reality of it. So for them, it is like falling in love with a story book character. Sick.

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They should hang their bloody heads shame. What is wrong with these idiots? I'm going to open the windows to clear the room of the steam coming out of my ears after reading this. Bet you if the situation was reversed and it was a gaijin that was accused he wouldn't be so 'kakkoi' now would he.

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From his image on wanted posters, Ichihashi seemed like a hunk

Have I been looking at the wrong wanted posters? Cannot relate.....

The son of physicians, he’s tall (180cm), has a lean and mean physique, a talent for illustrating and can converse in a foreign language.

He could have had it all going for him. And he blew it, big time.

There are some really nasty posts on 2chan. It's full of lowlifes and weirdoes. All the folks on there getting the hots for Ichihashi and making totally unfounded, slanderous comments about Lindsay - I hope they all come down with the new flu and get a fever that scorches their one remaining brain cell. the swines.

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They see him as a man of mystery, like a hero in a romantic comic story

Do romantic heroes brutally torture and murder women, then leave them in a bathtub on their veranda? I must have missed that movie...

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this is sick! The only think that comes to my mind is that what is beautiful to the Japanese eyes can be quite obnoxious to ours...

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I think everybody's got it wrong, including Nikkan Gendai. Ichihashi's appeal is that he refuses to be sunao, a nice obedient otonashii Nihonjin who does what is expected of him. He runs, he hides, he ducks, he weaves, he gets plastic surgery, he refuses to respond to interrogators, he won't take meals -- in other words, by whatever means he can, he resists. The system here is so good at breaking people down that only a few Japanese have anything that could be described as indomitable spirit, and it is this aspect of his behaviour that people may view as admirable. His crime, of course, was evil.

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One more piece of evidence of the dumbing down of Japan. This country is suffering for a fatal disease called "Kawaii", anything that can be even vaguely interpreted at cute somehow becomes good and desirable. Another sign of just how shallow and empty this society is becoming. Looks = value and nothing else matters.

These foolish, brainless people who think this guys is somehow cool, cute, sexy etc... are just the kind or brainless morons that are killing Japan and Japanese culture. They have turned everything into facade so that nothing with real intrinsic value matters. Instead is all about looks, brand, trendyness.

And people in Asia worry about Japan becoming a threat. I can tell you that in ten years living here the only threat I see from Japan is the suicidal erradication of its own culture by its own people. And the viral spread of insipid thinking that the culture of cute has left on the world. This is the new plague. A plague of stupidity and emptyheadedness led by people who need serious therapy and to find some meaning to live beyond "Kawaii". SICK!

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Ichihashi deserves nothing but scorn. It saddens me that anyone would give him any sort of patting on the back. These same women may one day ask why a man is being so cruel to them. Well its because you and other women supported such men dufus!

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What a complete and absolute crock of shxt.

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this happens in the states also

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He runs, he hides, he ducks, he weaves, he gets plastic surgery, he refuses to respond to interrogators, he won't take meals -- in other words, by whatever means he can, he resists.

you describe him as an action hero which he is not. No man with pride will escape from responsibility like a coward.

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Man, this is out of "Natural Born Killers". Prophecy or what! There is a scene where they interview Japanese kids about the serial killers: "They so cool!" is the response. What kind of society do we live in.

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These sick people should wait a few years when he gets out of jail, maybe they will be happy for him to date their daughter.

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Words fail me.

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Way to alienate yourself Japan.

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Japanese woman are simply retarded. Put a turtle neck sweater on a turtle and most of them will say 'hey cute..I want one'.

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Just shows how many other sickos out there that can do the same as him.

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he’s tall (180cm), has a lean and mean physique, a talent for illustrating and can converse in a foreign language & in case people are forgetting "A SOON TO BE CONVICTED MURDERER".

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This is an ignorant comment. This type of phenomenon is not at all isolated to Japan.

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It's not really a new thing though, look at the following of some of the infamous serial killers from the US had crazy female/male fans. Pretty sick anyone could think a murderer is cool.

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Issei Sagawa and Sada Abe also held celebrity in Japan. Maybe after facts are established in Ichihashi's trial, these people will understand the danger that these people pose for society.

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Some posters even go so far as to fantasize having sex with him.

I wonder if their fantasy goes so far as the part where they end up out on his veranda? Evidently not.

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Woor, Curry Girl's fine as, don't you think?

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Hunks—and fallen hunks—pique their maternal instincts

women believe they can transform bad man once I believed that too but not anymore. But to be infatuated with murderers is just sick.

