Japan is no longer what it used to be – namely the world’s second largest economy – thanks to China, which overtook it in 2010. Elsewhere too, China finds itself triumphant. Where else? On campus. In love.
Roughly 87,000 Chinese exchange students are enrolled in Japanese universities – nearly twice as many as 10 years ago. “Herbivorous male” is a term coined several years ago to describe young Japanese men’s approach to sex these days. It suggests timidity and indifference. The Chinese students are not herbivorous. They are carnivorous. The result, says Shukan Bunshun (Feb 2) is that the Chinese enjoy a rich campus sex life while the Japanese look on in mingled envy, resentment and bewilderment.
How do they do it? They hardly even speak the language. But they know the words they need, and they don’t take no for an answer. Take it from a Meiji University sophomore the magazine calls Sudo. There was a girl he loved from afar. He couldn’t bring himself to get closer. She was a year older, probably more sophisticated, and somehow intimidating. “I had the feeling it wouldn’t do to be aggressive,” he explains. A Chinese who spotted her knew no such scruples. “Really,” he would say to her in his broken Japanese, “you are so beautiful. I never met anyone so beautiful. Is your mother beautiful too?”
Poor Sudo! In less than a month, the girl and the exchange student were a couple, while he licked his wounds unnoticed on the sidelines.
It’s not just him, of course. Shukan Bunshun’s anecdotal evidence suggests a trend. Here’s the story of a girl named Chiemi, a boy named Yang, and another boy who used to be Chiemi’s boyfriend. They’re all Waseda University students. “Go out with me,” Yang urged Chiemi.” “But I already have a boyfriend,” she insisted. “But it’s better if you go out with me,” persisted Yang.
It didn’t matter where they were, or who was present. Not even Chiemi’s boyfriend put Yang off. “Go out with me,” he’d say over and over. The boyfriend grumbled about Yang’s bad manners, but otherwise seemed stymied. That didn’t escape Chiemi, who gradually found herself drawn to the Chinese boy. His boldness and persistence were attractive – so un-Japanese! He could cook, too. He’d whip up wonderful Chinese dishes, saying, “Whatever you want, I’ll make.” The Japanese boyfriend didn’t stand a chance. Yang was in, he was out.
“The lukewarm approach of Japan’s herbivorous men,” Shukan Bunshun hears from writer and erotic merchandise shop manager Minori Kitahara, “is just no match for the animal magnetism of the Chinese male.”
© Japan Today
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Alexander Fong
blame it on their anime,hentai,hentai games and sex toys!
Well, I witnessed this happening in my campus as well (close to 10 years ago). As a foreigner (was barely speaking the language, but I am tall, good looking, skinny and with something Latin in me :) ) I had no problems, while most Japanese students were gay looking, closed mouths weaklings who stood no chance... I guess the mother complex at it's finest is showing the first time when the boy is away from "okaachan"....
Indeed journalism at its very finest. A few anecdotes to support a gross generalization. Yeah, I hope you future journalists are taking notes. I expect the next in depth article to be called "Chinese Finding Out North Koreans Are Better Lovers."
Interesting...and yet I'm beginning to hear more and more about Chinese having similar tendencies as Americans in particular things in life...such as love. I agree persistance pays off. My J guy never got me because he was too afraid. Gotta strike while the iron is hot and stand up for yourself. Be honest about your motives and you'll never know what you might get.
Me love you long time baby.
Mothers use too much baby talk with their children way into adulthood. Must be the Japaliban factor.
I live in Europe many Japanese friends of mind all marry foreigners especially westerner, the western girls do feel a bit of a threat because one of my UK friends did complaint to me that all the good guys disappeared with the Japanese women,
Interesting because as a western women the line of thinking in my country is that only the loser western guys date Asian women - as unfair as that may seem. Hence Charisma man. They exist back home too. I have also never, ever heard a western women complain about western guys dating someone from another race/country. Western men on the other hand have openly made comments to me and my friends about dating non-whites. Plenty of comments black men "taking" white girls. At the end of the day, who cares who dates who? Just date/marry/love whoever makes you happy.
