“This bra does wonders for your figure, sir.”
“It does, doesn’t it. Very good. I’ll take it. And maybe one more, for when I play baseball.”
The dialogue is imaginary but based on a singular fact unearthed by Weekly Playboy (Dec 22-29): There are bras for men. And men are buying them. In droves.
“It went on sale Nov 8, and since then, it’s constantly being sold out. Now we’re having to ask customers to wait a whole month,” says a spokesperson for underwear maker Wish Room.
Weekly Playboy assigns the story to a young part-timer named Maiko, whose first question, quite naturally, is: Why on earth would a man want to wear a bra?
“Well, we started hearing a while back from male customers who said they wanted a bra,” the spokesperson explains. “Lately women have taken to wearing men’s underwear as a matter of fashion. Why shouldn’t the reverse be true too? So we developed a bra for men.”
Maiko’s next step is to tap two of her male Weekly Playboy colleagues as test cases. She has each of them don a man’s bra (somehow they each manage to procure one despite the shortage) and describe their impressions. The fellow in the black bra is called Naoi; the one in the white, Bakko. Naoi is “a bit on the metabo side,” meaning overweight -- “his belly sticks out more than his chest,” smirks Maiko. Bakko’s build is slim and athletic. They have this in common: adaptability. With a little getting used to, the unfamiliar garment fits them like a glove.
“Normally, whenever I go up or down stairs I can feel my breasts flopping around,” says stout Naoi, “but with a bra on, I don’t get that at all.”
There’s more. “My posture isn’t good, I stoop, but with the bra on my backbone straightens. And when I sleep with it on, I don’t snore like a chainsaw!”
Good for him -- but what about the svelte Bakko? You’d think he’d have nothing to put into a bra, but there’s more to this than meets the casual eye, as he explains to Maiko: “My nipples are dark and very big. They show even through a T-shirt. But look, Maiko! With this bra on, you can’t see my giant nipples!”
Something about wearing a bra makes a man feel … well, “like first love,” says Bakko, “an inexpressible tightness in the chest, to the point that when I play the cello with a bra on, I seem to get a mellower tone out of it.”
Bakko plays baseball too, and he finds a bra gives him better batting form. “I recommend it to pro baseball players with batting problems,” he says.
© Japan Today
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Hmmm indeed..But this is Japan after all
There are women who can manage and live comfortable life without a piece of cloth called 'bra', so there is no surprise if some men feel comfortable with a bra. However, Man's Iron Chest is better than Bra(ss) Chest.
If you're suffering from man-boobs a diet is recommended.
what next? Bra for the lower dangler? only in Japan, awesome !!
Sound a bit kinky to me, but I thought that kind of person preferred women's underwear.
It could explain why bras are stolen from washing lines.
This must be a new fashion excessory for confirmed batchelors.
Bet Cliff Richard buys a gross or 2 , know what i mean?
I'm gonna get Mr Cleo one for nightwear. Nothing else has worked.
I know half of you would want to buy this. Be a man!
It's not just Japan. In Australia there's a gang called the Bra Boys who have been wearing this stuff for years - Russell Crowe even made a documentary about them!
God forbid these guys should actually DO something, like go to a gym and workout. Much easier to just buy a bra and pretend you actually have a manly chest -- while you eat and drink every night with your buds. Typical Japan, treat the symptom, rather than the cause.
Women are the centre of Japanese culture, so men are much more inclined to impersonate them.
This is so gay!
I agree with TheguyNextdoor.
Cleo - Two words: Breathe Right. You're welcome.
Sarge: get a clue. Please.
"Breathing right" does nothing for snoring, since it's not the breathing that causes snoring.
Scrote & herefornow: see advice to Sarge. Please.
"Man boobs" are an actual medical condition that won't go away (much) with weight loss. And that has little or nothing to do with this fad.
Reading this all I could think of was that Seinfield episode where Kramer had the idea of a bra for overwirght men, except he called it a "Bro."
Sarge -
I do! He don't. I've tried everything, but so far the only thing that 'works' is a short sharp jab in the ribs, but that's only temporary and leaves him black and blue by morning.....