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I guess if you stop and think, this isnt as weird as it sounds. Look at this from a male perspective - surely you have read / watched movies about 'black widows' and the like and actually found the woman attractive on some level. This is a fairly harmless fanatasy, Im sure none of the girls posting would actually ever go through with it if given the chance to spend time alone with the murderer. As mentioned above, the case of Issei Sagawa is much more sick, and the publication that allowed him to write restaurant reviews should be boycotted. And to anyone having a go at japan on this one, it wont work. This happens everywhere. Serial killers, gangsters all over the place seem to do just fine with women in their own countries.

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But to be infatuated with murderers is just sick.

i want to add also that to be infatuated with any kind of perverts is just sick.

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I thought that Ichihashi was the one who was sick.But it looks like there are characters who are more sick than him.

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Sorry, ladies, Ichihashi prefers his women dead. And if the reports of his necrophilia are correct then I mean that with pun intended.

Utterly disgusting. I'm sure some of these dumb women would even have the gall to berate the Blackman family to their faces if they had the chance. Some people are so sick it is beyond words.

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What’s the world coming to, Nikkan Gendai wonders—when dopey females get the hots for criminals?

Nothing more to add, it's disgusting, I remember the bit about Aum's Joyu, it made me want to puke.

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Wow... I`m dumbstruck...

As to the black widow comment.. as much as that rings true those women are strong. I`m not sure why women would see this guy as strong. He murdered a woman!! Not a yakuza thug of even a salaryman. There was no shootout with the cops. No romance. He was like a little rat scurrying away from the responsibility of his action. No honor. Nothing to respect at all.

Forget about the fact that he looks like one of the ugliest men I`ve ever seen in BOTH photos released of him.

ANd I loved the "He can converse in another language" line. Do we know this? A Japanese student studying English gives him about a 20% chance of actually being able to speak by my experience.

But, maybe I`m wrong!!

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This situation and the Charisma man idea are further examples of why people give Japanese women such a bad reputation. From personal experience it seems to be true for more than few J-women.

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This is an ignorant comment. This type of phenomenon is not at all isolated to Japan.

Back in Atlanta, there was the case of Brian Nichols (the courthouse killer), who supposedly had a lot of fans and admirers.

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Forget about the fact that he looks like one of the ugliest men I`ve ever seen in BOTH photos released of him.

The problem is that he looks like a normal guy, you cannot suspect or judge that he is capable of murder from his appearance. If you did not know he is a murderer, you would never say he is the ugliest guy you have ever seen. Even people who have know him and have studied together with him say that they could not believe what he had done. What is scary is that many criminals look like normal people.

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Sorry, ladies, Ichihashi prefers his women dead. And if the reports of his necrophilia are correct then I mean that with pun intended.

crap, i lol'd at that. ><

But way to go Japanese airheads, you've really put yourself on the lowest and dumbest barrel ever. You kinda overshadow the smart upstanding people in Japan. Anyway, everyone knows 2ch is where all the freakos go so it's no surprise the comments are coming from there. This whole situation is sick, I feel sorry for each and every one of them. Sick...

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They like him because he does not speak (so they do not have to converse), does not eat (so the woman does not have to cook) and he is in jail (so they can't have sex).

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Charles Manson, Ted Bundy...need I say more? Just in case I need to say more: I think it's safe to say these two men were at least as bad as Ichihashi and they had bigger fan clubs than the Beatles. (yes, this is an exaggeration) They are just the first two I thought of. There are many, many more. Some women, (usually pretty messed up, I hope) find killers as worhty of adoration as rock stars.

The dark side of human nature is rarely "made in Japan".

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Women love a bad boy! Ted Bundy had hordes of female fans despite having killed several women, because he was intelligent, good-looking and well-spoken.

Seriously though, all this positive attention is going to make it difficult to rehabilitate Ichihashi.

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It's not just some J-women who are nuts. There are women groupies for serial murderers in the USA.

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It's true. Murderers get the best groupies. Ted Bundy is far and away the prize winner for this phenomenon. I was living in Boulder when he escaped by jumping out a window in Pitkin County (Aspen, etc.), and women ate it up. It was the late disco era, so there were T-shirts, etc. Everyone wanted to be "bad" so it turned into a bizarre media event. What made it even weirder is that he was a clean cut, University of Utah guy. I think it was an American Psycho/ Dexter kind of attraction.

It is sick. These are the same people who buy death mobiles and wave placards at executions.

