Yukie Nakama, the 30-year-old "queen of viewer ratings"’ has been chosen again to host the annual NHK "Kohaku Utagassen" program this year. Yet despite the actress’ popularity, her new TV drama is not faring too well. The TV Asahi series titled “Untouchable," which began airing this month, is suffering unbelievably low ratings for the queen.
In the series, Nakama plays a tabloid news reporter who does just about anything from trespassing and shooting undercover photos in search of a scoop, solving crimes and mysteries at the same time. The new TV drama was promoted at a media conference held in early October as a story with a "well thought out plot" and Nakama herself emphasized how excited she was to play the lead role.
In spite of the advertisement, the rating for the first show was 11.6%, falling to 9.7% and 6.2% by the third episode in the Kanto area. According to a source working at TV Asahi’s production department, “The ratings are so poor that ordinarily we would consider canceling it altogether, midseason or not. But it’s just not possible, considering Nakama’s contribution to the success of 'TRICK' (which aired in 2000), and while plans are under way for a third movie version of this story. Under the circumstances, there’s no way we can do anything that would offend her. In fact, any talk about TV viewer ratings is practically a taboo now.”
Thus, any mention of ratings has become the "untouchable" topic among the “Untouchable” staff. How ironic. TV Asahi’s public relations department stated they had nothing to say about measures to improve the ratings.
A program crew member says that Nakama’s commitment as the lead actress extends to memorizing all the lines in the script, including those of her co-actors. Let’s just hope that her effort will be rewarded.
© Japan Today
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"Under the circumstances, there’s no way we can do anything that would offend her. In fact, any talk about TV viewer ratings is practically a taboo now.”
Screw that! If this girl's too big for her britches remind her where she gets her living and send her on her way. It may hurt in the immediate future, but there's another 'ido-ru' just around the corner that all the otaku will drool over.
Oh, and let TRICK go, for gawd's sake. The first one was okay, but milking it as a series based on the success of a first movie NEVER works out for the sequels very well (unless they were planned long ago).
she is just as pale white as the article, meaning the white on the screen here. Nice one Smith....
Bad acting, bad scripts, unrealistic scenarios and low production values. Otherwise, it's pretty good!
Sooo, that's why she's hosting Kohaku so many times - “queen of viewer ratings”. She has a nice smile. I just might watch Kohaku this year - if only Glay would do a repeat of their hit song, "Yuuwaku" with a clearer drum rendition, it would be a Kohaku worth remembering.
If the script is worse, you can be both, a good or a bad actor. It doesn't matter at all...
Too bad we're all wondering about who's fighting who.
Wait a minute. Does she live in a shell? I think once the low ratings are news, she's going to find out.
I'm pretty sure she knows the ratings are low by now.
Perhaps she just doesn't want to get affected; if the show's crappy then people won't watch it no matter how popular the actor is, unless the target audience are groupies.
Smith, Trick had two series before the first movie, only the third series was after the first movie. I like(d) the series, actually...
The Japanese public must have come to their senses. Papparazzi - we had our fair share already with Nori-P this year, why would anyone voluntarily watch such a show?
I never really liked her acting. A lot of people might enjoy her acting, but for some reason, her acting looks really un-natural....kind of fake
I enjoyed Trick, but nothing else she has done.
She is oddly atractive too....
Talento over actual story... happy to see story line winning.
I don't know how any of these dramas can secure any viewers at all. They are always exactly the same 2 or 3 stories, just changing the main characters occupation
thepro: Yakuza control the talent in Japan, they control the media.
Nice pic, but could you go a little easier on the foundation next time?
You really don't want to see her without foundation...
As I've said many times, she's Ms Bland. What do you expect?
Basically we're spoilt for choice here in Japan. There's always something interesting on the TV. It's a competitive market.
Hehe, good one
Richard III: absolutely agree, very interesting TV programms, specially comparing to swiss tv:) I like Yukie, she is talented and cute. Hope they can do it better
marushka: I hope you're being sarcastic, Japanese TV stinks my house out everytime I turn it on with it's bad jokes and stupid stories.
gogogo: have you ever seen swiss tv programm? i am just comparing these two:) Osakadaz: really? i liked her very much in "g@me"
Most Japanese women and actress move of mouth is very artificail when they talks with people.They think that it can impact to people.Check how they move mouth.So this actress also WORST.
Has anyone actually watched "Untouchable"? The problem is not her acting - she does as superb job as usual, as does many of the other people in the drama. The real problem is the script itself - there is no DRAMA in the drama - thats why the rating are so low. Me, personally, I have liked everything else she has done since Itazura na Kiss onward - I have seen both the dramas and movies, and even the anime she had a voice roll in - nearly everything she has done. And quite frankly, this show here lacks drama and suspense. They gave away everything in the opening, had zero character development, very little action, no drama, no suspense. You cannot blame an actor or actress for bad script writing. I cannot believe the absolute venom that so many people are pouring out at her. Is this how the Japanese go about doing character assassinations of public figures they want to remove from the limelight? Blame them for the mistakes of others just because they are public? The should blame the production company that is making this series and demand the script writers go back to school.
A great majority of commenters here in JapanToday are not Japanese at all.
Most of the people here are disillusioned and cynical foreigners who are extremely talented in pointing out everything that they think is wrong with Japan, the Japanese people, and everything else that has to do with Japan.
-Please note as well that the article does not target Nakama as the reason for the show's low ratings; it instead states that despite her popularity among the Japanese public, the show has poor viewership due to, as you mentioned, poor script.
(Nakama memorizes the entire script--that is something professional theater actors learn and do as a habit.)
It's a global trend, this dearth of good scriptwriters.