Japan Today



Questions raised over Unification Church's involvement in 2018 Winter Olympic venue


The Olympic Games are no stranger to influence-peddling scandals and delegate buying in the selection of venues. In December 1998, for example, it was revealed that International Olympic Committee delegates had been on the receiving end of all types of bribes -- ranging from Super Bowl tickets to plastic surgery -- in order for Salt Lake City to secure the 2002 games.

A 2006 investigation by the governor of Nagano Prefecture found that the Japanese city has expended $4.4 million "on entertainment alone" in efforts to host the 1998 games. The report concluded Nagano had engaged in "illegitimate and excessive level of hospitality" to IOC members,

This is not to imply that the IOC corruption continues to be rampant, but rather, that with the selection of any venue, it's to be expected that the media in other countries are wont to nitpick over any decision.

On July 6, when the IOC announced that Pyeongchang, Gangwon Province, South Korea had been picked to host the 2018 winter games, TV cameras zoomed in on the tear-streaked face of Korea's champion figure skater Kim Yuna - who had energetically campaigned on behalf of her country.

South Korean president Lee Myung-bak promptly announced the nation would invest the equivalent of 40 billion Japanese yen into upgrading facilities.

But the confetti had barely settled in Seoul after the announcement when Asahi Geino (July 28) ran an article noting that the site of the 2018 games has close ties with the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, aka the Unification Church.

"The church is the largest shareholder of the Yongpyong ski resort, with 49.9% of shares," says Yoshifu Arita, a well known investigative journalist and currently a member of Japan's House of Councilors. "In addition, the Segye Ilbo newspaper founded by the church [called Sekai Nippo in its Japanese edition] owns another 12.59%.

"In other words, for all intents and purposes, the resort is owned by the Unification Church. In books and other church publications, the hotel, condominiums, ski slopes and other facilities are introduced as 'sacred territory.' The site has also been the venue for 'special training seminars' attended by Japanese church members, at which founder Moon Sun Myung (now age 91) participated."

Actually, Pyeongchang is already famous in Japan for another reason: the heart-throbbing coffee shop scene in "Winter Sonata," the lachrymose 2002 TV serial starring Bae Yong Jun and Choi Ji Woo -- credited with setting off the "Hanryu" boom in Japan -- was shot there. Subsequently, hundreds of thousands of Japanese fans have traveled to the ROK to visit the famous spot.

"You can also see 'Winter Sonata' spin-off goods on sale there," says Arita. "Naturally I suppose a travel agency affiliated with the Unification Church has tied up with Japanese tour operators to promote tourism to the area. The church is most likely to benefit from the holding of the Olympics here. In South Korea, the church enjoys the status of "zaidan hojin" (foundation) and is recognized in Korean economic circles.

"From the Japanese viewpoint, when organizations engage in religious gimmickry, it may raise ethical problems, but I'm not necessarily saying I'm opposed to South Korea's hosting the Olympics just because of this," a cautious Arita adds.

Moon Hyon-jin, the founder's seventh son, has also been quoted as saying that he will "expand investment in the Yongpyong Resort," suggesting that the funds will provide a good return on investment. Korea's vernacular media has also reportedly remarked that the Unification Church is likely to be the "greatest beneficiary" of the 2018 Olympics.

Japanese, of course, will be cheering for their compatriots to bring home medals. But Asahi Geino remarks that when an international sports event winds up filling the coffers of a religious organization, the sense of irony is inescapable.

© Japan Today

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The money always goes in someone's pocket. Rather it be a corrupt politician?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

The Moonies have their fingers in lots of pies. I recall reading that one of the companies they own got the contract to manufacture M16 rifles for the South Korean Army. This is a church??!!

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Japan (Nagano '98) started the cycle of corruption. A Salt Lake City official at the time said its campaign was prompted because "the Japanese were giving away samurai swords and we were giving away cotton candy."

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

@JeffLee, I seriously doubt if '98 was the first time it happened, but if it weren't for Yasuo Tanaka, Nagano's governor, the news probably never would have come to light. Tanaka's honesty, and particularly his efforts to nudge out vested interests, made him the most hated politician in japan.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

@ Smorkian: It should not be a religious organization either.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Part of the problem is the very poor reporting in news media about the Unification Church. It's efforts to promote international peace and understanding go unreported while any criticism from any source is made a major news story. Rev. Moon met with Mikhail Gorbachev to promote and end to the Cold War, and is now working to promote the peaceful reunification of Korea. Church members from the United States are now volunteering to work in Japan to help the people in the disaster area. These things you don't hear about in the media.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Part of the problem is the very poor reporting in the news media about the Unification Church's swindling activities in Japan where the Unification Church has swindled widows to fund its activities around the world.

Read and learn some about the swindling Moon organization here:





Moon's son in charge of the foundation that controls the Ski resort has stated emphatically that all the Moon businesses have one main purpose, to make money to promote Sun Myung Moon as the messiah, that is, to further the mission of the megalomaniac, Moon.

So now Christians who want to attend and or participate the 2018 Olympics will be required to help fund and promote Sun Myung Moon as the messiah. The press will try to help the Moon org act like these are two different things but they are not - if you try to separate any parts of the Moon org from his plans to control world events in his role as messiah, you are lying to yourself and deceiving others.

