Described tongue-in-cheek as a "sappukei" -- an adjective meaning "tasteless," but written with characters that literally mean "murder scene" -- the photos posted on the web were reminiscent, on a smaller scale, of the March 1995 toxic gas attack on the Tokyo subway lines by the AUM Supreme Truth religious cult. Prostrate bodies were strewn all about on the street, with police patrolmen galloping to the rescue.
On the evening of June 20, according to an ITmedia News report posted on Yahoo! Japan, approximately a dozen females, believed to be students at Japan Women's University, collapsed en masse on the street adjacent to Koma theater in Shinjuku's Kabukicho district. Earlier in the day, the women had played tennis with members of "KREIS," a tennis club with a 40-year history that operates under the auspices of Meiji University. Afterwards, the students had apparently headed for Shinjuku to wet their whistles.
The incident was recorded with still photos and moving images and promptly tweeted, eventually winding up on hundreds of sites online. Then on Monday morning it received several minutes of coverage on Fuji TV's gossipy "Tokudane" morning news program.
The coverage indulged in considerable speculation as to the cause of the collapse, but refrained from naming names or providing other hard facts. One astute observer managed to obtain a group photo of the tennis players taken earlier the same day, and noted that at least one male member of the tennis group was present in Shinjuku, where he appeared to be completely sober at the time the females started dropping like flies. From this, several bloggers raised the question that if the females had been drinking in the company of males that evening, why hadn't any of the males who'd accompanied them been affected to a similar or even lesser degree?
Moreover, it's uncertain what substance could have had such a pronounced, and nearly simultaneous, effect on so many people. These girls were not merely drunk, but completely unconscious, lying on the street with their skirts up to their hips. And several were reported to have soiled themselves, which raises the question, did someone slip a muscle relaxant or some type of date rape drug into their drinks?
Another theory is that the females had been plied with "Spirytus Rektyfikowany," a potent Polish vodka that is 95% alcohol (190 U.S. proof).
Yet another site claimed to have the explanation and offered photos of some sort of gel-type yellowish capsule, which it claims was added to their drinks, as proof.
Despite the embarrassment, nobody died and it appears that none of the victims required hospitalization.
The two universities whose students were involved both issued statements on their web sites, but took a somewhat different approach to damage control.
Japan Women's University was in denial. Its statement, posted on June 23, read: "At the present time, we have not yet confirmed that students from this institution had been involved." Nevertheless, it did acknowledge that its students participated in the KREIS tennis club, and stated its intention to "discuss future measures" regarding student behavior.
On June 24, Meiji University issued an official apology. It conceded that some of the tennis club members appeared to have been under the legal age for consuming alcohol, and stated the victims were "recovering" from their ordeal. Meidai sternly pledged to investigate the incident and "mete out strict punishments" to those found responsible. "Measures will be taken to prevent a recurrence," it added.
© Japan Today
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I'm not sure what is more disturbing; the fact these women were probably drugged, the fact that the university is trying to sweep it all under the rug, or the fact that I'm not all that surprised by either.
I think we can be fairly sure that it was a date rape drug put in their drinks by a fairly ambitious rapist. I hope they catch the guy soon.
Hilarious how the video shows mothers on the street commenting on on how much of a "meiwaku" these girls caused without considering what seems obvious; i.e., the girls were drugged and couldn't move. Only in Japan would an 8 minute spot on such news focus almost entirely on how horrible the manners are...
Am I the only one here who smells a rat?
Let's say the girls were in fact given alcohol that was spiked with a drug. Let's even, for the sake of argument, assume that they all drank exactly the same amount.
... then why would they all collapse at the same time, without any of them having the time to call 119 when their class-mates started collapsing? Variations in individual body weight, metabolism, stomach acid concentration, and sensitivity to the drug in question would have resulted in at least some of the girls being conscious and capable of making a call while others were collapsing.