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oreoplastic at 01:20 PM JST - 17th November

Sorry, ladies, Ichihashi prefers his women dead. And if the reports of his necrophilia are correct then I mean that with pun intended.

crap, i lol'd at that. ><

But way to go Japanese airheads, you've really put yourself on the lowest and dumbest barrel ever. You kinda overshadow the smart upstanding people in Japan. Anyway, everyone knows 2ch is where all the freakos go so it's no surprise the comments are coming from there. This whole situation is sick, I feel sorry for each and every one of them. Sick...

Hahahaahahahahha brilliant post!! You definitely win!

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Hmmmm.. judging from this public reaction & its inevitable impact on the deciders of justice here, this boy will probably be back out on the streets within 6 years. It's sad and pathetic.

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As sick and twisted as this is, it's not correct that this is a Japan thing. Murderers and serial killers attract female groupies all over. It happens all the time in the U.S.

Maybe the most famous example is "The Night Stalker" Richard Ramirez, who went on a killing spree in the U.S. (in California) in the 1980's. He very famously attracted a large number of female fans despite the brutality of his crimes. In the wake of his trial he got a lot of gifts and marriage proposals from women swooning over how handsome they found him, how cool they thought he looked and sounded when he made his infamous proclamations in court that were then televised (i.e. "I don't fear the death penalty. It comes with the territory").

There are also a significant number of women in the U.S. who meet and marry killers in prison after learning about them because of publicity surrounding their crimes and trials.

The big difference here is that the internet has put such twisted swooning and pining directly on display for the public to see. But this kind of dumb behavior has been happening for a long time in other places.

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Yes. Ok, this does not look good on Japanese women. Truly a disgrace to society and humanity as a whole. But like several other posters have already said, this "phenomenon" is not exclusive to Japan, so cut the "What's with this country?!" bullshxt. These people are either EXTREMELY LONELY people with nothing better to do, or "Yan-mamas" (Japanese "trailer-trash") with distorted views of reality.

Either way, just as all of us here have a right to express our opinions, SO DO THEY (unfortunately). They are sick, insensitive low-lifes who obviously do not know right from wrong, and they are not only a disgrace to the Japanese community, but all of humanity. We should all be ashamed.

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i can definitely understand the shock and the need to scapegoat something, anything! then you've got japanese females (with some obligatory slander of their intelligence), one of the favorite targets of the old japan hands. this article seems like a match made in heaven (or at least JT). but yes, this does happen in other countries and japanese females were not the first to swoon over grisly killers.

i take issue with JT calling these women dumb. i think twisted would be more appropriate.

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Can we just take a reality check here and remind ourselves that this kind of people are a tiny minority in any society? This does not reflect badly on Japanese women, the vast majority of whom are every bit as repelled by Ichihashi as the rest of us. It just tells you that there are weirdoes in every society, but fortunately they are always a minority- to think otherwise is wrong.

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Tahoochi at 03:24 PM JST - 17th November

Yes. Ok, this does not look good on Japanese women. Truly a disgrace to society and humanity as a whole. But like several other posters have already said, this "phenomenon" is not exclusive to Japan, so cut the "What's with this country?!" bullshxt. These people are either EXTREMELY LONELY people with nothing better to do, or "Yan-mamas" (Japanese "trailer-trash") with distorted views of reality.

Either way, just as all of us here have a right to express our opinions, SO DO THEY (unfortunately). They are sick, insensitive low-lifes who obviously do not know right from wrong, and they are not only a disgrace to the Japanese community, but all of humanity. We should all be ashamed.

Hahahahaahahaha Indeed, my friend.

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I think it relates directly to sex. some people need a powerful aphrodisiac cocktail like sex, fear and danger to achieve the perfect O, especially when they are air headed, cyber living, Japanese birds trying the achieve the glorious big O by themselves.

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"I thought he was sick and a pervert, but then I realized he actually had a really nice body." I think these people need to leave in order to rid the gene pool of idiots. If you find murder, and necrophilia, attractive - there's going to be some darwinian thinning out of the herd when your loved one decides to permaban you from this plane of existence.

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I feel a little sick,even though I'm not surprised. Let's hope this guy gets put away before one of these delusional women becomes his next victim.

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If you have read the book Crime and Punishment, then you know what Dostoevksi wanted to tell us by its happy ending - love can transform a criminal into a human. The difference is very big though- his character Raskolnikov killed an old evil woman who ran a pawn shop. Ichihashi is so much more sicker, no comparison at all...

