“The disabled too have sexual desire. Well, of course they do, it goes without saying, and yet most care facilities ignore the fact.”
One that doesn’t is a Niigata-based organization called White Hands. “It’s very businesslike,” writes investigative journalist Kaori Kawai in Shukan Post (Aug 20-27). “A young woman slips on a pair of disposable gloves. She removes the man’s trousers and underwear and covers him with a bath towel. She dips a cloth in warm water and rubs him down. She slips a condom on him. The woman does not remove her clothes, engages in no superfluous sexual contact, uses no erotic DVDs or books. The entire procedure lasts 5 to 10 minutes on average.”
White Hands was established in 2008. As of June 30, it had 155 clients scattered all over the country. Some 80% of them are men suffering from cerebral palsy – either singles who due to paralysis cannot masturbate, or married and unable, for the same reason, to engage in sex without assistance.
Kawai introduces us to one regular client. Akio Sudo, 54, lives in Joetsu, Niigata Prefecture. The youngest of eight children, he never went to school; his father went bear-hunting with the disabled child strapped to his back. He was 20 when his father died. He went to live in an institution, vowing to get out of it someday and live independently. It took him 20 years to develop the skills and confidence, but he did it.
Being in a wheelchair hardly seemed to confine him. He made frequent train trips on his own from Joetsu to Tokyo for the sexual services there. This was before the age of barrier-free convenience. If his wheelchair got stuck or upended, observing how people reacted became part of the fun. With an attitude like that, you can go far.
But his disease progressed, his paralysis worsened. So he turned to the Internet and discovered White Hands. The charge: 3,500 yen for 15 minutes, 5,500 yen for 30 minutes, 9,500 yen for an hour – plus transportation.
“Sex, like eating, sleeping or excreting, is a basic bodily function,” says Shingo Sakatsume, White Hands’ 29-year-old director and founder. He works out of an office in his mother’s house. A graduate of Tokyo University’s literature faculty, he had little love for academics and less for the business world. As a student he had done his share of enjoying paid sexual services.
He always wondered, he tells Kawai, why both clients and service providers seemed to feel guilty about what they were doing. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to do with his life, but thought it might have something to do with “making the ero-entertainment industry more wholesome.” He seems to have taken a big step in that direction.
© Japan Today
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Can you imagine the reaction to this in a job interview?
A) "What did you do for the last five years?"
B) "I gave blow-jobs to retards."
A) "When can you start?"
This is actually quite a common practice throughout Asia, whereas, in western cultures the handicapped are kept too busy to think about it and their sexual desires are discouraged.kyushujoe
Got it. Thank you.
Some posters were asking if the service was available to disabled women. I was just trying to answer them, is all. As I said, as a woman I'm not interested in paying for this kind of service - but if there's a market for it, who am I to say it shouldn't be provided?
Yes. But again, Cleo, what are you saying? Are you for or against? Sympathetic or not? What are you saying?
kyushujoe - Simply pointing out that men and women have different expectations from sex, and that for the most part a woman's expectations cannot be met by paying for a service. If there was a corresponding service offered by men for women, it would probably go bankrupt pretty quickly. In any case this company does not offer any such service.
Interesting point about the needs of gay men with disabilities. The company's website doesn't actually mention whether it caters to gays, but I suppose the 'wants and desires' of disabled gays are just as strong as the 'wants and desires' of straight people with disabilities.
@ Cleo
I honestly don't get you point. If they weren't all male, would that make it all right? If some of them were gay, and wanted to be "entertained" by men, would that make a difference? If there was a corresponding service offered by men for women, would that be okay? What are you saying?
bubzabub - Probably.
kyushujoe -
They're also exclusively male.
Yes, nice for you. but the customers here aren't "pretty typical", are they? They're handicapped, deformed and , dare I say it, repulsive to your "pretty typical" person. All the luck in the world to this company.
"speaking as a pretty typical woman I think if the only way I could get it was to pay a stranger, I'd rather do without, thank you."
Interesting...is that why there appears to be no market?
Disabled people are STILL people ... with the same wants and desires as everyone else - but often far fewer opportunities to satisfy those desires.
Only the most mean-spirited hard-hearted self-righteous sadistic puritan would complain about this service. I'm sure it's not "perfect" ... but it's going to be a LOT better than nothing.
