Japan Today



'Shallow-brained bureaucrats' crackdown on love hotels unlikely to thwart teen prostitution


Those who stroll along the streets adjacent to drinking areas these days may notice a large number of "love hotels" undergoing what appears at first glance to be major renovations.

"Revisions in the law controlling public morals will take affect from January, and without the changes we'd be forced to shut down," the operator of one such establishment explains to Shukan Post (Dec 10). "That's because we fall under the category of 'resembling a love hotel.'"

Supervision of hotels in Japan is performed by two separate agencies. The National Police Agency supervises love hotels based on the law controlling public morals; the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare oversees general accommodations facilities such as hotels and ryokans based on a separate statute. One major difference between the two is that zoning laws ban love hotels from operating in certain areas. Such hotels may also be subject to other local ordinances.

The category of "resembling a love hotel" is being applied to establishments that, while licensed as a general hotel, essentially function as love hotels -- which also enables them to operate in zones where love hotels are supposed to be banned.

"Because the excluded zones for the love hotels usually include favorable locations, such as in entertainment areas or streets fronting on train stations, these 'resembling love hotels' can boost their occupancy, thanks to their general hotel license," a reporter for a nationally circulated newspaper tells Shukan Post. "About half of the estimated 30,000 love hotels in Japan are believed to be of this type."

"One reason for this crossover," explains the aforementioned operator, "is due to the vague distinction between love hotels and ordinary hotels. If an establishment provides a lobby and dining facilities above a designated amount of floor area, then the hotel will come under control of the law for hotels and ryokan. Many hotels are adding these modifications to the building afterwards. If they can be designated as a hotel/ryokan, they'll be inspected by the local heath department instead of the police, and the likelihood of being charged with some violation would be low."

The National Police Agency's rationale for the crackdown on love hotels is that they have become a hotbed -- if you'll excuse the expression -- for juvenile prostitution, and therefore act to "inhibit the wholesome upbringing of young people."

"If the love hotels currently operating in excluded zones want to stay in business, they will have to spend large outlays for modifications," says hotel management consultant Kazumi Yamauchi. "It also means they won't be able to operate like they did before."

When querying the National Police Agency regarding its campaign to quell juvenile prostitution, the magazine was told, "The 'resembling love hotel' establishments are a problem, because their premises tend to be utilized more for violations of the juvenile prostitution law than do regular love hotels."

Love hotel operators found this explanation to be ludicrous. "All it's going to do is drive the 'enjo kosai' activities to rental rooms and Internet cafes," sighed the operator of one Osaka love hotel.

In Shukan Post's view, the notion that love hotels situated near schools create a "hotbed of crime" is absurd, since no high school girl would risk being spotted accompanying a john into a hotel close to her own school.

The underage females engaged in such activities are no doubt having a good chuckle at the expense of the "shallow-brained bureaucrats" who imposed the current crackdown, the magazine concludes.

© Japan Today

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" The underage females engaged in such activities are no doubt having a good chuckle at the expense of the “shallow-brained bureaucrats” who imposed the current crackdown, the magazine concludes. "

Spot on. And these bureaucrat clowns are paid by our tax yen...

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all love hotels should be closed. They are bad for health.

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Because i have never been to one? I am glad and happy to say that I have never been to one and never will. Anybody been to a love hotel should check himself/herself for sexually transmitted diseases. yuck. Love hotels encourage promiscuity and STD.

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Love hotels encourage promiscuity and STD.

Rubbish. If you had ever been asked to one, you would know it's standard for rooms to come with free condoms, and more can be purchased on premises.

I went to a few love hotels before I crossed the wrong side of 30 and I just had an STD test the other day. Clean, and not bitter about other people having fun either.

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so the back of the car, bar toilet or my condo are safer places?

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bitter about other people having fun either.

Please do not assume I am bitter - all I voiced is a concern for health

“All it’s going to do is drive the ‘enjo kosai’ activities to rental rooms and Internet cafes,”

kimochivarui...I will never go to an Internet cafe again.

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How about arresting the gangsters running the prostitution rackets? Or are the police too scared to do that?

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I love love hotels. They are state of the art, super clean, have great baths, and sound systems. They all furnish condoms for free. If you do not use them, you can blow them up and send them out the window. Kind of fun. I use love hotels often just as a regular hotel as they are cheaper and definitely nice. You can rent outfits too.

