Japan Today



No-bra gear may gain ground this summer


As the hot weather kicks in, males in Japan are likely to find a definite improvement in the scenery. Weekly Playboy (June 1) reports that the number of women choosing to go braless in the warm weather has been soaring.

Note we said "braless" -- not topless. Moreover, it's not as if more ladies are risking Cooper's droop by going entirely without support. But from last year, camisoles and tank-tops with built-in cups, such as the "Bratop" from Uniqlo, have sold by the millions, indicating that more women are likely to be prancing around town in such garments this summer.

Uniqlo's Bratop models, whose prices begin from 1,500 yen for the camisole and tank-top varieties, incorporate cups of molded mesh material designed to wick off perspiration. Their shoulder straps are also adjustable. This summer's new designs were modeled by actress Chiaki Kuriyama at a press conference last week.

One starlet enthusiastic for the Bratops is zoftig pinup model Yuri Morishita, who boasts a 90-cm G-cup.

"I wish all my clothes felt this good," the 24-year-old model beams. "I've always had problems finding a bra that fit me well, to the point the I didn't want to wear one. "But these new types with built-in cups give no feeling of constriction. That's because since they consist only of pads, my bosom can move about freely."

She thereupon demonstrates her point to Weekly Playboy's reporter by thrusting her arms out in front of her body to emphasize her impressive cleavage.

Some males, however, might regard the Bratop as a step in the wrong direction.

"Garments like Bratop may enable women's breasts to protrude nicely, and also have the advantage of allowing bounce as the wearer walks," observes Tetsuya Mori, who operates FOB, a website for fans of "kyonyu," as massive mammaries are referred to in Japanese.

"But actually when and if things get to the point of making love, it means one less item to peel off; so I guess men who have a fetish for women's underthings aren't going to like them so much," Mori says, complaining that the garments with built-in cups are not that revealing.

"It's no exaggeration to say some men will feel like they're losing out on half of the pleasures in life!" he exclaims.

"Well, women's chests perspire a lot and in the steamy summer heat, mine become smaller, to the point that I have to go down one size," Morishita retorts. "The Bratop allows good ventilation and prevents subcutaneous fat cells from burning off, so I won't need to change to a smaller size."

Weekly Playboy's reporter's response is to nod enthusiastically. Or perhaps his neck movements are merely moving along in synch, karaoke-style, with Morishita's bouncing balls.

© Japan Today

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Does she really have breasts? "I should say, it is a Japanese G cup." I can't see any difference than most of the flat women in Japan. One part of western life I really miss.

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This - is - awesome

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Most of the article is about Yuri Morishita-san and her G-cups, and the photo is of a flat-chested Chiaki Kiriyama - Japanese journalism at its best!

Moderator: Kuriyama modeled the Bratop at this event. Morishita did not. If you wish to see a photo of the Bratop, then it has to be Kuriyama.

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Plenty of photos of Ms. Morishita on the web. Check these out: http://today-yuuri.cocolog-nifty.com/

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pictures of the big breasted model... NOW!!!

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This is news?? Going bra-less has been going on over a long time in many countries...Anyway, no matter what they do, no electronics, no special diet, nothing absolutely can resolve this issue for the poor Js. I feel sorry when they wear the padded lacey bras, there's nothing inside actually, just like their empty lives and their chasing after the wind. Look at the French girls, they know how to sport their flat chest, very charming and sexy. Oh please don't try to copy them. For the French girls it comes naturally.

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Chiaki Kuriyama braless - drooool....

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I suppose the padding industry will collapse.

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what rondh69 said!

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" nothing absolutely can resolve this issue for the poor Js. "

Do I sense some sour grapes? There are plenty of J-girls with perfect shapes, thank you very much. I cheer to Uniqlo, and their new CM with Chiaki the Tarantino babe is great, too.

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just like their empty lives and their chasing after the wind.

