Japan Today

Heavy-set men set to become Japan’s most eligible bachelors

By Casey Baseel

For the past several years, the three most fashionably ideal body types in Japan have been "slim," "slender" and "easily tossed about by a light spring breeze." And while like most societies, Japan generally casts a sterner eye on women than men with a higher than average body-fat percentage, this “skinny is best” mentality has largely applied to males as well, as any guy who’s tried on a pair of pants at a fashionable Tokyo retailer can attest to.

Recently, though, a shift seems to be occurring, with a rise in popularity of heavier women who have been dubbed “marshmallow girls,” who’ve even formed an idol singer unit now and won legions of fans.

Next, it seems like Japan might be poised to show some big love for big guys, with one magazine heralding the upcoming age of what it’s calling “sausage bread boys.”

Despite the random capitalization of the publication’s title, there is some logic behind this term coined by men’s fashion magazine CHOKi CHOKi. “Sausage bread” refers to the type of rolled hot dogs (photo below) that are a mainstay of Japanese bakeries and convenience stores and almost always come slathered with ketchup.

As you can see, they’re got a soft outer layer, but with a stout shape containing a meaty center. That cylinder of processed meat is a key visual cue, as it helps differentiate a sausage bread guy from a cabbage roll guy, who’s just a chubby ‘herbivore boy’ (Japan’s social buzzword for young men not interested in intimate relationships).

In contrast to a purely doughy cabbage roll man, the sausage bread guy’s body is a mixture of muscle and chub, like a finely marbled steak. CHOKi CHOKi is very clear on this point, stating that, “He’s not fat. You’d describe him as ‘stout.’”

As for as his clothes, the sausage bread man accepts the reality of his body, and doesn’t try to squeeze his ample frame into the tightest, trendiest fashions to be found in a Harajuku boutique. Instead, he favors casual clothes that would be just as appropriate for a walk on a nature trail as a Shibuya backstreet, with loose-fitting hooded jackets or sweatshirts that give him a relaxed look without drawing too much attention to his size.

All of the red meat he consumes also makes him red-blooded, and the sausage bread man is always ready to take the helm when decisions need to be made. This decisiveness doesn’t just characterize his style as a leader, but as a lover too, and it’s said he’ll tell a girl he likes exactly how he feels, instead of leaving her twisting in the wind date after a date.

This big-heartedness extends through all their interpersonal affairs, CHOKi CHOKi says. Sausage bread guys are resilient and easy-going. Rather than flip out when someone steps on their toes, they’re apt to laugh off little social faux pas so that everyone can go on having a good time.

The magazine also quotes a few women who profess their preference for these lovable guys. “I like chubby guys, because they have a kind aura,” says one 18-year-old.

“All of the guys I’ve dated have been sausage breads,” testifies another woman, who gives her age as 23. “They’re kind, and you don’t have to worry about them cheating on you.”

That second point might not be true forever, though. Sausage bread men are made of high-calorie food, not stone, and in light of their supposedly rising popularity, it remains to be seen how long their fidelity will hold up with an increased number of dating options on their plate.

Source: Hachima Kiko

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This has also been around since the 1990's. I think last time it was the hobby boys or the anime boys that were an attractive mate.

Before the above average body weight / unbalanced body fat / muscle balance guys think they will be a super star in japan.. Keep in mind, the girls that answered this investigation mean what 'westerners' consider pretty lean...not the skeletal 1970's Bowie thin that the really cool guys in japan can subsist on..

0 ( +2 / -2 )

For the past several years, the three most fashionably ideal body types in Japan have been “slim,” “slender” and “easily tossed about by a light spring breeze.”

Once while gathering my luggage in Narita I noticed this concept. A group of young Japanese men were there gathering their luggage and it looked as if their heavy and large luggage pieces were too much for them to handle, they were actually acting like some "teenage girls." I compared that to a group of foriegn guys probably from theUSMC (I could tell by their haricuts) and the demeanor and how they carried themselves side by side with the Japanese guys, and one could see the difference. Oh well, it takes all types.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I've never understood how chicks go for guys like in Johnny's Jimusho. I mean those weaklings wear more makeup than the chicks!

1 ( +4 / -2 )

@sighclops....and spend more time on their hair, too! Amazing what passes for masculinity in this country. The only Japanese male I could perhaps see being called "manly" is Hiroyuki Sanada.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

I have to say that was pretty funny. Good chuckle for the morning train ride.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I like big butts. I cannot lie.