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all love hotels should be closed. They are bad for health.

You would be surprised how many married couples use love hotels to get away from the family and spend some quality time together.

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'Shallow-brained bureaucrats'

Sadly this statement has a point looking at how the "problem" is tackled; there is no discussion on why there is such a market for young girls and why the need is so willingly filled.

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Love hotels are great for people who miss the last train. Sometimes they have free internet and game systems for rent. Plus a nice, big bed and even free porn on the TV you can make this face at o__O

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Resembling a police force will monitor resembling a love hotel.

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You would be surprised how many married couples use love hotels to get away from the family and spend some quality time together.

Yes, I would be surprised. Especially since the money for the room would have to come out of the wife's household budget. This "couples use it for privacy" fable is almost certainly an urban legend.

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LoveUSA at 11:50 AM JST - 30th November Because i have never been to one? I am glad and happy to say that I have never been to one and never will. Anybody been to a love hotel should check himself/herself for sexually transmitted diseases. yuck. Love hotels encourage promiscuity and STD.

Hi LoveUSA, I think you're barking up the wrong tree a bit. Love hotels in Japan are mostly for married or engaged young couples who still live with their parents. One of the big problems in Japan is the cost of a marriage AND a new apartment (the combined cost can run anywhere from 5 to 20 million yen). This naturally leads to 1 of 2 outcomes. Mostly people save up and get married later in life, like their mid 30's or even 40's, but this results in less children (part of Japan's population crisis). Or they get married, live with the parents and go to love hotels to have sex.

Even if you are married and have your own apartment if you have kids then you either have to wait until late at night to have sex (and keep the noise down) or you could get granny or a friend to babysit the kids and take the wife out to dinner, a movie and a love hotel.

The simple fact is that mostly these establishments are used by married or engaged couples. The prices are reasonable (normally dinner and a movie costs more than the time in the love hotel), and the standards of cleanliness in all the ones I've seen are extremely high.

I don't deny that perhaps amorous teens sneak into one occassionally, but most of them have security cameras these days and I'd say the chances of getting caught are pretty high, so they're not ideal locations.

Oh, and I've also slept in quite a few alone when I was travelling. After midnight (or in some cases 11pm) a lot of them offer really cheap rates for the night (1/2 or even 1/4 what a mid-range hotel charges), and they've generally got much nicer beds, baths and facilities.

The ‘resembling love hotel’ establishments are a problem, because their premises tend to be utilized more for violations of the juvenile prostitution law than do regular love hotels

Just make security cameras mandatory in the lobby of every hotel. Nice and easy solution at minimal expense to everyone. Make hotels keep the recordings for 2 or 3 months, and allow them to review the footage on demand. No real invasion of privacy, it's a public lobby, and if you are bugged by being recorded going into a hotel then you're probably up to no good.

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"if you are bugged by being recorded going into a hotel then you're probably up to no good."

Does that include cheating couples? I have to think they wouldn't be happy of a video of them entering and leaving. I guess disguises will in order.

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Love hotels are great and serve a purpose that society wants and needs, the fact that underage prostitution occurs is not the fault of the love hotels but a fault of the misguided education and morale standards in this country.

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I wish the girl next door went to a love hotel with her boyfriend more often, the walls are paper thin. But when it comes to teenage prostitution, I will always remember someone posting that in Third world countries they do it to survive, in Japan, they do it so they can buy a Louis Vuitton bag.

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Some weird remarks here.

My conclusion on love hotels. Girl A lives with Family A in small confined spaces. Boy B likely lives at home too, again with very little privacy. Though Girl A and Boy B are of legal age, they cannot spend private time together at home. So the Love hotel fills this gap.

It is absurd to think that these hotels are focused upon teen prostitution. On the contrary, it seem quite obvious that there is primarily ordinary legal activity dominating these places with couples, of age, going to have time alone.

In a world where privacy and even personal space are rare, these hotels are probably the only solution a lot of people have.

Plus the government is underestimating the creativity of girls who decide they want to sell themselves for money. If they want to do so, and foolish men are willing to create the demand for these services, then one or the other side will find a solution. Love hotel or not.

Why don't the just try finding more ways to prevent this that involve helping kids directly? I guess that would mean doing real work. Something the government suits here seem alergic to.

