This woman had lovers. They’re dead. Now she has fans. “Kanae girls” have been “conspicuous in the courtroom” throughout the 100-day trial, reports Shukan Bunshun (April 19).
This is surprising, for the defendant, 37-year-old Kanae Kijima, is not considered by media as an attractive person. On April 13, the "Black Widow," as media dubbed her, was sentenced to death for the murder of three boyfriends off whose money she had been living high. What do the “Kanae girls” see in her?
A role model, is the simple answer. “I’ve been trolling marriage sites for a year without meeting anyone worth meeting,” Shukan Bunshun hears from one fairly typical “Kanae girl,” a woman in her 30s. “I thought I could learn something from her. Also, I wanted to know the psychology of men who could be so utterly taken in.”
Kijima can teach that, if anyone can. Making the most of a decidedly plain appearance, she drew the men, ranging in age from 41 to 80, with her unabashed sexual hunger, and later, when they began pressuring her to pay back the money they had lavished on her, she arranged their deaths by carbon monoxide poisoning to look like suicides, the court ruled.
Kijima’s defense counsel promptly appealed the conviction, claiming the deaths were either suicides or accidental and the evidence of murder was purely circumstantial.
“Everyone takes money, more or less, from men,” comments a “Kanae girl” in her 40s. “There seems to be a ‘Kanae’ in me too.”
“I wanted to know what kind of men the victims were,” says another, in her 30s. “Men being taken in by a woman like Kijima give me a kind of satisfaction. Serves them right.”
“Usually a murder case has the smell of blood about it,” muses a journalist covering the trial. “You imagine how the victim suffered as he died. But here – carbon monoxide poisoning – that element is missing, so you’re left admiring someone who got her hands on 100 million yen and lived a celebrity lifestyle.”
If this case doesn’t reek of blood, observes Shukan Bunshun, “it reeks of obscenity” – or if obscenity is not quite the word, sexual frankness. Kijima was proud of her erotic artistry. “Men tell me I’m the best they ever had,” she boasted to her boyfriends. Her confidence was apparent in her absolute indifference to her appearance. “Women feel they can learn from that,” says writer Mihoko Yamada.
“There’s a feeling that she shattered the illusion that when it comes to sex, men call the shots,” says manga artist Fumi Saimon. “You have all these guys coming on to you, ‘Hey, listen baby, I got sexual techniques that make beautiful women swoon’ and all that. Kijima turned that on its head. Good for her!”
You’d almost forget she was in the dock for murder.
© Japan Today
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Kanae girls:
"Hello, I am a single female and I like to have sex. My phone number is xxx-xxxx."
Not This:
"Hello, I am a 30 something female looking for a wealthy man to take care of me. my number is xxx-xxxx"
Jaded or frustrated with the opposite sex? Then why not sign up to the Kanae Kijima newsletter! She can show you how to treat men like the dogs they are. Empower yourself today! (NB: Newsletter will no longer be published after her death.)
Oh c'mon just select a higher income bracket in your search.
Nicky Washida
This is somewhat scary - especially the part where they are basically saying "she killed them by carbon monoxide poisoning so its not so bad really, is it? I mean, not as if they suffered or anything?"
What. The. Hell. Is. Wrong. With. These. Women???! Since when is it ever acceptable to idolise someone who cold-bloodedly murdered 3 and probably more. Same thing with "Ichi-sama" (Ichihashi) who they idolised for his coolness - when is it ever "cool" to brutally rape and murder a young girl and go on the run?
This story of the black widow makes me blood run cold, but the following she is generating is making my blood run even colder. These women are out there and they are looking for someone like YOU. Is fantastic sex really worth it??!
Zach Odle
i hope my gf dont get any ideas
I can see how, in a patriarchal society like Japan, where the men have long controlled the social balance of power and where they continue to maintain the status quo of quite remarkable gender inequality, that women like this will gain the respect and admiration of others for what they have done. There is a sort of power reversal here - using the one thing these guys really want from women; sex, and using it as the ultimate deady tool. But not only that, she seems to have had a voracious sexual hunger - something generally associated with men (the powerful), not women. She was using them for sex as much as, or if not more, than the men were. I can see how that would appeal to certain people in the right situation.
Lie about your job and find pathetic loners. Not much of a secret.
