In late February, a visitor in Macau hoping for luck at the casino noticed the incident. “Isn’t that Aki Hoshino? What are they raising a fuss about?” The man had spotted the woman who turned out to be Hoshino, arguing with some staff at the casino entrance.
“It was shortly after noon, at one of those casinos on the main street. She was obviously looking like a celebrity wearing a sexy, low-cut dress, and she was with someone who appeared to be her manager. All the other Japanese tourists with me recognized her. But for some reason, she was being denied entry into the casino. I think that’s what the argument was about.”
The man who saw the entire incident described how extremely frustrated she was. She even grabbed one of the Japanese tourists – probably because she thought that she was getting nowhere with the casino staff – and pleaded, “You know who I am, right? Can you please tell them?”
According to another tourist, “Because of the way she was dressed, it appeared that the casino staff decided she was a prostitute. We all thought that was the reason.”
While hookers have always been a common sight at Macau casinos, the authorities are now monitoring them more closely. So did the staff think Hoshino, 32, was a hooker?
Her agency explained that wasn’t the case. “She was mistaken for a minor because she looks younger than her age. She didn’t have her passport as she was on location... As far as we know, she wasn’t there to gamble but just needed to use the restroom in the casino.”
Perhaps that explains her desperation to get inside.
© Japan Today
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Maybe the article could include her real age?
Moderator: It does.
yeah really! almost all japanese articles include ages of people like theres no tomorrow. but when theres actually a reason to include it, its left out...
Hrm. What reasons do Japanese visit Macau for these days? I'm sure gambling is part of her reason for being there. And you don't get into a casino in a hurry anywhere... If you were busting for the loo, you'd go elsewhere. Though that said, I don't know what facilities in Macau are like in general.
I have a hard time believing a 32-year old would be mistaken for a minor. That's a stretch.
Nice looking hooker though. Where was her pasport? I would have helped her.
Haha. So she's not as famous as her ego thought!! but on a serious note, who is she??
Oh, are you sure about that? I'm 35 and I still get ID'd at casinos, clubs, and such (by the way, the legal age here in Canada is 19). My uncle got ID'd until well into his 40's! So, I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss the possibility.
Sometimes I get ID'd by people who are younger than me!
This was probably a staged incident. Aki Hoshino is good with fake things, and she needs to keep up the publicity blitz to rake in the dough for the people who made her career.
After she ages a few more years, she needs to find a "sister" to form a tag team act like the Kano sisters, or get into more erotic stuff like Aya Sugimoto and Hitomi Kuroki.
Go for it, Aki!
Guards like to hassle women with large breasts. Any excuse is fine. And the "you look like a minor" excuse is a winner because its also a compliment. And they always hope for the possiblilty of a strip search!
I don't really believe that ... I think she was taken for a prostitute but her agency is ashamed to admit it. Why would they go into arguing that much only to go to the restroom? To me, it's all image control. No, she doesn't gamble, no, she doesn't dress like a prostitute ...
It's difficult to feel sorry for a Japanese national being denied access in a foreign country because she doesn't have an ID, when every foreigner in Japan is required by law to constantly carry an ID.
Dressed like a hooker fits her exactly. There is now way the Macao employees would assume she is under-age; Chinese women look no different from Japanese ones.
Another Chinese in China, who can tell?
haha. a minor won't dress like that.
Actually she does gamble. Sports betting is gambling. Remember she kept her promise when her horse got in the top 3.
Aki...just one squeeze please.....
If she's a minor, I guess that makes me a...
In a way she is. Like many others selling garbage on tv and endorsing stupid events. Disregarding personal dignity and integrity...Just grabbing the hips...and shoving in as much as they can. I cant believe that "people" like that even have a voice.
culture shock! how women dress in japan might not be considered acceptable elsewhere
You live a sheltered life. There was a sixth grader at my old school who looked older and dressed like that. I saw her less than a year after graduation in high heels and dressed down even more and walking slow with one hand on her back like she had some serious tension there. But of course, you would not have been sure she was a minor until someone told you.
Japan 1 -- Elsewhere 0
All the hookers in Macau are really good looking. They dont really dress like a hooker though. Hoshino fits right in with her outfit.
Aki may be rich and famous, but she's not that rich and famous. It's common sense to carry some form of I.D., maybe in her purse or something, that shows her age whether she's on location or not. Yet we're talking about a vacuous thing here.