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Agree with many of the posters here. Love Hotels are great, spend a few nights there(with the missus).

Again many salary-man rent them after thge last train has left, or for short trips a Love Hotel is great for a one-night stop-over.

Yeah, you can get diseases there but than you brought the diseased person with you. ;)

As I got a son that is approaching his teens soonish I am happy that they exist, better to get the 1st experience there than behind a bush, etc.

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“Because the excluded zones for the love hotels usually include favorable locations, such as in entertainment areas or streets fronting on train stations.."

If they are in entertainment areas, how do they promote teenage prostitution. I would say they would more likely promote normal prostitution because teenagers aren't allowed to drink.

“The ‘resembling love hotel’ establishments are a problem, because their premises tend to be utilized more for violations of the juvenile prostitution law than do regular love hotels.”

Is this backed by the facts? I wonder.

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my exGF said that she and her female friends used to go to love hotels when they were high school girls to drink, talk, eat, and that her first sexual experience was like mine: "Behind a bush on school grounds at night"

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LoveUSA just thinks he is still living in Middle America. Love Hotels have been around for years in Japan. To echo comment above, they are clean,safe and MOST important of all furnish free condoms!!! Far safer than teens having it away in a ropey motel in Ohio sans Condoms and ending up with an unwanted pregnancy. Teens are going to have sex whether we/you approve or not, so get off your moral high horse and go and post in the 'God Times' forum.

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Long Live Love Hotels...they rock

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Sadly this statement has a point looking at how the "problem" is tackled; there is no discussion on why there is such a market for young girls and why the need is so willingly filled.

Most likely because it pays well. Work at McD's for ¥800/hour or do it with some guy for 3x that amount. It's frightening how some young girls have not a shred of self-respect nor dignity. How does one tackle THAT problem?

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Teens are going to have sex whether we/you approve or not, so get off your moral high horse and go and post in the 'God Times' forum.

Hear, hear.

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I think it's frightening that young girls, who are not impoverished, would even think of selling their body for money. I agree with most that love hotels are not the problem. What they need to do is get to the root what leads to teen prostitution and in Japan that is not only poverty but also greed, ignorance, irresponsibility of young girls and the greed and irresponsibility of those who promote teenage prostitution.

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Love Hotels- I wish I cans tart this business in america. It's sooooooo fun !!!!! I have an apartment but I still go frequently with my girlfriend.....

It's great !!!!

I love the huge bath tub and decorations and styles of different love hotels. Soooooooooo cool !!!!

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so the back of the car, bar toilet or my condo are safer places?

Maybe te bar toilet is safer... love hotel - if you imagine all the drity things the previous couples have done in the same hotel room before you - can you do it? yuck

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We need to protest! Love hotels are the only good thing about Japan! America, etc..need good old love hotels like Japan. You can take your partner, unwind, do your thing, take a nice shower, do it in the shower, take a bath, do it there too, use the bed to re energize and finish in 2 or 3 hours and then get back on the train, or your car etc..and everyone is happy. These politicians are real idiots!!!

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Drivin' to work a while back, I found myself stuck behind a slowly moving sedan. Cool, I was early, and looking a bit closer at the occupants, I noticed a foursome likely septuagenarian, the men wearing bowlers and the women with purple hair, all probably less than halfway to six feet in height - and then the car turns into the love hotel parking lot!

Sweet! Hope I'm up to doing a foursome when I'm in my 70s!

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if you imagine all the drity [sic] things the previous couples have done in the same hotel room before you.

You mean those dirty things involving coitus and other forms of sexual pleasure, how dastardly.

Not so different than the local sento or a normal hotel room even if it is rated 5 stars. Not sure I'd be able to come up with a smooth enough line to entice someone into the bar toilet though, perhaps you could share some of your better ones.

These days, the good love hotels are full service, full internet access, saunas, huge jet baths, showers with unlimited hot water, and queen sized beds with fresh starched crisp sheets and at a third or less the cost of the average hotel chain. A word to the wise, room service should be avoided, however deliveries are accepted at most of them so you can always order in your favorite pizza, bowl of steaming ramen or even from the local sushi place, all depends on your mood.

Probably the best invention to come out of Japan; so practical. I'm with elbudamexicano on this one.

