Japan Today



Comedian Hikaru Ohta’s wife admits sexless marriage


Mitsuyo Ohta, 45, the wife of comedian Hikaru Ohta, 44, and president of the agency representing the comedy duo “Bakusho Mondai,” laughs at the media attention she’s getting over her public statement about her “sexless” marriage.

Mitsuyo married Hikaru in 1990. The comedian and his partner were struggling in their career, and it was Mitsuyo who established the agency Titan in 1993. It is generally accepted that the comedians’ popularity skyrocketed owing to her tireless and often relentless efforts as president and head of sales.

In late August, Mistuyo was a guest speaker at a film preview on the theme of women’s life and love. One character was in a sexless marriage, about which Mitsuyo commented offhand, “Actually, we’re sexless too.” The tabloid media immediately went into overdrive.

Responding to Shukan Post’s interview, Mistuyo answered casually, “We’re both exhausted by the time we get home at night. My husband is energetic on screen, but he is completely wiped out at home. He may work through the night on occasion, so there’s no space for sex in that kind of life.”

She was pretty candid about admitting that she couldn’t remember the last time she was intimate with her comedian-husband. She had fertility treatments several years ago, which yielded no results. “In view of my age and the work load, I realize it’s difficult, but I haven’t completely given up. I guess my husband will have to try harder in more ways than one.”

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The question is when was the last time Mr. Ohta had sex period? I wouldn't be surprised if there is a discrepancy with his and her dates. A lot of sexless marriages are allowed to continue because either one or both step out of the marriage to get what they are lacking at home. It seems to be the norm here. That is one reason soaplands, host/hostess clubs and teens to 20something mistresses are so rampant. It is all about keeping up that perception of a happy marriage/family.

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...and Hikaru always complains about Mitsuyo's bad drinking habits in various talk shows (no mention of this important point in this 'unnamed' article source).

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he's saving all his lovin' for the soapland laydees on the way home. ever wonder why he is always so clean?

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Yeah, shes dreaming if she thinks she is in a sexless marriage. She is, but he isnt.

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Look at the guy...who would want to anyway,unless you were getting money of course.

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Ohta often makes rude jokes. E.g., that saying that he is interested in "joshi no (Ohta's quick ad-libbed addition) ana" meaning "female television announcers" and a rude pun. Evidence of being unsatisfied, or reaction formation?

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According to the psychologist Abraham Maslow know for his "Hierarchy of Needs" sex is a physiological need much like food, water, and sleep. I think if the two brought some love back in their lives physical intimacy will naturally follow. It's not a matter of having enough time, it's matter of having enough love.

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there's no room for sex in that kind of life??? there's plenty of room! the kitchen counter or table, take your pick, the tub, on the washer while it's running, in the genkan, all good options

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I really feel for these situations, because I think it is the pressure that society creates that makes it hard to see, like not seeing the forest for the trees. I think most people dont realize how hard the fertility issue is. That this is related to sex states the obvious. I think it would be better for Mitsuyo to stand back from work. To sacrifice one career for another. It is this commitment, no matter the results, where I think they are confused. I would also tell all those righteous ideas about drinking and health to be quiet. There is plenty of unhealthy women that fall pregnant, so while Hikaru points at drinking, he also doesnt understnad that it is not about that, and he is being accusative too. Would be nice to see someone in the media to do this and make a statement about it, not very easy actually. To stay home and be prepared for mothering. The continual stimualtion of the brain-and other places- also being necessary.

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To quote Ronnie McDowell: "Older women make beautiful lovers...." and further to quote Billy Swan: "I can Help".

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If the couple has some interest, Pfizer's pills can help, I guess ....

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I used to teach her many, many years ago but never knew she was married to a comedian who was to become famous. She was actually pretty funny herself.

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I am not surprised that after 20 yrs or so, certain couples become more like brother and sister, or like here, like business partners. Others would divorce imediatly when the relationship loses its romantic aspect, I am not sure it's always better. If the 2 have a strong friendship, they can enjoy being together anyway. Discussing it with friends is normal. But... telling around that your couple is sexless ? I find that absolutely crazy. Awful. And it's common in Japan as dozen of people I hardly knew told me their situation.