Some guys with out much prospect will go for the ugly dull girls specially if she puts out, loys of guys have no shame and low standards and will do anything, thats why this murdress was able to lure these guys to their deaths.
These fans of Kojima are classy ladies, one and all, I'm sure.
Girl puts out, dude is putty in her hands.
This is more questionable weekly magazine journalism. Whether there really are scads of "Kanae girls" has yet to be proven by a legitimate news source. I expect that Kijima's success came upon playing on the loneliness of the men she murdered. There are lonely men as well as lonely women in this society, and they are all potential victims of opportunists.
"she drew the men, ranging in age from 41 to 80, with her unabashed sexual hunger" "“Men tell me I’m the best they ever had,” she boasted to her boyfriends. "
Very simple. Most men just want great sex.
It was strange watching the news with my wife as she kept being amazed that this woman could get so many men to like her. And I said off the top of my head that she probably just gave them great sex. I felt bad for appearing to have my mind in the gutter - but lo and behold.
Lots of Japanese guys are shy. If a woman just did a little approaching and flirting, and then gave them a good time, it's no surprise that she could get so many men to like her.
As opposed to lots of the dateless single girls I know who think that if they buy a new outfit, it will somehow make them moteru.
But, I'm with the others. It's disturbing the way people seem to look up to criminals.
I'm always surprised at how many people will go dateless for years and haven't learned to say "Hi" yet. Or be super bold and ask someone if they'd like to have coffee or dinner, or anything. They just wait ...and wait .. and say "Do you know anyone nice?
" Something is rotten in the state of Denmark "
One thing I don't understand about Japan. Men seem to have the power, yet they cower to their spouses and act like they have none. I know some (gaijin) who follow the Japanese example and let's his wife run everything for him. So much so that if something comes up at work that may cause him a delay, he will immediately call home and give status updates. Also his wife checks his pay records and leave balances to make sure that he is telling the truth. Yet, I keep hearing that Japan is an unequal society. I don't get it.
Probably the reason why this lady was able to get so many men was the fact that she didn't place demands on them. She gave them sex, and peace of mind. Look at the ages of the victims, 41-80. Once a man gets past 35, all he really wants are two "pieces" I call it. 1) Peace of mind; 2) Piece of a**. He doesn't need all of the hassle that some of these made up types will levy on him.
I am not saying that romance was not part of the equation, it was, but she probably wasn't the type like some of the women who were surveyed in this article were into. She probably made the men feel like they were special, and with less hassle they began to just fall into her trap. Not trying to "prove their love" they willing gave it to someone who they thought appreciated it.
Great, just great. Another idiotic trend for people to follow instead of dealing with reality.
Ladies if you want to get married to someone. Stop playing games. See people for who they are and not what they can do for you. Forget Cinderella stories and fall in love with an ordinary guy who will love you truly. It is really that simple.
Lots of interesting comments here.
At least the men had a good time and were happy and died a painless silent death.
Dangerous woman.
Yeah, I know what your mean and I wonder about that as well. Perhaps that too is a kind of behind-closed-doors reaction to the social restrictions women face. A sort of symptom of the general state of play. I've seen it a bit in my in-laws. My wife's sisters, who are absolutely charming women and who I like alot, absolutely have their husbands by the balls. In a scary way. And the guys are completely submissive and come 4th by a long way in the family pecking order, that being; the two kids 1 and 2, the wife, then the husband. This is what these fellas get for selling their soul to the company and working for most of their waking hours for the privelige. it's a dynamic that does not sit comfortably with me.
"Kanae girls"?? That is just creepy.
I will take the "unabashed sexual hunger", but hold the "murderous intent" please!
And ladies, getting men is really easy. Act innocent. Follow his lead. Nudge him a little for sex if he does not get the hint. (Ask to be taken to a hotel). Refuse nothing in bed. Learn some sex tricks of your own.
And if you really and truly love the sex, you will outshine any woman who doesn't no matter how pretty she is...unless you are truly horrible looking.
This is ridiculous.
Looking at these comments by so-called "Kanae girls" I can tell you straight away why they're not in happy, stable relationships... they're complete bitches.
Or maybe Kijima made potato salads to die for. Seriously, if you are intent on getting partners for whatever purpose you will find them. The odds are in your favor. Kijima was after loot. She was driven and diabolical and found just the kind of innocent guys who could be taken in. It happens all the time but does not usually end in mass murder.