Now, as to the topic, are they fronts for teenage sex and prostitution, well, as mentioned by previous commenter's teenage sex is not always orchestrated in a planned way so behind the bush in a park is probably as common as any, and as for prostitution, they make more money working the standard hotels who just happen to turn a blind eye to interestingly dressed visitors going up to guests rooms. Yes you can order a hooker to your room when staying at all the "name" hotels in Tokyo including all the five star establishments.

In closing, the majority of both love hotels and regular hotels are wary of renting to underage persons and do screen "visitors" at the desk for this level, its not quite as open a season as the venerable Shukan post would have you believe.

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A blog post I recently made on love hotels to J-List:

When foreigners visit Japan, they naturally focus on certain areas that stand out to them as unique, like maid cafes in Akihabara, Japan's sprawling pachinko parlors, or toilets that wash your butt for you. The bank Seven-Eleven operates through its convenience stores might be seen as odd, as well as vending machines that sell all manner of strange items from bags of rice to eggs to Hello Kitty, er, shoulder massagers. Then there are Japan's famous love hotels. out-of-the-way places where couples can go for a little privacy, which cost around $40 for a "rest" (a two-hour period) or $80 for "stay" (all night). The phenomenon of love hotels supposedly grew out of tsurekomi-yado, Japanese inns that sprouted around the U.S. military headquarters, and they're a huge industry now. Modern love hotels have a lot to offer couples: rooms with flamboyant interiors like the Alcatraz-themed hotel or the replica of the Queen Mary located near J-List, exotic baths and in-room pools, karaoke machines, plus the promise of total privacy since you can pay without meeting anyone. I've got an odd theory that love hotels are actually important at helping Japanese society maintain its strong family bonds. In the U.S., it's all too common -- and I am basing this on what I've observed among members of my family and friends families -- for couples at a certain age to move in together, since there's no other way for them to spend time without parents or others around, no place for them to go. Besides various potential complications, living together informally is said to lead to a higher divorce rate later. Since Japanese always have access to privacy if they desire it, couples living together for that reason (at least) is less prevalent here, which helps families disintegrate less than they might otherwise.

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This "couples use it for privacy" fable is almost certainly an urban legend.

Au contraire, I have used these hotels with my wife, and they are great. Don't knock them till you've tried them.

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I think it's frightening that young girls, who are not impoverished, would even think of selling their body for money.

It's more bizarre than frightening, I think.

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LoveUSA at 09:11 PM JST - 30th November Maybe te bar toilet is safer... love hotel - if you imagine all the drity things the previous couples have done in the same hotel room before you - can you do it? yuck

As METintokyo pointed out, now you're grasping at straws LoveUSA. If you think that people haven't had sex (yes, that "dirty thing"!!) in a regular hotel bed then you're sadly mistaken. If it's a double-bed then there was a couple involved... or a really fat person who couldn't sleep in a single, just imagine whichever you find most disturbing. To be safe you'd better order singles all the way and hope there weren't any midget couples there before you.

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Agree Bar-Toilet = yuck. Lost of smelly business went on like people puking their guts out, etc. I leave those for LoveUSA to enjoy while I use the Love Hotel.

As for teen-prostitution it will always exist in one form or another globally. Back in school we knew which teacher was "dating" which students, etc. Agree a teen selling his/her body for a gucci bag, etc is more sad than frightening or sickening.

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I think the Police need lessons in morals,,, shouldn't they diverge their energies in educating these youngsters through seminars and other promotional avenues. Or simply think-up new ventures that will give them jobs, or better ye just fingerprinting all kids under 18, just like the fingerprint all (GAIJIN).

And Lastly I would advise the Police to get their crooked laws straight. How confusing can it get when under Japanese laws the age of consent for sexual activity is 13 and the age of marriage is 16 (with parental consent), whereas it is a crime to have sex if you are under 17.

They have a problem and its in-house but, they still want to go after businesses.

On the bright side it would be a plus to see love hotels with a Jonathan's or a Denny's on their first floors.

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" Most likely because it pays well. Work at McD's for ¥800/hour or do it with some guy for 3x that amount. "

More like 20 times this amount. Check out the local deai sites to get a picture. But of course this will exist no matter what stupid measures to fight it the pea-brained bureacrats come up with... at our tax expense.