I am sure that the women or even men providing these services for the people with special needs are not grumpy and annoyed as some you here. Eventhough this aspect does not concern my life directly but looking at the people around me, I am able to appreciate that atleast for money somebody is providing a service. Whetehr they like it or not, there is staff to take up the position for the money. If it is hard to understand this, then try thinking about those 1000 men whp paid a few thousands to see a woman in bondage, tied artistically by an artist known for this. You decide, if that ws greed, lust or a need and whether the woman enjoyed the thing seriously or was it for money she did it.
During a period of financial crisis, it's good to increase job facilities.
"I'd like to see you make that claim to all the proper massage therapists, injury rehabilitation specialists and acupuncturists out there."
Jason6, I dont think you can compare these girls to the people who are mentioned above. There is absolutely NOTHING to suggest these girls are anything other than random people off the street. They are certainly not trained sexual therapists etc (From what I have read at least, please feel to correct me If Im wrong.) We do not know they are not "some thai girl lied to about a job in Japan" and they are not volunteering - they are being paid fairly well for this. You certainly have to consider the option that these girls are sex workers, being drafted into the homes of disabled to provide this service.
Zenny11 mentioned that they do "other standard work of day-nurses/helper, etc too." - could I ask where you found this out? I have been googling this issue a bit, and have never found anything out about the girls who are providing this service, except that they are contractual workers, pretty much there for the 15 minutes- an hour, who leave after. Nothing to suggest they are their regular carers who do a HJ on the side.
As someone else mentioned - If this was a legitimate healthcare concern, why is it not covered by insurance? Or provided for free by the government?
Jason6 well said and thanks for responding for me. If the service personnel volunteer for the job they are there at their own discretion. They are not some Thai girl lied to in Bangkok about a job in Japan.
Are you claiming that physical gratification hurts people? Maybe more generally, degrades them in some way? I'd like to see you make that claim to all the proper massage therapists, injury rehabilitation specialists and acupuncturists out there. Just because it is sex doesn't mean that there is a winner and loser. What a puritanical and small view of the world you have.
Anyways, in the future, it is %100 assured that sex-bots will exist and they will be demonized by people who want to boss others around.
I can't believe I didn't see this article. Uhm ok... equal prostitution eh? I didn't see this one coming.
mikehuntez: just the woman having to perform the sexual service.
Good Idea and I hope some disabled people are enjoying the service. This service doesn't hurt anyone.
People make this service look likevvas if it is ONLY the HJ that is provided.
Those girls to all the other standard work of day-nurses/helper, etc too.
Very shrewd businessman. Having the disabled people think its a medical treatment saving them from guilt and having the nurses think they are not just out there wanking guys off but performing a valuable service also saving them from guilt. This Shingo Sakatsume is laughing all the way to the bank. Dont personally have a prob with it but please lets call a spade a spade.
corinnajune hugs to you for letting people know that everyone is the same. If people care to find out, you are more gifted than many of us. With everthing working in the optimal way, some of us cannot even do half of what you can do. Leave alone, not training our hearts and minds to be sensitive to others. Give it for free? What a silly thing to say. How do you pay the salaries and maintain the offices? The same people who cry out 'they are paying out of the tax I am paying?'
Whatever. They have such 'services' for regular folk ('health salons', soap lands, etc.), so why not for the disabled? although it seems pretty exclusive to men. The only thing is, if they are really concerned about the disabled and are claiming to offer society something it needs, why not include it in the health plan, or 'give it out' for free? :)
It's just prostitution, really.
Yeah corinnajune...I concur. It's a SERVICE that was obviously deemed necessary by those who use it and will use it. If the money is right, I don't think this young entrepreneur will have any problem finding employees and/or clients.
@jkanda- the story about your friend's daughter just made me very, very sad. i truly hope she found a community of disabled people out there somewhere and learned that "limitations" or not, there is no reason why she can't date.
this service is a necessary one, and not just for men. and it actually happens in more places than you think. people don't like to talk/hear about it, but for many caretakers things like masturbatory assistance are part of the job.
also, there are many different versions of 'disability'. the people on this thread who think this is exploitation of disabled people must think that 'disabled' always means developmentally delayed. fyi, not everyone with a disability is mentally challenged. i myself am a fairly intelligent congenital amputee who got a perfect 4.0 gpa in college. i'm married to a man with cerebral palsy who has 3 degrees, including a masters.
there are variations and levels and thousands of different combinations of factors that can make a person 'disabled'- some can live completely independently, some need a full time home health aide. for some there are just a few extra things we may need a bit of help with.
but we are all real, complete human beings. we have lives, and dreams, and goals, and loves, and friends. we laugh, we cry, we get angry, we go out partying with friends. we are JUST LIKE YOU.