Carbon Monoxide poisoning is a slow painful way to die. Choking, seiziures, vomiting, convulsions, heart & chest pain and it takes a while to complete.
Hopefully the Kanae girls will find the bank account of thier dreams one day. A sweet romatic handsome bank account.
*This is somewhat scary - especially the part where they are basically saying "she killed them by carbon monoxide poisoning so its not so bad really, is it? I mean, not as if they suffered or anything?"
What. The. Hell. Is. Wrong. With. These. Women???! Since when is it ever acceptable to idolise someone who cold-bloodedly murdered 3 and probably more. Same thing with "Ichi-sama" (Ichihashi) who they idolised for his coolness - when is it ever "cool" to brutally rape and murder a young girl and go on the run?
This story of the black widow makes me blood run cold, but the following she is generating is making my blood run even colder. These women are out there and they are looking for someone like YOU. Is fantastic sex really worth it??!*
And they wonder why they are single? Honestly, many of the women who are single here - and not by choice - and such wallflowers is it any wonder they can't find a husband, let alone a date? Add in that some of them now want to learn from this women... Sick. Why do I see a book in this woman's future? And sadly, plenty of sales.
You want to make money, have a boyfriend, maybe get married? Look at yourselves, your personality, how you come across to people... Not exactly rocket science, is it?
Very simple. Most men just want great sex.
And here I was thinking they just wanted sex! ;)
In what way Love Not? I bet Kanae Kijima does not find my advice ridiculous! In fact, I bet she would accuse me of plagarizing her playbook!
how is a woman supposed to act innocently if she were to seduce the man to a love hotel and use sex tricks? Are you a man? If so, I assume you will be so easily satisfied, just plain sex will do the trick, so I will advise you to be careful in your relationships in order not to end up with a Kanae of your own. In the circles I move, men are refined and they require intelligence, equal refinement, affection, mutual understanding, warmth, friendship, support, not only sex. I think that men are more attracted when women refuse sex to them. Something to do with their pride. If it is so easy to get, where is the attraction?
“I thought I could learn something from her. Also, I wanted to know the psychology of men who could be so utterly taken in.”
Welcome to Japan. A place where a murderer gains fans and probably hears 'ganbare!' outside the courtroom, and where people say, "They were killed with carbon monoxide... not so bad, really".
There is something seriously wrong with society here.
"I think that men are more attracted when women refuse sex to them."
Maybe on a first date, yes. In a relationship, no. Hence the love hotels you speak of.
The fact she has fans fans doesn't surprise me all that much. Lots of serial killers get followings in prison and receive fan mail etc. For every handful of normal people there will always be a 'black sheep' with some crazy ideas running through his or her head. Infact when I watch american psycho I feel sorry for Partick bateman and feel a connection with him. haha. but i guess thats just a movie / book. Even then though.....
Well, isn't that special? I was speaking of men in general, not your circle.
How did this get to be about me?
Its a fine line, but basically, the woman acts innocently when they first meet and everywhere but in bed. Hopefully she won't have to prod hom for sex, but this can be gently and subtly done. Actually just asking "Don't you want to kiss me?" would probably be enough to get the ball rolling.
As for the disparity between acting innocent but knowing sex tricks, trust me, most guys won't think about it twice. And if they do, the woman can just say she read it in a book, or say that she heard guys like that or whatever. Really, any excuse will do.
It is a good point. Of course my post was not meant to be a complete guide. Some manner of hard to get does help for sure. But its easy to over do it. Adding that in the mix can be as easy as spacing out dates, cancelling dates sometimes, etc. It need not be pushing him away, telling him no, etc.
I am in awe of the eclectic circles you move in. However, most people move in more ordinary circles, with a more simple mindset.
This is sick and these people should be banned from the court room. We don't need more loonies like this woman.
Dennis Bauer
i wonder if she will release a book soon
I ignore men with a basic mindset. Otherwise everything will be primitive as in the ape societies. Women have higher aspirations and ideals than love for sex. Please expand your views on women and you will be able to experience some spiritual life and love.
Kanae was a monster who preyed on lonely unsatisfied men. In a way she was not a human who could feel compassion and sympathy. This is a woman without soul, using sex to attract men who could not use their brains. Find a woman with a soul and your life will be happy.