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" Maybe te bar toilet is safer... love hotel - if you imagine all the drity things the previous couples have done in the same hotel room before you - can you do it? yuck "

The same as a five-star hotel, with the difference that the love hotel gets cleaned thoroughly every time, not just vaccuumed by some bored maid.

You should get over your stereotypes and try it sometimes. Love Hotels are a great invention.

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I just love love hotels. @ goddog at 12:28 PM JST, you are spot on. I should think LoveUSA is a member of some kind of congregation that don't want to accept things the way they are.

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I love love hotels. My man and I often use them while travelling because they are way cheaper than regular hotels in most areas, and they have that awesome big bathtub, karaoke, and free porn on the TV. Many love hotels in our area allow you to stay the night for 3,000 or 4,000 yen--for two people that's a great deal! Also, if we were living with his parents, as many couples do, I'm sure it would be the only way to ever get any action.

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What really sucks is not being able to find a love hotel when you all of a sudden need one then having to check into an expensive business hotel.

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LoveUSA: How is a love hotel somehow dirtier than a toilet?

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Actually love hotels are not unique to Japan, you can find them in Korea as well (I've seen something similar in Taiwan, but haven't use it, so can't tell for sure). When I was a student (= short on cash), I stayed in two cheap hotels in Seoul and they were horrible. Then we saw this nice pink hotel nearby, it was great, cheaper, very clean, good amenities (and free porn, together with free regular movies). We stayed there one month

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There are many viruses and bacteria in these hotels. Do you think sheets are properly desinfected? yuck also imagine gay people in the same room before you and think about hiv floating around...

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" There are many viruses and bacteria in these hotels. Do you think sheets are properly desinfected? yuck also imagine gay people in the same room before you and think about hiv floating around. "

You could ask that about every hotel in the world, including 5-star hotels. Do you travel with your sleeoping bag everywhere?

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LoveUSA: How is a love hotel somehow dirtier than a toilet?

just the idea of a love hotel has an image of a dirtiness in my mind

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Maybe te bar toilet is safer... love hotel - if you imagine all the drity things the previous couples have done in the same hotel room before you - can you do it? yuck

any bed apart from your own would have the same problem for you whether it be in a friends house,love hotel,bog standaard hotel or hostel ..do you have some fascination with cleanliness?

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do you have some fascination with cleanliness?

no, I don't but... maybe i am to conservative for love hotels.

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" no, I don't but... maybe i am to conservative for love hotels. "

You mean your wild imagination about love hotels.

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Meh. Regarding cleanliness, love hotels are going to be just like "normal" hotels... the skanky ones will quickly get a bad "rep" and soon go out of business - ESPECIALLY in a country as obsessed with cleanliness as Japan is. If they want to stay in business, they WILL provide clean rooms.

Legislating love hotels isn't going to solve teenage prostitution or even slow it down. You can't legislate morality (at least not successfully). They need to get with the teenagers and build-up the teen's self-worth to the point where selling their body no longer seems acceptable. Until that happens, you're still going to have a teen prostitution problem - whther it's in a love hotel or in the park bushes.

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no, I don't but... maybe i am to conservative for love hotels.[sic]

What does conservatism have to do with love hotels? Perhaps their very name "love" hotels puts you off. At least in Japan there is an accepted reality that due to living conditions couples do on occasion need privacy. Yes, I'm sure there are some nefarious things going on in some cases, but surprisingly most patrons are couples who need a place to spend some alone time together. Love hotels offer a very nice alternative to the tawdry motels used in some countries.

I'm not getting at you but as someone who has stated to have never been to one then to paint pictures of viral HIV floating around makes me wonder if you take the subway and if you do then must cloak yourself in some kind of invisible shield to stave off everything supposedly in the air.

As far as the actual topic is concerned I believe that using the term "Shallow-brained bureaucrats" is overstating the obvious.

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I always wanted to visit a love hotel and even thought of trying to find a way of actually buying one outright since the love hotel industry along with the porn industry is up there with some of the biggest sovereign economies in the world. Now I cannot believe that the Japanese elite would ruin such a staple of Japan. I also can't believe that they are going to make it harder for me to visit one as well. What a sad day for all. Zannen desu ne

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Work at McD's for ¥800/hour or do it with some guy for 3x that amount. It's frightening how some young girls have not a shred of self-respect nor dignity.