Think I'm over-complicating things? Not at all. If this was just alcohol nobody would have a hard time accepting that some people are still standing and calling for another round while others are passed out on the floor. Perhaps they're just naturally resistant to alcohol, perhaps they ate something before drinking, perhaps they're just a bit bigger, or perhaps they just metabolise alcohol faster. All drugs are subject to these sort of individual variations, and it is simply unbelievable that every girl had the same reaction at almost the same time.
Have other possibilities, like a gas leak, or that the girls collapsed elsewhere and were simply dumped in Kabukicho even been investigated?
Unless they're all clones, which is about as believable as the story as it is reported here. Either way, something is seriously wrong with this story.
Exactly what I thought. Sounds like nonsense.
There's actually nothing in the article that explicitly says they all collapsed at the exact same time or that none of them called for help before collapsing themselves. It does say en masse, but that doesn't really mean at the same time.
... and there wasn't one girl in the dozen who had a higher resistance to the drug and was still standing? Or one girl with a lower concentration of stomach acid (from eating before or just naturally) so the gel capsule dissolved 10 or 20 minutes slower and she was still standing by the time the paramedics arrived? Or one girl who weighed 60kgs instead of 50kgs, and so received a lower effective dose (although actually total body volume is a better predictor of correct dosage) and was just dizzy instead of passed out?
If you've ever spent and evening out drinking with friends you'd know that the likelihood of an entire group of friends collapsing at around the same time just isn't going to happen. There'll always be at least one guy who's drunk just as much as the rest of you (and probably more), but who's still got it together enough to load the rest of you into a taxi and get you home.
I'm obviously not a toxicologist but I assume that muscle relaxants can be potent enough to have similar effects on people regardless of size and stomach contents.
What then would you suggest happened? Was it a prank and one of the girls thought it would be funny to soil herself on the street in her clothes as part of the prank?
So, they all ingested the same thing in the same quantity at the same time and it had the exact same effect on all of them at the same time? I agree with Frungy.
The video is no longer available JT - any chance of another link so we can see the matter and discuss it properly?
Similar effects? Sure. But a dose of a muscle relaxant large enough to make the most resistant person collapse would paralyze the lungs of the least resistant person and kill them. This is why anesthesiologists need to constantly monitor and adjust during operations.
The timing is the most suspicious part though. It simply isn't possible to reliably predict the decay rate of the gel shell to within minutes. At best you could say "about 30 minutes, give or take 10 minutes".
Honestly I don't know. But a gas leak or the girls having passed out elsewhere and then been dumped there is a lot more plausible.
Again, the article doesn't say that they all passed out at the exact same time. If the drug was in their drink, it would be absorbed very quickly so it wouldn't really matter whether they ate or not etc.
Here is a link to an article with some still photos.
Dumping a dozen unconscious bodies requires a modicum of privacy. There would normally be dozens, if not hundreds, of people on the street in Kabukicho on a Friday evening.
From what I've read, rufies requires hospitalization.
So it is your opinion that some mysterious wonder-drug that affects individuals virtually simultaneously and equally, without variation according to individual biochemistry (metabolism, height, weight, tolerance, etc.) is MORE plausible than someone being able to dump some bodies in the street in a bad area of Tokyo without anyone reporting it to the police.
I believe I have some snake oil to sell you... oh, and a bridge too.
That's great. The girls were drugged, probably with the intention of sexual assault, and the University wants to tale measures to stop them having a good time. How about call the cops and find the guys they were drinking with for a start. It's not a crime for women to have a drink - and not a big one if they happen to be nineteen - and they should be able to do so safely. There is a perpetrator somewhere and it's not them.
Too bad they weren't seen dancing before this - then the police would have gotten involved.
Obviously some of the posters here haven't taken too many recreational drugs or ever been drugged by others.
For them to pass out together and even soil themselves you have to think something is seriously wrong.
I've enjoyed my life a lot with many friends, we've taken the same things at the same time and been hit hard all at the same time, from guys weighing 60kg to me weighing 100kg (never to collapsing stage, though close).
The people here who 'smell a rat', yeah you're probably right, some nasty people have drugged them, probably bought them a round of shots. Whatever, the intentions, it's very bad.
I've known girls to go from feeling drunk, to feeling sick, then passing out simultaneously (2 at the time) from getting their drinks spiked, a very scary situation.
