Losing good staff can cost a company dearly. While some attrition is natural, companies increasingly realise that creating supportive work environments that acknowledge employee values and pressures is critical to retaining talent over the long term.
In just such an effort in Japan, we have seen a sudden surge in companies promoting acceptance and understanding of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) issues.
While much of this push is coming from multinationals seeking to locally mirror their headquarters’ policies, a growing number of Japanese giants are joining the effort.
How did LGBT inclusion become part of the corporate agenda in the first place? The trend can be traced back to the experience several decades ago of global, largely non-Japanese corporations grappling with increased female participation in the workforce.
In the 1980s, multinationals began to realize they were losing considerable female talent due to unsupportive—even hostile—work environments. Perceptive companies recognized the cost of this talent drain and set out to reverse the trend by educating managers on creating more female-inclusive workplaces. It took years, but HR departments adjusted employment policies, room was made for differing priorities and lifestyles, benefits were introduced, and workforces were instructed on new behaviours and expectations.
Starting in the mid-2000s and again primarily in the west, we saw that same effort broadened to make room for LGBT employees and their families. Companies began acknowledging the existence of LGBT staff and customers, and set out to establish policies that “enlarge the tent.”
While Japan is indeed a late mover on this front, change is afoot. When foreign organisations, largely in the financial industry, led the initial charge here on LGBT inclusion about 10 years ago, Japanese companies remained on the sidelines. Though they were already publicly supporting LGBT equality in other markets outside Japan, their initial perception was that “this doesn’t apply to us here,” when of course it actually does. Today, we are witnessing a sea change in that analysis as a few giants like Sony and Nomura take stands domestically. Other household Japanese names, moreover, are telling us they are close to joining the effort as they study its results and ramifications.
What specifically are companies now doing in Japan? Most importantly, corporations are “coming out of the closet,” so to speak, by publicly stating their support for equality and inclusion. They are signing petitions and lobbying papers, unashamed to state their values to the community at large. Like Softbank, some are now target-marketing to LGBT segments.
Internally too the message is pushed. Educational seminars are being held for local employees, who are told that an inclusive environment is as important to the firm’s DNA as, say, teamwork or even profitability.
Boiled down managements are saying, “We really don’t care about anyone’s sexuality, nor does anyone need to come out who doesn’t want to—we just want everyone to operate at their fullest in a supportive atmosphere.”
The effort has been infectious. Today multinationals across a myriad of industries in Japan are sponsoring internal and external LGBT events, targeting advertising campaigns toward sexual minorities, and including LGBT community organisations in their charitable giving. At the 2015 Tokyo Gay Pride Parade, corporate sponsorship of the event swelled to include food and drink, automotive, luxury goods, travel, technology, and of course financial firms. More than 15 foreign governments also sponsored the event with tourism booths.
Interestingly, inquiries from clients and the public have also been positive. Early fears that taking a stance on a social topic may impact business—particularly in politically skittish and homogenous Japan—have proven unfounded. Internal employee support networks now include LGBT chapters with memberships dominated not by “out” staff but rather by straight allies eager to demonstrate support.
More work remains in effecting change in Japan. The good news, however, is that corporations have kindled a discussion, and even Japan’s political parties are today looking at legal changes that could notably improve the lives of LGBT people. I for one am excited and eagerly waiting to see which Japanese companies and governmental organisations will be the next to join our efforts.
© Japan Today
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Change comes slowly to Japan, but like elsewhere in the world most young people(and maybe a few older folks) will say yes or just shrug their shoulders when it comes to supporting gay rights.
Are there no people left to say it's wrong for a man to have sex with another man?
It's not wrong.
The cover story in Nikkei Business magazine this week is also about the LGBTs. The magazine cites the figure of 7.6% of consumers in Japan fall into this category.
The reality is business can be a powerful force and do much good for both themselves and their customers by promoting LBGT inclusion, within and beyond their companies. Beyond, they can improve brand support from consumers, as well as forcing the pace of societal change given that transgendered people are one of the most discriminated groups in society. It's a shame that these efforts aren't recognized in the national media and annual company reports because openly recognizing LBGT can help to attract and retain top talent/employees who will work more productively when a positive work environment is created and ultimately boost a business's bottom line.
@sensei 258. I think it's wrong, but that's jus imo. Women are too hot to pass up. (How do men crave men?) beats the crap outta' me.
How do you crave women? (Honest question)
Simple, simple, simple. Cause I'm a man & naturally attracted to females. Just like a lioness is attracted to the lions mane.