Don't really see how a bra would actually stop snoring, though.
Moderator: Readers, stay on topic please. No discussion of snoring unless it relates to men's bras.
thanks for the laugh
hey, the manzier/the bro has made a comeback!
A more in-depth article on the subject pointed to a survey of men who admitted to wearing this product (at least to the survey, if not to the people around them), and revealed that those with other cross-dressing proclivities (which have nothing to do with being gay, by the way--the majority of cross-dressers are straight men) were actually just a fraction of the total, with the most prominent groups being men in positions of power (doctors, lawyers, politicians, etc.) and those in sales jobs.
The most common reasons giving for liking the product were "It makes me straighten up (no pun intended), like knotting my tie smartly" and "It makes me feel like being nicer to other people" (something that's noted even in the marketing copy from the manufacturer).
Go figure...
What, like batting for the other team?
I guess j-guys, like J-girls, want to be chestier.
Suggested Models: The Ed Wood. The Edgar Hoover.
What is it about Ed's and lingerie, anyway?
Doesn't the source of this article lead anyone to believe it's one of the many stories completely fabricated to make people giggle? Honestly, we shouldn't be believing everything printed in a tabloid.
Well just go to the Man Bra web site, it's there in black and white... and pink. <g>
Must be all the hormones in our food.
no thanks
Something about wearing a bra makes a man feel … well, “like first love,” says Bakko, “an inexpressible tightness in the chest, to the point that when I play the cello with a bra on, I seem to get a mellower tone out of it.”
That's great. So after he plays the cello, people will be shoting "Bra-vo! Bra-vo!" Get the yoke?
This is retarded
"With this bra, you can't see my giant nipples!"
Hee hee!
"My nipples are dark and very big."
But are they pointy?
That's definitely gay...
I am curious about cup sizes and how to determine the best size for sport or other activities :-)
Farmboy: You'll get used to it. But it's a strange collection you mention for just one floor.
It's like women playing football, it just wern't meant to be!!
This article is true. I have seen it on The Japan Times. The success of this bra is closely related to wish of J-men of appearing more well-built, stronger, even if they have to make use of bras and eteceteras.
that's sexy...
Ahahaha, thanks guys, you gave me a great idea for a funny Christmas' present !
I was going to get my wife a new wood lathe....
Holy crap. I don't think I will ever have any kind of insecurity about any aspect of my body after reading this article.
utterly gay beyond redemption. In a country where 30% of men sit down to take a leak... totally believeable.
not even a bad joke - completely Japanese to the core... no surprise.
Get a life, join a gym ... or just accept being gay.
Why are so many of you calling it "gay?" A man wanting to wear an article of woman's clothing is not the same thing as being gay. The ignorance level of some posters here is astronomical.
"Why are so many of you calling it gay?"
Because it is.
"gay" as in it makes you happy? Wtf? When did cross dressing determine your sexual prefernce? I have a word for you IGNORANT. Its a funny story that doesn't apply to the vast majority of men. Perhaps we have some latent homosexuals posting here, who cant help their suppressed homoerotic aggression and call everything gay?
I think it's daft. Men should wear proper clothes for blokes, not birds underwear, it's daft.
I wouldn't think a man's bone structure would allow him to reach back to fasten it.
Time to take a stand for men's rights...off with those bras and toss 'em into the bonfire! We can all sing kum bra yah while the bras go up in flames. Speaking of flames, if you own one of these, you could be one.
I think the only target of such an article is to shock and to sell. I showed the ad photo to my girl friends (many of whom love Manga) along with a translation of the advertisement at the store in Rakuten, and the best comment was one that said, 'I don't know if I should laugh or weep bitterly' XD.
But really, if some men are so unsatisfied and unhappy with their bodies, getting a trainer bra is WAY cheaper. Sad part is, it's also a part of 13 year old girls clothing. Now that would be even more disturbing.
It's vomit time again, in ol' Japan . . . tra la la.
tzr250 -- lighten up. It is "gay" in the sense that it is extremely effeminite, like much of men's dress and personal grooming here -- long nails, over-styled hair, etc.