It looks like only in Japan would there be people who exploits the disable to make a quick buck. Something is wrong with this picture.
Shufu,the urge is something that you cannot do anything about. From what i have seen around me, there is very little tht you can do once the problem starts. Keeping the concerned away from such things can help to a certain extent but anything and anytime, the problem will start. In Yoga, there are some techniques they use to supress the urge. But I am not sure how effective it is and if it does work for everyone.
I remember a friend's 16 year old polio affected daughter. The girl was only able to crawl around the house. At 16, she wanted to have a boyfriend, just like the other girls her age. She could not understand that she was physically different from the others. The mother had to go through long episodes of trying to make her understand her limitations.
Well... these people have needs. If the girls aren't forced to do it... and can get paid. I see no problem in it whatsoever. Actually... There should be more companies like this.
This is a lot like "sugar"--perhaps a poor metaphor but it will do. The disabled get their rocks off (hey, but what about the women???--or is that just too difficult to do), but after the 15 minutes of this "clinical" activity, it's bye-bye time. I can't see, unless you are not human, how this would NOT leave a bad taste in one's mouth. No pun here. Really, what the disabled are looking for is for love, not just an "activity" which they have to pay for. What would be better is a matching dating site that allows disabled to get together and to have real human and close and loving relationships. Why this is not done speaks volumes about Japanese society. Perhaps, all societies. I don't want to discriminate here. Anyhow, there is a lot of this (loving relationships) missing in this society. I heard of one Hiroshima shrine that had men donate (they jumped at the opportunity) to have sex with women who were sex starved from their husbands or from whatever reason. The women made a donation to the shrine, so it was not prostitution. But you get the point.
Dude is pimpin out hoes from the basement of his moms house..
I agree.. or another scenario is she figures she'll get her pay at a later date, with marriage or just being seen with the guy (who carries around a guitar, has an earring, dreadlocks, ponytail, nice car etc.).
Metintokyo, I was referring to mental problems with that statement, NOT the physically disabled. There was a link to the article which has now been deleted. For example ... I have a younger brother who has severe learning difficulties and autism plus a variety of physical ailments. He is now in his mid twenties, and cared for exclusively by my aging parents. He has never had a girlfriend, and has never openly discussed feelings of sexual desire with us, although I dont doubt that he feels it. My parents opinion, and mine too actually, is that it is better to keep him away from that side of the human experience, just because we suspect he could not "handle" it. His highly addictive personality (and other personality traits common of many sufferers of his condition) means that he would never be able to stop once he had started, and we dont know if he would be able to process the difference between consensual and non-consensual sexual relations. That is perhaps the best way I could actually describe why I feel this way, although I understand you will all jump on me screaming "not ALL people with mental difficulties are the same." And I agree, they are not.
Proudnippon - hardly. As i said, I was NOT referring to the physically disabled, but to those with mental illnesses or problems with that comment.
Sakurala - see above. I have had more experience dealing with someone with mental and physical disabilities than most of you, I would imagine. Please dont judge everyone by their screen names. Not all "shyuufus" sit at home all day eating chocolate.
Limboinjapan - I don't think that because someone sees a problem with this kind of service it makes them a prude. And not all girls are like the girls in you bars.
If it weren't for the money I wouldn't translate reams and reams of Japanese into English, either. But they pay me well, so I do it. Am I being exploited?
Googling White Hands brings up the website - http://www.whitehands.jp/menu.html
Apparently they have a pregnancy assistance programme: the helper comes round and helps the married couple do what it takes to get pregnant. The service is only for married couples where either one or both partners are disabled, and the woman must be of child-bearing age.
“Sex, like eating, sleeping or excreting, is a basic bodily function,” - but only for men. If you're an unmarried disabled couple, this service isn't going to help you unless you're having sex for the sake of getting pregnant. There doesn't seem to be any service offering disabled women (single or otherwise) with their basic bodily functions, but speaking as a pretty typical woman I think if the only way I could get it was to pay a stranger, I'd rather do without, thank you.
"this is exploitation of woman for money, I'm very sure the woman does not want to perform such a duty and is only forced to do it for money."
This isn't a business it is hookers, sex and money, no matter how your try to dress this up this is exploitation of woman for money, I'm very sure the woman does not want to perform such a duty and is only forced to do it for money.
I got a different answer on why it is called white hands....but...you know.....
Probably from this:
"A young woman slips on a pair of disposable gloves."
Well said.
I find it hilarious to read the self righteous prudes talking about morality and whether it is a NEED or just a desire.