That's why, not how. Again how are you attracted to women?
No, fear not. You stand firmly shoulder to shoulder with the entire Russian Orthodox Church, Vladimir Putin, Saudi Arabia, The Islamic Republic of Iran, Uganda. The list goes on.
Besides, I can't see this policy is necessary here. There aren't any gay people in Japan, anybody will tell you that. It's a foreign thing.
'Are there no people left to say it's wrong for a man to have sex with another man?'
Lots of them but their numbers will decrease as time goes on in civilised countries. It's known as progress.
I don't get what your asking. How is the lioness attracted to the mane? I don't know, she just is.
No, I'm asking how you are attracted to women. You feel that way - how? What is it that makes you feel that way?
I can't figure out if you're serious or not ... If you're, you obviously have no clue about Japan.
'Simple, simple, simple. Cause I'm a man & naturally attracted to females. Just like a lioness is attracted to the lions mane.'
Incidentally, homosexual behaviour has been observed in lions. Just thought I'd throw that in.
Forget it Strangerland. You are asking a left-brained, logical, scientific question to a person who is right-brained, emotional and faith based.
Anyone coming out and saying gay sex is "wrong", as in it somehow hurts themselves, society, or business (directly) just plain simply does not have a sense of actual and meaningful justice or power to rethink what was instilled in them since childhood. Frankly, they are more animal than human as they subscribe to things like herd mentality and pack behavior and their gut feelings to guide them on such issues. They are creatures of memory and not actual thought, and as such, all they can do is regurgitate what they have been told by the people they trust out of faith and familiarity.
@strangerland. Cat got my tongue. Don't know. Since I was a young boy (5th grade on up) just naturally liked gals. Why must I be like that, why must I must I chase the cat?- nuthin' but the dogg in me.
Wc626, what make you think that experience is any different for gays? They did not ask to be like they are any more than you did. And the tiny percentage of people who are gay are not harming you or society in any way. They are not even stealing "your women"! So drop it.
Well, to answer my question, your brain is hardwired that way. That's why you naturally liked girls, and didn't make a conscious decision to like girls.
Which brings me to the answer to your question, "how do men crave men?" The answer is that they just naturally do, since their brains are hardwired that way. You naturally liked girls, gay guys naturally like guys (and lesbian girls like girls). It's not a conscious decision, it's just the way they naturally feel.
Of all the right-wingers on here, I've found Wc626 to be the most open to other ways of thought.
'Do you hear the loud retching roaring sound in the background? That is the sound of untold millions of people who are puking because they are sick and tired of this liberal agenda forced upon us by the liberal media as the fundamentals of civilization collapse around us...'
I thought the loud retching roaring sound was the sound of speeches from bigots desperately trying to make a coherent argument to support their beliefs. Just unpleasant noise.
Readers, the word "bigot" has no place in this discussion. Please be tolerant of opposing views, without using such labels.
Yet so many gays cite the same reason, saying they were that way since birth.
So two men goin at it don't seem like animals?
No, I've thought about it, and I'm sure it's wrong
All readers back on topic please. Focus your comments on the story.
Can't you make the difference between your sexuality and your beliefs, don't you see that one of those is not a conscious choice ?!
Not more than male and female "goin at it" ... Seems pretty similar to me ...
It would be awesome if we lived in a world where we were gauged in a business environment on our business environment performance and those other personal factors were simply none of anyone else's business.. sadly we are in a position where we are still slowly bringing ourselves out of a world where people are judged and discriminated on their gender, race, sexuality, age and any number of silly ways we try to divide ourselves up.
I'm all for businesses being clear they are open and welcoming of all willing to work, and supporting minorities that may have had difficulties before, and hope one day all of this misplaced anger, misunderstanding and faux outrage will begin to fade.
The issue of whether it is right or wrong is not the question here. Rather it is whether the fact of ones sexuality should require special treatment or even recognition. I think a lot of this is based on the assumption that LGBT people were/are discriminated against on the basis of their sexuality and so we need to (over) compensate to avoid that. I personally have never seen discrimination against a colleague based on their sexuality, but I guess in some contexts it might happen. I happen to think that a lot of this LGBT stuff is an attempt by companies to look like they are caring rather than genuine concern. the LGBT community(be it as employees or customers) is not that big and so the resource and effort put into this is clearly intended for a wider audience. Deflects attention from other bad things they get up to. for example, this whole LGBT thing is huge in the financial services sector - wonder why....?? for myself, I don't want people to know what sexual practices get me off nor do I want to give others special treatment because of their own preferences. what next, an S&M movement?