This is the same Moon who teaches Jesus was a failure and now serves Moon's dead son in Heaven. Moon's son Hyung jin says that Jesus, Muhammad(PBUH) and all past saints bow before Sun Myung Moon. He says Moon's "love" is greater than anything Jesus ever put forward. This is the same Moon who claims he is G-d incarnate and speaks for G-d. In other words whenever you hear Moon or a follower say they support "G-d's will" they mean as Moon defines it.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

I'm a Unification Church member who loves Jesus. I don't think that Jesus hates people who are not Christians. We all have the right to believe what we think is true about God. I try to respect all religions and if fact have attended services in many different churches and other places of worship of other faiths. The most important thing is that God loves all of us as his children and wants us to love each other.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

I should also add that we respect Islam and are actively working for better understanding between Muslims, Jews, and Christians. Please Google "Unification Church and Islam."

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

You can say you love Jesus all you want, that doesn't change your movement's teachings. Nobody said anything about Jesus hating anyone where did you get that? Just make it up? Is this a tactic to push some guilty on your critics? Disgusting. "Jesus would just love us trashing Him as a loser, why don't you?"

How did you grow to "love" Jesus when your "church" has never taught about Him until recently as your leaders admit, at least not in any manner other than how failed He was and how great Moon is in relation to Him. Sure, they give some lip service to Jesus as a way to seduce Christians into Moon's web, you proud of that?.

Do you deny that your leaders admit they have not taught their children about Jesus until recently? Do you deny that Moon claims Jesus serves his dead son in heaven? Do you deny that Hyung Jin has stated Jesus and Muhammad(PBUH) and all past saints bow before Moon? Do you deny that they refer to Mary, Christ's mother, as a huge failure before G-d? According to Moon org reports, during his recent tour of Europe in one meeting Moon got so hot about what a failure Mary was before G-d, he started spitting. Apparently Moon was mad at how the Catholic Church thinks highly of Mary.

"we respect Islam and are actively working for better understanding between Muslims, Jews, and Christians"

The Moon organization sees all religions and past religious leaders as failures before the great Moon. The lip service they give to these religions now is just to seduce them. There is not one word uttered, not one dime spent by the Moon movement which has any purpose other than to promote Moon as the Messiah and you know it.

What did Hyung Jin say was the purpose of all the front organization created by Moon? To promote Moon as the messiah. He even admits the organization has been deceptive by hiding behind these front group names like the Universal Peace Federation, Family Federation and Women's Federation for World Peace etc etc..the list is endless yet they still "hide" behind names.

Why don't you just be honest and admit this Olympics deal has your organization's mouths watering at the publicity you'll receive to help you mainstream the org and the VIPs you will be able to snag through it.

The 2018 Olympics will help fund the promotion of Sun Myung Moon as the Messiah.

Steve, are you in Korea? Could you tell me if any Moon followers ever did time for this as they should have?


-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Well, for one thing, Unificationists don't believe Jesus failed. We believe the people failed him. Get your facts right if you wanna criticize. Having the Winter Olympics will benefit Korea as a country sooo much as well, don't you know.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Let me thank JT for reporting or re-reporting this article. Before we come to a judgment about the observations, we one should listen or study both side.

Olympic event is not an event of a Church. If Olympic comes to South Korea then that will benefit the whole country not a group of people. China spends over a 400 million USD to get an Olympic for them. Tokyo spends over 150 million to get an Olympic and did not pass in the voting.

How come this Unification Church gets an Olympic?? Are they much stronger than a country?? Don’t you think that South Koran govt do not know that Unification Church has land in that mountain before applying for Olympic? International Olympic Committee is ignorant of the property of Unification Church in that mountain? Come on these are not a secret thing when many nations are competing for this pride event.

Come to Mr. Yoshifu Arita, for the last 30 years he is attacking Unification Church blindly. He became famous just by attacking Unification Church. Not as an investigation journalist!! His accusation was that the Koreans are using Unification Church to destroy the great Japanese Culture by arranging Korean-Japanese marriage… I have many of accusations by him hating Korea and Koreans in Japan connecting Unification Church.

Come to Jesus and Christians. WHY the most powerful, most rich and the biggest religion in the world Christianity are afraid of a small Unification Church????. For the last 50 years they are trying to attack and kill Unification Church but the interesting thing is Unification Church is growing every day.

Those who talk about freedom always forget the freedom of Unification Church members also has freedom to believe Rev. Moon as their messiah or savior or GOD or Allah or Yahweh. They do not force any one to do it. If they force there are a billion Christians and millions of Arita and Hassen to watch and protect the rest of the world.

Come to Muhammad(PBUH) as Muslim I never felt infuriated by the explanations of Rev. Moon’s interpretations of Jesus and Muhammad ( PBUH) I want to say to MattsHS however you try to make a hatred to all Muslims in the world to unification Church, it will not become fruitful. Al most all the Muslim countries welcome Rev. Moon. 1000s of Muslim scholars support Rev. Moon’s teachings. Each and every Muslims know how much Rev. Moon suffered in the attacks by Christians and some communist groups in USA, and in Japan.

Your Dong-A story is like cry of some people in the OLD TESTMENT.

Why doesn’t some one post the good things the Unification Church has done so far. It is essential for a genuine comparison of each side.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

The Moonies have their fingers in lots of pies. I recall reading that one of the companies they own got the contract to manufacture M16 rifles for the South Korean Army.

This is true. Please check out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tongil_Group

Do you think the world would be a better place if the South Korean army didn't have rifles?

