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Japanese kindergarten teaches students pre-war ideals
By Kwiyeon Ha OSAKA©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Penske Nievko
“Should emergencies arise, offer yourselves courageously to the state.”
Whole lotta NOPE on that. Can't the world just move past blind nationalism at this point? No one chooses to be born on a piece of land, why should they be loyal to it to the point of death? Brainwashing children is child abuse in my opinion.
He is right, there is a difference between nationalism and patriotism but me thinks he knows little of the differences between the two.
THIS is nationalism!
Ah, even Japanese nationalism is unique!
After World War Two, occupying U.S. forces abolished the rescript, which many saw as a source of the obedience and moral certitude that helped fuel Japanese militarism.
In other words people were brainwashed. What type of parent sends their child to a school to be indoctrinated?
The Japanese state of the 1940's sent thousands of Japanese children to their deaths
It also murdered many more in other countries.
Is that mentality to be encouraged in the present?
"These embody Confucian virtues and demanded devotion to the emperor and sacrifice for the country."
Then they invaded and ransacked the land where Confucius came from.
It is none of the world's business what Japan teaches Japanese children in Japan. If you don't like tOOOOO bad.
Marco Alencar
Right, like that kind of thing worked out well before. Are they teaching the students how to think critically too? Because blind patriotism always leads to bigotry and violence.
Its just unfortunately a sign of the times, we are seeing political and social movements worldwide that would have been unthinkable even 10 years ago.. which are all about the ideals nationalism, isolationist, anti-science, anti-equality, anti-intellectualism, history revisionist, my opinion is as good as fact non-sense.... Its truly frightening.
Children conditioned to bear allegiance to a flag: that's alarming!
Who in their right mind has 3- to 5- year olds chant this rhetoric about offering yourself to the state?
Besides Nippon Kaigi and ISIS, I can't think of many others. Parents who send their preschool-aged children to a "school" like this should be ashamed of themselves.
Mike L
Any parent who would willing send their child for that kind of "education" needs a slap.
Aly Rustom
Unless you live here and your own children ARE Japanese.
Alistair Carnell
Sickening, but expect it to be the norm under LDP. Abe and his Nippon Kaigi cronies want to party like it's 1939.
For those interested, here is video footage of Tsukamoto students chanting the the Imperial Rescript on Education (kyoiku chokugo; 教育勅語), starting from the 3:30 mark:
Here is the English-language translation of the kyoiku chokugo:
Here is a current events program in Japanese featuring this school and the debate surrounding jingoistic education and use of the kyoiku chokugo at Tsukamoto kindergarten:
Yoshidashoin Absolutely correct; but the rest of the world can be told how Japan is indoctrinating pliable children and respond as they wish. Unless you want to keep this 'education' a secret for some unfathomable reason. Do you?
Sounds dangerous.
They're kindergarteners. Probably it's a bit early to work on critical thinking skills. They're probably still working on plain ordinary thinking skills.
It is alarming, but there is a silver lining. I grew up in a US school system that made a similar attempt at indoctrination. We had photographs of the President and important American documents around the school. We had flags in every classroom and every morning we were ordered to stand and recite the pledge of allegiance. And yeah, there are a lot of people where I grew up who are deeply patriotic, but about half of us developed deep cynicism about the US the moment we learned anything about the history of our country. The moment a kid learns his country isn't as perfect as they have been indoctrinated to think it is, it leads to a feeling of betrayal that undoes every bit of indoctrination they were forced through. Even the people I went to school with who are deeply patriotic now are equally deeply suspicious of teachers.
So nationalistic indoctrination like this might have worked in Japan pre-war, but the operating factor there is less the efforts to indoctrinate I think and more the Kempeitai running around beating the crap out of anyone who dissented. On its own in today's world, stuff like this is more just a massive time/money sink for the gullible than a real tool of state control. While these kids are sitting around reciting pre-War Japanese documents whose words they don't really understand, their peers are memorizing kanji so they can start learning to read independently and actually explore the world.
I am actually surprised - maybe shocked - that this degree of brainwashing does not violate any law. If the teacher's union - Nikkyoso - were really the malignant force they are made out to be by the rightists then why are they not publicising and decrying this kindergarten and the planned primary school? Well, its likely because they are a straw man on whom the right hangs all its hatreds and lies while they get on with intensifying the indoctrination of kids. These schools will be seen as models in time.
Indoctrination of 3-5 years children is so sick!!! Those are probably trial incubators program, ready to be extended to the whole country when decided by the great authority during another re-interpretation of your freedom rights.
Alfie Noakes
But...but...but what about all those puff pieces in the English language media lauding the fragrant Akie as a counterweight to her husband and pushing her pro-LGBT and pro-feminist sympathies?