Sorry, both Anime series and manga.
Yes people, I also blame the Anime cartoon series for reinforcing this type of behavior on the young boys and men. >=( Just go for it and have no regrets in the end!
This is also pretty much the impression I get of Japanese male protagonists in recent Anime series. Stop being shy and fight for it until the end! Every freaken time the male character stutters or physically pushes away the hot lady that's about to kiss him or make love to him, I feel like yelling at the screen and knocking him over at his head.
Nowadays's love is not always secured for ever, no matter what nationalities, just enjoy with one you feel more comfortable even you with the one for a long time, so what nothing is forever, this girl is free to choose and to find out her other half who care it is a yang chinese not to be prejudice 21st century. I live in Europe many Japanese friends of mind all marry foreigners especially westerner, the western girls do feel a bit of a threat because one of my UK friends did complaint to me that all the good guys disappeared with the Japanese women, I told her off and said it was not their fault you could go out to find your man too it is a free world. This is my view....but the artical made it sound as a big deal anyone can achieve their ideal world...
What I find most interesting about this article is "There are 87,000 + Chinese exchange students in Japan, twice as many as 10 years ago, and as we worry about Japanese men and their pick up styles and success when chasing Japanese women, Japan has fallen to #2 spot in manufacturing and related business statistics, and those 87,000 students are picking up, and taken home, more than Japanese girls. The next big question should be, How many Japanese women are moving to China??????? I seriously doubt those Chinese boys are bringing their Japanese girlfriends home to Mother....
And, as I ride the trains in Tokyo, and look at those young Japanese girls - with their cell phones in one hand, and make up mirror in the other, I say, I stick with their mothers......
87,000 Exchange students......Japan government had better get their act together.....Nanking payback is coming fast....
I'm not sure if this a contest with "winners" , tmarie. I was just highlighting the innacuracy of a statement made by another poster that Japanese ladies are "not interested in Chinese men" - when the evidence and statistics are very clear that they are. Chinese spouses are the most common foreign-born spouses for Japanese men and women.
@ Anglootaku - Considering the foreign groom of choice for Japanese women is Chinese men - and increasing year-to-year - I think there may just be a little truth in it. Maybe your friends seem to be Anti-Chinese - but overall Japanese are not when it comes to choosing Chinese marriage partners.
Ogi, sissyboys are mama's boys. Like mothercon. I have no idea why you would assume it means gay.
Thank you. What a nice compliment.
All the chinese suitors I have had have never succeeded in bringing me to have sex with them. I rejected them point blank. One invited me to dinner but took me to a love hotel instead. I escaped lol this is the closest a chinese guy could dream of sex with me. I do not know how Japanese girls agree so easily, yuck yuck.
What did you mean by 'sissy boys', tmarie?
Why the hate on the greeks? I know more than a few here. They aren't all poor and out of work. Get a clue.
yep Greek, Italian women are all beautiful & charming while there young, but they loose there looks really quickly with age, probably all the high fat foods they eat
I agree Greek people are dirt-poor - and can not afford the luxury of visiting Japan - but gotta agree with LoveNot too - they are all very charming - especially the ladies IMO.
@LoveNotI wonder what will happen if the campus had Greek foreign students. They will outperform everybody.
Greeks couldnt even afford the plane ticket to Japan let alone going to Uni & going on dates. LOL
best pickup line ever worked great for a friend of mine a few years ago, "looking for lonely ladies for fun discrete times, free gucci, louis vuitton bags to the wright lady."
first of all hi to the jtoday community, and sorry for my poor english. i am reading now this site for one year (since my first visit to japan, followed by one more and the third next month. well, since i felt in love with this mysterious and great country). i am living in switzerland and freezing off my butt right now. even if it has nothing to do with the topic, i just wanted to introduce myself :D
well.. i think i would have spend the rest of my days just reading jtoday without considering a registration, but after having so much fun reading the comments (not just on this particular article) i just thought to thank you all for having me warm up my heart (had to come back from the sentence about my frozen everything) while reading your comments, most of all nicky`s.. it was a very nice comment on how love can sometimes feel less active in a relationship, and sometimes more.. but knowing that mr. perfect is perfect like he is in the eye of the beholder is very very nice :D (vice versa) - i wish somebody would have told me that once hahahahaha
thanks everybody!!
have a great day,
Yang put it in the ying.
