Japan Today

Fashion model proposes violent punishment for people who smoke while walking

By Casey Baseel

Japan has a number of etiquette rules that might not be readily apparent to people from overseas, such removing your shoes before entering the locker room at the gym, or not wiping your face with the towel you’re given upon being seated in a restaurant.

Recently fashion model Nanao updated her blog with a post expounding the problem with another Japanese societal no-no: smoking while walking.

Many people get rather riled up when someone lights up a cigarette while walking down the road. There are two major reasons for this.

First and foremost, Japanese cities are crowded. Burning through one cigarette may not take that long, but even in that short time, the smoker is passing by dozens of people, hitting them with clouds of smoke and, if the passersby are particularly unlucky, flecks of ash that could singe their clothes or skin.

Secondly, in urban and suburban Japan, you walk to your destinations. Whether you’re headed to a restaurant for a fancy dinner, the grocery store for a carton of milk, or just home at the end of the day, for anything under a 15-minute walk away, you go by foot. So if you and the smoker in front of you are headed to the same train station so you can go to work in the morning, and he decides he needs his nicotine fix right there and then, you can look forward to passively sharing that entire cigarette with him.

Popular model Nanao has had enough of this, and recently aired her frustrations on her official blog.

“If I run into a guy who’s smoking while walking, I make sure to shoot him a cold glare,” says the native of Saitama Prefecture. “Do these jerks think they look cool or something? If you’re actually cool, you don’t need to do dumb things to draw attention to yourself,” she went on, decrying the implied “I make my own rules” mentality.

“Having to walk behind someone who’s smoking reeks and makes it hard to breathe, so I wish they’d just knock it off already. Haven’t they heard of secondhand smoke? Don’t they know it’s been shown to contain all sorts of harmful matter?”

The model’s fans took to Twitter to voice their agreement.

-- “She’s right. I feel exactly the same way.” -- “Go on! Tell ‘em like it is!” -- “I don’t want to tell people how to live their lives, but smoking and walking is dangerous, because the lit cigarette is usually held right at the level of a child’s face” -- “There’s no way to look at what they’re doing as anything other than rude.”

Nanao even went on to propose an effective countermeasure.

“If my boyfriend did something like this, I’d slap him three times across the face,” she declared. “And for good measure, after that I’d hit him with a dekopin, too!”

Dekopin refers to flicking the tip of your finger into someone’s forehead. It’s usually done to chide someone who’s acting dumb or childish, and while it does sting pretty badly, it seems several rungs lower on the pain ladder than the slaps Nanao was initially suggesting.

That said, we have to remember that Nanao is a fashion model, so violence isn’t exactly her forte. Still, we’re glad to see her speak out against smoking while walking, since in Japan, one of the most tried-and-true methods for affecting social change is to have a pretty girl promote your platform.

Source: Nanao Official Blog

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"If my boyfriend did something like this, I'd slap him three times across the face," she declared. "And for good measure, after that I'd hit him with a dekopin, too!"

Perhaps she meant this in jest but even so, as a woman, I think that women do themselves no favors when they talk about being violent towards their partners. It's hard enough in most places, let alone Japan, to get people to take domestic violence seriously without famous people advocating it against their partners.

13 ( +20 / -7 )

Having been burned by walking smokers, as well as choked, I say arrest them for assault and battery and let them spend a few nights in a substitute prison.

7 ( +21 / -13 )

if i run in to a guy who is smoking while walking, ill make sure to him a cold glare.

Yeah that will help.... But i agree, walking behind someone who is smoking like a steamtrain is really unpleasant, if u wanna smoke go do it somewhere where u dont bother people

8 ( +13 / -4 )

Recently fashion model Nanao updated her blog with a post expounding the problem with another Japanese societal no-no: smoking while walking.

Here's a tip kids, if you see TONS of people doing said behavior, it's not exactly a "societal no-no."

3 ( +12 / -9 )

I recommend Nano update her knowledge of Japanese smoking etiquette and take a trip to Osaka.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

I agree it's dangerous, but aren't there are already laws against this and that would in theory allow cops to fine people? I guess it's one of the many things that is not enforced... Correct me if I'm wrong But as pointed out by ambrosia, another societal no-go should be slapping your partner in the face, not matter what he did. That's DV!