Sour grapes indeed! I am a true believer in comfort and these women with their empty lives seem comfy! Leave it to the ugly birds to poo on the parade! I have the sudden urge to go shopping at Uniqlo…

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Yuri Morishita...just googled her...OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

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beelzebub, thanks for the link :-)))

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Ive seen men hanging out in the local bathhouse with bigger boobs than this dame. Bra or no bra, I dont see much difference, except how will they attach the enhancers?

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I used to try to tell people differently when they insisted J-girls got no breasts. But why should I invite competition? Anyone who thinks so is welcome to the bliss of their ignorance. Now I just smile and nod and declare it such a pity that J-girls got no breasts. My friend, don't come to Japan! You won't have any good mammaries here!

But to comment on the garments: My feelings are mixed because "some" support is not full support. My family growing up was almost all women, so I know these things: My grandmother wore her bra even when sleeping. Her breasts were more beautiful than many 20 somethings, even when she was quite old. No joke. But if the breast are flopping around in these shirts that replace the bra, then the undersupport they provide is only so effective.

The good point about these to me will be that there will be no more indents and lines made by the bra onto the breasts that you see just after the bra is taken off.

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Ive seen men hanging out in the local bathhouse with bigger boobs than this dame. Bra or no bra, I dont see much difference, except how will they attach the enhancers?

Sorry you're disappointed, I like how she looks myself. Certainly wouldn't mind getting to know her a bit better. Well, if my girlfriend wouldn't kill me that is.

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My grandmother wore her bra even when sleeping. Her breasts were more beautiful than many 20 somethings, even when she was quite old. No joke.

Paging Dr. Freud! Dr. Freud line one! I would like to take granny shoppin' at Uniqlo!

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Uni "made in china" qlo

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well i wonder why most japanese girls wear bra's as they are mostly not as well endowned than westerners

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What about all the guys in this country that wear bras? I recall reading about that here. What will they do?

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no self respecting woman will go out without a bra.

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Heck...I've never used a bra, in fact, bras have always been more of a hinderance than anything else.

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Nothing wrong with not wearing a bra if and only if you’re a fit woman. You hear “no self respecting woman will go out without a bra” out of the other kind of woman ;)

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Lol, Frying Monkey, the heaviest the breasts the heaviest the gravitation. i have not heard anybody defying the gravitation except if you live on the moon.

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Sour grapes? Size E 80 with or without bra looks good. maybe the Chinese Qlo should have a competition.

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womanforwomen you would seem to have some serious issues with Japanese women, whatever their bra size. Is there no way you could persuade your boyfriend to move to where ever you want to live & feel comfortable living?

Likeitis, sometimes you worry me. Even I agree with FryingMonkey.

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One starlet enthusiastic for the Bratops is zoftig pinup model Yuri Morishita, who boasts a 90-cm G-cup.

Should be "zaftig."

Moderator: Zoftig is acceptable.

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grafton: Likeitis, sometimes you worry me.

Its not like I saw my grandmother's breasts a lot. I only remember seeing them when I was like six. It was my aunt who told me how they had hardly changed, and she knew because she was carrying for my grandma after chemo. Not long after chemo though they went down hill she says. By that time grandma was in her 60s.

Don't let my frankness make you think something funny is going on. The anecdote is simply a testament to the preserving power of the bra, and I don't think this garment will do match it.

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There are some damn sexy lingerie items out there that put such shirts to shame... and no, I'm not one of the 'fetish' people the guy in the article talks about, I just know that sometimes when you watch a woman strip down and she's got some stockings and other nice 'delicates' then it's quite nice to take in for a while. Still, I think it takes all kinds, and there's not going to be any complaining on my part if I see a bra-less lady saunter past.

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no self respecting woman will go out without a bra. I do agree with you LoveUSA.

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Chiaki Kuriyama doesn't do it for me.

"Yuri Morishita...just googled her...OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!"

You'd do better to search by "Yuuri Morishita" in English or use her kanji for a search in Japanese, especially for blog material.

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Hey, I'm all for comfort and all, but here's the grind. All its going to take is one "costume malfunction" like what happened in the super bowl for it all to go wrong.