What do you mean by sissy boys? Gay people?
@ Nicky Washida - Awesome story - loved it! This should be an example for all guys here many of whom gave up the willingness to find a partner long ago in favour of online games and manga. Good on Mr.Washida for having the bottle to go and do that - it worked out well in the end!
Japanese guys are just too shy, introverted and bashful. End of story. I have guys in my university classes outnumbered 10-1 by gorgeous girls - yet they are petrified to even look at them, let alone approach them . Maybe the salarymen are very confident with the ladies, I don't know. The future is not looking good here in terms of there being any babies produced! Come on down, you Chinese fellas, and be productive!
Oh, come on gals, the men are shy because we make them feel shy. Just approach any man and ask him direct questions and he won't be shy anymore because he won't have a choice anymore. Just ask: Will you marry me?
Yang's cheesy pick-up line isn't typical of Chinese guys who generally tend to be on the shy side back home. He must've been researching pick-up lines of western casanovas to score foreign babes.
I wonder what will happen if the campus had Greek foreign students. They will outperform everybody.
A lot of anguish is generated by people who think love and romantic relationships are or should be permanent, and think that when they are in the door, they can rest on their laurels forever. A facet of this is society trying to pair people "appropriately", such as this "foreign men stealing our women" crap.
Some people are meant for monogamy maybe but I don't think most are. Someone steals your girlfriend and you could not ward him off? Sounds to me like your relationship had one foot in the grave anyway. You should have moved on sooner rather than wait for someone to make you move.
Concepts of virginity, chasteness and permanence are so much hype and only cause you pain. Enjoy it while it lasts and move on. Date and date and date different people until you get the experience to recognize a person you can LIVE with and then raise a family. And that will go a lot better too if you embrace the concept of monogamish rather than monogamy. Disgard stifling concepts. Embrace freedom.
It's entirely possible to pass language tests without actually speaking the language.
When I was a student (not so long ago), it was the other way around-Japanese guys with hot Chinese girls. Japanese girls were mostly afer Koreans,and my impression is that they still are. Why not, Koreans are taller, stronger, and not so shy, while being shy has turned into somewhat s symbol of "Japanesness". How many times "Japanese are shy" is given as an example for not having Japanese friends, not being invited to Japanese homes, etc.? On the other hand, well, I'm a woman, but if I put myself in this Japanese guy's shoes-what was he supposed to do? Tell him politely "Stop bothering my GF"?I'm sure he did! Fight? Hit and kick?Get himself into trouble?If the girl really loved him, she would have kicked out the Chinese on the spot. On the contrary, she looked and behaved as if she was available.Sure, it is extremelly flattering to be pursued so agressively, but if she gave up only because he was agressive, well, she's not very wise, at least.
The issue about Japanese guys is very complicated. The whole social system pushes an immence pressure on them as they are fully responsible of financially supporting the family, and entering a serious relationship means for them taking great responcibility. Othewise they will join the growing number of divorcees, unable to see their kids and having huge batsu on their almighty koseki.
This said, I also agree that Japanese need to be more masculine and to have stronger will-it is for themselves, after all.
Yasukuni, the funny thing is, the happiest couples I know are western women/j guys... j/j seem mostly miserable and walk through their marriage as if they follow a manual. Not a lot of emotions there. the wg/jf have emotions but none are really what I would descrive as positive! ;) A few happily married ones I must admit but not anywhere near the happy ww/jm couples I hear - and we're the minority when it comes to marriages. Foreign women/jg are the largest but I must admit, I don't know too many non western/j females married to j guys so have no idea how that works out.