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Either way it goes, if your reproductive health is bad, as it probably is, since she's overworked and probably doesn't eat right. And the assumption that he probably is out spreading his seed somewhere else, so he's tired when he gets home.

Means, they're not having anything but a fight about who's the problem.

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If they're too tired at night they should do it in the morning.

BTW, she shouldn't pull her hair back like in the photo. It can cause traction alopecia hairloss (already her hairline looks jagged).

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Best if Mitsuyo Ohta does not complain about the marriage and physical problem. She should know that everyone is having a marriage problem. Young, middle-age, and elderly people all have problems. She is lucky enough to live with someone, despite that she is without a child. She can go ahead to adopt a kid.

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Cos you are right. They talk about it and that is a good sign. From what I hear, the men just are unable to do anything by about 40. And so they prefer the younger ones etc etc. But it makes me sad that the wife feels totally loveless. How cruel.

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The article doesn't mention loveless at all, it just says, "sexless". Just because they don't have sex, doesn't mean they don't love or care for each other.

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Mitsuyo chan, call me

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After marriage a lot of Japanese women hold back on the sex,and especially during pregnancy and after having a baby.

Why is that? I often read this on JT. Maybe the Jladies do not enjoy it anymore. Maybe some physiological reason behind this.But that is wrong too. That justifies in some manner, why the men in wedlock wander around looking for other women.

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As far as I know, it is really not unusual to have sexless marriages in Japan. My Japanese male co-workers complain about it too, along with plenty of foreigners I know. And I would agree with Osakadaz, it's largely caused by the Japanese wife.

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he has to be cheating or he is just not interested in her anymore. Maybe she is tooooo conservative in the bedroom or she doesn't want to do oral intercourse or whatever the situation is. They need counseling or marriage counseling to resolve this situation. Maybe she can't have children that is the reason why.

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With say western females,it has always been deemed that they get hornier in their 40s,whereas J females in their 40s seem to lose interest or talk about being tired.

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Just because its Sexless doesnt mean they're (or specifically HE'S) not having sex with other people.

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I do hope they are both getting it on on the side, because a sexless marriage is no joke!

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Talking from experience eh ?

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Sexless marriage? Join the club.

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From what I hear, the men just are unable to do anything by about 40.

true true, man after 40 just cannot perform anymore, that is why there are internet forums where they can release the testerone lfet from their youth

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Love is in differenet shapes, I prefer spiritual love than sex love, as sex is nothing spiritual, men cannot even think during the act.

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true true, man after 40 just cannot perform anymore

sex is nothing spiritual, men cannot even think during the act.

generalizing a bit aren't we?

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generalizing a bit aren't we?

Lol, I really do not have any experience with men over 40 but that is what I heard from my friends.

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From what I hear, the men just are unable to do anything by about 40. you hear wrong

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LoveUSA. You clearly are getting skewed information. I think you may find there are a lot of 40+ year old guys out there who can still rock someone's world. Open you mind a bit.

As for sexless marriages. This seems to be like the black death in Japan. Seems like the role of Mom excludes sex for many. Or maybe it really is just that life in Japan is not good for having time and energy for sex. Afterall life is far more insane here than in the US cities I am familiar with.

So now we know why the country can support a dozen kabakura at every station, masses of "health shops" and endless sexual related businesses.

This whole thing is very sad.

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LoveUSA. You clearly are getting skewed information. I think you may find there are a lot of 40+ year old guys out there who can still rock someone's world. Open you mind a bit.

ok, I was told by my friend not to expect anything from 40+ guys, they get so lazy that they expect only Bj

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One should remember the words of John Adams from the musical 1776:

"Mr. Jefferson, dear Mr. Jefferson I'm only 41; I still have my virility. And I can romp through Cupid's Grove with great agility. But life is more than sexual combustibility."

He wasn't a Founding Father for nuthin'.

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LoveUSA. There are many examples of famous men with equally famous sexual exploits after 40. Noripinhead listed one. But there are many, many.