4 ( +5 / -1 )


I recommend Nano update her knowledge of Japanese smoking etiquette and take a trip to Osaka

You're suggesting that we should refer to Osaka as an example for anything, let alone etiquette? That's a joke right?

2 ( +5 / -3 )

And yet smoking indoors, a real threat to human health, is perfectly tolerated in Japan, even in the presence of young children. I agree with her sentiment but her and other advocates' energies should be focused in a different area.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

"If my boyfriend did something like this, I'd slap him three times across the face,"

Because violence towards men is socially accepted and cheered-on at every occasion.

I agree with most of what she says, but she messed it up even worse at the end:

“And for good measure, after that I’d hit him with a dekopin, too!”


I do wish that smoking outdoors would be banned though. If you want to smoke, do it at home and live with your stink.

8 ( +14 / -7 )

Japanese cities are crowded

All cities are crowded, that is why they are called cities. If you think they are crowded, try going to Mumbai that is really crowded. Repeating something over and over doesn't make it true.

for anything under a 15-minute walk away, you go by foot.

Another thing that people do in most places in the world that Rocket news thinks is uniquely Japanese.

I agree also that smoking in a crowded place is a bad idea but I can't get my head around the logic of- it's OK to smoke inside but you can't smoke outside.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

She's missing the point that most people - smokers or otherwise - in big cities, especially Tokyo, don't care what other people think. As a small example, a young, bouffant hair type held up everyone on my train platform this morning because he was plucking his eyebrows. I'd like to see him and others like him get a not so cute 'dekopin' with the end of an umbrella.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


I'm suggesting that not smoking in Osaka is rude. ;)

1 ( +5 / -4 )

At least smokers usually look where they are going, which is not the case for cell phone zombies.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

She sounds like a bimbo.

-1 ( +6 / -8 )

I think that women do themselves no favors when they talk about being violent towards their partners.

This would be violence in response to violence (forcing her to breathe his second-hand smoke); neither is justified. Better to just say goodbye and make him an ex. Who wants to kiss a boyfriend who tastes like an ashtray, anyway?

-4 ( +11 / -15 )


"forcing" someone to breath second-hand smoke is not 'violence.'

Its a nuisance.

3 ( +11 / -8 )

If a man suggested violence like this people would be going mad,demanding an apology etc... It is ok if it is a woman doing to a man though. This is not equality it is discrimination and bias against men and it goes on all the time yet hardly a word uttered especially by "feminists".

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

nicotine fix right there and then

I have no problem with it, just as long as s/he takes it where it belongs - assign smoking areas!! Otherwise... "you smoke - I choke" troubles is on!!

1 ( +2 / -1 )


For people with asthma and more serious breathing problems, being forced to breath tobacco smoke is not a nuisance, it is assault.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

I agree also that smoking in a crowded place is a bad idea but I can't get my head around the logic of- it's OK to smoke inside but you can't smoke outside.

well, think about it a little more.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

I dunno. I don't smoke, but I might be inclined to if she were my girlfriend. To some people, a slap in the face from a fashion model is abuse. To others, it's foreplay.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I wonder if she models the pants in her family, with all that slapping going on.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Whether it's violence, assault or a nuisance, there's no need to put up with it. Before I married, any boyfriend who lit up in my presence or showed up reeking of smoke became an ex on the spot.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

cleo: Before I married, any boyfriend who lit up in my presence or showed up reeking of smoke became an ex on the spot.

Well, therein lies the rub, doesn't it? If she hates cigarettes that much then why in the world would she date someone who smokes? And if she knows he smokes, then it's not as if he's forcing her to put up with the second hand smoke, is it? She has the freedom to date whomever she likes and if she chooses to date a smoker and then complains about his smoking, then she's just silly and childish.

falsflagsteve: This is not equality it is discrimination and bias against men and it goes on all the time yet hardly a word uttered especially by "feminists".