Ogi, we agree on something. It is creepy and weird. And yes, she sounds like a moron.
Imagine a girl saying to a guy 'You're so handsome, is your father that handsome?' as a pick up line... it's beyond creepy and weird, no matter who says it. Yang is gross and the girl who 'succumbed' to his 'charms' is a moron.
Nicky Washida
Well first of all he lives on another continent so I see him every few years - that helps! No seriously, my point in illustrating him is that he is "Mr Perfect" on paper (doctor, now an airline pilot, very good looking, very very nice, lots of fun etc etc etc) BUT - perfect does not always mean, well, "perfect". My husband, although not so "perfect" on paper, and a total pain in the tubes at times, has kept me happy and faithful for 10 years now because he had that undefinable "something", which I think was his effort. You dont cheat when you know you have something much bigger going than just scratching that itch.
Mr Perfect could get any girl he wanted and he knows it - didnt have to try. My husband tried really hard against incredible odds really and THAT was special. Of course, once he thought he had me the effort slewed off - but that is what I meant when I said to tmarie - "work in progress"!
When you marry someone you have to be prepared for the realities of it all. I think a lot of J women AND men actually are not. Getting that ring on the old finger seems to be the end goal. There are times when I have not been in love with my husband anymore to be honest. I have hated him sometimes! But underneath it all there is still something that you cant put into words that keeps you pushing through to the other side when things get better, rather than just giving up, and thats when you know you have married the right person.
My Mr Perfect is still Mr Perfect and I look forward to seeing him when I can. But I absolutely made the right decision, and I think if he is honest (which he is) he would agree with that too.
Too many mama's boys in Japan who want a wife for a . And a lot of them are turning into popo chans. Not surprised because there are 1.5 billion chinese just in China. And they are spreading like a malignant cancer. Japan Inc's days are over.
Someone might want to inform Mixi that Japan Today is lifting blogs from college kids and turning them into articles.
Seems like a load of crap, a lot of Japanese female friends I know seem anti Chinese.. especially with the constant protests in China against Japan, egg throwing to embassies, anti Japanese and jealousy sentiment stemming from post war mentality brought down to their kids. Economic rivalry, Japan Inc almost wiped out by China.
So not sure how accurate this article is..
Tmarie - yep, everything you just said.
And the other irony is that these same Japanese women assume that Jguys could never be happy marrying western women.
Chinese Japanese all not carrying enough firepower to truely satisfy the Japanese ladies. LOL
But it's the girls who are so picky.
This is what I don't get. How on earth can they be picky? What exactly do they bring to the table? Most single girls here in their 20s live at home with mom and dad, don't know how to cook, clean or look after kids, don't make enough money to support themselves... They want to marry a rich, handsome man who will look after them economically wise while they stay home and send their kids to kindergarten then private schools, jukus... They will buy pre-made food from the grocery store, let the house become cluttered with crap... How on earth are they allowed to be picky?? Are they cute? Sure some are but looks fade and then these guys are left with... Someone who really isn't upholding their end of the deal.
Some of my single older friends really make me laugh with their expectations. Guys see through it and while they've got their demands, guys their age are dating younger women. Why marry someone these days when guys can pay for everything a wife offers with the exception of kids? Sex, cleaning, laundry, food... can all be bought.
The line Yang used is cheesy & probably what he uses on all girls, but lets face it, girls like to be told they are pretty so girls often fall for lines like this. Maybe her Japanese boyfriend was not telling her she was pretty nor whispering sweet nothings in her ear. And maybe Yang was the first male to ever tell her how "beautiful" she was. So I don`t think she was necessarily loose by going to Yang. Maybe his words made her start to think she could stay with her present boyfriend and feel plain or be with Yang and feel pretty and special. The sad part of it is Yang probably was like many guys just throwing out a line to see if he could catch a bite, reel her in and have a good time and then move on to the next girl because he never had serious intentions or feelings towards her to begin with. The Japanese guy may have had more committment and loyalty in his intentions towards the girl, but did not know how to romance her and make her feel special so he lost her.