Lets face it, need or just a desire these people have them like everyone else but they don't have the luxury of being able to go out and pay for it like most others do!
And yes I did say pay for it like the rest do!
I don't get to go out much as a single parent but when I do go out I tend to stick to one or 2 places that I know and I know friends will be around.
I also know by sight many of the regulars and it works this way:
Girl standing there, boy comes up girl get "free" drink guy get checked out girl move on to another "free" drink by better looking and paying guy, later they leave together.
Next week the same girl different guy and last weeks guy buying drinks and more for a new girl.
Yes no exact cash changed hands but not much difference in my book; He paid for her needs that night and she services his needs later that same night.
This is just more direct and less chance of these people being rolled!
Lest face it if a guy in a wheelchair with CP came on to one of these girls in a bar and she doesn't blow him off imidiatly she would milk him for a few hours then leave with another guy.
Just like I watch them do with the newby nerds and otakus!
Welcome again to reality guys who think they "picked up" a girl are living a fantasy the girl let him "pick her up" after he paid for enough to make her feel it is OK.
9,500Y for an hour? That's for, er, ahem, digital assistance, right? Wouldn't the 'helper's' wrist get sore? I mean, who goes for an hour.
White Hands? Where'd the name come from?
Yes, probably not, probably not.
Is this legal ???? Can foreigners join ? Do they have anything for women ?
maninjapan, I wasn't aware of the definition of prostitution. That explains a lot.
Sorry just don't see the correlation between disabled people getting some sexual pleasure, and your assertion that this will make them rapists.
There is another risk you didn't mention but is closer to what you may be fearing.... the risk that a man, might enjoy himself.. especially with sex and a very attractive woman. As far as the "caregiver" you might approve of it if the disabled man had to wear a cover over his head and the woman caregiver was over 50 and at least 200 lbs. I guess then, in the sprit of generosity you would grudgingly put your stamp of approval on the thing.
Shufu your name says it all. If you have ever worked, volunteered or even been around a disabled person you would know that they live in the same environment as us, exposed to the same stimuli as us. Having a sexual encounter will not throw a switch in them anymore than a teenager. And if they wanted more I'm sure they could request the service again rather. You should volunteer with people with disabilities before judging.
by far the worst comment I have read on here for a long time. shame on you.
herefornow, yeah I was being sarcastic.. I have to humor myself sometimes to make it through this world (visiting prostitutes helps also)!
maninjapan yeah I agree... someone posted a link before me and I was commenting on the link, and now my post looks very random and out of context because that comment was deleted ... the link was referring to mentally disabled peoples sex services in the UK.
Sorry about that ... all a bit random :)
shufu, while your point may be valid in relation to mental disabilities, It looks like this service is dealing mainly with the physically disabled.
As for the girls, though I believe you have a point. Makes a very good argument for this to be regulated. Although with all the shady operators in the more legitimate fields of health and related services I wouldnt hold out too much hope for that.
In regards to medication..... possibly in more extreme cases of mental disabilities, but medical castration is a pretty extreme measure.... why not through in a few sessions of electro shock therapy or a labotomy for good measure.
@ Mr Dog, intended pun with the 'Yankees' call there??
These kinds of "services" are particularly dangerous for the mentally disabled, even those who are mildly affected, and open to all kinds of abuse.
It has been proven that once you "open" the sexual urge for young men with mental disabilities, its often very difficult to control it again. IMO Abstinence is best in these cases. Im sure you will all disagree with me though. I would rather see a guy go without a sex life than a guy end up raping someone due to having his urges met previously, and being frustrated they couldn't be again.
On a different note ... who are these girls providing these services (in the story above)? Are they carers? Or just random girls off the street? I guess no one seems to have mentioned that there is a kind of security risk with sending girls into disabled peoples homes to do sexual acts, for example, what If she decided to dip into the rainy day fund while she was there?
And is there not some kind of medication a man can take to help control sexual urges? Why is prostitution being looked into as an option above this?
MrDog, lol about your ER/CSI version of this.
Frankly, I had similar thoughts to your previous posts when I first read the article.
That statement took the cake. Meanwhile not much is being done about more serious matters.
I have no proof, but 1 HOUR for a HJ!?!?!
What else are they doing??Talking about the Yankees?
Wakarimasen, and all the others that dont have the minimum functioning capability to do a little legwork........
the Anti-Prostitution Law of 1956 states that "No person may either do prostitution or become the customer of it,"
So what is classed as prostitution in Japan?