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Haha! I think that is so so so perfect that the Reverent Moon Organization owns this place! what do christians have to say for themselves and whoever who critizises that organization is just plain ignorant! Millions of people are joining the Unification Church and still you do encounter media cave men who still don't get the fact that Reverent Moon is a very respectable figures... so if the Unification Church benefits from the Olympics then it is great and there is nothing nobody can do about it .. all the negativity around the Unification church is just plain ignorance ...

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Only a noodle-head would not realize the Olympic committee knew about this ownership and was comfortable approving the site. DUH!!!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Do you think the world would be a better place if the South Korean army didn't have rifles?

Why stop at rifles? If tax-free churches want to get into the munitions business, who am I to object? And why limit it to South Korea, when the USA has a much bigger budget? So how about asking the Southern Baptists to start building Abrams tanks? And the Methodists can make Patriot missiles. And um, let's see... assign the Greek Orthodox to construct aircraft carriers. The Episcopalians ought to be good at producing ICBMs.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Why stop at rifles? If tax-free churches want to get into the munitions business, who am I to object? And why limit it to South Korea, when the USA has a much bigger budget? So how about asking the Southern Baptists to start building Abrams tanks? And the Methodists can make Patriot missiles. And um, let's see... assign the Greek Orthodox to construct aircraft carriers. The Episcopalians ought to be good at producing ICBMs.

Members of these churches do work in the defense industry, and the military too - as do some Unificationists. The church itself, as a "tax-free" institution, does not. In general businesses pay lots of taxes. I'm sure the Tongil Group pays its share.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

@Dufor, sorry for making my point clear, but I was under the impression that Christianity was about loving thy neighbor, turning the other cheek, waxing eloquent about the sanctity of life and the kingdom of heaven for the righteous, etc., and somehow I can't see how that can be reconciled with ownership of industries supplying armies with weaponry, even if that weaponry's purpose is to mow down hordes of godless communists. Maybe I'm wrong. Are the "Onward, Christian Soldiers" in the famous hymn issued M16s?

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

In the actual situation in Korea now the South needs a strong military to prevent war.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Lol@virtuoso. Did you consider that the location was chosen because it is the best location in South Korea to hold the event? The nuances of the article clearly display the thoughts of the authors: No evidence is presented in any way of wrongdoing or corruption in the choice of the venue. Rather, judgment by implication is being offered as a valid and reasonable approach to news.

By raising the past corruption related to the IOC, the implication is that there must be corruption in this case too. Because the venue is connected to a number of UC groups, and because the UC is known to be bad and destructive a priori (aka no need for evidence), there is something wrong with the venue being chosen. No evidence. Just implication, or as we called it in the old days, innuendo. What kind of people listen to and ground their thinking in innuendo?

Let's ask: Is it wrong for a religious community (a global one at that) to own assets, to develop their prosperity, providing services to others along the way?

Is it somehow bad or wrong that the Unification Church in Korea owns the best winter sports venue in the country? Ever consider that it is the best winter sports venue in the country because the UC group acquired it and raised it to that level? How many families, citizens enjoy sports at that facility? 100of Ks, if not more.

If this venue wasn't available, would S. Korea have as much chance, if any, to win the Winter Olympics?

The premise of any opposing arguments presented here appears to be: the UC group is bad and evil, so we can cut it down to size based on one's own prejudice and narrowness.

About the weaponry: Tongil owns and has developed heavy industry in S. Korea for more than 40 years. It has made its not insubstantial contribution to the industrial and economic development of the nation. Part of that involved, in the past, being required by S. Korean law to provide certain services and assistance with national defense. Isn't it slightly different in S. Korea to a place like the USA. In S. Korea, many of my friends live within 1.5 hours of the North Korean army, and army controlled by a totalitarian dictatorship, unaccountable to anyone.

Whether that work is still required by law, I do not know. But suggesting that any religious body pull out of every single element that is in some connected to defense seems to me to be petty, myopic, and very ungenerous. Acknowledge all the good the UC does, and I'll gladly acknowledge the shortcomings, of which I actually have quite a good knowledge.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I do not trust any "religion" where the leader calls himself "the Messiah" and then starts passing the baton to family members. To me it is another money-making scheme. You can go and believe in it all you want.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Part of the problem is the very poor reporting in the news media about the Unification Church's swindling activities in Japan where the Unification Church has swindled widows to fund its activities around the world

Swindling going on in a cult? Impossible!

Well, for one thing, Unificationists don't believe Jesus failed. We believe the people failed him. Get your facts right if you wanna criticize.

Fact: according to the church, the Holocaust was payback for the cruxifiction of Jesus. That's a pretty good place to start with a little self-reflection, I think.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

@Steve Dufour

Part of the problem is the very poor reporting in news media about the Unification Church. It's efforts to promote international peace and understanding go unreported while any criticism from any source is made a major news story.

I can't help but notice that you suddenly turned up on an English news website in a country you don't live in to counter criticism of the Unification church in this news story (and your prints are also on the church's content at Wikipedia). Are you paid by the church to follow Google alerts for online PR like this or is it just a hobby?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I agree, those innuendos probably weren't necessary. But it's a matter of fact that South Korea has a serious corruption problem. Just two years ago, the previous president, Roh Moo-Hyun, committed suicide over a bribery scandal. If you look at his predecessors, with the possible exception of Kim Dae-jung, most of them feathered their nests while holding office. I suppose Asahi Geino is just poking around, and the really nasty stuff on this affair will appear soon enough.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Kronos I do not trust any "religion" where the leader calls himself "the Messiah" and then starts passing the baton to family members. To me it is another money-making scheme. You can go and believe in it all you want.**