Truly disturbing that these women seem to look past the fact that Kanae is a killer. What shallow mindless b*tches. Kanae, enjoy your death sentence.
Okay, after reading this, I'll never talk to another woman again....LoL! Especially, if she's ....not the article put it.
that black widow was really ugly. no man in his right mind would go for that
Wait for the next blockbuster movie.
"Very simple. Most men just want great sex."...with an attractive sexy woman...not some "hag"!
The answer is easy when you think of it. The men were wearing beer (or sake) goggles.
Kiskipuich Vilaboa
OMFG this is sick Really
Serves them right??? For what? For lavishing money and time on this cruel murderous woman?
Plain looking???? That is a compliment
Really? REALLY?
I've got to believe that men who told her she was the "best" did so merely because they had nothing to compare it to.
Yes, it is shallow to judge her by the way she looks. On the other hand, I'm not the one offing guys for money.
Tmarie, You were right.
"“Everyone takes money, more or less, from men,” comments a “Kanae girl” in her 40s. “There seems to be a ‘Kanae’ in me too.”
Maybe they can lock this woman up too.
And they never had anyone better after you, now did they, Kanae? You permanently deprived them of any chance of that. Monster.
Desperate. Simple as that.
How very rude, condescending, and uppity. We all have different goals in life and different things satisfy us to the core. Some respect is in order.
Plenty of women have murdered by men who took them for a ride by taking advantage of what you call "soul and spirituality". Didn't make them any less a fool, did it?
I see no reason why sex and spirituality cannot both be enjoyed at the same time anyway. It just so happens that men like to start with sex. Its biological. Get us past that and we can move over into spiritualiy much easier. A woman who just quicky dismissed a man for being focused on sex at first just strikes me as a spoiled lazybones not willing to put the time in to make a man happy.
Bartholomew Harte
Now she can Come as she Goes,courtesy of the government!-Auto Erotic Strangulation!! As for her fans,They can Sniff Gas!!
Ewan Huzarmy
It's sad when people like this get idolised. It's also depressing to know how shallow these single women fans are.
They come accross as money grabbing vultures who prey on lonely men .
Sex obsessed men are a real turn off. In am not saying that men should be gay but at the same time they should focus on appreciating the value of the woman as a whole, not only as a sex object. The mistake of the men killed by Kanae is that they focused on sex not on her character which led them to their demise...
I think it's not that remarkable that men who are desperate for sex do not care about the looks or character of a woman. But what I find remarkable is that they gave this woman so much money - all their savings in one case - over an extended period of time and repeatedly, without sensing that something is wrong about her. It may have to do with the fact that it seems normal in this society for a man to "support" a woman, i.e. give her all his money without asking questions. After all, it all comes down to Japan's main problem - the fascination with conspicuous consumption, where people will refuse to buy things at a discount and seek out the same goods at a higher price in order not to appear poor or needy.
That's a rather bold assumption. How do you know?
Anyone who thinks that somehow Japan is a partriarchal society really hasn't scored with enough of the women here to know otherwise. The women run the show here, and the economy, and are pretty good at using their charms to get men to promise love and loyalty, so she can get them as nest-slaves who give her a place to stay and buy her things, and then offer the men no escape from that.
Sure, it looks as if men have all the power and money... but when a man gets all that, who do they give it all away to? Who tells the man that he is the head of the household with all the responsibilities, and then nags him to death as soon as he spends his own money on himself? Does anyone not see the contradictions here?
Men are really just sport for the women to try plying their skills. Good luck finding your "true love" in Japan. Plenty of the fake variety abounds.
Shouldn't have Googled her picture. Sorry, eyes!
No mystery at all, "Kanae Girls":
Most people "do it" in the dark, so having an unattractive face is not much of a deterrent. The mistake most "attractive" girls make is assuming that their looks should be enough and they don't have to do anything else. Unattractive girls go that extra mile where attractive girls say, "Ewwww! No WAY am I doing that!" It's an American expression so I apologize if you don't get the reference, but the ideal women really ARE June Cleaver in the kitchen and Marilyn Chambers in the bed. The way to a man's heart used to be through his stomach, but the prime route has now travelled south a bit.