Michal Ostrihoň
What makes you think, that being gay is automatically about sex? Love does not require sex unlike in a typical man-woman relationship. It is more about companionship.
No, the question is whether all should be treated equally regardless of sexual orientation.
This has nothing to do with sexual practices, it has to do with what sex you are attracted to. So your comments don't make sense.
Maybe in 10 or 20 years we will be seeing flags with sheep on them.
LGBT equality will come before women and men equality in the work force.
Wc626 is perfectly entitled to think homosexuality is wrong. Just because he thinks homosexuality is wrong doesn't automatically make him a bigot or a bad person. If he is openly discriminating against gays then yes but, whilst I don't share his view, he is still entitled to it.
Moderator: sorry, but we asked readers not use the word "bigot" on this thread.
Although I oppose gay marriage, sexual orientation at work is not something I pay much attention to. It's not really that relevant.
It will take more than some rainbow-coloured posters, presidential speeches, and token memos from HR departments to produce LGBT equality in the workplace. Many of the prejudices and attitudes are developed long before employees join a company, from schools, colleges, sports teams, family, friends, the mass media. The company just happens to be the place where you spend a lot of time.
Can't help feeling that many of the initiatives are nothing more than self-serving PR from these companies, trying to demonstrate that they are more 'with it' and enlightened, compared to their peers and competitors.
Erik Jacobs
"Are there no people left to say it's wrong for a man to have sex with another man?"
All i know is that I as a man don't care for other men. However, my preference is not superior to that of others. Let people love whoever they want to love.
Hmmm.... not sure I agree this is about being treated equally. I don't see any "heterosexual" policies or societies or activities in my company. Last time I looked I thought being homosexual was precisely about being sexually attracted to men - I am attracted to lots of men (call them my friends) but that doesn't mean I define myself as gay. similarly Lesbian. transgender maybe not always about sexual attraction. Still think this is a smokescreen by companies who are trying to look caring about an issue that is not a huge deal.
This is a poor assumption to make as well, as there are plenty of right-brained emotional folks that have nothing to do with any faith what-so-ever too!
Here in Japan while you may see the rainbow flag, and hear the companies starting to talk the talk, I will believe it when I see a gay or lesbian openly promoted to a position of power within any one of these companies that say they are "open".
It's just like the omoteinashi theory, it's a nice thing to think about, and feel like you are one of the collective, but it only lasts as long as it doesnt inconvenience me.
There are too many that pay lip service to the idea, but dont want to openly accept a colleague who is "different".
ANd to those who ask the rather ignorant sounding question of "What attracts a man to a man or a woman to a woman" (Notice that question wasnt asked, just about man to man.
Who gives a crap, really, what's right for you is fine for you, dont push your ideals or morals onto someone else.
Why would there be? This is a ridiculous argument.
So you would define heterosexual as being purely about sexual attraction to the opposite sex? Love has nothing to do with it?
Of course not. Sexual preference is both love and sexual attraction. It's not purely sexual. Otherwise heterosexual people would sometimes love people of their own sex, without sexual attraction, and it's not like that's happening all the time.
Friendship and love are different things. I've had plenty of female friends that I've had no attraction to whatsoever as partners. I just enjoy spending time with them.
LGBT is all about sexuality which is mostly about sexual attraction. Why this needs to be an issue in the workplace isn't immediately apparent to me. This is another "issue" that affects a minority of people but gets treated like it is life or death. Sure, in some countries it may be (some Middle East and African countries come to mind) but , as usual, we first world countries don't (or can't) do anything about that so we instead engage in all this noise in our own countries. honestly, i couldn't care less about people's sexuality or sexual practices but equally kind of get tired of being constantly reminded about them.
Is this a move for global population reduction? To accept and embrace homosexuality. Natural behavior for males is to pass your genes on. Females are selective as to what genes they'll accept. You see that in virtually the whole wild kingdom even down to insects.
Today, we altered natures laws with sex changes, sperm banks and surrogate mothers. What's next? Has any bisexual been surgically altered to a hermaphrodite?
No more than heterosexuality.
Attraction is attraction, and sex only plays a part of that.
Spare the rhetoric. It's an issue that is pushed because of the people who are repressed. If the people stop being repressed, the issue goes away.
You say you couldn't care less, but you just made a full post showing you care. If you couldn't care less, you wouldn't write the post, because you wouldn't care in the first place. So your actions belie your words.