When you read the Holy Bible, you can see the interesting thing about Jesus crucifixion. The no:1 crime which Jesus did was HE CLAIMED HIMSELF AS MESSIAH . So the Jewish leaders demanded the highest punishment for Jesus. I heard and see that Unification Church members believe that Jesus was the messiah and when he was killed he could not fulfill his real mission. No one is forcing any one to be a member of Unification Church and no punishment for any one who leaves the unification church. Dont they have any freedom to promote their faith as Christians do. Many Christians do not know that their founder Rev. Jesus Joseph of Nazarath was a Jew by birth, he grown up as Jew, He studied Jewish books, his relatives all Jews, his religious practice was Jewish, he prayed in Jewish Temple, he taught Jewish scriptures,he never converted any one to any new religion while he was alive, his core followers were Jews. BUT he was killed by Jewish people, he was buried according to Jewish customs. BUT JEWISH religion did not and do not consider him as GOD or son of GOD or Messiah. But Unification Church members love Jesus more than the majority of so called Christians do. Unification Church members asked " If those Jewish people really believe that young man from a Josephs family is the saviour or KING OF KING!! then, who will dare to kill him". If that is true then no one will allow even Jesus to go do a suicidal crucifixion by himself. It is time to respect anyone`s faith if he or she does follow the laws of the nation which they live. Sioux Chef; why are you attacking personally for a posting. This is the place to post comments as you do. If you have any points to the topics that make you credible. JT made this site and made this comment area for healthy exchanges.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Remember Ray Jones and S. Korean boxer during the Olympic? I hope it will not rerun in 2018 winter Olympic in Mr. Moon's town. There will be a lot of jokes if S. Korean images is attached with Unificationism or Moonies. One way to discern peoples is by their fruits. There are plenty questions about early life of Mr. Moon, multiple marriages, the un-unification and troubles of Mr. Moon's own children who few were dead at young ages from strange reasons. He claimed to be the third Adam, Messiah, the King of America.....and make me wonder if God also would follow him! Well, the church has the right to make money if it is in honest way, thus hopefully it will help the poor Moonies off the street. I guess this will be another symbolic victory to motivate the followers to march on. Keep on dreaming guys and please starting to smell the reality. The world will be a better place when all these fundamentalism stop abusing innocent minds. There are too many of these "ism" around the world today. May humanity be real and truthful in days to come.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

If they run the medals ceremonies like Moon runs his wedding ceremonies, it would really shorten things: 500 athletes, all at once, done.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

It is time to respect anyone`s faith if he or she does follow the laws of the nation which they live.

Beliefs don't command any amount of respect just because someone holds them.

Sioux Chef; why are you attacking personally for a posting.

I didn't personally attack anyone . If you are really interested in a "healthy exchange" of ideas, respond to my posts honestly rather than cry 'ad hominem' when none exists.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

The author fails to mention that the authoritative travel publication Lonely Planet described YongPyong Resort as "Korea’s oldest and biggest ski resort, and one of Asia’s very best ski resorts"


-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The author fails to mention that the authoritative travel publication Lonely Planet described YongPyong Resort as "Korea’s oldest and biggest ski resort, and one of Asia’s very best ski resorts"

There are lots of things the author failed to mention, like the fact that from 1982 Rev. Moon spent 18 months in a US federal prison in Connecticut on charges of income tax evasion.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Please Google "United States vs. Sun Myung Moon" for more information on the case. Among the people who spoke out in Rev. Moon's defense, against unjust and unfair persecution by the US government (not the IRS by the way who wanted to settle out of court as is normal in tax cases), were Joseph Lowery, who famously prayed at President Obama's inauguration, and Eugene McCarthy, former Democratic candidate for president. Representing Rev. Moon in his appeal was Laurence Tribe, who also represented Al Gore in the Florida election case.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Are you paid by the church to follow Google alerts for online PR like this or is it just a hobby?

No they don't pay me. Actually Wikipedia frowns, rather intensely, on paid editors. I guess you can call it a hobby if you like but I think it's important that people have access to fairly presented information on our church. And of course I found the article through Google News, although I did spend about six months in Japan back in the 70s. (IOWC Global Team for fellow "Moonies." :-) )

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I think it's important that people have access to fairly presented information on our church.

Trying to deflect attention from deserved criticism isn't an example of "fairly [presenting information]", it's propaganda.

Please Google "United States vs. Sun Myung Moon" for more information on the case

It's really not that interesting. The felon Sun Myung Moon was convicted on all counts brought against him and all were upheld on appeal.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

@Sioux: Deserved criticism is one thing. What about deserved recognition? If deflection from 'deserved' criticism is propaganda, then surely criticism without deserved recognition is persecution.

I think if Unificationists want people to have a balanced view, there is plenty of justification for trying to get that information out there. To label such efforts as propaganda presupposes that these people do not deserve even a fair hearing. Is that what you think? I'm curious. And if criticism deflects from or neglects "deserved" recognition, can it really be claimed to be "deserved"?

Criticism and recognition need to go hand in hand. Unfortunately, far too much criticism of the Unification Church starts with, and is driven by, people who have judged a priori, who have an agenda, and who have no interest in recognizing the church for what it does well, for its contributions, or for its genuine spiritual and religious aspirations. That's a real problem, right there.

Does the UC have issues? Sure. Has that community made mistakes? Which community hasn't? Have they been recognized for the level of investment (time, finances, social) and work performed to contribute and live up to it's ideals? No.

