Japan Today

Burger King adds 'angry' burger to Japan menu


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Cruel of JapanToday to cover what looks to be a delicious burger, but is only available in the Kanto area.

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whose sauce has been slightly adapted to Japanese tastes

i.e. only the very mildest jalapeno peppers are selected. Can't have food tasting of anything now.

Cunning Takeyama, a comedian at the Burger King event, stomped his feet and broke into a sweat after taking a few bites of the Angry Whopper. “It’s hot,” he shrieked.

Bet it isn't. But you can't beat a bit of shrieking to entertaing the legendarily discerning Japanese taste.

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Hmm, some straight wasabi mixed with some nice habanero hot sauce... that would be cool. Lol I loved the ads that were broadcast in my state for the angry whopper where the farmer was watering the onion with hot pepper juice, throwing chili pepper and other types of vegetable abuse. Never tried it, but advertising works on me in some cases, especially with new burgers, subs, etc. If I like it, I'll try to replicate it at home.

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“Professor, give me my credits,” exclaimed another.


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“Professor, give me my credits,” exclaimed another.

This isn't an accurate translation. This sounds as if a prof is withholding credits from a student who deserves them ("my credits").

What this really means is "Teacher, pass me please!!!" The only students who say this, are the lazy ones who barely ever make it to class on time, if at all, and who never do any work.

So, as sydenham already commented, "No."

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I think I'll wait for the "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it any more" burger.

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“I need to get a girlfriend”

well if he won, its sure he wont get a girlfriend the next 10 years until he lost the weight gained by one year free burger..... G

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BK onion rings make me fart.

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Whats really ANGRY is biting into something that is supposedly "hot and spicy" according to gracious J-hosts, only to find it tastes like extra mild ketchup.

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If you don't like it, you get to throw it at the wall and punch the clerk in the face.

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Man B.K. in Japan is doomed. At 1,000 yen for a meal (about that with a med (American size) upgrade. They call it a large be we all know, Japanese things are always smaller. Went to Singapore and the place was just like the US. And costs were 1/2 here in Japan. I believe Singapore is even further away from America so the import thing just doesn't work. B.K. locations for the most part are terrible. So unless they have hired people with no negotiating abilities, we are simply getting screwed. I believe B.K. will die here AGAIN. Angry Burger. Joke. Just give us a cheap meal. Mac is the cheapest, followed by Wendy's then MOS. BK is in the range of T.G.I Friday's lunch special. Which would you choose T.G.I with free refills and a bigger burger, or B.K. that leaves you hungry. Angry, yes I'm Angry. Another American Company outsourcing their product to a Japanese company that hurts their world-wide image.

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Another American Company outsourcing their product to a Japanese company that hurts their world-wide image.

I'm sure BK took all factors into account. There's a reason McD's enjoys much more global success than BK. In the U.S. as well as abroad.

Some markets are just harder to penetrate than others, and with different levels of success within each market by different companies.

While you can market a niche market or restaurant specifically at gaijin, big companies like BK simply can't think this way, at least not in Japan. This whole angry burger is clearly marketed at Taro-san,who wants to eat the Japanese version of "spicy," not the gaijin invaders. Keep in mind markets are keenly aware of the herbivore controversy going on here.

What I'd love to see here is an In-N-Out.

Four by Four animal can't be beat.

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burger, whose sauce has been slightly adapted to Japanese tastes

I was just about to go get one until I read this.

I guess you can't really "have it your way" here after all.

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Keep in mind, this is the second time BK has tried to make it in Japan. I ate a Whopper at the Hiroshima BK several years ago, then the entire chain vanished. I wish they'd open a BK in Hiroshima again, so I could try an Angry Burger. Though we do have God Burger here... By the way, a Krispy Kreme branch would be nice too.

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“I need to get a girlfriend,” a man yelled at the top of his lungs in an effort to win the prize, a year’s worth of Whoppers.

hahahahahah he's not going to get a girlfriend after eating a years worth of whoppers hahah!