I feel sorry that this is happening here, but it does. This is a pretty extreme case, but I'm sure it happens all over Japan every night with 1 or 2 girls (or guys).
Yeah, bla bla bla. Underaged people drinking but denial by at least one school. What seems like obvious drugging but complete denial that anything happened by another. Spread the YouTube videos, people! Shame these schools into living up to the standards they claim to uphold. We all know what happened with certain club members of Waseda 10 years or more ago. Sounds to me like they were drugged -- I just can't see them all passing out at the same time from any percentage of liquor unless they are all allergic to alcohol.
Sounds like the schools aren't really interested in finding out the details.
What is the most terrible is that police does admit it caused by not drug but alcohol in spite of apparent circumstances. Police is still in medieval and self-purification cannot be expected. This incident should be known to outside Japan.
You're right, I lack experience with recreational drugs, however I have decades of experience administering pharmaceutical grade drugs to others. Your anecdotal evidence based on impure, highly variable recreational drugs is precisely that, anecdotal.
For them to pass out? Yes, that's possible. For them to soil themselves? Also possible. For a dozen people to pass out "en masse", or even within minutes of each other? That's where the rat is.
Since you admit being on drugs at the time I'd humbly submit that you are not the best or most reliable witness. In fact you're a downright lousy witness. I know that it is common practice amongst more responsible recreational drug takers to designate one person to not take anything and act as the designated driver/medic/calmer down for those who have a "bad trip". If you've ever been this person you should have noted that the drugs hit different people at different times, and with different intensities. There's always one person who, the others are already high, sits there complaining that the drugs are having no effect and asking for another hit/shot/tablet/tab/etc. before suddenly the drugs kick in.
Two people passing out at around the same time or even simultaneously? It depends how many people are drinking, but I'd admit that could happen. Twelve people at the same time? The likelihood drops to the "winning the lottery" sort of odds.
Again, 1 or 2 people? Sure. A dozen at the same time?
... firstly that's a LOT of drugs for Japan. You're looking at a dozen tablets of something fairly heavy, like flunitrazepam (rohypnol/roofies). That's very, very hard to get and would cost a LOT of money. It is unlikely that college students would be able to obtain those sort of quantities, nor afford them.
Then there's the the unlikelihood of all of them reacting precisely the same way. The onset time for rohypnol is 15 to 30 minutes. Note the "to" there, it isn't precise. Then there's the fact that 15 victims all collapsed unconscious. That's not typical even for rohypnol. In most cases people under the effect of rohypnol (and similar substances) are drowsy, confused and act similar to someone who is drunk. Unconsciousness may eventually occur, especially if mixed with alcohol, but is highly variable in onset time, and people don't generally collapse, they lie down and pass out because they're feeling sleepy. Of course a sufficiently large dose might cause unconsciousness, but...
... with that sort of huge dose about 15%~20% of the subjects would experience respiratory depression and there's a good chance that without immediate medical attention they would die. There's no report of hospitalisation or of emergency medical treatment, nor any deaths.
Add all these facts up and you end up with a situation that is simply implausible. Occam's razor suggests a far more simple solution, that the report is factually incorrect.
I'm not sure what happened, but it isn't as reported.
Frungy and others,
I would classify alcohol as a "weak" drug where the effects vary greatly among individuals from ppl who could become seriously ill from half a beer, to ppl like me who can, if they've been drinking regularly recently, can have a whole bottle of wine and just start to get tipsy.
Then there's things like cyanide, a much stronger chemical, where any human being will just simply die no matter what from a tiny amount sprayed on your skin, with no variation among individuals. I imagine these date rape drugs were stronger types that simply put you out no matter what. I imagine that the guys presumably wanted to get them home to prey on them, and gave the girls the drugs at almost the same time, just before leaving, and gave them a little too much, or didn't know which drugs to use or something, and then when they went outside, still a group before they separated, hadn't gone far yet, the girls just started to feel the urge to sit down on the curb and sleep.