Sounds like the herbivore Japanese men are being relegated to (cue dramatic horns) Dun dun DONNN! "The FRIEND ZONE"!!! (cue screams of horror and wails of dispair). Japanes guys are not doing their part to keep the Japanese population from collapsing. BE MORE AGGRESSIVE! GROPE ON THE TR... wait, OK, maybe not that.
No lines is better than cheesy lines, believe me. Yang is a creep.
Elbuda: "While most Japanese dudes know how to go to kyabakuras etc..and just cut to the chase??"
You call that 'love'?
Real man is honest responsible strong brave smart and straight.
Elbuda Mexicano
This proves what?? Some Chinese dudes are smoother talkers than some Japanese guys?? While most Japanese dudes know how to go to kyabakuras etc..and just cut to the chase??
The samurais are rolling in his grave with this news.
But a cheesy line is better than no line.
Hehe man this is one cheesy poser. But they'll get lucky with these types of cheesy lines on this side of the hemisphere.
Nicky, That's funny. I'm in the same boat with singles so much so that I've thought about starting a small matchmaking service! But it's the girls who are so picky.
Also, you must be a strong person to not let anything silly happen with old Mr Perfect. Sounds like not the person to talk about the latest fight over drinks. (Not trying to play big brother here)
yuck yuck !!!!
Trying to pick up on another guy's babe with the guy there? That would have been enough for a punch up, or at least a verbal lesson in decorum, in many societies.
I don't get this. I don't find Japanese men "shy" for the most part - except for the otaku and well, those type are shy everywhere. My husband doesn't let me walk all over him - some j guys did to be fair - and he's not one to prim and fluff about his appearance. INdeed, j-guys get slammed all the time and while some deserve it, many others don't.
This article is crap. Not only is it stereotyping Chinese guys, its stereotyping j guys. Boo!!
This proves that japanese women are so naive !!!
After reading this story,I'm not feeling well.
Nicky Washida
Just to add - I have so many fabulous guy friends who lament to me that there are no good women out there. And I have so many amazing girlfriends who complain to me that all the good men have disappeared.
So what the hell is going on out there in singledom?!
Nicky Washida
Yasukuni - sorry to "get" at you - it just came across as kind of, well, ranty, thats all! In a nice way! But you DO have a point - a lot of women (and me included at one point) wouldnt know a good guy if he jumped up and bit her - well, that would make him a bad guy I guess but you know what I mean!
I think "what women want" or "what men want" is really hard to generalise or identify, because it changes depending on where you are at in your life. And sadly for many, even if you meet the "perfect" one for you - if they are perfect but not in the same place you are, or perfect for you 5 years down the road, it just isnt going to fly.
I met the "perfect" one once. The only problem was, he was in a different place in his life to me - I was ready to settle down, he wasnt. Fast forward 11 years and we are still good friends (yes, he was that perfect we even maintained the friendship for 11 years!) but now he is ready to settle down and this ship has sailed. Shame. Some things just arent meant to be. He is a great "uncle" to the kids tho!
Based on this thread I was thinking today what made me go for my Japanese husband (other than he had a nice ass!). I think it was that he was shy - it was patently obvious - but despite that he stuck his neck out and took a risk to prevent me walking out of his life for good. I was going to go back to London and he back to Osaka and we would probably never meet again (we met in Thailand). So he just marched up to me and planted one on me, right in front of everyone. From the 5 days or so I had known him then I knew how much guts that must have taken for him to do that. Or maybe he just wanted a shag! Oh no, wait, that was ME! Anyway - he was less than perfect in many ways - for starters he lived on the other side of the world and didnt speak the same language as me! But he didnt let such little issues as geography and language get him down, and I was bowled over by his persistance. Gonna give the big secret away here (sorry girls!) but it made me feel - SPECIAL!