Until you (or any of us) are willing to give recognition to the actual value and work of the UC, you're not in a position to offer so-called 'deserved criticism'. It's not deserved if it's a witch hunt or a crusade driven by bigotry, or ignorance, or worse.

@Virtuoso: I think you are right about corruption in S. Korea (like a lot of other places), but iI also think that the journalist in question is more interested in pursuing his agenda against the Unification group than about digging for corruption in SK.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

There's nothing like the subject of religion for inducing knee jerk reactions, is there?

The Olympics is business. Someone puts up the money and makes a profit.

Whose coffers would you rather fill?

Those of the UC?

Or those of Mr Tsutsumi who made a ton of money on the Nagano Olympics, almost bankrupting the city in the process.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Is there anything saying the resort is going to make a lot of money? We don't know how much rent they'll charge. They might make more just doing a regular ski season.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

By the way is there any possibility for an Olympic in Korea? Hello All unification Church haters, just give a chance for an Olympic. To satisfy all the christian groups in the world ( 30000 denominations) may not be possible but each group can participate in a single Olympic for their unification.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Does anyone know how much money Mr.Moon spent for a photo opt. with the late Kim il sung, and that was a unification of both Korea right there ! The WOC chose Yongpyong and that is fine. If Mr. Moon's follower choose to worship their dear leaders, accepting the nepotism system, thus believing they are on their way to heaven like N. Korea; all are fine too. Korea has a place in the world, but not the future center of civilization. Most peoples prefer the imperfect form of democracy like the U.S. over the religious state such as middle age area, some Muslim countries; especially personality cult of N. Korea. The Olympic will go on and Korea will unify after all dictators are gone. Seven more years to the event....

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Does the UC have issues? Sure. Has that community made mistakes? Which community hasn't?

Indeed. I cannot name a single cult led by someone claiming to be the Messiah that hasn't. Jim Jones, David Koresh, L.R. Hubbard, Sun Myung Moon . . . all cut from the same cloth.

Until you (or any of us) are willing to give recognition to the actual value and work of the UC, you're not in a position to offer so-called 'deserved criticism'.

I do recognize the actual value and work of the church: billions of dollars.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

`Bgood41@ If Mr. Moon's follower choose to worship their dear leaders, accepting the nepotism system, thus believing they are on their way to heaven like N. Korea; all are fine too.

In my experience Rev. Moon`s followers are fine. But not the way you describe. You need to study more before you judge others.

Bgood41@ Most peoples prefer the imperfect form of democracy like the U.S. over the religious state such as middle age area, some Muslim countries; especially personality cult of N. Korea

The democracy is good but that is not the best, Still majority are looking for a better “ism”.

Sioux Chef@I do recognize the actual value and work of the church: billions of dollars. Thanks! Unification Church may have billions of dollars,that is the donation of their members and they own it, but they spend most of their money for the betterment of the world, which include all Christian, communist and other religions. Some major religions in the world spend many billions to settle the criminal cases which was done by their leaders!!!. If they follow Rev. Moon`s principle they can lead a life of faith and avoid the such evil things in their religion. But not forcing any one to do it, sir…..

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I am just wondering why some people kept on criticizing the Unification Church (UC) with the old false allegations regarding its various connections and activities. Haven't you corrected your thoughts about UC which after having bombarded of accusations in all means it still gaining supporters/believers?Why? Is it because it really promotes peace and true love not only to its members but to everyone regardless of cultural background, political affiliations and religious denominations? Its members have one hope and that is the reunification of the Korean peninsula . Would you think that prior to the 2018 Winter Olympic a great leap forward happen to the said peninsula with all Koreans :north and south , promoting the true essence of oneness ...solidarity in a global perspective. Well, guys ...why dont you support this noble campaign? After all, REUNIFICATION is not an old story. It happened in European countries. Your support to this is invaluable than continuing ruining the church. As an old adage goes, the tree bears its own fruits. Unification Church is bearing fruits of its own and everybody could see how great are these. Although there are some rotten at the end, but still majority reflects the best. One thing is sure this time, the media is ALIVE again for having the UNIFICATION CHURCH's involvement in the 2018 Winter Olympic.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

This church is stoking war by sending missionaries and propaganda to north Korea, as well as bribing north Koreans with aid if they join this bigoted organisation. If you think they are all about peace and love...read Steve Dufours comments(a member). He first says he believes in peace, then states the automatic weapons for the use of killing north Koreans is a great idea. And profiting from it too. This is what this organisation is about...