Get over yourself. I was the first to post on this against her advocacy of violence, proudly call myself a feminist and am opposed to violence, be it against women or men. Your constant need to try and drag "feminists" into every discussion, as if it is some kind of dirty word, is getting really tiresome.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Who wants to kiss a boyfriend who tastes like an ashtray, anyway?

One of my ex-girlfriends smoked, and kissing her was great.

The taste of cigarettes made it feel dirty. Which I liked...

Too much information there I guess though.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

I welcome her cold glares haha

1 ( +3 / -2 )


Before I married, any boyfriend who lit up in my presence or showed up reeking of smoke became an ex on the spot.

But since you married you're giving the boyfriends a bit more slack, no? ; )

5 ( +6 / -1 )

The article forgot to add that inconsiderate people who lit up in public and crowded spaces are very dangerous for children, not only the smoke, but the head of a child may be at the same level with the cigarette. Smoking on most streets in Tokyo is forbidden, but I've never seen this being enforced

0 ( +2 / -2 )

So, Japanese can smoke inside most restaurants and bars, where workers have to endure it, but people walking outside cannot slow down or speed up to avoid the smoke. I think that is kind of backwards.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

But since you married you're giving the boyfriends a bit more slack, no? ; )

lol Funny you should mention that, the ring went on and the surplus boyfriends took off....

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

I propose violent punishment for fashion models who suggest their dumb, naive ideas!

There are hundreds of more severe annoyances in public that need to be addressed before that, such as some lowlife spitting onto the ground while walking past you.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Exactly, CGB. Smoking outside, where the wind is blowing dissipates the smoke much more than the slow fans inside a restaurant or bar. Just more proof that models should keep their opinions to themselves, so that immature fans don't take up their cause just because it is "in fashion."

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

I agree with her that secondhand smoke from people smoking while walking is an annoyance but IMO she failed to raise the biggest danger with walking smokers, that they hold their lit cigarettes at roughly eye-level for small children with whom they share the sidewalk. There have been several cases of children being injured by lit cigarettes being smoked by pedestrians on crowded sidewalks/walkways and I recall at least one case where a child lost an eye. It's bad manners for sure, but it's the risk of injury to children that's the reason some urban areas, like Tokyo's Suginami Ward, has made smoking while walking a punishable (and finable) offense.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I agree with the sentiment, but unfortunately assault is illegal, while smoking in the street is not. It should be, and enforced as well, but until then we can only keep up the cold stares.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

And lets all slap the bimbos and jerks that wear too much perfume or cologne causing us to suffer while we are pressed up against them in crowded trains. There, there is no choice of escaping. Maybe JR needs a sign saying don't wear too much perfume or cologne. Oh and don't eat stinky food!

0 ( +5 / -5 )

As much as I don't like walking behind a smoker for several hundred meters (going the same way, unfortunately), I really will not put up with eating in a smokey restaurant/ or be in a smokey cafe. At the very least, there need to be genuine non-smoking sections (not just a few tables in the corner as an afterthought). I am saddened to see people smoking around children too.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

immature fans don't take up their cause just because it is "in fashion."

You think elected representatives are immature fans of whatever tarento ? It's a matter of law in many places.

take a trip to Osaka.

Yep, she is late for the bandwagon. But that's incredibly recent, started 15~20 years ago in Rokko island, and arrived 5 yrs ago in Osaka-city. It's forbidden to smoke while walking in streets and in non-smoking areas. They get a fine, or more likely they get "akan" by the crowd.

You're suggesting that we should refer to Osaka as an example for anything, let alone etiquette? That's a joke right?

You have your fantasies about the place.

inside a restaurant or bar.

You don't need to enter. You can choose to patron the places that propose you decent air to breath. Everybody has to pass in streets, corridors, elevators, stations, school. hospitals etc.

if she chooses to date a smoker and then complains about his smoking, then she's just silly and childish.