Thats it guys! That is the big secret. That is all that women want. Make us feel special - you got us! Yang made the hot J girl feel special - worth pursuing. Worth fighting for. VERY sexy! (Bear in mind when you read all this i am already on my second Friday night beer!) Cheers all! Happy Valentines x
Well, she was clearly an idiot.
Nicky, I guess it looked like that. :)
Wasn't said in anger. Just that the longer I live here the longer I feel sorry for J guys. And I just had drinks with a nice guy Japanese guy who I think would make a great bf/husband who is clueless about women. And speaking as a guy, I know how guys talk, and think women have no idea about who is a good catch or not.
But, point taken. Too much raving.
I've lived in Japan for a long time now and must admit that I found the quiet aloofness of J-guys cute at first...but after ten years of "Does he like me? Is he using me for English? Make a move already!!", I've pretty much thrown in the towel. It was fun and exciting in high school. I'm a grown woman now!
I guess it doesn't help that I'm back home on vacation and ogling all the handsome average joes here either!
Nicky Washida
So serious Yasukuni! Something bothering you?!
And if that sounds bad ....that's what men who aren't nice are like. Women may not want to hear it - but, remember many women said that want a MAN. The guys who swept you off your feet like the Chinese man, probably laughed to his friends about how many he swept off their feet.
"Being a man does not mean thumping your chest (or anyone elses) and acting like a jerk. But it does mean calmly taking control of a situation and handling things"
Women always love explaining what a real man is. But watch the sparks fly if a man talks about what a what a real woman is".
the girl will like the Chinese guy who was so manly, and who took charge. Until of course, he takes charge in an area she isn't happy about. then they fight, he leaves, picks up another girl within a week with his manly ways, and then she talks about how all men are pigs. And probably cries to the "nice guy".
so, doesn't seem like there is much reason for men to be nice guys. Which is why every man and his dog are having fun, and women can't get a decent guy.
Having said that, adios amigos. :)
btw, poor Japanese guys. They get beat up, criticized, lampooned all the time. The Waseda guy will get married eventually, and then his misery will really start. His wife won't want him to be a take charge guy then.
"but what kind of girl did he get for it?!"
He's probably not getting married, so he probably doesn't care what kind of girl he got. He may only want her until he can get something better.
"Shukan Bunshun hears from writer and erotic merchandise shop manager Minori Kitahara"
No stone was left unturned for this article.
sunhawkFeb. 03, 2012 - 02:06PM JST first china steals our technology, our manga, our trains, our anime, and now our maidens! this can not stand! men of japan unite and save our prized maidens from the barbarian hordes!
Must be payback for Japan copying Chinese art and culture centuries ago.
diluting ( or polluting )the japanese gene pool, the horror, the horror.............. men of japan, rise up !!
did a four year old write this article!! and thats an insult to four year olds!!
Prized maidens? Hahaha! You've got to remember that more Japanese men marry foreign women than the other way around...
There is only one problem with your post there sunhawk. "men of japan" LOL thats a good one.... Maybe the prized maidens are leaving because of the lack of MEN OF JAPAN!!!! lol
first china steals our technology, our manga, our trains, our anime, and now our maidens! this can not stand! men of japan unite and save our prized maidens from the barbarian hordes!
His line worked, but what kind of girl did he get for it?! The average Japanese women who is more interested in money and being told what to do rather than work for it herself and think for herself?
How many foreign guys do you know with Japanese wives/girlfriends who can't speak his language and he can't speak Japanese??
Bout somes up so much of Japan these days -- evious, resentful, but clueless as to how to make the changes needed.
Nicky Washida
Yeah Lovenot, you do have a point. His line worked, but what kind of girl did he get for it?!
So creepy, no woman in her right mind would be attracted to this.
I think the Chinese guy is a complete loser here too. Getting a promiscuous Japanese girl is not what most normal men would dream for.
Nicky Washida
Worked though, didn`t it??!
What he said was cheesy and cringeworthy.
