Japan Today



Figure skater Miki Ando rumored to be in love with 3-time divorcee coach


The foreign-looking man was seen in the evening on the 7th floor balcony of an apartment complex, preparing to start a barbecue. The smiling woman who looked out the window every so often was figure skater Miki Ando, 21. According to a resident, the apartment is leased to Belarusian Nikolai Morozov, 33, who has been coaching Ando since the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin.

The following day, a young girl came out to the balcony with Ando, hand in hand. Morozov has been married three times, all to figure skaters, and the girl was believed to be the daughter from his second marriage.

Since Morozov became her coach, Ando’s skating style has evolved from a performance of outstanding technical skills to one with more artistic and expressive qualities. After confirming Ando’s stay at her coach’s apartment that lasted several days, Shukan Post interviewed apartment residents about the couple, all of whom acknowledged that their intimacy was a known fact.

In reply to Shukan Post’s questions during her skating practice, Ando affirmed that both she and her coach live in the same building but not in the same apartment. To the statement that she was seen on the balcony with Morozov’s daughter, the flustered ice skater demanded that further questions go to her agent. Morozov came to her rescue shouting “No pictures!” to Shukan Post reporters.

Ando’s former coach Nobuo Sato comments that their relationship is no one’s business, so long as there are positive results on the ice. The public will know the answer to that at the Vancouver Olympics.

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If they are in love then it doesn't matter. On the other hand the coaches record speaks for itself. He could be slimball who takes advantage of his position. I hope it is the fotmer and not the later.

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Hey, Coaches shouldn't date their players. If he is dating her. Or if she is that stupid to date him. Let it be !!!If he's dating her, he is not an professinal coach but a slimy grimmy skuzzz bucket. But divorcing three times is a " wake up call " for her to realize she will just be number 4 divorcee !!!I hope her mother can explain that to her. Keep it professional. I'm single please date me Ms. Ando.

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after seeing her in this pic, I can't say I blame the lucky SOB

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I wouldn't say he is lucky! I would say she is just plain miss guided we it comes to relationships.

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Before this is all over, I have a feeling he'll be a 4-time divorcee coach.

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I don't think figure skating deserves to be an Olympic event. It is an ice dance and not a "sport."

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Well at least he didn't decide to switch sides and start dating Oda-kun. LOL Seriously though this has been in the works a long time--look at videos of them interacting at competitions, even a couple of years back...

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It seems more like the coach has had this in the works for sometime.

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Divorced three times by the age of 33! Must be a great guy.....

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I think that the way that figure stakers often display their nether regions covered only by thin lycra, sometimes skin-coloured, tights, makes figure skating a (consciously or not) sexually loaded dance. Hence, dating ones coach may help to improve "expressive qualities." But I hope she does not become number 4. My wife thinks that Ms. Ando looks like "Chocorantan," but I think her face is very attractive.

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she can't skate, she aint attractive, and she's past her prime. so you figure, this guys got some dough, and now is the time for her to cash in before it's too late.

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yep he has been working this for quite a while now. I saw him on TV maybe 3 years ago and I could tell the way he was acting that he was messing around with her. I told my Japanese friend and I was told "no way, you are imagining things". Nope, I wasn't. I dont know about her, sometimes I see her and think she is hot and sometimes not so much.

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Wouldn't you hate to have paparazzi hanging around just outside of your home or apartment with telephoto cameras snapping pictures?

I really don't care what Miki Ando does or who she's seeing. That's her business not mine.

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Coach/skater romance seems common in ice skating. Must be the close working conditions.

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Blacklabel: I'm with you. Sometimes hot...smetimes not. But definantly dateble. I hope she wakes up and doesn't marry this guy.

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Be careful Miki, the guy is 3-time divorcee. Date him but don't marry him.

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Miki Ando, 21. Belarusian Nikolai Morozov, 33.

Ando’s former coach Nobuo Sato comments that their relationship is no one’s business, so long as there are positive results on the ice.

They are celebrities. If she does not want the public prying into her private life, let her quit figure skating at the Olympics. That would be a positive development.