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I am not a fast food fan, but BK best of a bad lot. This sounds like a nice twist on BK flamer, but the whole campaign is as lame as one would expect in Japan. Especially the howling loser - aka comedian.

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"Angry Whopper"

This is dumb.

"whose sauce has been slightly adapted to Japanese tastes"

"I guess you can't really 'have it your way' here"

Sure you can! Just say "sauce nuki."

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“The Angry Whopper is landing in Japan,”

Mike Moore is coming?

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What's the deal with all those burger stories lately...Lotteria, Mosburger, and now BK at a time where US beef got banned again? There's gotta be some conspiracy...

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"Angry Whopper"

What's next?

"Pissed off potato fry" "Ornery Orange Juice" "Mouthy Mega Burger" "Cussing Ice Cream"

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McCracken: I was thinking the same thing!

When are they going to open a few shops outside the Kanto area (and possibly Okinawa)?? It should be the 'angry' customer... or lack thereof. Opening more shops might help reduce costs a bit too to have more chains and import en masse and/or create domestic production.

I'm not a huge fast food fan, but I do like the onion rings, and I seem to recall the whopper being better than your average burger that 'Donald McDonald' offers.

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Sure you can! Just say "sauce nuki."

"My way" is an unmolested (i.e. spicy) Angry Whopper.

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BURGER KING!!Get your butt to KANSAI!!!!!

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bobbafett - Har!

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Smith: I was in BK Shinjuku on a Sunday about a year ago. Ran into a group of well-dressed middle aged men. One had a laptop with a BK desktop, so I figured these were the execs. I was right. Looking at their pictures, I'm pretty sure one was the CEO of BK Japan. Anyway, after my Double Whopper with cheese, I sheepishly walk over to their table, "Sumimasen". They all stop talking and give me a WTF look, and I say, "Burger King ga Osaka ni kurun des ka?" The guy's face changes to a mixture of pride and surprise at being recognized and says "Rai nen, tabun rainen." That was last year so perhaps they'll put something into one of the new buildings going up in Osaka this year.

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oh boy, kiss Japan's longevity statistics goodbye

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A Mac clown with a permanent grin vs. an angry King of whoppers? Surely the girlfriend can wait.

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“It’s hot,” he shrieked.

men don't shriek

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paddies -> patties

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Stop this trash-food...

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Maybe MOS Burger should strike back by offering ANGER management meals!

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Stirfry, you're right! MEN don't shriek, but we're talking about Japanese here!

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Wow, these 'chew and spew' outlets have been in the news a lot recently. That has got to be one of the stupidest burger names I have ever heard. With a possible exception to a 'double quarter pounder', which would be a half pounder, wouldn't it?

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@Altria, now thats one angry burger!

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Please please please open a BK in Akasaka/Roppongi area!!!!!

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Mark - If BK doesn't open in Osaka, yu can always hop on a shinkansen to Tokyo!

nisegaijin - S'matter, Shibuya ain't close enough?

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“I need to get a girlfriend,” a man yelled

See that reinforces my observation that Japanese women have high expectations. Many Japanese men are looking for a girlfriend and yet there are many women praying in "love-shrines".

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BURGER KING!!Get your butt to KANSAI!!!!!

I second that!

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Meh. Like they said, the "Angry Burger" has been stateside since December but I still haven't gotten the urge to order one. The regular burgers (and not just the ones at BK) cause heartburn enough with them adding Jalapeno peppers to the recipe.

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We need TACO BELL in Japan and tacos from HeLL! yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I didn't think the US version of this burger was all that hot. I can't imagine what the J-Burger must be like.

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"We need TACO BELL in Japan"

We do not.

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Sarge, I second that.

Actually, it was here a while ago, but it's gone now.

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Ooops. No, it was another chain. Taco time.

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angry and hungry sounds the same for the japanese anyway..

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Tha ad with the article says that you get to choose your level of 'anger' topping from Hot Level 1 to Hot Level 5.