Japanese law defines prostitution as "intercourse with an unspecified person in exchange for payment,"
Therefore, providing the service is exactly what is printed here it is not, repeat, NOT, prositution and fully legal. Case closed........
Timtak - you have opened my eyes to all sorts of daily interactions that i just didn't realise weere possible candidates for prostitution.
i don't see anywhere in the article that it says this is legal or has been sanctioned by the keystones.
xxxx, You're very observant.
What's with this born again crap as if it gives instant entitlement. Okay the founder of the business is making money, the women are making money (of course they should be making tea in offices instead for a pittance) and there are at least a few disabled men in Japan with a smile on their face.
This is excellent. HJ service is risk free re disease and it's a practical need for disabled people. This is an example of why Japan is a great country. In America, where I am from, the puritans would make it illegal.
People with disabilities should have the right to choose to have as free and dignified a life as anyone else as they please. If that requires a guide dog so that they can eat out at their favourite restaurant fine, If it requires assistance in satisfying their sexual needs then that is just as fine. How can it not be?? Its not as if they have a lot of other choices to satisfy themselves either. Mr Dog, providing the service is carried out the way it is written here (and for the prices he charges, its pretty obvious the girls arent doing much more than what is exactly written here) If that's the service I recieved at a delihel I'd be asking for my money back. There are regular delihel that accept disabled customers. However in regards to this particular story, this guy ONLY services disabled customers. If it is just a front for a regular delihel service, then that changes things, but you have no proof that it is anything but that. For all you who make out disabled people who use these services to be nothing more than depraved, sinful, sex addicts how about you do what was suggested earlier and spend a little time with these people, who knows, you might just learn a little something.......
If it's just a HJ and the service provider doesn't get undressed etc, what;s the point? surely plenty of normal online hookers would do this for the money. where's the service provided to handicapped women?tokyokawasaki
I personally feel it is unfair for disabled people have to miss out on otherwise normal 'private' encounters. Government or private sector initiatives to support disabled people (help with their sexual frustration) is in my opinion very worthy.
I have no problems with prostitution. What I have problems with, is putting ribbons and bows on it and trying to make it look "respectable". Why didn't he just say, "we're a delihel who accepts disabled customers"?
You don't die because you don't/can't have sex. I've never heard of it anyway. Or did I miss the episode of ER or CSI with the scene:
"What was it, doc?"
"Oh, natural causes. He didn't get any."
"MY GOD! That's the 3rd one this week!"
I can see this place getting shut down, and soon, I hope. He's running it out of his mothers house for Christs sake, he can't be making all that much.
I am apalled too vulcan at the lack of your knowledge on the subject of the human anatomy. And by the way, for those of you saying that someone hired to do this is a prostitute - so you think that is the family member of the disabled that should do this? Please do some volunteer work and find out about the limitations in the life of these people. You might start appreciating your life more.
That should be "preying", not "praying". And sure this guy's making money, but that's capitalism for you.
I did a quick google for definitions of prostititon and they're so broad that they could cover anything. It seems that the lunatic fringe here would like to define prostitution as everything from vaginal sex to massages... while the more liberated amongst us don't actually care provided that it's between consenting adults and there are adequate health standards to prevent the spread of STDs.
Not only can't you spell, but you also don't know your bible very well. Jesus consorted with prostitutes and never had a bad word to say about them. He certainly didn't say "Arrest them!", in fact he was very sympathetic and argued that prostitutes should be treated like normal people, with dignity.
I'm sorry, but if this isn't prostitution, and they're doing it as a service, then why:
An hour-long HJ???
Owned by a guy who by his own admission:
So, since he has done his share of enjoying paid sexual services, he decided to make one himself.
Translated as = thinking up a good front for his prostitution business and praying on the disabled, while taking a moral highground claiming that he's doing a "service".
vulcan -- I might half believe your claim to being born again if you took the time to spell Christian with a capital "C". But born again or not, your post makes me lol, since I assume you are being sarcastic.
needs of disabled .....so, is it covered by health insurance??
yasukuni: you said a lot and yet you didn't say anything. Point?
I think that J-society needs a lot of help, not only the disabled. And if possible, on a voluntary basis. But then it has to be well structured/organized otherwise it'll be chaos. I just find the whole situation and frame of mind ironic.
Massage with a happy ending.
It should be outlawed and IS prostitution. No mercy! There are no victims in this business just winners and consenting adults but it doesn't matter. I am born again christian and am appauled by this! Arrest them!