You also see homosexuality in the wild kingdom - what's your point
Why ridiculous? There could easily be fishing society or movie society or cycling club, but no one sees the need to have a hetero club. the point is not sure why there is a perceived need to be defined by sexuality (as opposed to shared interests, say). are we really so dim as to believe that all LGBT are the same? Have the same interests? needs? Of course homosexual relationships involve love. But they also involve sex surely, otherwise they would be chaste relationships. Or maybe we should have a sexual abstinence movement also? Your point about your female friends actually supports my argument. Many homosexual people have friends of the opposite sex but that doesn't make them hetero. It is the sex that it the defining issue in that determination (same as the bisexuals that make the B). My point is that ones sexual preferences/practices/inclinations are not (at least in my view) deserving of wide publicity and special treatment. And telling me that this whole LGBT thing isn't about special/different treatment when we have societies and events and flags and acres of PR and media stories is just silly.
Because heterosexuals are not discriminated against. So we don't need recognition. The fact that you can talk about your partner/spouse, without people getting all indignant about it shows that.
No, it's not. It's the 'attraction' that is the defining issue. Sex is only one part of attraction.
If you disagree, could you see yourself marrying a man but having a non-sexual relationship? If not, why not?
It is a little different here in Japan. Japan has never been Christianized, so gays are not "out" because it is considered immoral (it is not), but because in Japan sex was not part of public life. In the not too distant past, everyone got married to a person selected by their family and had children. If you were not at all attracted to your wife or you liked guys, on your "private time", you could run off to an "entertainment area". Remember Prime Minister Uno? His mistress gave a magazine interview like it was a natural thing to do. She complained that he did not give her enough support. Shortly thereafter he was out of office. So it is a matter that differnt desires be recognized and allowed to express themselves. Anyway it has never been evil or against the law, so change will come. We still do not have a well defined sense of "gay lifestyle" like Americans or Europeans seem to have.
It is wrong and unnatural. It is a misuse of the sexual faculty. By natural law the fundamental purpose of intercourse is for procreation between two opposite sexes which normally results in the conception of an offspring. You see this reflected in the animal kingdom throughout. Obviously this is why humans of the same gender cannot have children.
Then again, sensei258, you are asking the wrong question to a majority pro-LGBT, pro-homosexual crowd here in Japantoday. I hope you weren't hoping for any thumbs up to your post.
What does that have to do with anything? You were the one who brought up 'natural' and 'wild kingdom' in regards to sexuality. I was pointing out that homosexuality is seen in the wild kingdom as well, which is directly related to the point you brought up. Any other irrelevant comments you want to make?
And yet millions of people are having sex every single day without any intention of procreating - and for that matter, making efforts to not procreate.
You also see homosexuality reflected in the animal kingdom. What's your point?
All readers back on topic please. No further references to the animal kingdom, please. From here on, posts that do not focus on corporate Japan's stance on this issue will be removed.
Most (or all) of the comments above are westerners talking about LGTB from their "moralistic" view. This has NOTHING to do with the situation in Japan, as I explained above.
'It is a misuse of the sexual faculty. By natural law the fundamental purpose of intercourse is for procreation between two opposite sexes which normally results in the conception of an offspring. You see this reflected in the animal kingdom throughout'
You see homosexuality in many species. Can you accuse mice, lions and monkeys of being 'wrong'?
Birds do it, bees do it....????
Moderator: Sorry, this post makes no mention of corporate Japan, as we requested earlier.
Oh, I heard it. Actually, I posted about this conditioning global agenda a few months ago. The global elite that control the media have been doing this for decades, going as far back as the 1920s, as part of a eugenics program. In the '40s the Rockefellers even funded pro-homosexual and pro-pedophile studies. This is all a part of larger program with an end goal of population control. With all their studies and research into human psychology and behavior since the early 20th century they have been very successful in implementing their agenda on a global level through academia and mainstream media they have control and influence.
As proof of this thorough conditioning and brainwashing, you can just see some of this here on JT in the posts of Strangerland and others with their wide-eyed convictions on the issue. On the other hand, Japan has been a rather largely socially insular culture, and hence Japanese companies for the most part are aloof in this issue. I don't expect much to change in Japan and its corporate culture in the near future.
What I did not see in the article was evidence of, or mode of, discrimination against homosexuals in the Japanese work place.
Its hard to combat a problem not shown to exist, with its manifestations unexplained.
In other words, if a boss finds out a person is LGBT, do they fire them, or pressure them to quit? Do they get ostracized? Or do coworkers drum them out?
