Japan Today



Hatoyama claims donated money shows 'mother's love' for him


“The way I look at it, this donation shows my mother’s love to me. It is not illegal.” So says Internal Affairs and Communications and former Justice Minister Kunio Hatoyama, defending the legality of donations made by members of his family.

Shukan Post reported earlier that Hatoyama’s mother and sister had made contributions of 1.5 million yen each to his fund-management organization, Shinsei-kai. The Political Fund Control Act limits the maximum donation by an individual to political organizations to 1.5 million yen. However, the same family members allegedly contributed an additional 4.5 million respectively to Shinsei-kai by funneling the funds through three separate dummy organizations.

While Hatoyama, well known for his obscure and often absurd comments, described the annual 6 million yen contribution as motherly love, he also claimed no knowledge of the transaction, saying he delegates such matters to the organization’s treasurer.

On the other hand, Hatoyama’s office responded to Shukan Post’s inquiry that “if there are any problems, the money will be handled as a donation to the [LDP] party’s local chapter.“

As the watchdog of political funding, Hatoyama should not be allowed to get away with such sophistry.

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Yeah, his mother gives him money without telling him and acted alone in channeling the extra cah through backdoor channels. This guy was the justice minister!

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This is also the same clown who said "A friend of a friend is a member of Al-Qaeda". He is also partly responsible for why all foreigners are treated like criminals and fingerprinted on entry to Japan.

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Should ministers also give fingerprints when they go out or return to Japan?

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Hatoyama clown san, spend for us foreigners new testing at the border, I`m sure you will have better excuse towards your citizens who do 99% crimes in your country and are free to run away abroad.

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yeah yeah... and his mom and sister got the money from a friend of a friend that wants some favors.

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Well I say spread the love brother. Give some of that love to people whoe really need it.

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Its ok when the LDP does it. Wasn't there a recent statement that no LDP member would be charged for violations of the political donations law and it only applied to opposition parties?

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This seems fine to me. Let's keep the focus on Ozawa.

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Shukan Post reported earlier that Hatoyama’s mother and sister had made contributions of 1.5 million yen each to his fund-management organization, Shinsei-kai. The Political Fund Control Act limits the maximum donation by an individual to political organizations to 1.5 million yen. However, the same family members allegedly contributed an additional 4.5 million respectively to Shinsei-kai by funneling the funds through three separate dummy organizations.

This seems fine to me. Let's keep the focus on Ozawa.

I don't see how that's fine, personally. There are now TWO Cabinet ministers involved in receiving dodgy donations.

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Simon Foston,

If it's not reported or discussed, that 2 can be reduced to zero very easily. For the sake oft he government and the people, we need to focus on Ozawa and ensure the DPJ is smeared.

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For the sake oft he government

What...for that bunch of old men ?

No thank you !

But we need to focus on Ozawa and ensure the DPJ win, next time around !!!

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If it's not reported or discussed, that 2 can be reduced to zero very easily. For the sake oft he government and the people, we need to focus on Ozawa and ensure the DPJ is smeared.

So... flagrant violations of political funding laws should only be investigated and prosecuted when they involve politicians you don't like?

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