I think that guy looks cold as ice and a skater is an idiot to become romantically involved with an icicle coach. She deserves to be jeered at the Olympics.

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Jbizzle: Yeah really seems to depend on what she is wearing (or not wearing) at the time that seems to determine if she is hot or not.

Anyway I dont see this one ending well, so I hope it at least helps her to get an Olympic medal before it all blows up.

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In a sport where perfection is required, I can see how that might carry over into one's private life and lead to divorce.

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I was thinking the same as Blacklabel when I read the article. I remember seeing something on tv where he said something like "she is the world's most beautiful woman". Thought at the time that that was a pretty weird thing for a coach to say.

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"on the 7th floor balcony of an apartment complex, preparing to start a barbecue"

That must be one of the those 4LDK apartment complexes with the 20-plus jo living rooms where pets and barbecues on the balcony are OK, lol.

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My friend once had a BBQ party on the balcony and the cops came and told us that it is forbidden. I don't think the size matters. Anyway, if she wants to date her coach, let her. I wish them the best and am looking forward to more great skating.

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Does Morozov speak Japanese? Because I don't think Ando speaks English or Russian...

Foxie - Well, of course, your friend didn't live in a 4LDK with a 20-plus jo living room where pets and barbecues on the balcony are OK.

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I think she maybe past her prime. Which isn't saying much because hasn't been the best skater Japan has produced. Hopefully they are in love because if he is just using her and she does bad then it will be unfortunate.

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"I think she maybe past her prime"

Yes, after all, she is already 21...

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Wow a 21 ice skater girl fell in love with her older male trainer. What a surprise. Not. He gets sex, she gets a father figure. I bet he was counting the days till he manipuliated her into bed.

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To the statement that she was seen on the balcony with Morozov’s daughter, the flustered ice skater demanded that further questions go to her agent.

Oh Oh! Sounds, like her family and close friends might have not known about it.

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Yes, after all, she is already 21...

Prime doesn't necessarily have to do with age. It has to with being at your peak mentally and physically do the job laid out before. That is why men and women sexual primes are at different ages. If it was only about age every person would be the same. Wouldn't that also make you past your prime?

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Does Morozov speak Japanese? Because I don't think Ando speaks English or Russian...

She speaks very good English, as does he- I heard him yelling at her once on a documentary, and her responding. All those young skaters seem to speak very good English- they do a lot of their training overseas, so they have to really.

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Hmm, not that Ms.Ando's personal relationship interests me, but still I wish some of these women would wise up more about men who are apparantly not all that great. I'd never marry a divorcee, let alone date unless I myself was divorced. This mans' been around the marriage block 3 times at 33? wow theres gotta be a serious issue there, and seems like he's used to taking advantage of naive ones.

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Sad to see this beautiful girl falling in love with a 3 time loser. Well, hopefully he'll get it right this time.

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3 times divorced by 33 ?? Good luck with that.

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who cares? they're adults. The small town JT at it again.

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As I mentioned earlier before the pic link was deleted, this issue can't be any more embarrassing to Miki Ando than her previous "wardrobe malfunction" while on ice once.

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Who started rumors? Japanese press? For what? To create a mess and noise around Japanese skaters is an old PR trick. They are too afraid of Kim Yu-Na. Good luck.

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Before this is all over, I have a feeling he'll be a 4-time divorcee coach.

Beelzebub: Do you think so? I noticed very few gaijin men 'escaped' after marrying J women...they're stucked in the marriage forever, good or bad for them...:)

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Miki Ando maybe 21 but she's a J woman. She knows what she wants in life and knows how to get it. That's part of the J culture.

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The foreign-looking man"

What makes him foreign-looking? The black hair? Nyuk nyuk nyuk!

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Miki Ando maybe 21 but she's a J woman. She knows what she wants in life and knows how to get it. That's part of the J culture.

right... as if Japan has a monopoly on "driven" women. lol

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She's going to end up being his 4th divorce. That's an unlucky number too.

Three times divorced at 33? This guy should just stop and admit he's gay.