Kyle Sakic
You see the problem is the disconnection or more so the lack of connection people have with their true natures. People at the end of the day want happiness and to avoid suffering. In the colloquies with mark twain he does undeniably root out the nature of humans as being entirely self driven people in all cases and without exception. This woman kind is no different from man kind in their mental orientation. On our journey to avoid suffering and increase happiness we as humans can become diluted by the grandeurs and their attribution to our well being in this dilemma. Sometimes what stands in our way most in this life are the lives of others. Leaving people to conceive their supposed position in life as deserving of better things and the feeling of being left ripped off. As a result we have some people who justify their corrupt actions by give excuses or reasons such as men as dogs. (Indicating that their counter parts are self regarding when a situation come at hand). However they forget that everyone is self regarding even themselves; and what is lacking is understanding that we as people can be self regarding and at the same time unselfishly regarding in the betterment of all situations. What's also lacking are peoples abilities to connect at this level. Saying things like, "I did this for you." When a person entirely did something for someone to shape a situation to be better for themselves, by giving to get. All people do this... Giving to get a better world, giving to get a better nights sleep, giving to continue a relationship and so on. This person did not understand this nor did the people she ruled to die know of this, nor did the "kanae girl". They are people looking to justify their own ascendancy to grandeur which they believe will limit unhappiness and daily sufferings. If they knew this after their murders they may never sleep at night again. We all know this however it wasn't obvious until someone said it.
Kyle Sakic
One more thing; your all including to many factors and end of the line ideas about other people and what's important. When a woman refused sex; I naturally looked into the situation to determine why and sometimes it was because she was holding back to shape everything and build the bonds first. Preferring a woman who had actual important things to do, instead of lying and faking the reasons. Being their own personal relationship doctor while connecting made them outside themselves. It does not take me long to know what someone's about and would walk away from cosmo girls, because of their left field mental propaganda. Man made a good woman once upon a time in some places and woman made a good man. Now its all screwy. Too many whimsical outside influences causing turbulence and playing with peoples heads. Implying importance over such closed minded interests. Lucky for me enough philosophy and many years to play through it and rid it of its questions, blending the real truths of it into cohesion. Left me looking at the bare bones of a situation before handling its details. Why is one inclined to act in such away is a big question which I find needs to be asked often and never jump to conclusions when deciding the factors.
Kyle Sakic
One more thing; your all including to many factors and end of the line ideas about other people and what's important. When a woman refused sex; I naturally looked into the situation to determine why and sometimes it was because she was holding back to shape everything and build the bonds first. Preferring a woman who had actual important things to do, instead of lying and faking the reasons. Being their own personal relationship doctor while connecting made them outside themselves. It does not take me long to know what someone's about and would walk away from cosmo girls, because of their left field mental propaganda. Man made a good woman once upon a time in some places and woman made a good man. Now its all screwy. Too many whimsical outside influences causing turbulence and playing with peoples heads. Implying importance over such closed minded interests. Lucky for me enough philosophy and many years to play through it and rid it of its questions, blending the real truths of it into cohesion. Left me looking at the bare bones of a situation before handling its details. Why is one inclined to act in such away is a big question which I find needs to be asked often and never jump to conclusions when deciding the factors.
"Sex obsessed men are a real turn off"
Being a male, and having talked to a lot of males..., I can safely tell you that just about all men are sex obsessed. But the clever ones know that sex-obsessed men are a real turn off for many women, so they pretend they aren't sex-obsessed in order to get sex!
But, true to form, some men will tell you that's not true.
You may not believe that, and may not want to believe that, and it may be sad, but it's true.
yeah she's not a looker, but where are the pictures of the men she killed? I'm betting they weren't much to see either. They probably couldn't believe their "luck" when she was interested in them
Jonathan Prin
In the realm of senses (1976). Love and death. Be cultivated.
Are you sure about this Nicky? What Japanese government has fooled you. The Japanese government has ruined my Japanese Wife and sister Fallopian tubes very thin with vaccines yet they now want to pay you to have children? Our insurance wont cover the expense we have to pay and we now live in the US. I am so mad at First world country government. What is good about Japan paying for you to have a baby when they ruined the late 20s and early 30s hormones in women. Government is the cause of the lowest birth rate in women in the world how cruel.
And the government wont pay for the shot to fix it.