The fact that "several were reported to have soiled themselves" shows us that there was variation in the degree of reaction. The vid was out, but I saw the pix. One girl looked to be sitting, while others were lying on their stomachs, implying variation.
I believe the girls were drugged, and sadly the would-be rapists will figure out their mistakes and eventually get the right dose and proceed to attempt rape. Teach any young ppl you know about this danger.
Frungy's right.
With the exception of the unlikely (but not impossible) scenario that the girls were brought to the location and dumped there, it seems likely that the girls had some agency / culpability in all this.
Don't forget that if one member of the group felt bad, they would not leave her. If one sat down or one lay down, then the others would congregate around. If more and more of them started to complain of dizziness or tiredness or drunkenness, they would all share this knowledge and discuss it, into oblivion. A slow process of mass unconsciousness explained in part by Japanese group psychology.
Video is not working. Please supply a new video or pictures.
"Tipple" is a verb now?
Here's a youtube link, but it just shows pictures.
"Twelve people at the same time? The likelihood drops to the "winning the lottery" sort of odds."
So even with all of your experience you are still leaving it open to some sort of mathematical likelihood that it "could" happen. Thanks for your input.
Kind of like how TEPCO dismissed the odds of a large earthquake/tsunami could wreak havoc on their station at Fukushima Daiichi, even though the likelihood was probably along the "winning the lottery" sort of odds...
Good to know that it isn't IMPOSSIBLE for these girls to have reacted that way all at the same time. ;)
From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
tip·ple verb ˈti-pəl : to drink alcohol tip·pled, tip·pling
Full Definition of TIPPLE
intransitive verb : to drink liquor especially by habit or to excess transitive verb : to drink (liquor) especially continuously in small amounts
Thanks, Galapagos.
Guess that makes me a tippler, then.
I think you imagine that rat, plus you are making up things. The article does not say they collapsed in perfect synchronization, and as for a mass administration of a spiced drink, yes that has happened before. Remember the infamous Charles Sobraj? He was caught in a middle of in incident exactly like this, with a group of French tourists dropping all around him like flies (he had intended to rob im). That wasn´t a rat either, that was a very real result of spiking their drinks.
One of them might have been totally smashed and unable to walk, a dead weight and the others were totally hammered also but then when they sat down in a drunken state they all passed out eventually. I've seen it happen to salary men, all though not in a group that size!
I think that before calling someone a liar it is just common courtesy to read the article closely and then look up the words you don't understand, like "en masse".
Actually it does. A synonym for "en masse" is "simultaneously". Of course I never claimed they collapsed simultaneously, I was dubious about a dozen people collapsing even within a couple of minutes of each other.
A spiced drink? Like mulled wine? Perhaps you meant spiked?
You are very much mistaken. Of the 60 tourist drugged only 20 collapsed around the same time (those most sensitive to the drug), another 40 were affected to varying degrees, but not unconsciousness, and three were unaffected and subdued him for the police. Thus illustrating my point that a single drug does not affect everyone the same way or at the same time.
Bob Slefty
They were all extras in a movie shoot.
Nothing to see here... move along.
Could be.. could be... but this also seems a bit strange. There's no mention in the article of the name of the movie, or the film company, or any statement from the director, or in fact any hard evidence at all. This seems like it might just be more speculation.
All this makes me just shake my head and wonder at the low standards of reporting these days.
Jason Gomez
o mi god! thats EXACTLY what it means. All Together. If you dont collapse at the same time, you dont collapse all together.
also, if you dont collapse at the same time, why would those who collapsed after the 1st person ALL congregate to collapse in the same area?
Common sense isn't so common anymore.....
Bob slefty:
You are referencing some Twitter comment. That is only gossip, not confirmed news. Unless more information comes along, I still believe they were drugged.
So you think it is a gas leak or some such. But in that case, your same criticism would apply; the gas leak would affect some more than others. So you are arguing against yourself...
First, en masse simply means that something is done by a substantial number of people... a mass, if you will. It is a French word that does not have any temporal connotations.