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he just looks like a small scared kid. no woman can be attracted to sick kids like him.

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all those that do this (and we`ve got some nutters in the states and i am sure other countries) are sickos!!!!

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Don't let the media, bulletin boards or Mixi fool you!

This spin is created by a minority; a few (probably mostly guys) idiots who've nothing better to do than kick up a fuss over sick Ichihashi. Remember also, there's more than one Japanese guy attending an English school who's been refused a date by his young, white female teacher and is now very pissed off at how white males seem to have all the fun.

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I think everybody's got it wrong, including Nikkan Gendai. Ichihashi's appeal is that he refuses to be sunao, a nice obedient otonashii Nihonjin who does what is expected of him. He runs, he hides, he ducks, he weaves, he gets plastic surgery, he refuses to respond to interrogators, he won't take meals -- in other words, by whatever means he can, he resists. The system here is so good at breaking people down that only a few Japanese have anything that could be described as indomitable spirit, and it is this aspect of his behaviour that people may view as admirable. His crime, of course, was evil.

A very good point.Similar in theory to what, I think, Bill Maher said of the 9/11 hijackers; they were brave in the sense that to fly a plane into a building knowing you were facing a horrible death was "brave". He of course wasn't comparing them to the brave firemen and policemen who ran into the building afterwards to try and save people.

But I digress.

NOTHING surprises me in this country anymore.

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His corpse won't look so great if he gets the death penalty.

Human beings are dumb, it really is factual.

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yabusama, i completely agree with your interpretation...and your conclusion !

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Yabusama. Have to agree. Sounds good. I like your first paragraph best.

Just to suggest also that there are a lot of young women turned on by professional wrestlers, and they seem to be the same...er... type. The blood, the yelling, kind of a misogyny thing.

Oh theyounglion is right about Ramirez. I forgot about that. He is one creepy creepy looking guy, but had his pick of about 7 women who wanted to marry him, I think. A lot of goths.

If one wanted to be very rational about it, one could do the math. Let's pick Kameleon and assume that he is handsomest poster here. If he keeps posting and does not go out and meet people, even though he will attract 1 girl in a hundred, he might only get his face in front of a hundred girls in a week. Result? One attracted female. Ichihashi, despite his ugly mug that will get him 1 girl in a 100,000, has been exposed to twenty or thirty million girls between 15 and 50, so he is going to get some fan mail.

I mean really, how else can you explain SMAP? 5 guys of five types with tight pants and media saturation. It gets results.

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It's kind of like Natural Born Killers where the killers had fans and achieved celebrity status. The tv distances the audience from reality and equalizes all the content. Everything is entertainment, fiction or non-fiction. The main advantage of a news story is it's fleeting novelty. The best ones probably last as long one season of a tv drama.

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Just went and looked at 2chan finally (my friends been pestering me to go check out the freakiness for a while) and they actually DO have posts on how cool he is and whatnot! Sooooo delusional and scary. these women have NO idea. This guy is a killer, he preys on women he views as weak, he doesn't care if they're Japanese or foreign. He might have a preference for foreigners, because they appear easier to take advantage of, but if he found a Japanese girl just as vulnerable, I doubt he would hesitate. J-courts, send him to trial ASAP if you have the proof! He is dangerous and getting more so.

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How much do you want to bet that 95% of these 'female' posters are actually in the closet homosexual misogynists?

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This is a totally irresponsible article, considering the emotions involved and what happened to Lindsay Hawker. All this 'journalist' (I hesitate to use the word) has done is find a couple of nutcases blogging on the internet (as if that is difficult) and built some half-baked story about Ichihashi being hero-worshipped. Articles such as this create friction and are designed to upset people who are unaware that it is a non-story.

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Wow! The internet is full of idiots! Who knew?

Next up on JT: Dog Bites Man!

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Oh my god! That is sick!

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Gross. I'll admit that the images they've shown of him on tv most definitely show his 'good' side. But these are just the sort of people who always fantasize about shagging a man who's dangerous. Not normally dangerous enough to kill them of course, although even then there are exceptions, but just dangerous enough to make sex thrilling.

They're delusional of course. But they won't believe it unless he's actually in the process of murdering them. Lucky for them if he doesn't get the chance. But if he doesn't starve himself or hang himself we might have to suffer the horrors of him marrying one of them. More fool her.