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Morozov has been married three times, all to figure skaters...

So tell us what has become of these three figure skaters.

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He is really a very handsome men. one of the best looking foreign men in Japan! wow!

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right... as if Japan has a monopoly on "driven" women. lol

It's true..and that's why i don't introduce my bf to any J friends.:P

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I'm going to find out which apartment complex Morozov is leasing, and move there so I can have barbecues on the balcony.

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I feel the jealosy burning in the hearts of foreign men community members. Miki Ando picked up the best man and look how the JT men started to degrade and insult him. He is handsome, successful and enjoying his life and career in Japan. This is enough for the JT forum members to start the attacks. The more successsful in personal life and work life become targets of ridicule and sarcastuc comments when they deserve only admiration. Miki Ando will fly on the wings of love and win a medal for the couple in Vancouver.

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I'm going to find out which apartment complex Morozov is leasing, and move there so I can have barbecues on the balcony.

It is a place where high society lives, could you afford it?

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She's going to end up being his 4th divorce.

And the dark predictions start. They are even not married yet. I wish them happiness and most importantly an Olympic title.

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Three times divorced at 33? This guy should just stop and admit he's gay.

interested logic. never heard of sham marriages?

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She can do better !!!! She's naive, find something better girlfriend !!!!

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one of the best looking foreign men in Japan!

You speak as if you have seen all the foreign men in Japan.

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How about being happy for her rather than making her look stupid or focusing on the fact the guy is divorced 3 times?

Headline should read:

"Figure skater Miki Ando rumored to be in love with coach"

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Three times divorced at 33? This guy should just stop and admit he's gay.

And I suppose Elizabeth Taylor is a big fat lezzie.

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You speak as if you have seen all the foreign men in Japan. And also that his attractiveness determines whether or not he is a good life partner for Miki. That is quite shallow.

Moderator: Why again is this off topic?

Moderator: Of course, it is off topic. It is also not the first time you've said to the same poster: "You speak as if you have seen all the ... in Japan." Make sure your comments refer to the story.

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How about being happy for her rather than making her look stupid or focusing on the fact the guy is divorced 3 times?

Because the situation, shows that this could possibly lead to further humiliation if the relationship continues. It is not that she is seeing a 75 year who has been married three times. She is seeing a 33 year old who has been married 3 times. All figure skaters and he is a figure skating coach. See a pattern? A very unhealthy pattern. Which makes perfectly sense why some would be more than a little worried.

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biglittleman: and it's none of anyones business, if she is happy then she is happy...

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You speak as if you have seen all the foreign men in Japan. And also that his attractiveness determines whether or not he is a good life partner for Miki. That is quite shallow.

Biglittleman : Why again is this off topic?

Moderator: Of course, it is off topic. It is also not the first time you've said to the same poster: "You speak as if you have seen all the ... in Japan." Make sure your comments refer to the story."

Big deal I use the same expressions. Is there rule you can use the same words? Second, relates directly to the story. Miki is dating a man. Whether or not they are attractve shouldn't be the reason why it is OK to date him. LoveUSA said it was. I disagreed. If you are saying my posts are off topic then all of their posts are off topic and be deleted. You seem to be picking sides.

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I just found out, from the Chosun Ilbo ( ! ) that the apartment where Morozov was preparing to start a barbecue is in New Jersey, USA. And Miki has denied living together with him - she says they live in the same complex but in different apartments. For some reason I believe this.

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Maybe his logic is: "I marry them while they are at the top of their careers, I get a coach fee. I get divorce when they begin to fail and I get part of the money she earned". Obviously, he always marries young skaters. 33 years old and 3 times divorcee is a sign that whether he is awful choosing wives or that he just wants something else ($$)

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You speak as if you have seen all the foreign men in Japan. And also that his attractiveness determines whether or not he is a good life partner for Miki. That is quite shallow.

Biglittleman : Why again is this off topic?

Moderator: Of course, it is off topic. It is also not the first time you've said to the same poster: "You speak as if you have seen all the ... in Japan." Make sure your comments refer to the story."