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

realmind@ In my experience Rev. Moon`s followers are fine. But not the way you describe. You need to study more before you judge others. The same kind of responds has been given by most fanatical religious followers when asked. Any minds that are dwelling in the cave adopted the cave value system and it sounds so idealistic. Even a ray of sunlight can irritated their eyes and minds, especially among the less objective ones. They have no answers to details besides their own cave conviction. For a few will eventually starting to smell the flowers through the sunlight. We learn through observing, questioning, analyzing...even "faith" and "reason" have their places in the REAL MIND. Many reports stated that much money has been swindle-red from Japan to support various projects of the organization through questionable tactics! The world is moving toward defining human dignity, freedom and human rights in spite of its imperfection. So far, many fanatics under the marching ordered against this tendency always fizzle out. Olympic events has been around and will go on many more times after 2018, may be outlasting the cave dwellers.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Unification enterprises conduct fund raising in Japan targeting elderly women living alone. Once relations are initiated (by door-to-door sales) the Unification agent will begin selling jewelry and gingsing tea to the target at the highest prices which can be recovered. A simple cosmetic jewelry piece is typically priced at hundreds of dollars (in YEN) and ginseng tea extract at similarly exorbitant cost. The initial sales pitch is about "building" friendship between the representative and the target. The agent tells the target that her generousity demonstrates that she is a good person. Once relations progress the representative begins a new sales phase wherein questions of afterlife scenarios of deceased loved ones suffering becomes the central conversation theme. In this stage the elderly target person is told that her purchases will directly reduce the torment which her husband, child or friend are now undergoing in Buddhist purgatory. In this stage monetary contributions to the Unification enterprise are also solicited at suggested amounts parralleling the individual and family wealth of the target. Typically an initial contribution of ichi man (about US$10,000) is suggested and then sequentially this same amount or a higher figure is periodically mentioned as being once again needed to alleviate more afterlife torment. Later in the third phase the target is set up for Unification induction with forfeiture (collection) of all financial remaining assets (usually real property/land house) soon to follow. At this stage various ritual white garments and other Unification induction accoutrements are sold to the target - who is told to keep these matters an absolute secret from even the most trusted friends and family so that the deceased loved ones do not incur even more unbearable and inreparable suffering in purgatory.

Fortunately these kinds of religious cult fund raising activities are prohibited under the Japanese "Spiritual Sales" laws. Targets who are helped by friends or family have an excellent chance of successful deprogramming and also recovery of most financial assets through legal representation. The lead Japanese bengooshi (lawyer) handling most of this work is Hiroshi Yamaguchi, a Tokyo-based lawyer representing the National Network of Lawyers Against the Spiritual Sales. The Yamaguchi law offices and others receive hundreds of requests for assistance each year - represently only a small fraction of the total number of active target persons.

Sadly many Japanese elderly and their extended familes have been financially devasted by the actions of the estimated 30,000 Unification agents at work in Japan over the past four decades. Of course the greatest damage is destruction of family.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I have great disappointment with media : print and broadcast . I couldnt see the great role that supposedly being played by this significant institution in educating the people. WHY ? Haven't you noticed that almost all of the published materials were mostly negative ? Haven't you heard that all the issues brought into the eyes and ears of people are purely against or not constructive ? The sad part is that an organization no matter how noble the aim is must pay just to let media publicized it s accomplishment so as for the people know. I havent heard of any thing good about the Unification Church which media highlighted recently despite of it s numerous achievements ..accomplishment in various fields. I haven't read any noble excerpts from Reverend Sun Myung Moon' s speeches from these local publications even if its substance is adhering the absolute values and would surely inspire minds. The irony is that people would definitely die exposing themselves in all negative articles highlighting accusations. In relevance wth the 2018 Winter Olympic , I think it is the right time for the whole world feel , not only that symbolic olympic emblem but its real essence , the true spirit of unification thru the hospitality of the Koreans which sprout from the very core of the society , the family. Is there any media organization has the courage to delve into it aiming to inspire the whole world ?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

He first says he believes in peace, then states the automatic weapons for the use of killing north Koreans is a great idea.

Peaceful reunification of North and South Korea would be a much better idea.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

And from what I've seen in my 30+ years of experience in the church, people of all ages donate money -- as they do to other churches and causes.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Honesty can go a long way. The organization has an army of fund raising activities with history of deceptive practices, business, media enterprise, and more... Korea(s) will eventually unify as Germany when all dictators are gone. It sounds like the followers assume they will unify Korea(s) under their banner. If so, N.Korean will soon worship Mr. Moon instead? Please be real, to believe that communist hierarchy and all S. Korean business will give up their powers to Mr. Moon (Iran part 2 with different flavors) ~ isn't it a far fetch dream or simply a fluke? Any open public certified audit report of the organization over the years? A clue for the followers: please look closely to the reality of Mr. Moon's own children! Get out from the cave for ignorance will lead you to nowhere. If it smells bad, it must be rotten somewhere, isn't it? Enjoy.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Welcome Tim Elder - interpreter and sometimes spokesperson for the Moon movement. I am a big fan of yours which is why I must ask you to clear something up for me.

Forbes Asia Magazine dated April 12, 2010 reported this:

"About 300,000 Koreans actually belong to the church in Korea, says Elder. He estimates worldwide membership to be at 3 million, a figure that is far larger than unofficial estimates."

Of course the 3 million figure is baloney, but the 300,000 in Korea? Figuring they quoted you accurately so therefore I must ask - How on earth could you tell them that with a straight face? Even if you mean any person who may have given you the time of day, don't you see how deceptive that is? You know Hyung Jin has been saying for a few years now that membership in Korea went from around 16,000 in 1960s to less than 14,000 in 2005. You knew that when you talked to Forbes, didn't you? Hyung Jin made this point many times. For that matter, Kook Jin told Forbes "churchgoing membership in Korea at about 50,000" where did he get that figure?

I am sure that you are proud that Hyung Jin's new tactics are working to pull people into the group but the "church" in Korea up until recently, he also claims, has been funded by money from the Japanese. The "church" in the messiah's homeland could not support itself for the first 50 years of its existence.

You know Hyung Jin is trying to get members not to deceive people as much as they used to do about who you are and what you want, why did you push this claim that has been deceptively used before? I know it is embarrassing to admit that your "church" has been unable to gain support in its home nation and the nation you claim has supplanted Israel as G-d's chosen nation, but why deceive about membership totals?

Please tell me you were misquoted, I wouldn't want to think that you were not on board with Hyung Jin's effort to have members be honest to themselves and the world for a change.