Women who do this usually believe they'd be in control of the murderer. He'd be dangerous, but she'd be strong enough to make sure he didn't go too far with things. But those women usually find out they were mistaken. A psycho is a psycho, and not a lap-dog.

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i am really sorry to say this but some of the men here start to sound like they are jealous of Ichihashi. This article is really offensive and most of the comments under it too.

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No need to repeat the obvious flaws in intelligence or moral values, convoluted thinking, detached sense of events, etc. etc. But for those of you complaining that it is irresponsible of JT -- why do you think they post these sorts of sensationalized stories? 70+ comments. It generates hits for them, as a story like this would for any other media outlet. If you don't like it, and don't want to see this sort of thing on here, don't then go and click on said article and comment. It's hypocritical.

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I just read the 2 channel posts... there are many many posters that think the fans of ichihashi are nuts. there were a few who seem to think he is fab. It also mentioned that Mixi has deleted the fan club for ichihashi from their community.

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This is nothing new. Many serial killers have hoardes of female fans. Even Richard Ramirez, the night stalked in Cali, was married while on death row. Par for the course. Some women like killers, pure and simple.

The only spin here is trying to pretend this is some new phenomenom unique to Japan. It ain't.

Nothing new folks, move along.

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Yeah, Manson has plenty of dopey females following him around. Charles and Marilyn both....

There are plenty of stupid people in the world.

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A real testimonial to the intelligence of some Japanese women! Blithering idiots! Maybe it's a good thing the population is declining - DNA like this should be flushed from the pool!

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Odd things like this happen why more often then they should. Tom Nissen (the guy who killed Brandon/Lisa Lambert and two others) meet and got married to a women will serving his life sentence. The was also the case Ricky Vazquez a drug-dealer on being tried for murder and one of the juror's started sending him "love" letters during the trial. Just goes to show that human nature isn't always as nice as people would like to think.

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They should release more pictures of him to stop this insanity. That picture we saw of him only shows his face partially leading to some weird fantasies. I doubt he could have become super handsome in those few weeks he left that clinic.

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Good let him out then so he can shack up with one of these idiot women. Hey what a catch you too could end up dead in a bathtub full of sand.

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The problem is that none of these women actually BELIEVE he would ever hurt them. Why would he? They're not foreign. Not one of these women can clearly see him for what he is, an opportunistic sadist who hurts WOMEN. They just see him as a guy who made the "mistake" of murdering a foreigner. He's well-off, reasonably educated and they think he's cute (still can't wrap my head around that one) so he's a great catch. Delusional thinking, ladies. Still, no matter how crazy these women may be, none of them deserves to be his next victim. Let's hope this saga wraps up soon with a life sentence (at least) for this guy.

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Don't sweat it. Japanese women didn't post the messages. They are just imbecile comments from 2ch cherry boys posing as women. They post any old cr#p on there to provoke a reaction.

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i am really sorry to say this but some of the men here start to sound like they are jealous of Ichihashi.

well judging from some of the more "intellectually profound" comments you have made on this site I highly doubt you are sorry to say what you've said. Perhaps you meant " I am really sorry I didn't think before I say this but......

whatever the case may be perhaps you can enlighten us with how any of us could possibly be jealous of this human piece of apathy? Yes you're right. I wish I had the guts to brutally kill a woman,have sex with her, then dump the body in a bathtub and fill it with sand. Yes, then I wish I had all these pathetic women lusting after me as well. Yes truly we are jealous of old "stone chopsticks".

As much as I would love to have all these airheaded simpletons thinking I was a catch and be given the opportunity to sow my wild oats because they thought I was cool and cute, I prefer the human species and I for one wouldn't degrade myself associating with this trash.

Give your head a shake.

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haha.You guys dont need to be that serious.Its a Nikkan gendai..

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This news is crap! Just a clever way of getting hits on a website, ergo more money!

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"i am really sorry to say this but some of the men here start to sound like they are jealous of Ichihashi."

Not really jealous, but I would feel better if they put my picture on the news next to his and said.."by the way, this guy did not do anything, do you think he is hot?" and then I could see if I could get a fan base too. Some people think only of the perpetrator. Some people think only of the victim. Some people feel left out and wonwee.

The astonishment that arises from men with this whole phenomenon is also associated with the "just friends" lament: why don't women like really nice guys who are in love? It is because women are too busy idolizing murdering misogynists. This is newsworthy because we have ALL been there, haven't we? I do have a story about a girl who left me for a bouncer who murdered two people with a shotgun, but I am sure others could top that one.