Here's how I see it hypothetically happening. Some J-chick with barely a pair of fried eggs to hold up her shirt and a lack of proper strap adjustment on a train gives the standing male passengers too much of a show. Especially if her strap comes off due to her napping on the commute home. She wakes up; realizes she's at least partially exposed and starts screaming about being victimized. then the news will be full of stories of other women being victimized because of this fashion, and the company's stocks will go into the toilet due to negative reaction to the product.

End of product, and everyone goes back to layers. So guys, enjoy the show while you can, I doubt it will last long.

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Okay, how did I know you guys were going to be shredding over here, too? A bra is an uncomfortable thing most of the time. They can be itchy because a person's (I'm including men here, too, just in case) skin can be more delicate where the bra is. I hate em. I only wear one if I'm going to a business meeting or a funeral. My friend K. doesn't own one and I can't say I blame her.

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SiouxGirl at 05:32 AM JST - 20th May

You do of course realise that you have just destroyed the illusions of millions of men by this revelation? They always believed that moment of bliss that passed across a woman’s face when her bra was removed was because of them, now they will know the truth & that moment of male pride in their prowess will be forever lost to them.

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fully support this brave new front!! But I daresay we will need to keep abreast of any new developments - certainly we don't want to hear from any knockers over this well-developed idea.

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LOL Fryinmonkey.....i have no problems with this, summer is going to be really nice around here.

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Being a structural engineer it looks like we will be looking for work if this fad catches on. Just can't wait to be sleeping by the Sumida River.

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this is going to be a hot summer...

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No bra is the way for the Japanese economy to become better! Even if we are working long hours, having somebody nice to look at in the office once in a while, without a bra, hey, that would should make time fly!

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um, I don't see how this can be a 'good thing' for men in Japan. As a woman I do like this shirts with built in cups, but you can't get the same lifting/shaping/extra cleavage/padding as a regular bra. If this catches on, you'll see just how much 'false advertising' there is in Japan.

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Being a man I have never had to worry about the fit of a bra or cup. So YES I will injoy the change if it comes about. Nothing like looking at a good looking woman that is dressed properly no matter what she wears.

We over in North American wait for the Japanese makers to women to set the latest trend.

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Jmen wearing bras and now Jwomen without them. The bra of reciprocity.

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I just jumped from an article about a man flashing a women on the train... to bra-less summer attire.

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seesaw I think its ok for Japanese women to go without Bras, Compared to the average woman, esp Westerners, they have no breasts really. I, on the other hand have tried these tops in UNIQLO, and had to retreat. Reminding myself that I am "Westernly built" and feeling stupid for even thinking of such a thing. I would not be accepted on any train if I went braless here.

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On a personal note, I really like the commercial. I have no opinions on women going braless or not, I just think the commercial is really well done. I generally like uniqlo commercials, but I really liked this one. Am I rambling....

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Yes! about time.

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i expect a nippy summer ;)

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What about all the metebo guys who need bras?

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They ran the story on guys bras a little while ago. Seriously, they did.

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They ran the story on guys bras a little while ago.

A typical case of tit for tat!

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Japanese women without bras? - well whoopee do. It's like saying "Aso decides against taking a Mensa entrance exam" - both are ridiculously unnecessary in the first place.

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Why MagnusGarstin - LOL.

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I think this trend would be far more worth pursuing during the chilly winter months. Who gives a monkey's if there is something with nothing inside it being worn or not when you can't see it?

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90-cm G-cup

Maybe in Japan. In western countries this is about a C/D

Anyway, much as I hate bras too, at the best part of 6 months pregnant by August, for my own and other peoples safety there is no way I am going to be gettin` jiggy with it this summer!

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seesaw I think its ok for Japanese women to go without Bras, Compared to the average woman, esp Westerners, they have no breasts really. I, on the other hand have tried these tops in UNIQLO, and had to retreat. Reminding myself that I am "Westernly built" and feeling stupid for even thinking of such a thing. I would not be accepted on any train if I went braless here.