Your friend's solitary experience may say more about her sexuality or some individual than it does about the general condition of men over 40.

The key to sex over 40 is to keep it engaging and exciting. This can be done through romance, passion and the mutual understanding of a couple to wish to enjoy and have a happy sex life. Older men can be mature, nurturing, patent and experienced. Maybe your friend should expand her partnership to include someone who is interested in her sexually before making incorrect assumptions. Maybe this kind of thinking is part of why sexless marriages are so common here.

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tkoind2 is right, you're only as old as the woman you feel.

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..work through the night on occasion, huh?

We know what that means.

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Love dear, I'm 51 and I'd be more than happy to straighten things out for you.

I do wonder if sexless marriages mean that at least one spouse is going outside for theirs. There are a lot of funny things that keep a marriage together.

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She had fertility treatments several years ago, which yielded no results.

What? this doesn't make any sense..


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Love dear, I'm 51 and I'd be more than happy to straighten things out for you.

Thanks for your kindness. But you have not seen me. If you see me, your fire, enthusiasm and desire will be extinguished. Lol, keep to the Japanese ladies.

Moderator: Back on topic please.

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I think the man, not the woman loses interest. There are many options out there to help relieve himself. But couples should still try at least once a month or so. What about Saturday or Sunday? Of course, weekdays are too too difficult but a good Saturday afternoon lovefest works.

The one thing that confuses me is how the west claim to have so much sex in their marriage. Please tell me how you can get excited havcing sex with overweight people. How can you get interested in that? Is that love? If so, I am in big trouble because no amount of love can keep me interested in my overweight wife if there is a slim jwoman willing.

sad but true.

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Oh poor lady, sexless marriage huh?! Contact me baby and papa will take care of all your sexual needs free of charge,lol...

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LoveUSA "true true, man after 40 just cannot perform anymore, that is why there are internet forums where they can release the testerone lfet from their youth"

Better check your facts. Better yet, check with my sig other. She's 26, I'm 60 and after 3 years it's never been better. There are good things about being a 20-year-old stud, but certain things get better with age.

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For those of you thinking that Jwoman is the cause: They do get tired, and once the child comes into the scene the interest is even less. I am not sure if it has anything to do with spiritual things. I know that Indian women are said to lean more towards spiritual things and sometimes are advised by older women to refrain from intimacy as it is a shame when shildren are growing up. I thought that they were the Kamasutra experts. Anyway, this is all far too complicated for me.

Do agree with Dano about how the relationship depends on weight too.

Also, what I initially mentioned about 40 year old men is applicable to Jmen. I have Jcolleagues who talk about all this, and how many times a day etc..

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I think sex is not only for the beautiful, young and fit and slim. it is human nature and there are people of any kind and shape and age, healthy, disabled, handicapped, everybody needs sex, so stop this discrimination against overweight people! As a matter of fact, I choose the men based on their IQ! However I wonder why only the low IQs are interested in me lol

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"One should remember the words of John Adams from the musical 1776:

"Mr. Jefferson, dear Mr. Jefferson I'm only 41; I still have my virility. And I can romp through Cupid's Grove with great agility. But life is more than sexual combustibility."

He wasn't a Founding Father for nuthin'."

i believe it was the slave quarters, not cupid's grove, he was rompin'through ... he he he wink

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yes, you may choose the man for IQ but men choose woman for many other reasons. don't be blind to it. A man may be in love with an overweight woman or a smart woman he can talk to. but he really wants to have sex with a slimmer one. if my wife got fat i would divorce her. this would indicate that she did not respect my feelings. i am not fat for her and she has no excuse to get fat for me.

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if my wife got fat i would divorce her. this would indicate that she did not respect my feelings. i am not fat for her and she has no excuse to get fat for me.

you should do this of course and marry a slimmer woman. please leave the overweight, yay!!!

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Despite the growing trend of these kind of relationship problems. I think there is a deeper issue at hand in this article. I can only say that 1 week without any any contact would be considered sexless to me. How in the world did she wait that long to define a problem.

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