For those of you who say this is clearly "prostitution", do you feel the same way about sex therapists -- who work with clients in many countries to overcome their sexual performance issues? They are both performing sexual acts in return for money in order to satisfy a sexual need from their client/patient. Is a rich guy who can afford a "therapist" entitled to sexual assistance but a disabled person isn't?
Presto. Yeah I see what you mean. I was just going with the definition of prostitution.
Yasukuni writes:"Okay, first, it obviously is a form a prostitution."
You can call it what you want. I would call it SGPC [sexual gratification for the physically challenged.
The big difference between this group and healthy individuals who are celibate is that the former have no choice in the matter.
Great service! Everyone has needs, men and women! Women just pretend that they don't. I worked with adults with developmental and physical disabilities and their needs are like everyone elses if not even more intense. I would hate to be in a position that my sexual needs were impossible to fulfill even though there are services for able-bodied people. Also this service sounds more like a medical service than exotic which is very respectful and clean. I wish them luck!
Okay, first, it obviously is a form a prostitution. But obviously not everyone feels prostitution is weird, unwholesome or morally wrong.
Second, sex is not JUST a basic bodily function, otherwise we would have to change a lot of our laws and social norms. Think about it.
Shufu, as for being a NEED, you are right on one level in that without it people won't die. Having said that...a lot more women can go without it - for years or decades and wonder what the fuss is all about.
Men can do without it in theory. But in practice, they feel and think that they do. In fact they feel like they'll die without it. And some would rather go without food for three days than without sex for the same time.
I remember once a debate at a university about prostitution and a man in a wheelchair asked whether prostitution could be allowed for the disabled. (The debate was about the legalization of prostitution in that jurisdiction). The man was obviously, hoping for a change in the law, for his sake. The female professor had such a look of disgust on her face, and talked about exploitation, and then went on a rant about the fact that it's simply not true that men have to have sex.
Now she was an old overweight, ugly as sin feminist, who had joined some religious order and decided to be single and celibate and devote her life to academia and social causes. Probably most men in the room thought "what would SHE know about men and what they want or need!" (No offense meant to overweight feminists or religious people).
For many people, the idea that disabled people have sexual feelings is distasteful in itself and not something they want to think about. And some women have NO idea about male sexuality.
On the other hand, Frungy, there is obviously more than a "little" difference between genital "cleaning" and genital stimulation to orgasm.
This may be a nice job, and it may be caring etc. But, in the end, I wouldn't want my daughter doing it.
Shufu and Alladin - I think you may have skipped my post earlier, but this sort of service isn't just handjobs, it's also assisting married couples to engage in sex. Yes, MARRIED couples who need help having sex. No prostitution, just part of their lives that they can't do on their own, like going to the toilet. No prostition involved, just a helping hand.
I'd recommend that you volunteer for a few months as a care worker for the seriously disabled and then come back and re-evaluate your position. You might find the world is a very different place than you imagined.
shufu and alladin, Sex is one of the most basic needs of human.
Just because many don't have it that doesn't mean they don't have the urge. Why do you think there's so many of us?
God bless this service and all other services for the disabled.
She is wrong. Marriage could be a form of prostitution, but in most cases it is not. It is the bonding of two individuals to share life for better or worse, etc. and respect each others' needs, wishes and hopes.
Offering relief to those who have no way to bond with a partner in marriage or otherwise, without engaging in actual coitus, in my book is no sin and condonable.
Where does prostitution begin? There are lots of shades.
Is a smile of a shop assistant, or falsetto and bow of an elevator girl, or behaviour of a maid cafe' waitress prostitution?
Or the ”here is your change” touch prostitution? (convenience store assistants are taught to hold the bottom of your hand as they pass you your change)
Are, the hand touching, or knee touching, or breast touching bars prostitution? Which of them? All of them? Should they all be illegal?
Is manual massage, or oral masage, of sex organs prostitution? (I believe that under Japanese law these are legal as massage. Please correct me if I am wrong.)
As far as I am aware, coitus (I let you define it) for money is prostitution in Japan, and forbidden by law.
I guess it is illegal partly because it can result in more diseases (AIDS, for instances), and in caregiver-less children.
The Japanese legal system, afaik, allows all but coitus. Only coitus is prostitution. (But Of course, there are establishments that break the law).
But, it is very probably that some Japanese "massage" is considered the selling of sex, and thus "prostitution" from the point of those from other countries.
William Clinton was considered to be a liar for claiming that he "did not have sex with that woman" when he had a form of Japanese legal "massage."
The (eighteen year old) authoress of "Bonjour Tristesse" opines that marriage is a form of prostitution. Is she wrong?