Is LGBT awareness really necessary in corporate Japan?
I've worked at several companies here in San Diego alongside of gays. They were all very technically proficient. Unfortunately, there soft skills really... sucked! Some of them were watching Gay Porn at work! I noticed that most of them were in constant conflict with so many people around them.Me being curious, started observing more discernibly. What I gathered was that most of them spoke of their sexuality, even at work, and then had a huge chip on their shoulder concerning authority. I've come to the conclusion that people who publicly declare their sexuality, gay or straight are drama queens and disruptive to any organization. It is natural that species devolve in some areas. This is one of them.
Manuel Moreira
I am very happy to see such positive change
Black Sabbath
I've come to a different conclusion: too many people have a problem with sex. I'll be damned if any 'organization' is gonna stop me from expressing my unending appreciation for the female form, and how much I enjoy it.
Seems to me that there are some pretty narrow-minded folks who like to sit on their high horse and dictate their morals and beliefs to others, kind of sounds like ISIS, but at least there isnt anyone killing one another over it.
EVERYONE should have the freedom to choose their partners as they wish and not have it dictated to them.
Here in Japan it's not so simple, I have a number of gay and lesbian friends and they have huge problems with their families because they told them about their sexuality, and they are estranged from their families because of it.
Yet in those very same families, who bitch and complain about their sons, daughters, sister and brother being gay, and unwilling to accept them as family, they laugh and think that the LBGT "talento" on TV are funny, charming, and wonderful people.
Gay is only ok to many here as long as it stays away from them.
It's a covert struggle for many in the community, and bringing out in the open and supporting them and including them is of the utmost importance. They are OUR brothers and sisters, no matter their sexuality and if you are a religious person and you reject them for their choices then I say your religion and you are the one's who should be rejected as being unwilling to include and welcome anyone and everyone, and you should be rejected and ignored.
I hate it when people preach about this issue and then "claim" to be religious, they have no idea what being religious is all about, and that is b.....d!
It matters little what corporate Japan does or doesn't do. If the laws of the country don't change then discrimination and inequality remain. If there aren't any penalties associated with discriminatory behavior then isn't it all just lip service?
Gotta say the censor nazis are bigoted.
Let's not confuse "bar" and "office".
Black Sabbath
Y'know, I have always found the kind of anti-gay person who just can't get around the sexual desires of their fellow man a pretty big sign of perversion on their part.
@Black Sabbath "...a pretty big sign of perversion on their part".
No, it is quite normal behavior.
Sue Jones
Oh my goodness here we go again. One of the ways we are discriminated against in some Japanese companies is that we pay every month out of our salaries a small amount of money, as do all employees. This money is then used to give a monetary present to employees when they get married. We should be able to benefit from this when we get legally married as well.
Personally I am out and have never had any problems with coworkers. I think the lack of Christian "values" helps. Some people are curious and ask questions etc. but in a sense of wanting to be educated rather than moralistically condemning me like some people on this site seem to do.
It seems the people who are most vehemently against LGBT are the least knowledgeable. Maybe if you actually knew people who are LGBT you'll realize that we are just every day people, born with a natural attraction for the same gender just as you were born with a natural attraction for the opposite gender. Nothing strange about us.
Japanese businesses will realize, as businesses in the US did, that many LGBT couples have large disposable incomes, and are very brand loyal when it comes to friendly companies and services. 99% of my friends here in Japan use Softbank precisely because of their friendly attitude. They have been sponsors for LGBT events in Tokyo for several years. It doesn't go unnoticed
Interesting. I've spoken to, been friends with both gays and lesbians. I asked them both this same question: why don't you get married - heterosexually. They gave similar answers: give me / can't find the right person.
My experience is not a hate or aversion to having sex with the opposite sex, but they seem to not be able to find the right partner. In all cases I've found they wouldn't mind a regular relationship. There's fear, insecurity in the simple male-female relationship. Expectations seem to be too large. It would seem they need a middle person to be there to help bridge differences
It's also cultural, I find. If one is enjoying a free lifestyle then it's just an excuse to go playing around.
Reasons for being lgbt are many. I've found heteros more relaxed.
BlackSabbath: 've come to a different conclusion: too many people have a problem with sex. I'll be damned if any 'organization' is gonna stop me from expressing my unending appreciation for the female form, and how much I enjoy it.
Yeah, right~...Sure (rolls eyes in disbelief) Do you work in the U.S. in a corporation? I've worked in several and any sex stuff will get you sent to HR and often the street.