Come on guys, don't feel threatened by this, saying it is gay does not reaffirm your manhood. I once had a Japanese girl who wanted me to wear her panties, those laced ones hahaha. It turned her on to no ends, hell i did! It turned me on when she wore my shirt. Whats the big deal I am just too secure in being a heterosexual male to even worry about that kind of thing
JmannGod, I like to know how you know 30% of japanese men sit down to take a leak. I think bakko in the article could've just put a couple of band aids if he wanted to cover his nipples.
Do they come in smap and sumoh sizes?
Everton -- I think you miss the point. Probably most guys have slipped on their girlfriend's thong and pranced around the apartment. That is not the issue here. This is about guys buying bras designed for guys. Totally different concept. But, I'm sure glad to hear you are so secure in your hetrosexuality. I just worry about your need to proclaim it here.
So, are we going with "Bro" or "Manzier" on this? I'm for the latter.
This is wrong on so many levels.
Nor would you if you cut your portions in half and did some push-ups everyday. The next time you want to eat fried-something, eat an apple. Perhaps someone over there ought to ask Mr. Average Japan.. do you think that anyone in the 1,000,000 member Chinese military is wearing a man-bra? Does ANYONE over there remember Toshiro Mifune?
Uh.... no.
seems obvious to me that the reason this product is so popular is because the men can dress up just like mummy!
I guess it's true then when they say the human race will be sexless in the future, like angels have no sex. Naaah...I join bcbrownboy, pass me the barf bag quick!
My nipples are dark and very big. They show even through a T-shirt
Sorry to disappoint you, but they may still show through a bra. There are other things you can do to hide your nipples such as using pasties.
telecaster -- wow, live a little. Your seriousness about everything is what "is wrong on so many levels".
I think they need a better name and something a bit more sporty
am131 wrote: 'JmannGod, I like to know how you know 30% of japanese men sit down to take a leak. I think bakko in the article could've just put a couple of band aids if he wanted to cover his nipples.'
It was reported on in the Guardian earlier in the year after research into growing trends in Japan (sorry no link... look for it yourself)
They had abaht this on the BBC a bit ago.
Blooming fatties should try living on a pensioners money, wouldn't have man boobs then. Or maybe tehy is just kinky like. You know, like wearing womens clobber an all that.
Maybe younger men should exercise and lay offf the American fast food junk and you don't get womens style bodies.
This is straight outt Seinfeld xD. Not many men have man boobs, but women always have some. This is not a lucrative market except for the folks that don't really take care of themselves. But with obesity going up in JPN, maybe they might make a lot more... but its a slim chance.
Not always.
Wow a lot of anti-fatties here. The story also gave equal time to Mr. Svelt and he seemed to like also. Perhaps he's being ignored because he threatens many of the svelt posers on this board.
If these garments were supposed to be manly, they wouldn't come in pink satin. They're just an excuse to crossdress. I have no problem with people crossdressing in their free time, but trying to pass off wearing a satiny bra as necessary for some men is silly.
I dont care if you are secure in your manhood, its still extremely gay!!! not the happy kind, the pillow biter kind!!!! gay!!!
Hey come on there are some guys that would rather wear the Manzier than to go to the gym and tone their body up. I mean I am a big guy and there is no way in hell that I would wear that. I mean how would a girl look at you when you try and get close. I mean she is going to think your GAY too. So that is why we say GAY. Look they are selling this thing to men who have no self confidence. I mean what is going to be next...The Mankini? I mean if I see that at the beach I will have to move. Guys don't waste your money on this. Put it into a gym membership and go. It's the New Year. Trust me. You will be happier with the gym then the Manzier.
Only in Japan
"It's not a bra! It's a pectoral muscle supporter!"
("ブラじゃないよっ!! 大胸筋矯正サポーターだよぉぉ!")
"There are bras for men. And men are buying them. In droves."
Men bras? Being bought in droves? Only in Japan! Although I am a pretty flexible guy, I do not get this at all. I have no problem with women wearing fundoshi, and men wearing t-back underwear, or even going cowboy, but come on, men's bras?!
"This bra does wonders for your figure, sir."
Why do I suddenly feel ill?