You are the childish one. 1/3 of my acquaintances (work, family, friends...) smoke, and I don't stop seeing them for that. But I would tell them sayonara if they were a street danger and nuisance with their cigarette (or anything else like the pittbull, the knife in hand, littering, noisy music, etc...). The smoking is a personal problem. I expect smokers to not smoke when they are with non-smokers , or to leave the room/crowded place a few minutes whenever they want a ciggie. Well, most smokers I know just consider it common sense too.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

The funny things in Japan is ........

you are not allowed smoking while walking..... which is fine BUT BUT

you are allowed to smoke in most restaurants...... where is the logic???

In Australia, Thailand, there is a strict rules no smoking indoors or any enclosed space.........

2 ( +3 / -1 )

“Do these jerks think they look cool or something? If you’re actually cool, you don’t need to do dumb things to draw attention to yourself,”

I'm not a smoker, but if she thinks people smoke because they think its cool than her brains just fell out her mouth with this comment. If I see her in public maybe Ill just shoot her a cold stare and wonder if all models are stupid. Ill make my own rules mentally. And if my girlfriend ever said something stupid like that, Ill slap her across her face three times.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Spudman, I'll agree and join your cause when you show me solid proof of colognes and stinky foods causing health problems, particularly cancer.

Cos, yes, members of the Japanese government probably are fans of "tarento". But more importantly, they are smokers themselves, or their "friends" are smokers, and there is no way that they will pass a law to inconvenience themselves.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Wow, five thumbs-down for saying that neither violence nor violence in response to violence isn't justified? Maybe some folk are too keen to lash out.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

and there is no way that they will pass a law to inconvenience themselves.

I said they had passed the necessary local laws to contain/ban smoking in the public space in the last years. I don't know where you live, but in Kansai, that's everywhere. Of course, the compliance is not automatic, but I doubt on your chances to cross a major station with a cigarette in hand.

you are allowed to smoke in most restaurants...... where is the logic???

The logic is private shops are ruled by their owners. If the customers keep going to smoke loaded shops and never complain, they don't care.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Second hand smok gives you cancer, processed meat gives you cancer, pesticides in vegtables gives you cancer or allergy, MSG, corn syrup makes you fat, heart condition to follow, n-reactors leaking are apparently quite safe. Got to love priorities in Japan. I suggest she eat lots of totally safe food from the North stick her fingers down her throat and move on to a boyfriend who spends more time then her getting ready to go out.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

With all those cars spewing exhaust I don't notice the secondhand smoke all that much. Besides, what there is harmful in there are mostly additives put there by the tobacco companies to improve addictive qualities and ensure it burns while not being puffed (a fire hazard). Why not go after the tobacco companies? They can improve their product but smokers will not disappear in our lifetimes.

Smoking outside is fine. Smoking indoors is fine in the proper place. Smoking while walking in a crowded area is rude and irresponsible, and the number one reason is having that hot bud waving around that could burn someone.

All that said I absolutely hate cigarettes. But that shall not cloud my judgement of what is right and wrong, fair and unfair, nor will it mess up my priorities.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Singapore is smart, smoking is banned in shops and restaurants but, they provide large ashtrays on the corners of streets so that people don't litter the place with cigarettes and non-smokers can avoid the smoking area. Perhaps the so-called model should drive around in her smoke-free car and avoid people altogether!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

As with other cities and countries, the ultimate and final solution is a LAW banning smoking inside ANY building. Then the controversy moves to the streets and doorways of just where smokers should position themselves to continue their dangerous, repulsive drug habit.

This model has a very intelligent point to make. Please, more glamorous people of the world, Make This NonSmoking Point!

With the Tokyo 2020 Olympics coming, I really HOPE that Japan will pass this law!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

As a smoker even I don't think people should smoke while walking. I don't like people smoking in restaurants or any other indoor location where others gather. It's rude and inconsiderate to the non-smokers. And even though I smoke, I don't want it floating about my head while dining. Smoking is my bad habit, not yours, so I don't have the right to subject others to my choice. Besides even this smoker thinks that walking around in a crowd with a "nic stick" hanging out your mouth makes you look like an inconsiderate boob.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

alimel, I agree with you. I like the occasional cigarette, but I wouldn't smoke walking along a street, or in a restaurant. I think it should be permitted in nomiya staffed by smokers and in designated areas, but not in other public places. There seems to be 2 sets of laws in Japan, one set that is enforced and another set that isn't. This seems to be in the non-enforced category, along with jumping read lights, using mobile phones while driving and following Labor Law.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

How about this...she tries to come between me and my Cohiba Cuban Cigar and she'll get more than a cold stare from me. Come at me brah!