If she is not wrong should only one form of prostitution -- marriage -- be legal, even for those, disabled, that are unlikely to be able to partake in that system?
Japan has got its priorities, well...strangely sorted, I think. This site news is proof that there are many more serious problems that need fixing/help than the sexual needs of these men(they're all men right).
So I think that if Sakatsume really wants to help them, the service should be free. Of course that won't happen.
I think you are mixing way too many things here to suit your ideas and principles.
Singles or people in sexless marriages don't go sexless.
I am single again after my wife died, sexless I am not even though I don't have a steady partner.
But Thon ... what about those who are single who go without? Or those in sexless marriages? They generally DO just "go without" and dont go around hiring people to do sex acts ...
I just find it hard to draw the line of where to stop if we allow this, thats all ...
Totally in favor of this service, and shame on those of you who think that the disabled should just go without. There but for the grace of God go we all, no?
Im sorry, and Im not intending to start a fight over this, but in my opinion this is prostitution under the guise of something "good."
I am always supportive of the rights of disabled people, but what about the thousands of Filipina, Thai and Chinese women being trafficked over to Japan to perform these kinds sex trade jobs? How can we overlook these people so that a couple of hundred can get their sex kicks, and then decide its "okay" because they are disabled and its not their fault ?
I really dont believe sex is a human "need" - a wonderful benefit, yes, but "NEED" , NO. I dont doubt for a minute these women working for this company do go further than "washing" with some of these men. And I certainly don't believe all the customers of this company are disabled.
I think you have to make a choice to legalize prostitution or not. "White hands" are not a government based support group for those who are disabled and want/miss sexual gratification. They are Pimps.
Of course not TO ANYONE. It's not a sex supermarket. It's provided by people willing to those who have no other means to find gratification because of a serious physical handicap which is clearly defined and visible.
shufu, I assume you are female. It is a basic need for men. In fact, if people can't do it themselves their body will get rid of it from time to time when they sleep. It's called a wet dream. Why does it happen? Because it is bad for the body if stored for too long.
9500 for an hour or more hmm...
I can hit a certain McD and can get a "Honma" for 4.000Yen.
Those guys "can't" and even if they ask they will be refused(stigma), it is already embarassing enough to have to ask a stranger to scratch the itch.
So such a service also gives them piece of mind knowing that they have someone to turn to with such an embarassing request.
Just my view.
I am totally in support of this. Though I do see what shufu is saying. Why should it be socially acceptable for a guy with cerebral palsy to pay 3,500 yen for a 15-minute hand job but not a guy with asthma, or a fellow suffering clinical depression? Or any perfectly healthy guy (or perhaps woman) for that matter? I'm not against this service at all, but I do think that in all fairness it should be available to anyone who is willing to pay for it.
As Dolhingirl said it is a human need.
But it is not just a physical need but also an emotional one. Also about other people caring enough to do such a service, etc.
shufu: Yes, sex is a basic human need. Maybe it's not up there with food, water and sleep but it is necessary. There is nothing wrong with what these people are doing. They are paying for a sexual service. No different from ordering a pizza, in my opinion. (Of course, assuming that those providing the service are adults doing so on their own free will).
Here is an example of what happened to a friend of mine.
Fellow MCC-Rider young, well-earning, pretty GF. One day on the way from home he gets T-boned by a Car. Wakes up in Hospital to be told, no movement below the waist.
Soon after he gets out, he notices his friends pop over less and GF spends more time out and about. In the end she left him and he said bugger that.
He was always a go getter and being tied to a wheelchair wasn't quitting time.
Found a new job, got a car designed for challenged people, took up sports you can do from a wheelchair.
Life pretty much was back on track, ecxept he had no-one to scratch the ol' itch with. Picking up girls was unsuccesful, he was laughed at by both the blokes and girls.
He got sorted in the end but it was a long and hard road. BTW, he is back riding Motorbikes after having one custom-fitted.
Seems fairly cheap... I wonder if non-disabled are allowed to use it???
It can happen to you too. All it takes is a car-accident, etc. And than what?
Im sorry for being "narrow minded" but in my opinion this is nothing more than legal prostitution. And "white hands?!? Who came up with that name?
Whatevers next? Hikikomoris not being able to have sex because of their mental condition and hiring these services? Or perhaps salaryman bob down the road works too hard and calls in these services instead... Its just too fine a line. "Disabilities" exist in many way, you cant say thats its okay for people with cerbral palsy and not for everyone else.
Care workers are there to care, not do hand jobs. I see a VERY direct difference.