Dracpoo2: There's no point really of being bra-less when you have nothing to show..... but I think the J women will wear anything that is in fashion, and I guess including bra-less. Even in those days when they used to have fat legs, they had the chunky platform shoes on...:)

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I always go bra-less in summer. At least I have more than a berry on a tatami mat to show. Like puppies in a sack I am.

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I remember the first time I wore a yukata; one of my friends let me borrow one and her grandmother dressed me up. Her grandma said I should remove my bra and change into a camisole and petticoats. I did so in another room and came back. The grandmother admonished my friend saying, "I told you to ask her to remove her bra!" My friend smiled apologetically and said, "She already did."

All brassieres in Japan are extra-padded, regardless the size (unless it's a sports bra, they are lightly padded). I saw the bra-tops at Muji last week and I was really tempted to get one, but I don't think they offer enough support, and for some reason the cups are too close at the center, making it difficult to keep them in place. The cups are so thick the bra-top looks like it already has someone inside. In the end, I didn't buy it. I've not tried the Uniqlo models, but I don't think I will.

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funny article - writer shows a bit of wit....

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This is good news B

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Compared to the average woman, esp Westerners, they have no breasts really.

This should read: "they have smaller breasts" And if you thought bigger is better, you need to readjust your perceptions. It's a myth that all men adhere to this ignorance.

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Oh no, just when I thought it couldn't get worse - I can't concentrate on my work now. Jeez, when is this going to end. I'll never get anything done.

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What astonishes me is that I believed that scientists, engineers, and women had bras figured out by now. Clearly there are many women still unhappy with their bras. Innovation is needed here desperately it seems.

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I vote for Aki Hoshino as "bra ambassador" to fix these bra issues that many women (and men) are having.

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Looking forward to Uniqulo selecting the best no-braist!

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JT seems to be making a few references to Playboy recently, hmmmm.

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JT seems to be making a few references to Playboy recently, hmmmm.

That's Weekly Playboy, not Playboy. Different mags.

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Interesting. Men are wearing bras and women aren't. If you guys want to deal with that hot, itchy mess, more power to you.

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If the ladies of Japan want to go braless, let them, i'm not going to Japan to see them anyway, what do I care.

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bouncing balls ? how crude.

it's the pointies that turn men on when girls go bra-less

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presto345: This should read: "they have smaller breasts" And if you thought bigger is better, you need to readjust your perceptions. It's a myth that all men adhere to this ignorance.

Well, that might be true. But then, back home, I see huge ones, but trust me, they ain't nice. Japanese women tend to have breasts that are big enough, plenty to work with, and firm....NO, NO! They got no breasts! Ok? They got no breasts! So don't none of you guys come over here and get in my way, I mean, don't bother going out of your way....er, you would be wasting your time, sorry. Case closed.

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You are still looking good, GoGo

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Don't get your hopes up guys. In NY women are allowed to go topless anywhere men are allowed to. You know, the beach, jogging, whatever. I've never seen any who do. I don't know why not.

I do agree that there is nothing wrong with the Japanese version of breasts though. I think the fascination with size is that size can be measured and quantified. That's about where it ends though.

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"If you guys want to deal with that hot, itchy mess, more power to you."

Souixgirl, don't you mean more powDer to you?

Sorry, it's late, I'm getting bouncy. I mean punchy.

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some things don't change

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No-bra gear may gain ground this summer

I'd be happy to force a resolution through the Diet that all good-looking Japanese girls are required to do this every summer from here to eternity.

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I don't see what the fuss is about. Uniqlo has been selling this type of top with a built-in bra for several years now (I own a few and some of them are getting old), and tops with built-in bras have been sold by other manufacturers and in other countries for many years- there is nothing new or innovative about them, it's just that the advertising is more obvious this time.

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I'm all for a product that keep the ladies happy and prevents subcutaneous fat cells from burning off thus reducing the size of their boobies when they're most like to be out on display.

Frankly, I wouldn't miss having to peel one more layer off them to get to the prize.

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Presto 345,There is a reason no Japanese women are ever used to model bras by designers like Victoria Secret. The damn things wouldnt sell.

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