0 ( +4 / -4 )

"Haven't they ( smokers ) heard of secondhand smoke?"

Sure they have, but their nicotine fix comes first.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

This is about an ignorant woman advocating violence. If it was man saying this and threatening a female, think of the outrage from the posters here. hardly a squeak, they mostly change the subject to smoking manners as it is easier.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Smoking outside is fine. Smoking indoors is fine in the proper place. Smoking while walking in a crowded area is rude and irresponsible, and the number one reason is having that hot bud waving around that could burn someone. All that said I absolutely hate cigarettes. But that shall not cloud my judgement of what is right and wrong, fair and unfair, nor will it mess up my priorities.

Well for a "control freak" you are remarkably reasonable on this point. Well said sir.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I totally agree and 100% with her on this one.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I hope that people on this blog who are shouting that they are at rick of cancer because of second hand smoke are aware that influential 1993 EPA report “Respiratory Health Effects of Passive Smoking: Lung Cancer and Other Disorders” that most people tout as scientific evidence of the harmful effects of second hand smoke was been debunked years ago because the EPA had “cherry picked” its data and had grossly manipulated “scientific procedure and scientific norms” in order to rationalise the agency’s own preconceived conclusion that passive smoking caused 3,000 lung cancer deaths a year.

However I do agree that smoking on crowded street is a nuisance a lit cigarette can cause burns to passersby but please don't yell passive smoke when there is simply no data to support it.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

falseflagsteve: This is about an ignorant woman advocating violence. If it was man saying this and threatening a female, think of the outrage from the posters here. hardly a squeak, they mostly change the subject to smoking manners as it is easier.

This has been pointed out by numerous posters so you're obviously purposely ignoring all the posts calling this woman an idiot for advocating violence in order to push your anti-independent women agenda on the rest of us. Do yourself and the rest of us a favor and give it a break.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Quote: If you’re actually cool, you don’t need to do dumb things to draw attention to yourself....end Quote: Like post something such as you did? Saying you hate this or that is one thing but to dwell on it and say I'd slap him three times or something is a bit much. However much of what she says is somewhat common sense. I (like many) do not smoke in their house we step outside. I do not smoke while walking on a crowded side walk. We can not smoke in restaurants....bars..any public business. Yet we do smoke outside of establishments away from the main entrance. If there is a child in my car....I do not smoke nor does my car smell like a nasty cigarette....common sense. This is something I have not really experienced as this seems to pertain only those whom live in a densely populated areas. Yet I have walked all around Seattle and never had this problem.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

In my city it seems that the amount of smokers have gone from about 45~50% to 85% in the past few years. I kid you not I can't walk a full 2 blocks without running into the back end of someones second hand smoke.

The easiest resolution to this is quite simple to be honest. Stop selling the cigs and only sell the electronic/vapor smokers. I don't get bothered at all and they get their nicotine fix.

Any smokers reading this, make the change and 3 things will happen. Your (and mine) clothes won't smell of tobaccy, I won't have to wiff your chiff, and you'll get a lot less cranky non-smokers in your vicinity.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I live in Saitama and I see people smoking and walking all the time. All the time. And it's usually folks from an older generation as well. If one of my friends who lived outside the country told me they heard that smoking and walking in Japan was social taboo, I'd tell them they had been misinformed.

I also see many people saying the biggest danger of smoking and walking (or maybe smoking in public?) is that the smoker is but seconds away from disfiguring a child's face. Could someone please point me to an example of someone walking down the street and inadvertently stabbing a child in the face with their cigarette? This is more a slogan from posters around the city than reality.

