Japan Today

5 things men in Japan hide before inviting a woman home

By Rachel Tackett

When a single man invites a lady to his home, it’s generally not without a bit of forethought. At the very least, one needs to make sure that the toilet’s clean and the seat is down before she arrives. It wouldn’t do to make a bad impression in one’s own home. But what about those personal items that may leave a bad impression all their own? There are surely a lot of things normally on display that wouldn’t suit an average woman’s sensitivities.

To get a better idea of the male approach to having female visitors, Trend News here in Japan asked a group of men in their 20s and 30s what things they try to hide before accepting a visit from a lady friend. Here are their top five answers.

5. Ill-suited clothing accessories

Whether it’s a goofy-looking hat or an ugly pair of sunglasses, guys don’t want girls to take interest in an item that they know they look bad in. It’d be embarrassing if asked to try the terrible things on and could really ruin the effect of their personal style.

4. Traces of other women

Maybe a former girlfriend left behind a teddy bear, or maybe a guy just happens to own some frilly, pink towels. Many men will hide the things that look like they might have come from other women when they have a female guest on the way. Hopefully, a thorough cleaning will take care of any long stray hairs as well.

3. Recently acquired hobby items

Say a guy just started learning how to play the guitar. Many guys stated that they were concerned they’d be asked to play as soon as a female guest caught sight of an instrument, which would be nothing short of devastating at this early stage, so would rather hide the item than risk such an awkward request. His brand new hobbies are really something to be revealed later, once he has a bit more confidence in his prowess. There’s a common fear that if a man gets asked to exhibit his talents on something he got into just recently, he’ll look like a unreliable flop rather than an dedicated achiever.

2. Eye-catching books and CDs

A glance over a person’s shelves can give one a fairly good idea of their tastes and interests, like a gateway into their mind. For some men, this is a bit too much information to divulge. Either they don’t want the women who visit to jump to conclusions when they see some radical book title, or they don’t want to get overexcited when asked off-handedly about their favorite CDs.

1. Porn

There it is! As should be expected, the number one most hidden item is erotic DVDs and magazines. These items go straight to the bottom of a man’s deepest drawers. Sure, most women understand that a single man almost certainly has some adult material lying around. Many might not even care. But regardless of the woman’s attitude, for a man to have his porn stash discovered sounds unbearably awkward.

Of course, these aren’t the only things men might want to hide. The original list announced a number of runners-up. For example, just after Valentine’s Day, men may feel the need to hide their chocolates. As you may know, only men receive chocolate on Valentine’s Day in Japan, and while the sweet treats often come from friends and women in the workplace, guys wouldn’t want their female visitors to assume the worst and think they might have other girlfriends on the side.

Another interesting response was cockroach spray. It’s a good idea to have a can on standby, just in case some creepy crawlers appear, even in the cleanest of homes. But, if it’s left in plain sight, a girl might wonder if the place has a bug problem and be more wary of coming over. Good thinking, fellas!

Source: Trend News

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What most men hide:

1) Porn

2) Traces of other women

3) Dirty clothes or dishes, etc... ( Single guys want women to be comfortable enough to stay for an intimate encounter, but not too comfortable that they won't eventually leave.)

4) More porn

5) homemade porn with the other women

2 ( +10 / -8 )

Lol that goes the other way too. When a man first comes to our place, it's basically the same. We've been hiding the Smap photobook, the dirty clothes that we distributed happily around the apartment during some time, the exciting gay porn we borrowed from a friend, the payslips which in some cases show that we earn more than you, the "how to become a sex goddess" dvd because we still didn't pick up the magic tricks, the theatre company worthy stash of make-up because we want you to believe we are born that way etc etc

3 ( +6 / -3 )

If men are so insecure that they have to worty about stuff like this then they have a problem.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

If men are so insecure that they have to worty about stuff like this then they have a problem.

Yeah, guys. Haves some self respect. Just leave that porn lying all over the place.

21 ( +24 / -4 )

Only one of the five things was about porn. Real men wouldn't have an untidy house and would not watch thatbtrash snyway.

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

Many men should hide a mother. After she cooks dinner, of course!

12 ( +17 / -5 )

Real men wouldn't have an untidy house and would not watch thatbtrash snyway.>


What does watching porn and being untidy have anything to do with being a real man?!

Especially since researchers below couldn't find many men who have never seen porn.


By your owning logic unless you have never watched porn then you are not a "real man" like the rest of us.

I could say real men don't make spelling and grammar mistakes while posting on the Internet! :)

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Porn is really not such a big deal, so long as you don't have huge pictures of it plastered all over. If you've got a couple of porn DVDs, it's really not a problem.

Traces of other women, however, is an absolute and immediate deal breaker.

The rest of the stuff on this list is nonsense. When they say "be yourself," they really mean it. If she gets in a tizzy over stuff you have in your apartment, she ain't worth it.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

*lifelike sex dolls

17 ( +18 / -1 )

As should be expected, the number one most hidden item is erotic DVDs and magazines.