2 ( +4 / -2 )

cabbage roll guy, who’s just a chubby ‘herbivore boy’

Incorrect. "Roll-cabbage danshi" are guys who outwardly look as if they are a "herbivorous" but are actually aggressive (carnivorous) when they are with a women. They are not chubby. Osamu Mukai is considered the best example of such men.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

A good-looking person who is slim, still looks good when fat. An ugly person who is slim still looks ugly when fat.

5 ( +9 / -3 )

So maybe I will start seeing sexy (by my standards) Japanese men who couldn't be my fathers?? :D

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

So maybe I will start seeing sexy (by my standards) Japanese men who couldn't be my fathers?? :D

What's always with you and your dad?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Looks apparently don't matter much at all to many women in Japan. Many times I've seen couples (and I'm not talking about "working women" with their clients) where the woman is smokin' hot, and the guys a dork. I'd ask my wife "How does a guy like that get such a girlfriend"? It's always the same, one word reply "Money".

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I sometimes have mental diarrhea too. I just don't write it down.

But trends? Yeah. I just roll some dice and predict the next one also. Flawless every time!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

lostrune2- my dad?? Hmm, it was an observation, usually because I find Japanese men my age too effeminate, I find older men as sexier, that's all. I guess it was a literal translation of a saying in my language.

I don't know where you saw my father in what I said, I just said men old enough that could loosely be my fathers (40+ i.e.) I find for example, Abe Hiroshi to be very sexy.

And "always"? I mentioned my dad last on Mar 3 on a post about suicide because of a personal experience (you made me check). It seems I've been a pain in the leg for you or something? Hmm, I lost my dad when I was a kid, i.e. my dad died. Does this answer your question in detail enough, or would you like to know more?

It has absolutely no relevance and I'm not sure it will even be posted in here. I also find your post pretty rude, but this is the internet.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Slippery slope, though. There's a very fine line between heavy-set / pleasantly plump and disgustingly fat.

Having put on 15 pounds since returning to the U.S. (6'3" 180 to 195), I am getting worried...

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I agree with LBW2010. My ex gf wanted me to gain a little bit of cushion on my belly and I had the body of a well oiled machine. I gather that both women and men want someone who is not too skinny, but has "semi-soft" physiques. I know I love curvy voluptuous women, but not overweight. Big difference between pleasantly plump and having fat sag in the wrong places.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

JuggernautAPR. 07, 2014 - 07:16PM JST I sometimes have mental diarrhea too. I just don't write it down. But trends? Yeah. I just roll some dice and predict the next one also. Flawless every time!

Yes. Remember how just about a year ago Psy and his "Gangnam Style" signaled the arrival of K-Pop on the world music scene!

The Japanese are easily the trendiest people on Earth. Anything to sell a magazine of push a web site.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Hmm, I lost my dad when I was a kid, i.e. my dad died. Does this answer your question in detail enough, or would you like to know more?

Nope, that pretty much explains things. (Not being rude.)

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@lostrune2 ( Hmmm, I fear I came across as still in bereavement to you..ugh. It has been 12 years, and it was during a period in which I had absolutely 0 friends and was bullied by the whole class. It was a terrible time for bereavement to kick in. The experience made me stronger.

I do use the experience especially with kids who are around that age and also lose their dads or their dads just disappear from the scene, you know. It makes them (some of them at least) realize that there is no reason to panic and freak out, because no, they're not alone, life still goes on and they can still make their dreams come true. It does mean one has to work harder towards them, but it is a challenge, not a "mission failed" thing. It is some little kind of reassurance, something one really needs in life. I also make it a point to be true to themselves, always. )

You puzzled me, but whatever. (...okay, you touched a pretty sensitive spot there.)

0 ( +0 / -0 )

You’d describe him as ‘stout.’ In some Germanic Languages 'stout' means naughty: You'd describe him as 'naughty' - hehehe.


I find for example, Abe Hiroshi to be very sexy.

He is, isn't he! And I'm a man...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@James Dean Jnr. - He is!!! I have to admit, he's one of those guys who make me slur! (they're few and far in between haha). He's firstly a great actor though, I love his roles. I cannot imagine ever taking a photo with Abe Hiroshi...I'd be tomato red >_<!!

1 ( +1 / -0 )


Sorry for the puzzle; I have nothing against you. Initially wondered about some daddy issues. I understand your situation; good that you came out of it well and helping others. Consider us friendly here.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


Thank you for the clarification. No, no daddy issues at all here. I try my best :) Thank you, and sure :D Pleased to meet you and sorry for the rapid-fire.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@CGB SpenderAPR. 07, 2014 - 01:51PM JST A good-looking person who is slim, still looks good when fat. An ugly person who is slim still looks ugly when fa


Maybe cute slim ones are not available in Japan? Maybe only ugly fat men are left for girls?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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