Big deal I use the same expressions. Is there rule you can use the same words? Second, relates directly to the story. Miki is dating a man. Whether or not they are attractve shouldn't be the reason why it is OK to date him. LoveUSA said it was. I disagreed. If you are saying my posts are off topic then all of their posts are off topic and be deleted. You seem to be picking sides."

Moderator: Do not post this again.

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Why does the man being handsome by your standards make him the only reason she should married him. Why does it matter for Miki's happiness. Is the fact he married 3times at the age of 33 means nothing.

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Why does the man being handsome by your standards make him the only reason she should married him. Why does it matter for Miki's happiness. Is the fact he married 3times at the age of 33 means nothing.

If she likes him, she found something atractive in him.

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If it's true love, then great for them! The fact that he has been divorced 3 times could be seen either as a good or bad thing. If he has learned something from his past relationships and why they didn't work out then it's possible that he is wiser for it. However, if this just indicates a pattern of failure on his part and he hasn't grown or changed, then I would approach with caution if I were her.

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24 hrs " practice "..........of course she gets better.. hahahhaa

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Don't do it, Miki! You are better than this!!!!

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I'd never have (not that shed care one bit for me) anything to do with a girl that would have relations with a man who was divorced 2x or more and had children. I am picky about taking leftovers and like to know who my girlfriend has been shagging. If I don't like him or think he is a dumb choice, I figure she'll go out with anyone and won't want her.


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There are a lot of tramps that don't care for about a mans history. I know a lot of women that only go out with guys who are married, some kind of power trip or something. Ando seems like this type. She is delusional if she thinks this guy really loves her and that this love is "different" from his past loves.. looser.. both of them. Women are suckers and no one knows this better than bartenders and guys in a band.


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you are so harsh on the guy, maybe he was 3 times unlucky in his love life. Maybe Miki will make him happy and they have found their soulmate in each other.

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Maybe, yeah, maybe. Or maybe he'll love her till she passes 26 and then pick up on his next cherry in the bowl. Life is a bowl of cherries never had more meaning. I mean COME ON! 3 times with 3 different figure skaters, all probably lovely and young like the 21-year old Ando. Fool me once and shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, who is the shame on. A fourth time and.....seems like there should be a song about this, or maybe there already has, "Senior Blues"

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Do Shukan Post (and Japan Today) really believe that we are all so naive and gossip-starved ? A figure skater is spotted holding hands with the child of her figure skating coach and so that must confirm that he is definitely banging her ? The figure skater and her coach deal sharply with the immaturity of the questioning which must really mean that she has fallen head over heels in love with him ? Grow up everyone and go and read a good novel instead of this unconfirmed drivel.

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Northlondon, what if its true? It makes news because it concerns a very nationally recognized skater at the peak of her form. And Japanese care about their stars and are especially nosy/over/unfairly protective concerning their female stars, or haven't you noticed? Thirdly, Japanese girls are hungry for a relationship that is shall we say, different than "the norm". Spotting the two together day and night, with all that work inbetween does make one ponder, perhaps even to the extent of the report that somethings up between them. Kumiko Goto and the race driver, Arimori and the gay marriage, and now this. What is the world coming to?

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And you disregard one very important detail. The 33 year old has already taken the vow 3 times. That's an average marriage life of 4 years. No cause for concern or interest if you care about the lady?

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Why so many threads on this ?? Laughable.

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Because she's beautiful and talented, why else?

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I read the magazine and the pictures are normal! only a yellow new!

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Being #4 is kind of unlucky -I would hold out for #5, but get in before being #6.

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Miki is a young lady who lost her father unfortunately.So,she may lack the true love,support,protection,guidance,etc. had her father been there for her.The same may be for her alleged lover/coach.She is one of the most beautiful skaters,physically as well as artistically.In this world of sin,sin,sin,I believe she will with the help of eternal GOD,overcome any stupid con men as her coach may be.Its very tough to let go of a love,or reationship,but truth and right always eventually triumphs.

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Parasitic photographers sitting outside their house, scum of the earth.

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