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They all stop talking and give me a WTF look, and I say, "Burger King ga Osaka ni kurun des ka?" The guy's face changes to a mixture of pride and surprise at being recognized and says "Rai nen, tabun rainen."

Honma!? Sugoi!!

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American fast food in a foreign country may be interesting to the natives, but if I saw an American walking into one in Japan I'd make fun of them. "Dude! You flew all the way over here just for a WHOPPER?!"

Nice to see that Burger King hasn't conceded all of Japan to the McDonald's megacorp, though.

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Oh they come and go, don't they? Why doesn't the Pepsi conglomerate spin off more of its franchises in Japanese markets? It used to be that KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell were all under the Pepsi umbrella. If KFC and Pepsi are here, there should be more Pizza Huts and Taco Bells, but it never happened. Sure McD's has built the brand, but put KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell under one roof and you might be ahead by giving people some choice.

Instead we all live in a Coke/ McDonald's society with meat and potatoes while the rest of Asia has some choice, with beans and cheese.

Still, it is just junk food. Hard to get worked up over some dessicated cow with liquid smoke poured on it.

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That is the TRUTH about Taco Bell. We definitely need it big time. I always try to repicate the real thing with things shipped from the U.S. But it's not the same as the real deal.

Yes! PLEASE bring BK to Osaka! We're starving here. Lotteria sucks big time and you can only go so far with McD's. I'm at least happy that we have COSTCO for great pizza. Pizza-LA sucks! There is NO place for Mayonaise in pizza!

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Here's a list of the present stores--


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I had a regular Whopper last Friday. Good.

"There is NO place for mayonnaise in pizza"

Two words: ma-yonezu nuki.

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The burger isn't all that, they recently opened one down near the Yokosuka Naval Base and it tasted like crap, the prices are extremely high for a meal, having it your way pretty much means nothing to them. I asked for bbq sauce and was told it was only for the buger. What if i want bbq sauce with my FF's?! Pissed me off......either way, its alright...not too much to talk about....also going to put this out there, don't see BK lasting very long for the second go around.

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Haha. Guy next door you make me laugh. I have had fun with burger joints in my day. I remember wowing the natives when I asked for a burger with no pickles in McDonalds. Five Japanese young women (don't ask) bet me I could not do it, and I did it, and I was a hero. Go figure. Nobody they knew had EVER asked for anything more...I was Oliver Twist in an orphanage of babes. I had opened wide vistas for them.

Two years later, I walked into a MosBurger and tried to get.. what was it? I think I wanted one item with an extra sauce packet... and they said no. I would have to buy two items. I asked to talk to the manager. He also said no, and I went postal, cancelled my order, and walked out. I figured if I was not worth the two or three yen of extra cost, then they could eat it. Oliver Twist meets Ebenezer Scrooge. Over the years, they have lost probably 140,000 yen of my business just on the basis of that incident... haha probably much more. I like their creativity, but they are not too customer friendly. It is not a matter of abuse, but you cannot reward bad decisions, I figure.

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Fadamor - American fast food in a foreign country may be interesting to the natives, but if I saw an American walking into one in Japan I'd make fun of them. "Dude! You flew all the way over here just for a WHOPPER?!"

Comments like this always crack me up. I think that you will find a great many non-Japanese people eating Japanese and non-Japanese food. Just as if you were in NY and you would see Japanese people eating Japanese and non-Japanese food. I say, live and live or dine and let dine.

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Yes, the U.S. version wasn't all that angry. More like a "Mildly Annoyed Whopper".

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"Mildy Annoyed Whopper"

I guess you didn't pay the extra 30 yen or so for the #5 ( on a scale of 1-5 ) hot sauce.

Klein2 - I once asked for a Quarter Pounder with a couple of extra pickles instead of the cheese that comes with it. They said I could get it without the cheese, but I couldn't get any extra pickle slices. I said, "You mean I have to pay the same price for the Quarter Pounder without the cheese, and I can't get a couple of extra pickle slices?" They said "So desu." I said "Zannen," and walked out.

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LOL Sarge-

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