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Not really jealous, but I would feel better if they put my picture on the news next to his and said.."by the way, this guy did not do anything, do you think he is hot?"

please do not feel left out, I am sure many women find you hot, there is absolutely no need to be in the news next to the creature called Ichihashi

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Isn't this Japan ? Sounds like it's just made up like so many stories.This guy and 'kakkoi' just doesn't go together....just look at his face before AND after,naturally ugly face.

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Do a search for "Ichihashi gyaru" in Japanese - there are some great purikura photos that Ichihashi fans posted of themselves on Mixi.

Ichihashi's Mixi fanclub now has over 1500 members!

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As much as Ichihashi having a fan club is sickening the self-indulgent and opinionated ramblings in this article are worse.

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"i am really sorry to say this but some of the men here start to sound like they are jealous of Ichihashi."

To be very candid. Any girl stupid and brainless enough to think Ishihashi is kawaii, kakoi, desirable, good, sexy or any other positive word you may like to apply, is not worth her weight sewage.

That kind of brainless moron forgets that this kind of guy kills REAL people. Like the killer who cut up that poor college student and is still out there somewhere. Or that daft "talento" who let that poor girl die on drugs, or any other number of loser monsters out there.

Maybe if they felt the fear and loss of the families of those dead girls they may learn something. If they could live a few moments in the last seconds of the victims of these monsters then maybe their pea brains would understand how someone can be truly evil and dangerous.

These are board useless people without the intelligence to understand danger and without the emotional maturity to empathize with the victims. You can keep these girls and their corrupted gene pool.

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Im jealous of the fact this guy has a fan club. Not jealous of the fact he is gonna spend a long time in jail,very hopefully with his very own 'Ichi-sama shower happy fun time' fan club.

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@Disillusioned- First day on the internet, then? Irrashaimasse!

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All famous murderers/serial killers/etc. have a female following. There are women out there that eat that crap out. So even if it's some idiot on a website pretending to be a girl is irrelevant. There are women out there that want him based solely on the fact that he's famous for killing someone. I've never understood these women and never will.

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Eat it up* not out.. oops.

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Female japanese idolize anyone who appears on tv, it seems

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These groupies should at the very least be forced to attend therapy or thrown in jail along with the douche bag of a human being that is Tatsuya Ichihashi.

This is just plain sick and twisted.

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Why are people surprised? Women the world over are drawn to arseholes. "Bad, mad and dangerous to know." Same goes for this toe-rag. For every Clyde, there are millions of wannabe Bonnies.

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Makes sense! I can imagine this emo fits the bill of many emo girls and attention whores who are mentally just as deteriorated as him.

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send the crime photos to all those thousands of fans. See if they are such a big fan after that. That sites are encouraging this is against their Terms of Service and should be taken down as well. The Justice department should ask for that.

Have Japanese standards dropped so low?

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Alas, there is nothing new or uniquely Japanese about this.

Brainless females being infatuated with criminal scum is not an uncommon phenomenon, like it or not.

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brainless retarded idolization of a killer. Nice.

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Im jealous of the fact this guy has a fan club.

Are you sure you want to have this kind of a fan club? ?

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Good point LoveUSA, I think it's better to be liked by nobody than these morons.

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Good point LoveUSA, I think it's better to be liked by nobody than these morons.

i am sure dbung is liked by many girls, he just does not realize it. But he should be happy if he does not attract the attention of airhead women.

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I don't know about the groupies, but I was talking to a Japanese man in his 40s who said, in all seriousness, that "Lucy was no doubt just as much to blame for her death as Ichihashi, so he should be set free."

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Lucy? Surely the guy was drunk, couldn't even get her name right :O (outrageous though)

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remember, women are equal in every respect. and the fact that we dont see large numbers of men clamoring to meet Masumi Hayashi is no indication that men are less prone to this mental illness.... you go girls!

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No Love - I dont want HIS fan club, but I do want A fan club! Like I said. I truly hope he gets his own fan club in jail.

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Great - put them all in the same (padded) cell.

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These women and "nekama" can have him. They're also welcomed to be strangled to death and dumped nude into a bathtub full of sand.

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Ease up guys and gals. I figured this out young and have always been a very bad boy. It works for me and the women who love me. Instead of swimming upstream, why not go with the flow? Girls love what they can't have.

On the flip side, the average guy likes a bitch who controls his life from what I can see in society. Many girls figure that out and act accordingly. It's all good.