Why should anyone EVER see your organization as anything other than one that was built on deception and funded by swindling widows in Japan?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Hey Tim Elder, realmind ignores this one by saying it is "old" news. That's quite a way to avert facing reality, isn't it?

Can you tell me if any members were ever punished, as they should have been, for violently smashing up this newspaper and threatening the life of the reporter? 700 members all in one place, which "central figure" ordered them to do this? Why did it take 1500 police in riot gear to quell this violence?

Could you tell me if any Moon followers ever did time for this as they should have?


2 ( +3 / -1 )

It sounds like the followers assume they will unify Korea(s) under their banner.

It's rather unlikely that Rev. Moon is going to establish a global theocracy anytime soon. However the reunification of Korea might come sooner than most people expect. BTW if you read Rev. Moon's autobiography (a best-seller in South Korea) you will learn that he teaches that all religions lead to God, and in fact have over 70% of their teachings in common. He also hints that he made a mistake founding a church, but that's another story.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Wow...it boils down to "the end justifies the means" for the followers. The fact is that if anyone misuse or abuse another being in any shape or form (e.g. deception), the price must be paid sooner or later; including hell. This universal law applies to anyone and all "ism". If the games are fair, I will enjoy watching the Olympic while they are worshiping self-proclaim, egoistic leader. May God true spirit guides them out of the cave.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

MattHs@ look like you have many questions to ask to each Unification Church followers,. If your purpose is to solve all the problems in this world then you are a saint. I wish to see people like you with a purpose of life to live for the sake of world come forward and change this world to a Kingdom of heaven. No doubt the 6.5billion people will follow your ideology and your directions and opinion.

Do you ask questions to Roman Catholic Church? And to other 30000 Christian denominations? And to other 1000k religions and their groups? And to a half a million sects and cults? Another a million political groups? If not then you have to check your motivation.

I am realmind is not escaping from your questions. About the dong-story, you posted only the explanation of a one side which is made by the donga. Do you know for the last 50 years how many of the Unification Church centers were attacked by Christian groups and the communist groups? Do you know how many of the followers were kidnapped and were killed by the opposing groups? Most of the media owners are belonging to the established religions or strong communist groups always attack Unification Church and it members. Those media have freedom but if they keep attacking with a purpose of destroying and denying the freedom of the members of Unification Church then that is not the duty of a media.

About the membership of the Unification Church, according to the research of Harvard university Unification Church is the only religion in the human history that has grown this big while the founder is alive. And unification Church is a subject in their syllabus to study. Dear brother I am not talking about Christianity or Islam or Hindu. I am talking about a tiny religion in this 6.5 billion people inhabiting planet earth.

And the funny thing is billion membership Christians and many millions of non religions are afraid of that tiny religion and spends most of their time hounding the followers and founder. If you choose for a fight it is fare to choose at least equal strength.

Even after such persecution and accusations and attacks and world campaign, new people come and join Unification Church. (Please go and count the membership in other countries in Asia and other parts of the world).

Bgood41@ it is difficult to understand your points. You are talking about the 2018 Olympic or somethingelse. How much or how long you shout that will not change the venue of the 2018 Olympic. Dear brother or sister I feel sorry to you. But keep your effort and see any result you can make.

According to the teachings of Rev. Moon he does want everyone should win, because he says that we are all children of one parent. So I wish you people hate Unification Church also should win in your life and in the real purpose. Unification Church members will never get angry to you by reading your posting. And again to remind you. Unification Church never forces any one to join or to leave. The door is open to come and go and again to come.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

The WOC and S. Korea are well aware of the Moonies and they will neither be an issue nor the face of the game. The followers use this blog to preach their beliefs, and ignore most critical observation and analysis of the movement. They shield themselves behind their own cave conviction mentality thus brushing off most questions that were raised in the blog. How many faces do these followers have? For the cave dwellers who always justify about their cave, and nothing else; it is the case of brainwashed. We live in the open society, thus all faiths must be observe carefully. For some, we feel God in our hearts and minds without a "middle man". History has shown us these middlemen lead innocent minds to path of destruction again and again. I am afraid, I am witnessing another one, here. Wake up folks!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

There are certainly more than 3 million people in the world who believe in the Divine Principle, not that that makes it true -- any more than a lack of believers would make something untrue.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Moonies, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons ... who can tell the difference anyway?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

For some, we feel God in our hearts and minds without a "middle man"

And so we have a greater responsibility.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Bgood41@ For the cave dwellers who always justify about their cave, and nothing else; it is the case of brainwashed

Bear brother this is not the way to respond to a genuine reply to your harsh, blind and ignorant criticism towards a Unification Church member. Here you should notice that every member in this forum give reply to you NOT STARTED ACCUSING. This is one of the examples of what was going for the last 50 years towards Unification Church.