Maybe they do that because they still have a shred of self-respect and dignity and haven't been brain-washed with the twisted morality of thousands of years old books?

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Also, Japanese hotels seem to be cleaned more thoroughly than American hotels are. I would trust a Japanese hotel much faster than any other country hotel any day of the week.

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japan is full of sex for money. If the older women do it, these girls figure what's wrong with them doing it. They'll find other places.

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just the idea of a love hotel has an image of a dirtiness in my mind

Plenty of love hotels that are much cleaner than other hotels. If the image of dirtiness is because people go there for sex, well, yeah, that's the general idea.

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LoveUSA at 08:26 PM JST - 1st December There are many viruses and bacteria in these hotels. Do you think sheets are properly desinfected? yuck also imagine gay people in the same room before you and think about hiv floating around...

... I know I shouldn't feed the troll, but...

As has been pointed out before, the disinfection routine at a Love Hotel is superior to that in a regular hotel, and what goes on in the rooms is much the same, so your point is invalid.

There's nothing wrong with gay people.

HIV has an extremely limited life outside of a nutrient-rich solution. Simply washing the sheets with soap, or letting it come into contact with air will kill it. HIV does not "float around", it is not airborne.

eyeroll I can only assume that you're deliberately trolling since it defies imagining that anyone could be this bigoted and misinformed by accident.

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Gees! I hope this doesn't effect the point card system. Two more visits and I get a free hour! (sarcasm)

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Of course there's nothing wrong about going to love hotels for men who're just after sex in a women. But a man who truly love her woman would be prepared to spend a bit more money to take her to a more noble and decent hotel property.

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Love Hotels are just fine, you can stay for the 2-3 hrs or stay for the night. Same as at any other hotel but prices and service is way better.

Funnily enough the hotels that stand out in Japan are the Love Hotels with the business, etc hotels being more subdued.

Plus, Love Hotels got way bigger rooms and baths(often jacuzzi style) than your average japanese hotel. Soap selection alone is worth going there, soap for this and soap for that. ;)

Many of my friends were shocked when I told them to stay at one because they were only in town for one night but they sang praises afterwards.

So the choice is a teenie business hotel room with No service, etc or a Love Hotel.

Don"t knock it till you tried it. ;) Unless you are loaded enough to visit a top-end Hotel.

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I helped out at a love hotel once. Made the mistake of opening the drain cover to the shower. OMG.

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The only problem with love hotels for travel use is that you can´t walk in and out with a key. Other than that, a decent LH is way preferrable to your typical drab business hotel.

And seesaw, it really depends what you compare. There are pretty high-end love hotels too, and they are not cheap. And you certainly don´t get the same entertainment options in a boring normal hotel.

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seesaw at 01:10 PM JST - 2nd December Of course there's nothing wrong about going to love hotels for men who're just after sex in a women. But a man who truly love her woman would be prepared to spend a bit more money to take her to a more noble and decent hotel property.

Do you actually live in Japan? Have you done much travelling in Japan?

I live in Japan and I've done a lot of travelling here, I've visited just over half the prefectures over the years and I've stayed in over 100 hotels, from bargain backpacker's places to 5 stars, and once you get over 2 stars the increase in quality from 3 to 4 stars or 4 to 5 stars simply doesn't match the increase in cost. Between a 3 star and a 4 star hotel you'd pay double or triple the price for perhaps an extra meter or two of space, and no real improvement in the room, the stars seem to be awarded for the hotel having a public gym or a pool, etc... most of which aren't used.

On the other hand the size of the room and fittings in the room of many love hotels compare favourably with those of 5-star hotels at a quarter or fifth of the price.

Try a good love hotel sometime if you're in Japan seesaw, and compare it price-wise with other hotels and you'll find they're the best value around.

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The only problem with love hotels for travel use is that you can´t walk in and out with a key.

Actually in many you can, if just one is going out (assuming you're there as a couple) the front desk will normally call up to the room to make sure there's nothing wrong with the other person. If you both want to take a stroll then they will ask the bill be paid to that point and perhaps a small deposit but will keep the room for you and will even give it a cleaning i.e. new sheets, towels etc. if you ask. They are very accommodating.

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But a man who truly love her woman would be prepared to spend a bit more money

And if a man really really really loves his woman he would take her to the finest hotel in town? So much for equality of the sexes.