To say sex is a bodily function like eating or drinking or pooping is absurd. It is NOT a basic bodily function at ALL - many people in Japan go years without engaging in in sexual activity with a spouse. In short I feel its awful because it is nothing more than prostitution - ie sexual services for money.
Wow, some real prudes posting here. This service is a God send to people who need it.
I had never thought about it before. I have now.
Wow. Some narrow-minded, childish posts here. Thats you shufu and alladin. Shame on you. I am with haole47 and Zenny (as always) in that if there is a service that provides a need for the disabled, I hope it works. Heck, I would even throw my change into a container at the conbini to support this service. The disabled are humans too and their needs are not met in conventional ways. I also applaud a 29 year old entrepreneur and i hope he does well for himself. No better way to get rich than by helping people. Good luck to all those involved.
I echo Fungy's comments which, thankfully, were expressed much more objectively and eloquently than those of several of the posters on either side of the issue. For me, I see it as a legitimate need being met in a professional manner. I am curious though - are there female clients and are their sexual needs being met or are the clients only men? Also, are the White Hand employees regarded as therapists and are they of both genders?
I totally agree here. Who are the pr+cks who decide that the disabled should not have any needs or fulfillment of a natural urge we all have? What is disgusting is exactly that kind of attitude and stupidity that denies others what we ourselves can have. Is it because the release is not done as in 'on top, in, out, off'? Gimme a break, NO, give these people a break - please.
It is a physical need. The posts here shows how many of you here are not familiar with the life of the disabled. Even though the individuals are physically handicapped, the hormones, the reproductive system etc function just like for any of us. Good on this peron to have recognised this need.
This is a legitimate and necessary service. I have some married friends in other countries who happen to be disabled and they employ similar professionals to help them to have sex. Manoevering to have sex when both partners are disabled is nearly impossible, and even when just one partner is disabled it can be difficult and really take the fun out of sex, so they employ helpers to assist them.
There's nothing unnatural or deviant about this. These are people who need others to change their underwear and give them baths, what's a little handjob compared to that?
I think the real problem here is that those commentators who disapprove are probably into eugenics and probably believe that disabled people shouldn't be allowed to live at all. You people disgust me.
Being imprisoned in a body that barely functions has got to be an agonizing experience. I wouldn't criticize anyone in that situation who has no hope of physical contact and seeks relief. How is that perverted?
This is a wonderful service that fulfills a basic human need!
What's up the all the "critics"??
I think it is a good thing and happy that such a service is available.
In my last job my company had hired a few wheel-chair bound people(singles and married).
They all managed to take care of their sexual needs and 2 of the married people also managed to have and raise some lovely kids.
This is a private company, alladin. Tax payers money? What the hell are you babbling about? And do you not have sexual needs? What right do you have to deprive the disabled of their needs? Read the article again and point out just what you think is "unwholesome."
alladin; The middle ages finished quite a while ago.
This is what I call a perverted country that allows such weird and unwholesome activity to take place. Organizations like this should not exist in the first place and the people that are running it should not be to permitted roam around in society. They should all be put behind bars for many many years. If you ask me, this is just another form of prostitution that is being overlooked with a lot of unwholesome acts taking place probably on tax payers money.
What was pathetic about it? The fact that he had to rent from Tsutaya? That he had to rent porn, period? Or that he was half-paralyzed, middle-aged, Japanese, and on crutches?
Why? Exploitation of whom? Isn't it also then exploitation to pay a care worker or home helper 800 or 900 yen an hour to go into the home of the same disabled individuals and cook and clean, or bathe and toilet their clients?
Or maybe you're talking about the price? I don't know what "deli-heru" services for the able-bodied cost, but these don't seem particularly exploitative, given that even above-board (i.e. no sexual services) massage services run 6,000 yen and up an hour.
Their website is a bit weird
I want to vomit ... It seems like such exploitation ..
There's a market for every need. God Bless Capitalism!
Kind of funny, though. Literary major, operates a hand job shop out of his mom's house.
but this:
What in the world are they talking about?
leonffs, there are many such services in most Eurpean countries.
Only in Japan.
The most pathetic thing I've seen in my life was a half-paralyzed middle aged Japanese guy on crutches coming out of the adult section of a Tsutaya carrying a stack of porn videos. He also had a breathing problem and made a snorting sound that attracted lots of attention...he dropped some of the videos (all porn with pics of high school girls on them) on the way to the register and had to be assisted by video store staff...creepy, yet sad...I guess here's the answer to his prayers...prostitution meets CSR...
Sorry,i think that is no love what a disable too is needing.