And I'm tired of people saying cigarette smoking must be controlled because it's such a nuisance. It didn't seem to be a nuisance for the last 10,000 years; but suddenly it is now. Look, just because you don't like something doesn't mean it should be banned. It has always seemed to me that if smoking was that dangerous to not just the smoker but to those around them then maybe we should not sell cigarettes. Makes more sense. Just sayin'

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

The good thing is that walking is an aerobic exercise so whatever nasty things that cigarette smoke and it's ingredients do to the human respiration system, anyone foolish, inconsiderate or nicotine addicted enough to smoke while walking is probably doubling the damage to their bodies if not more.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

If it upsets her to the point of violence, then maybe she might consider slapping a lll of the drivers of automobiles since they are also polluting the air, or at least anyone riding a scooter or motorcycle.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Why someone cares what a fashion model "thinks" is beyond me. They got their fame because of their looks, not their brains.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

I got ash in my face from a rolled-down car window while I was cycling. Took me a while to realize what had happened, glad that I didn't get into an accident.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I see idiots smoking while walking on the track at a local university (here in Shanghai) On the track ! With runners behind him. (it's been a guy 100% of the time) As for the people who are commenting but disparaging the model for her assumed lack of brains, they need their heads examined. Is there a physical law that states that as a woman is more beautiful, she will be dumber? Or uglier, smarter? Assuming a beautiful woman is a bonehead is as lame as assuming a "double bagger" is a member of Mensa.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Yes, well argued Nanao. Let's make sure smoking is not done in public where it's "dangerous"...and avoid the more significant point that Japan still seems to think it's safer to let people smoke in enclosed public spaces. Let's try to change that one first.

No, I'm not supporting smoking anywhere, inside or out. But this fixation everybody has here on aruki-tabako is all for naught if the indoor smoking is not also addressed.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Yet i'd bet she walks around with her nose buried in her cell quite often.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Wow it must be scary with a girl like that, getting a slap to the face, just for smoking on the street, it must lethal to smoke ganja on the street and sippin on some ice cold beer, can't imagine what kinda thing she got in store for that! At least ganja doesn't cause lung cancer.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

you cant wipe your face with the warm towel? I have never seen this not done. I would love to triple smack walking smokers.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

One late afternoon in Shibuya I watched this jerk as he walked against the flow of people sticking his cigaret out in front of him like a sharp object, grinning delightedly as people shied away from it. Totally intended by him, no question.

Now THAT was assault with a deadly weapon!

Quadruple smack time...!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

I've been burnt on the arm by some plonker waving his ciggie about while walking and talking on his mobile in Ueno, but it could have been anywhere. I've seen kids getting burnt too. If you have to smoke, either do it in a sectioned off area or get a nicotine patch.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

These smokers will probably cause me to get run over some day since I'm always stepping into the street to get past them. I should just charge in from behind and knock them over.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Oh my, I wipe my face with the towel at restaurants all the time. Why didn't someone tell me this before!?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

i hate smoking, i love japan, but this lady is completely psychotic. what is it with so much punishment? why don't you reward for non-smoking, period? beware of these extreme punishment lovers, they bring out the worst of human nature.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Spoiled little model, please focus on reducing young girls anorexia problems, this is in your area of competencies!

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

The guys "smoking while walking" probably don't intend to be cool. They just need the shot of nicotine where others need caffeine. The cold glare, even from cute Nanao, is unlikely to deter them. Which does not mean I condone the smoke-as-you-go behavior. Only one or two decades ago it would have been normal with few people complaining, but times are changing. When I find myself behind a smoker in the streets or when I have to pass a 'smoker's station' I hold my breath as long as possible and feel sorry for the smoker who seems to have been hooked. I don't think Nanao was really that angry, but wanted to focus on an issue that had to be addressed.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Kind of harsh to slap someone for smoking. I get that smoking while walking might not be such a smart idea in crowded cities like Tokyo, but violence is too far. Since I can't walk and smoke at the same time (just don't ask), this doesn't really affect me, but I can't say the same for my friends. If one of them gets slapped for smoking while walking, the situation is going to get massively out of hand quite quickly. It's bad enough that we get ostracized for smoking, but violence as well crosses the line, and confrontation is inevitable as either side refuses to back down on the issue. I can't always be around to try and defuse the situation either. No, I think people should just try acting their age and not going overboard, making mountains out of molehills. Violence is hardly going to change issues anyway. It's like the people complaining about Ben Affleck being cast as Batman in the new Superman movie. It won't change a damn thing.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

"forcing" someone to breath second-hand smoke is not 'violence.' ts a nuisance.