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And if a man really really really loves his woman he would take her to the finest hotel in town? So much for equality of the sexes.

you guys don't know anything about Love. All you can think about is sex and which hotel is good for it. That is not love.

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you guys don't know anything about Love. All you can think about is sex and which hotel is good for it. That is not love.

Well, first you may have noticed that it's not just "guys" posting on this topic. Oh course, we all know that sex is just that dirty incidental thing that happens between two people whereas love transcends all that and encompasses walks on the beach, candle lit dinners and in depth discussions of classic literature.

Sorry, but after 25 years of marriage I still lust after my wife in a carnal way, and our love has been through life's wringer of trials and tribulations but has held strong, so excuse us when we can't take the time out of our careers to jet off to some island paradise all the time (although that does happen), but we do make a point of utilizing love hotels once in a while to have a change of pace and unwind.

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Interesting that a discussion on hotels can tell LoveUSA exactly what the commenters know about "love". On the flip-side, her specuous comments regarding "gays" and "AIDS" and how dirty the love hotels are tells us an awful lot about her thoughts on "love". (Lights-out, under the sheets, missionary of course, triple raincoats, and don't even THINK about eating at the "Y".)

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They need to crackdown on cell phones too, and mass transit. These are key tools in prostitution as well, and no law abiding citizen would ever dream of using them.

Keystones to the fail once again

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love hotels, ah, one thing about Japan I can get off on , or in....

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you guys don't know anything about Love

Yes I do! I Love to have Sex! and love hotels rock!

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why not insist female customers use id cards and do age checks to turn away minors....thatd really kill their bizness as it thrives on secrecy.

tho they would just do it in the park or some bathroom anyway. how can u stop it really? its sad that so many young girls turn to prostitution as they do in cambodia and thailand...but in japan its not a survival issue.

the problem is that both sides are consenting, supply meets demand

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" why not insist female customers use id cards and do age checks to turn away minors "

Simply because there is nobody to check anything in a love hotel. Either they are fully automated, or there is a little hole in the wall where you put money in and get your key back.

I agree that ID check of everybody would put a crimp in the enjo kosai business, but it would also take away the whole anonymous ambience of the love hotel in the first place. AND, the illegal under-age business would simply switch over to Karaoke establishments and the like.

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It's a War on Sex.

If they were not trying to legislate morality, they would need to worry about distinguishing between regular hotels and love hotels.

I agree that chasing the hotel owners around is not going to stop it. It is similar to outlawing cellphones or trains because poeple are indirectly using them for sex.

But in America, regardless of how absurd the law is, it usually passes because.....its a War on Sex.

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BDiego said:

Keystones to the fail once again

EPIC FAIL on your part. It isn't the Keystones who came up with this, but the unmentioned "bureaucrats" who changed the law. They're the ones who FAILed. Now the J-Cops are going to be forced to enforce this useless law modification.

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Yes, kill the cell phones, all hotels and chase away the girls in uniforms hanging around the Ekis. Teen prostitution can only be reduced with moral education... Not an equally immoral cop. Afterall, the are the biggest offenders in all the bizarre things in this country

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without rabuhos this country would be nothing! japan needs the rabuhos and the rabuhos need the japanese! power to the hos!

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Don't politicians here in Japan have more important things to focus on??

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Teen prostitution IN JAPAN is happening by choice. Why is everyone trying to be the moral guardians of those teens? This is being done by choice and NOT forced upon them. To me, when something is done voluntarily I don't think it is anyone's business to try and make a moral meal of that action and sit down there judging those teens. Remember, where there is a will there is a way and Teens will find a way to have sex if they want to. Now whether they choose to do it for money or with a much older guy who gives them gifts and money is no one else's but their choice to do so. Americans and other Westerners think that they are the "moral guardians" for the rest of the world and try to judge everyone for their actions. Are Americans and the westerners any more morally replete ? Absolutely NOT. Just because they have statutory rape clauses and laws does not make them any more morally superior. Look at the mess the west is creating in the rest of the world. It is time the west stopped judging and left people and other cultures to do as they please. I would advise the west to go and clean up their own backyards first before judging other countries. You cannot expect society and the government to be the chastity belt of the teenagers. There is too much time, money, effort being spent on trying to create a moral wrap around teen sexuality. LEAVE TEENS ALONE.

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