My question: In a world where the internet exists, why do people feel the need for physical copies of porn? I mean, come on, you're saving money, space, and the possibility of embarrassing discovery.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

If I was to invite a woman home, and lets assume it was for, er,........"that", I would probably have to hide my wife.

16 ( +17 / -3 )

This article is recycled, though I think last time it was a top-ten and not a top-five list. Anyway, while I may clean up the place a little if it's messy (I'm generally cleaner than most women I have dated), I don't hide anything, because that is who I am. True, I don't exactly keep porn on my DVD stand next to other movies, but I make no move to hide what porn I have, either. I'm not ashamed of owning some and watching it from time to time, so why hide it?

3 ( +7 / -4 )

My question: In a world where the internet exists, why do people feel the need for physical copies of porn? I mean, come on, you're saving money, space, and the possibility of embarrassing discovery.

@ bfg4987

During these modern times, even someone's computer needs to be cleaned up. In addition, this being Japan and all I believe it is kind of hard to find aliens with tentacles sexually abusing young girls in uniforms that appear to be in elementary and junior high school on the internet. Just imagine if this was a series.

This is why the local combini, DVD store, and Japanese publisher will always have customers.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

You can say in a single sentence "Neat, Clean and comfortable House or Room" that's all. Her expectation also depends on number of visit she made to other homes before coming to yours.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Wait a minute! In reference to the recent article about 33% of Japanese polled saying marriage was a waste of time, didn't posters by the truckloads spend good computer time ranting about how it's the women who lie and change after marriage? You mean to tell me that men aren't always who they appear to be either and really don't put the seat down after they use the toilet? Foul, I say! Foul!

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

I dont see why i should care all those things...if a woman is interested is interested regardless if not well...men are the ones who already sacrifies most and care for the their families and bring home the salary. What else should do a man for a woman to be happy. Should it be finally the other way round...women start to think and understand men as well as you are not the only human beings on earth!!!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I'm not ashamed of owning some and watching it from time to time, so why hide it?

Because you paid for it! Who pays for porn anymore?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

"a goofy looking hat"

How about goofy looking shirts, pants and shoes? I've seen plenty of those.

"Who pays for porn anymore?"

Apparently a lot of people, it's still big business, lol.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

1) Delete your porn history on your laptop & lock the homemade photos and videos of porn on your laptop

2) Make sure your phone has a password lock ( when you take a shower, ALL women WILL check your phone )

3) Hide your old physical photo albums of past girlfriends

4) i never bought porn cd in 6 years but if you have old porn hid them

5) hide ex girlfriends clothes, or throw away

6) hide or throw away ex girlfriend toothbrush

7) watch out leaving your passwords on in your email account ( when you go food shopping or buy her a green tea she will turn on your computer and read your emails on your pad or laptop be careful )

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I do have a copy of "In the Realm of the Senses" in my DVD collection. It's one movie I can hide in plain sight.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

well, just look around, the so called smart guys i mean who are master in cheating, they invite the girls to their home with out any fear and the girls are attractive to them as well . even with a well managed home and behavior the simple and the strait guys are struggling to invite the girls to their home.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Noliving: "Because you paid for it! Who pays for porn anymore?"

Who said I bought it recently? Doesn't mean I throw away perfectly good DVDs. And maybe some people don't like all the ads, pop-up windows, etc. Who knows? I certainly have not bought any since I've had the internet! haha.

ambrosia: "didn't posters by the truckloads spend good computer time ranting about how it's the women who lie and change after marriage?"

Baggage, anyone? This has nothing to do with 'after marriage', it's about bringing someone home for the first time. And from what most posters have said, they don't care to hide things if a woman is coming home with them.

"You mean to tell me that men aren't always who they appear to be either and really don't put the seat down after they use the toilet?"

I realize you are being sarcastic, but how do you hide not putting the seat down?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

smithinjapan: I realize you are being sarcastic, but how do you hide not putting the seat down?

And I realize you can read but the second sentence in the article says: At the very least, one needs to make sure that the toilet's clean and the seat is down before she arrives

Baggage, anyone? This has nothing to do with 'after marriage', it's about bringing someone home for the first time.

Projection anyone? And, no but thanks for worrying. Happily married for over a decade now.

And from what most posters have said, they don't care to hide things if a woman is coming home with them.

Except for the ones who said:

Traces of other women, however, is an absolute and immediate deal breaker.

Many men should hide a mother. After she cooks dinner, of course!

(Yes, I get that it's a joke before you get your knickers in a twist over it.)

Traces of other women, however, is an absolute and immediate deal breaker.

How about goofy looking shirts, pants and shoes?