Obviously a smoker posted this as in Japan 10,000 people die a year due to second hand smoking. Facts. Proven facts. 600.000 worldwide. It is impossible to walk in Japan and not be affected by the pathetic addicts who need their fix so badly they are willing to poison others.

Comparing phone use while walking to smoking is inane. Phone use does not cause cancer in others. Phone use while walking is a nuisance, smoking around others is an attack. If non-smokers began to spit on smokers while they smoked they maybe, just maybe, smokers would get the idea. But spit does not cause cancer like tobacco smoke does.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

try comparing to other countries and their social culture ! she is narrow minded

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

The guys "smoking while walking" probably don't intend to be cool.

Depends on the person, but its easy to tell if someone is trying to be cool, and plenty do act that way.

Anyway, we can't just walk up to smokers and smack them, but it might be interesting to have a word with them and see their reaction. It could make them feel uncomfortably, especially if you are a gaijin. Which would only be fair considering how uncomfortable they make us non-smokers.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I don't smoke because it's a disgusting and unhealthy habit.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Smoking on the streets is a real downer for me. I've had one good winter coat burned and I've been burned in the arm. If punching the smoker was socially acceptable I'd have bruised knuckles.

On the other hand if Nanao wanted to smack me.....oops, different topic.

Thankfully the factory has pretty much banned smoking indoors. Used to be everywhere, then just small rooms in the hallway, now outside only. Can't argue with progress.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I think that women do themselves no favors when they talk about being violent towards their partners

I'd agree with that, but go one step further in saying that no-one does themself any favours by advocating violence to anyone else.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Really, isn't it time for people to verbally smackdown smokers on the streets? Don't just be silent. Say to their smoking faces something like, "Tobacco wa dame deshouka?", "Yamete onegai", etc. Practice your nihongo on them. I do this a lot, but always with a bit of a smile and not shouting. Just the words seem to shock them into putting that thang out. Good luck out there, people!

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

If they burn you with their cigs, hold them responsible and call the police

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

No Miso: I'd agree with that, but go one step further in saying that no-one does themself any favours by advocating violence to anyone else.

I'll go a step further and say you're just looking to be contrary. Obviously I wouldn't advocate violence against anyone, spouse, partner or otherwise. The woman in question mentioned smacking her partner so that is what I addressed. I see no need to discuss violence in general as it takes away from the two main topics of the article; smoking and domestic violence.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

"Tobacco wa dame deshouka?"

Miffy your Japanese needs some work. They will just give you a weird look and keep smoking if you say that.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I'd rather inhale someone's secondary cigarette smoke any day than inadvertantly getting a nose-full of some salaryman's rank ramen-breath belch on a crowded street.

How about a little more live & let live here? Most things that human beings do offend me, but if I gave icey stares for every perceived offence to my person I'd be looking well squiffy. Just live your own life and stop obsessing about what other people do. Walk in front of them, cross the street, hold your breath, dowse yourself in foul smelling cologne to choke the offender... the list is endless.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

She is welcome to wear nice tight leather and slap me after she gets proper spanking delivered.... and then we both will lit a ciggie.

What kind of society we became if we allow "fashion models".... to even speak out publically

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Why she gotta be real tight bout that! I mean it's just a cigarette y'kno, not a lethal weapon, but I guess no spliff for Japanese folks! btw lol uptown missie talkin etiquette what a joke! I take it the thumbs down for me means, folks dont like gettin some spliffs.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Really, isn't it time for people to verbally smackdown smokers on the streets? Don't just be silent. Say to their smoking faces something like, "Tobacco wa dame deshouka?", "Yamete onegai", etc. Practice your nihongo on them. I do this a lot, but always with a bit of a smile and not shouting. Just the words seem to shock them into putting that thang out. Good luck out there, people!

They probably think you are creepy. I know I do. Hard to forget the day you compared whale blubber to "people flesh".

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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