Like Mark McCracken, feel no sympathy for her in this case.
i dunno... my impression of japanese ladies fashion is that for every time i see a girl dressed to the nines and looking fantastic, i'll see a girl wearing a long-sleeve t-shirt under a sackcloth/skirt with LEGGINGS/jeans tucked into boots/other ridiculous fashion disaster
I am putting my $$$ on her that the casino folks thought she was a hooker, haha ha
jonnyboy, for every girl like either of those, I get an eyeful of panties, and enough cleavage to make my 6 month-old daughter think it's happy hour. Japanese university girls dress like Aki Hoshino, and I've got nothing to complain about. Then again, it's the same back in my hometown, Montreal, just with longer legs and bigger... happy hours.
She does indeed look like a teenager in this photo. How many 32-year-olds can claim to have been mistaken for a minor?
Den Den
What a bummer if you go to a casino, spend lots of money, and all the 'fun girls' are over 32!
I'm older than that and regularly get pegged for 18-20.
Why does the title say she was mistaken for minor, believing her agent's explanation? She is 32!! Come on... An expensive hooker is still a hooker.
Tommy of Heavel6 =34. This has also happened with "W/ AIbon". I do believe thier story. She does look young! I would ask for two forms of idea before even talking to her.
Where I live a person can get a ticket for not having any I.D. on them, and you don't want to have to pay one of those. I.D. is so easy to carry, even a passport. I'm sure she had a small purse with her, especially for the purpose of carrying her cell phone. Yeah, I'm not buying the underage thing, either. They thought she was a ho.
Well she is a minor celebrity, so they weren't far off the mark.
Yes, some people can get mistaken for a teenager, but judging from the photo above, I would say she is NOT one of those. She can't even pass for 20's. Certain Japanese 'ladies' need to realize that just because it's normal in Japan to dress in something that looks like a negligee, or wear high heel shoes and miniskirts in the morning or slap on the make-up shibuya style, does not mean you can do it in other countries and not get people call you a slapper.
It may be the same in Macau, but in neighbouring HK it is an offence to not carry any ID, and that goes for everyone, gaijins or locals. Yes, when I say gaijin, that includes Japanese, though Hoshino thinks she may be above the rest of everyone else.
Yes, I'd buy the 'hooker' excuse.
I regularly get carded when buying booze in NZ. Makes my day :-)
the title is deceiving. reading the article, the title should read "Aki Hoshino mistaken for hooker at Macau casino". the manager explanation is funny: she didn't have a passport with her, 32 y old bikini idol looks like a minor, she just needed to use the toilet of the casino
Wow, interesting. I guess "tarento" isn't paying as much as it used to, in these grim times. I wonder what her hourly rate is? Nah...I couldnt even afford a minute, who am I kidding!
This is exactly what happened not long ago. A girl/young woman was arrested because she didn't quite look a 100% wajin, and didn't respond to the cop when he asked her for ID. If I remember correctly, she was either mentally handicapped or had some other problems. I don't think her mother was too pleased with the way she was handled. At least she wasn't accused of being a Taliban.
I agree with the hooker scenario. I believe the agent is trying to cover-up the story by putting their version out first.
Ah, the old "I am only in the casino because I needed to use the restroom" trick!!!
Dennis Bauer
Maybe they thought she looked like an underaged hooker?
Maybe the casino was doing the equivalent of "Dame gaijin" and barring entry to Japanese?
Ha ha ha. But I doubt whether Macau is as xenophobic as Japan.
couldn't she use restroom in McDonald's near by?
Well, I don't know...if I need to go to the bathroom, I need to go and fast. I would never be able to fight with someone and waste precious time. What a lame excuse!
It appears that everyone pretty well understands the nature of the Japanese and the veracity of the media.
I think she is still very cute and hot. I would escorted her to my hotel room and let her use my toilet, and shower, and changing room, and robe and towel. This whole story sounds weird. In China and not holding your ID on you? Tisk Tisk...that is how you land in jail. And, if she was on location, where were all her camera men and women and other staff? They could have formed a ring facing backwards and let her pee in the middle.
If she's "on location", wouldn't the production company have alrady made arrangements for restroom facilities? Either with a nearby establishment or at LEAST portable facilities.
As far as for not having her passport, that's what the assistants' jobs are for... to hang on to the personal gear that isn't to be on-camera.
Classic JT thread of ignorance and speculation.
I saw an ad recently in Tokyo Gaimusho (Foreign Ministry), where Aki Hoshino was telling people not to forget to have their Passports with them, when traveling in foreign countries. Seems she does not follow what she wants to teach to others.