1) Delete your porn history on your laptop & lock the homemade photos and videos of porn on your laptop 2) Make sure your phone has a password lock ( when you take a shower, ALL women WILL check your phone ) 3) Hide your old physical photo albums of past girlfriends 4) i never bought porn cd in 6 years but if you have old porn hid them 5) hide ex girlfriends clothes, or throw away 6) hide or throw away ex girlfriend toothbrush 7) watch out leaving your passwords on in your email account ( when you go food shopping or buy her a green tea she will turn on your computer and read your emails on your pad or laptop be careful )

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I can agree with number 4 and number 1, but the rest sounds like inferiority complex issues.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

This is nothing compared to what women hide. They hide their entire appearance behind makeup ans push-up bras.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Lol, seriously?

Fellas... You pay rent.... The seat stays up...

The guitars and music equipment stay out... Real men can say yes or no...

A little porn in a not-so-much-visible area is a great thing... Its like they have discovered something... Then they start asking questions like if they look like "those girls", lol... Just dont have porn piled up...

Traces of other women... Aside from fresh panties on the floor, or a make up kit in front of your mirror... Screwit... Lol sometimes if you kill a cockroach , you leave its body there a little while to show the others of their buddy's mistake...

Articles like these create girly weird faggy men...

Bottom line... If this new prospect cannot respect you for being you (reasonable cleanliness is necessary) then you shouldnt waste your time...

You are the man... The selector... Now go out and kick some ass..

9 ( +11 / -2 )

i was surprised not to see "a deceased old relative who's pension is still being collected" on the list.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


This article is recycled, though I think last time it was a top-ten and not a top-five list.

So I wasn't imagining having seen this article before ? PHEW ! It wasn't my imagination after all !

BTW, I believe quite a few women also enjoy seeing/reading porn...

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Why hide the porn? Most woman love it too.

1 ( +3 / -3 )

White shinobi hit the nail on the head

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I always have "American Pie 1" or "one classy Porn" somewhere to be found accidentally. It has worked for me so far, American Pie is the best ice-breaker I had here in Japan.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

AH! I should HIDE the porn! Silly me! I knew I was doing something wrong...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

i don't care bout porn cause i'm into that too. i encouraged my ex but he was hiding the fact that he was on dating sites. loser i found out, cheater. #1 if u really love your girl don't ever back stab her and be dating online like what? you are then you don't love her! be who you freaken are. if she complains soo much about who you are, break up soon as possible. she isn't the one. and if YOU complain too much about her s*** then she'll break up with you. wow am i off topic? lololol

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@theResident you're right

1 ( +1 / -0 )

log out of facebook uncheck auto login password clear cache and browsing history lock and unplug external hard drives hide folders try to see if facebook is truly logged out of making sure password does not auto completes redo clear cache and browsing history
-2 ( +0 / -2 )

ambrosia "ALL women WILL check your phone"

Ahhh no they won't, vast majority indeed, but not all which is why I married her. Before you ask...the answer is home surveillance system...never leave home without one.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Mummified remains if recent news stories are anything to go by

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Porn stuff, because it will give an impression that guy just want to get inside of the girl pants. But then again, why would guy invites his date, if not for tht purpose, right. You could have coffee at coffee shops.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Dukeleto: Ahhh no they won't, vast majority indeed, but not all which is why I married her. Before you ask...the answer is home surveillance system...never leave home without one.

Ahhhh, I wasn't going to ask but since you mentioned it, the quote you're attributing to me is actually from whiskeysour so you'll have to take it up with him.

papasmurfinjapan: This is nothing compared to what women hide. They hide their entire appearance behind makeup ans push-up bras.

Because most of you wouldn't give them the time of day if they didn't, even though so many of you seem to think the ladies aren't wearing makeup when they actually are, just rather expertly applied. Anyway, better she hides some blotchy skin and mosquito-bite boobs than her real personality.


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Why take the girl home when you can hit and run at her place? She's more comfortable at her own place anyways. Damn rookies.

But if you must take her home, be aware that she may never leave or ask for a key or take up a draw. Happened to me several times. I know its difficult when you get the pooh-tang at your place but its not worth it if you're not dead serious. Getting rid of her and having her knowing where you live, especially if you have a nice place is not worth it. Trust me, I've learned it the hard way.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Real men bring women back to their place as a last resort. Its either her place or a love hotel.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

my wife when we first started dating found my ex-GF's tampons in my apartment. I didn't even know they were there obviously. the hell I went through for that...

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

therougou: my wife when we first started dating found my ex-GF's tampons in my apartment. I didn't even know they were there obviously. the hell I went through for that...

Did your wife think that she was the first person you'd ever dated or something?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Condoms All evidence of masturbation

-3 ( +0 / -3 )


-2 ( +1 / -3 )

"traces of other women"

Just traces? How about other women?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Manuel D. Valencia: Condoms All evidence of masturbation

Lovely, and right next to a picture of your (?) kids. They must be so proud.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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