Secondly, even if it did, the article is not a legal document or the divinely inspired word of god to be parsed and interpreted literally word for word. If the reporter wanted to tell us that they all collapsed precisely at the same time, the article would make that explicitly clear because, as many here point out, it would in fact be totally incredible.
They are friends, not random strangers! They were trying to help the first friend who collapsed before they theselves collapsed!
Are some of the posters here actually serious?
What is missing in this article is that only 1st grade girls are collapsed and defecated. In spite of that, almost all male members were fine. Not all girl members are found on the road. Where are they? It is apparent that date rape drug was used and this is gang rape, this is criminal. This is the tip of the iceberg.
Actually I admitted ignorance as to to true cause. What I said was that a number of things would be more plausible which means they're more likely than the explanations being offered in the article.
A gas leak is simply more plausible because the action of a gas involves less variables than the action of an ingested substance.
An ingested substance's effectiveness and onset time varies by stomach acid concentration (which changes how fast the substance is broken down), the efficiency and bacteria present in the intestines, the person's liver function, as well as metabolic rate, body mass, sensitivity to the substance, etc. In short, a lot of variables because digestion is a complex process and reactions and onset time varies considerably, and under these circumstances you'd expect to see about 20 minutes between the first person to collapse and the last, and in a group of a dozen people you'd expect to see at least one who was largely unaffected and still standing after the 20 minute mark.
A gas, for example carbon monoxide, on the other hand, is inhaled into the lungs where it inhibits the body's ability to exhale carbon dioxide and absorb more oxygen. The mechanism of action is simple and direct. Of course we still see wide variation in patients exposed to the same amount of carbon monoxide, depending on age, health, the concentration of the gas where they were, etc. However the simpler and more direct way that gases operate makes it a more likely suspect.
I am not saying it was a gas, simply that it is more likely than the explanation offered by the article.
Actually "en masse" does potentially have "temporal connotations", otherwise "simultaneously" and "at the same time" wouldn't be listed as synonyms. And if the reporter had just written "en masse" you might have a point, however he also wrote:
Note the "nearly simultaneous" part? That means that the "en masse" not only referred to them collapsing in a group, but also at about the same time. As I've pointed out repeatedly, it is nearly impossible that an ingested substance could affect a dozen people nearly simultaneously. You'd expect to see a few passed out, a few sitting or lying in a confused state, a few standing around dizzy, and at least one largely unaffected.
I really wish people would learn to read, and then learn to consult a good thesaurus before criticising.
Not criticising Frungy, just disagreeing. In fact, I enjoy your healthy scepticism about everything.
Fair enough.
I did however miss this genius' post:
This is quite simply the most misinformed post I've read in a long time. The lethal dose for cyanide varies radically depending on what type of cyanide it is. Hydrogen cyanide gas can be lethal at 50~90 ppm, while potassium cyanide requires just 0.2mg... however sodium cyanide requires about 5mg per kilogram of the victim's body weight, so a 60kg victim would need about 300mg.. of course that's only 0.3g. The quantities are so small that 0.4mg of potassium cyanide represents 200% of the lethal dose.
And there is considerable variation in the reaction to cyanide between individuals. Of course if your body is 20% more resistant to cyanide than the average person and you get twice the lethal dose this doesn't make a lot of difference, but frankly your reasoning here is just misinformed. ... and also utterly irrelevant, since none of these girls died.
The example I used, rohypnol, is a common and VERY strong date rape drug, about 10 x stronger than valium. You can't get much stronger without it killing people (and even then about 15% of rohypnol victims end up in hospital, and about 1%~2% die from respiratory failure).
You don't know what you're talking about.
Some posters here need to look up LD50, and understand why that's the way it's measured.
Pretty strange. I watched the video on Youtube. They're for the most part all facing the same direction (each group of girls) and they all look like they literally dropped in their tracks.
its a date rape drug, drinks were spiked but probably some of them sensed it and decided to boot but did not go far, A very potent muscle relaxant too causing loss of control of muscle contraction leading to defacation and urination...
Milkhouse - No, it wasn't. Read back for all the reasons why.
We simply don´t know. Read back for all the reasons why everybody is just speculating.