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These women (or girls) are truly stupid and insane. I'm wondering how they look like, but I can guess it's the usual ugly duck who will not find any boy to be loved...

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To be honest, I'm not a girl, I'm not Japanese, I'm not a airhead but, when I saw the guy on TV I was surprised by his good look compared to all the photos that were circulating before his arrest.

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Majimekun has a point. But those images reminded me of Michael Jackson you know, too chiseled for nature I suppose.

I'd like to see the rest of his face. I'm sure he can't be that different from the neanderthal mug-shot, it was just the lighting and the camera angle that gave him that strangely chiseled look I guess.

Roll on pics of Ichihashi looking less than attractive please! Maybe he'll attract less airheads if he looks like the back end of a cow.

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majimekun. Bad taste in people is not gender limited. Nor is the capacity to foolishly be sucked in by evil.

Just keep in mind. This guy killed, abused and abandoned the body of a young woman. She had her own dreams, hopes and wishes for her life and future. She had family who loved her. Friends who cared for her. And she could have been the one loved by others for her kindness and personality.

Why is it that foolish people forget the reality of this situation in favor of their shallow base emotions to find such a person attractive? These girls are fools who should experience the fear that poor girl experienced. They should feel her pain and the knowledge that life is slipping away from them. And they should feel the desperate hopelessness that such an attack causes in the last moments of life.

They should feel the loss of that her parents feel. And the fear that others felt knowing this murderer was still out there.

I wish I could create a device that would allow all these feelings to be experienced by these brainless people who find this guy desirable. And I wish more than anything that Ichihashi could feel his victim's fears too.

Too many brain dead people in this country are too selfish, socially inept and emotionally bankrupt to separate reality from their idiotic manga-esque visions of life. They need to wake up to reality and quit being mindless adult children. And learn to understand good from evil, right from wrong and common sense from idiocy. In nature they would be weeded out at their poor judgement would leave them to predation.

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now she grew old. on previous post she was just 22.

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The mystique of danger and risk attracts females, especially the ditzy ones that give it up easy. The lack of risk takers in the zombified Jmale populous (ii otoko wa inai) makes even this creep look cool. Just more evidence of a culture in meltdown.

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but was it proven? did he killed her or they think he might be the killer?

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tkoind2, there is no link whatsoever between what someone did and his look. I don't see why I should say that someone is ugly just because he has killed someone. When I say that he looks good, I don't say that I like him as a human being. I just say that he looks good. Your bias is just plain weird in my opinion. Bad taste? I thought it was well known that everyone had his own taste. I don't see what allow you to be judgemental about my taste.

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This type of thinking is common in all modern societies. How very sad! Women love the "bad" guys but want to marry a "good" man. That is the way it goes.

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This is a common phenomenon. Many women in the US and also in europe are writing to guys in prisons who are serving lifetime and death sentences for murder. Some people are just fascinated and attracted to psychos. Here in Denmark the most wellknown murderer Peter Lundin who murdered his mother, his girlfriend and her two children recently got married to such a naive woman who had correspnded with him. Appearently they got a divorce soon after, guess she came to her senses.

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tkoind2: Remember this goes on all over the world. And you cant really judge "evil" from a picture. Besides, i dont believe in the concept of evil. The thing is that it can all be explained in psychological terms. It is proven that most psychopaths had a mental disorder or disfunction in the brain that under the wrong conditions would enable them to become killers or abusive. It doesnt mean that these murderers and crazies should not be locked away, but your idea of how the world in put together is just too easy to shoot down.

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This is a world wide thing. There was an incident in Sweden a number of years ago where a guy executed a family. The chicks loved him because he was 'sooooo hot' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita_Fouganthine

He's not hot, he's a murderer.

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Thankfully he gets no such attention from me or any women I know.

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Man..the Japanese are like the Adam's family TV show during the '60s.

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Yeah....he's cool all right. Nothing cooler than having a boyfriend who is accused of murder. He's just the guy to take home to Mum and Dad. Nothing screams "failure" like dating a guy accused of a violent crime. I'm sure the parents of all these young women must be SOOO proud.

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There are many murderers in the world, soldiers who kill even innocent people like in Iraq. They have girfriends, wives, families, fans and nobody protests ...

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i think there's a huge difference between a soldier and a guy who is accused of luring a younger woman to his home, killing her and leaving her in a bathtub full of sand. I also don't hear so much about these guys having fan clubs, so I'll save my indignation for this case.

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These women and "nekama" can have him. They're also welcomed to be strangled to death and dumped nude into a bathtub full of sand.