Yang was right in asking about the mother. I always tell my students when I hear they have started to date someone....have you seen her mom? If mom is hot, then you are a lucky guy. If mom is not, be careful.
I actually think this herbivore thing is blown out of proportion. I see lots of guys dating girls here. Maybe I should take a pole on a train. Raise your hand if you are a single wimpy herbivore.
Wow, what a charmer... NOT.
I wonder how many Japanese men, deep down, secretly long for "ye goode olde dayes" when J-women were firmly under their control and no pesky foreign men were allowed to roam free?
They hardly even speak the language.
So I guess that nihongon kentei test and result of 1kyu means nothing... ALL of the Chinese students I have taught have had great Japanese and wouldn't speak to anyone in broken Japanese. Playing on stereotypes of stupid foreign which is not the case for most Chinese students.
Add into that the Chinese would have to overcome some pretty nasty stereotypes from the locals, well done to them. As Nicky said, you snooze, you lose.
Herb guys have always been around. As I always say, if you want to blame someone for this, blame their mothers!
patty cake champion
Boo hoo, rich private university male student discovers money can't buy charisma. For someone like me who gained entry into a public uni based on grades, campus romance at Waseda is as appealing as a Victorian period drama piece. I've seen these spoiled air heads out and about Takadanobaba and Ochanomizu, they are not much of a sight. The ladies on the other hand know how to strut it, they are rich so they are not interested in any odd guy with money so I can totally understand how some Chinese guy with some confidence would stand out and get lucky.
Mr Sushi
This is a ridiculous article.. if she was happy with him in the first place.. she would have blown off the Chinese guy.. and if you keep harassing women in USA and asking them to go out after she says NO the first time.... then the police get involved and this Chinese student will be going to a different college or with a restraining order...
The anecdotal evidence doesn't say how long Chiemi's fling with Yang lasted. Not very long, I suspect.
@ NickyWashida: True, no sympathy for Sudo who did absolutely nothing.
Journalism at its finest.
So what's it like in Todai, a top tier public university attended by intelligent males and females alike as opposed to creatures pampered by their rich parents?
"Yang was in, he was out." LOL Good one!
Nicky Washida
You snooze, you lose, buddy!
Look, I like herbivorous men as much as the next girl. They are great fun to shop with, gossip with, they make perfect MBFs (Male Best Friends) and give great advice on hair and make up!
But a sex relationship - they may even be nice in this category for a while, but - and I KNOW I dont speak for all women - but me and many I know like a man to, kind of, you know, be a man! I dont want to be the one wearing the trousers in a relationship. Not ALL the time, anyway ;9 !
I swear this is one of the reasons the number of international marriages between Japanese women and foreign men is going up and up. Being a man does not mean thumping your chest (or anyone elses) and acting like a jerk. But it does mean calmly taking control of a situation and handling things, not being afraid to take risks, having some go-get-it spirit, being polite and respectful but not a pushover. Having a little maturity.
I think many foreign men are raised to be like this. I dont think so many Japanese men are. They have bad or non-existent male role models, are fussed and fawned over by their doting Mothers who have no-one else to give their love to, and basically learn to behave like girls. Great MBFs, as I said. But give me a real man any day for a relationship.
This guy Yang did behave like a bit of a jerk. But you know what - he saw what he wanted and he went after it. not in a nutjob, stalking way, but in a taking a risk, not being afraid to lay it all on the table, taking control of the situation, kind of way. Im not surprised the girl fell for it in the end. For a man to take a risk like that - that is very flattering.
If the ex J boyfriend wanted to man up to the situation he should have had a quiet word and warned him off. That would have been handling things. Instead he sat there bleating about the unfairness of it all like he expected HER to fix it for him. BATSU buddy. BIG time.
Yes, there is an animal quality to it, but it is like that of a pirate and unconvincing to civilized gents. Perhaps a more useful behavioral suggestion on this topic might be how to teach girls to recognize and say "NO" to this kind of flattery & hustle or how a guy can (legally) put off another man who is shamelessly pressuring his lover to be unfaithful.