About brainwashed. Yes Unification Church members wash away the dirt from the brain every day and make it clean with the teachings of Rev. Moon which is give true love to others. It is better to have clean thoughts than dirty thoughts in our brain. Let’s wash away hatred, jealousy, and all kinds of evil thoughts from our brain. WASHED and serviced BRAIN.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

About the membership of the Unification Church, according to the research of Harvard university Unification Church is the only religion in the human history that has grown this big while the founder is alive

A charismatic fraud is still a fraud.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Brainwashed here means one's value system has been changed, replaced, or altered, and the ultimate decision of good and evil are very much decided by higher authority; thus oneself (followers) exercises freewill only to submit the predetermine value within the framework of a group and lacking the critical objective analysis. (Just a free self- exercise)

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Unification Church is the only religion in the human history that has grown this big while the founder is alive

Yes, and as a savvy survivor the reverend has done very well financially. The sad fact is, most religions are money-generating machines that treat their followers as sheep that are in need of frequent shearing. It would be so nice to see elimination of tax-free status for all churches.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

About the membership of the Unification Church, according to the research of Harvard university Unification Church is the only religion in the human history that has grown this big while the founder is alive

What is really remarkable is that we've done so well despite our mistakes and shortcomings.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

So? Who cares? This is really a big deal about nothing.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Interesting Flame War. While I have yet to see single article about the UC (either negative or laughs God forbid positive) not bring a flame war, you guys gave me so much hope! I mean, when I got halfway down the comment column, even though I've seen every single other old, outdated accusation against the UC, I was feeling the flutter that maybe, just maybe I would actually find a comment tree for the first time in my life didn't have some random charge of brainwashing. Thanks a lot Bgood41. Just couldn't help it could you?

I mean come on, guys! We came so fricking close. I can live with everything else, hell even do the classic "they drink blood" would be okay, but brainwashing? Those books were thirty years ago! Our Japanese members are tired of being kidnapped and having those outdated manuscripts shoved in their faces.

Finally, Virtuoso the only thing I take offense at in this entire comment thread was what you just said. Such a blanket condemnation of all (technically most, nice loophole) churches and religions is incredibly, and unnecessarily, hurtful. I don't care what you say about my church specifically, nothing exempts such an ignorant statement.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

It would be so nice to see elimination of tax-free status for all churches.*

Another way to go would be to make all corporations and organizations tax-free, not just churches, charities, and schools. This would be great for the economy and would solve the problem of some groups being favored. How would you make up the revenue? Tax the individual members of the organizations as individuals.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I.E. If the organizations makes a profit tax the people who receive the money. If not it remains tax-free.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

outdated accusation against the UC, I was feeling the flutter that maybe, just maybe I would actually find a comment tree for the first time in my life didn't have some random charge of brainwashing.

How else can you get someone to believe that load of nonsense? I'll let you in on a little secret: Moon isn't actually the 2nd coming of Christ.

Such a blanket condemnation of all (technically most, nice loophole) churches and religions is incredibly, and unnecessarily, hurtful. I don't care what you say about my church specifically, nothing exempts such an ignorant statement.

You find the blatant, undeniable truth offensive?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Sioux Choof : For that statement to say that 'Rev. Monn is not the 2nd coming' is a little naieve on your account. You can't take every thing as truth as YOU see it then proclaim to others that it is. What you reguard as truth can, to some, be a lie or just misleading which you have been or just becoming a spokesman for such retoric. Everyone has their own course and does not need another christain to belittle others who don't believe in what you call truth. Since the bilble has been translated a good 40 times as well as interpreted another 1000 times it would be misleading to say what you call truth, is. .... thank you for you attention

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

You can't take every thing as truth as YOU see it then proclaim to others that it is

My "truth", as it were, is reality. When this Chaucerian fraud can demonstrate--with extraordinary evidence--the extraordinary claims made, we can talk about an alternate reality.

Since the bilble has been translated a good 40 times as well as interpreted another 1000 times it would be misleading to say what you call truth, is. .... thank you for you attention

This is a non-sequitur. What does the number of a times a bronze-age work of fiction has been translated/interpreted have to do with whether or not he is a supernatural being as is claimed?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

How else can you get someone to believe that load of nonsense? I'll let you in on a little secret: Moon isn't actually the 2nd coming of Christ.

I'll let you in on a big truth: Rev. Sun-Myung Moon IS the Messiah.

Who are you to tell us what we can or cannot believe? Who are you to call us a cult and judge us? Last time I checked I live in a free damn country, GOD'S country. Freedom of religion baby!

I know this is an old discussion but I just had to say something. My whole family are Unificationists. I grew up in this church. I love my fellow brothers and sisters, I love True Parents and the True Children. This church is the best thing that's ever happened to all of us. I'm 20 years old and soon True Father, Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the Messiah, is going to bless me in marriage and we are going to have a bunch of children that will know the Divine Principle and there is not a single thing you can do about it mister.

We are not going anywhere an we are going to keep multiplying so you'd better just get used to us. Why don't you get to know us instead of just throwing around insults at things you barely understand?

You keep coming here repeatedly just to try and put people down. I feel sorry for you.

Rock on Uncle Dufour! I've never had the pleasure of meeting you, but you are awesome. God bless you! MANSEI!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

signit: I appreciate your young enthusiasm for God! I wish more people were concerned about raising themselves to be closer to God.... even if the closest to God is on the slopes of Yongpyong ski resort, site of the 2018 Winter Olympic mountains.

Pertaining to the comments made by Tim Elders, signit, Steve Dufour, and others about the growing trend of Unification Church. Please be aware of the speech made by Hak Ja Han (Mrs. Moon, wife of late SM Moon to the Korean Church).

http://www.tparents.org/Moon-Talks/HakJaHanMoon/HakJaHan-120930.htm "Twenty thousand second generation have all been washed away into the secular world. Only 100 second generation are available to work now. That's all the second generation who are in public positions now. This is something truly shameful."

(note: "second generation" refers to children born into the church)

Signit, also keep in mind that Japantoday is a publication out of Japan. Freedoms which exist in the U.S.A do not exist in Japan.

One example: In Japan, the government doesn't allow religious organizations to swindle large amounts of money from widows.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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