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Thisi s just messed up. I know thqat some girls are attracted to the whole "Bad Boy" thing, but do these women and girls realize that HE IS A MURDERER?!? Yikes!

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These people need help. I wonder if they have any friend(s)?

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These people need help. I wonder if they have any friend(s)?

most probably these women have an ideal of a man who is strong, adventurous, can beat the police, justice fighter, with dark and mysterious aura but they cannot find such kind of a man today. So they mistake this ideal to be any kind of low criminal wanted by police, like this idiot Ichihashi.

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"In any event, serial killers prove to be magnets for some people, mostly (but not always) females, and experts have offered a variety of reasons why. Among them are:

Rescue fantasies: the SKG wants to believe that she has the ability to change someone as cruel and powerful as a serial killer. Need to nurture: many women have said that they see the little boy in these killers and feel an overwhelming desire to nurture and protect that part of him. The perfect boyfriend: she knows where he is at all times, and while she can now claim that someone loves her, she does not have to endure the day-to-day issues of most relationships; she can keep the fantasy charged up for a long time. Need for drama: during the trial, the daily events in the lives of serial killers may attract women who want to get close to the adversarial atmosphere and the possibility that something surprising may occur. Hybristophilia: some people are sexually excited by others who commit violence Exclusivity: there's a real sense of ownership of the facts about the killers—which confers its own special status—among those who feel intimately associated with them Regaining the lost male: some who have been abused, neglected or without a father figure look to the killer to fill that need Vicarious fantasies: some wish to live out their own visions of violence through a person who can actually act them out Low self-esteem: some women believe they cannot find a man and since men in prison are desperately lonely, it's an easy way to get involved Attention: when they do something like get involved with a killer, people talk about them and often the media puts a spotlight on them Eminence: they evolve from Nobodies into Somebodies The chance to show their mettle: they align themselves against the world in a heated defense of their beloved Beauty and the Beast syndrome: they like the idea of getting close to danger that will probably not hurt them, but there's always the slight chance

Interestingly, many SKGs are educated and attractive. Some have money, and some are already married. Quite a few are mothers, and it's often the case that they work in some related field, such as psychology or law enforcement."

http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/criminalmind/psychology/sk_groupies/4.html #

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I would like to meet these Ichihashi fans in person....

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Hopefully her meaning of 'kakkoi' is that of just his appearance and not the crime he did. I guess she was his type physically and hopefully she is truly disappointed in what he did.

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Hopefully her meaning of 'kakkoi' is that of just his appearance and not the crime he did. I guess she was his type physically and hopefully she is truly disappointed in what he did.

i do not believe anybody would write kakkoi about a crime or cirminal. please do not be jealous about ichihashi. Nobody can be infatuated with a murderer.

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Perhaps the police should let him loose. Then he could go visit these airhead females and do to them what he did to Hawker. The would knock the "cool" and "sexy" right out of their mouths.

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Just another part of the current youth rebel culture... nothing special here.

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Don't act suprised. If most of us guys weren't aware of the fact that a lot of Japanese girls are naive airheads who fall for spoiled English speaking losers that constantly whine about being misunderstood, then a lot of us would never have came to Japan. Joking! Just...joking!!

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fightfan2008 ...You're funny! LOL.. I thight you may be on to something there!

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Great, no wonder the guy was able to be on the lamb, he was handsome and whatever these immature, dimtwits felt, he`s a killer, who has no respect but for himself. And he cried over his dog? Yeah, something tells me the hamster fell off the wheel.

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Quit hating on "Ichi the Killer." Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.

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maybe he didn't

Is that a possibility? I think not. We still don't know why he did it though.

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Once again, you've been trolled. Most of the people posting these comments are from sarcastic men provoking other people for fun. Same thing happened after the Akihabara stabbings.

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I told this to a Japanese female friend and she told me she sympathizes with the killer. Needless to say my opinion of this female friend went down a few points. WTF?

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I think stupid and irresponsible people always exit.It is important not to spread about dangerous thinking. Radical opinions affect people's thinking.

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I think the people who think ichihashi is cool are crazy. I cannot understand why they think so. Ichihashi is the murderer. He killed the person. He deprived her of the life. And If Lindsay’ s parents hear this news, they must get angry. So we should not have taken this crazy news.

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Of course idolizing muederer is nonsense. But every day,dominate Ichihashi news headlines and get a lot of media exposure. So,Japan media also have responsibility of this case.

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