Were they just...gasp!...fabrications aimed at a non-Japanese audience? Or does she really swing both ways?
Actually, since Japan bombed and tried to invade my country due to this type of pathetic blind allegiance and are poised to make those same mistakes - it kinda is my business. Thank you. In fact, it's the whole world's business considering the damage that Japanese nationalism caused the first time around.
Further, as a resident of Japan with family roots here (and as such a stakeholder), it is also very much my business. Go and crawl back under your rock. Get used to having opinions that have more depth and reasoning to them than yours. Try listening to them for your sake and ours.
Yes, yes and yes, so let this be exposed ! Japan is part of the world and as citizen of the world, we should all care about the rise of this kind of indoctrination to 3-5 years old children and what others are doing in the block, put a stop and not look this other way and tolerate the intolerable, no more normalization of nationalism and hate like we unfortunately see too much nowadays.
So in other words, they are trying to make Japan more like China.
I think you're right. Very sensible comment. Not sure why you got junked for that.
Nationalism: when they do it. Patriotism: when we do it.
I think this is the same kind of rhetoric lots of nations have their schoolchildren repeat.
"I think this is the same kind of rhetoric lots of nations have their schoolchildren repeat."
Yes. Disturbing, isn't it?
Alistair CarnellDEC. 13, 2016 - 08:45AM JST
Norm? How can you say so based on just one "unique" case. Do we live in a post-truth society?
Read the article.
Unique means it is the only kindergarten in Japan that offers such curriculum. Opposite of "norm".
Kasunori Kagoike, principal of the kindergarten heads the Osaka branch of Nippon Kaigi and they are opening a primary school next year with Akie Abe as honorary principal: Japan steers another degree to starboard.
Jeff Huffman
katsu78DEC. 13, 2016 - 09:07AM JST It is alarming, but there is a silver lining. I grew up in a US school system that made a similar attempt at indoctrination. We had photographs of the President and important American documents around the school. We had flags in every classroom and every morning we were ordered to stand and recite the pledge of allegiance
Guess you grew up in a less enlightened part of the U.S. than I did. I grew up during the Vietnam War, and there was no attempt to indoctrinate us. Scouting would probably have been as close as I ever came to that and I don't remember it happening there either. And while the Pledge of Allegiance is a bit much, if the "important American documents" hung in your classroom were the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address and the first Ten Amendments of the Constitution, those were, are good things that most nation still can't point to, especially anywhere in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and even most of Europe.
Poor kids. Nihon Kaigi, what a surprise.
“Should emergencies arise, offer yourselves courageously to the state.”
In the words of Country Joe McDonald
"Be the first one on your block, to have your boy come home in a box!"
Alistair CarnellDEC. 13, 2016 - 10:20AM JST
LDP has been in power most of the time since the end of WW2. If it were what we are supposed to expect under LDP, why would not it have happened already?
North Korea comes to mind...
Beyond belief. But the revealing thing here is Akie Abe's influence in all this. I have being saying this from the very beginning ever since Mrs. Abe's farcical "support" for liberal causes, she is nothing but an empty-headed puppet for her husband, actively trying to undermine liberal causes by giving half-arsed support for them and then asking leading rhetorical questions easily countered by Abe's conservative agenda and then being praised like a child who just learned how to spell.
She is a true danger to Japan and especially women as her entire position actively undermines all Japanese women and reinforces their lowly status in this country. Her support for this brainwashing school is proof of her treasonous activities against civil society
"LDP has been in power most of the time since the end of WW2. If it were what we are supposed to expect under LDP, why would not it have happened already?"
Believe it or not, parties do change over time as does the zeitgeist. In my country of birth, the UK, the Conservative government of the early seventies would be regarded as lefties by modern standards.
Question for Americans here, how do you feel about kids saying "The Pledge of Allegiance" everyday in the U.S.?
Rather disturbing. The "Japan" and "Japanese tradition" that these people talk about isn't real. It's just a phantasm created by the 19th-century government to justify imperialism. I'm not surprised that nationalists believe such rubbish about our country, but I am more upset when people who should know better just play along and say "yes, I guess that's our tradition."
Very good comment!
What you describe isn't a product of Japanese culture "per se," but the myths created by the modern government that told us we were totally unique and had a divine mission in the world AND that we were a modern country that should have exchange and cultural dialog just like all other modern countries. It was a bizarre contradictory message and some kind of "echo" of that is still left today, I feel.
Maybe to round-off the lesson they should also teach the children what Japan was like at the end of the war in 1945 and how the Imperial Government led its people to destruction. You know, balance the patriotic line with images of Tokyo and Osaka after the firebombings. Also maybe take the children to Okinawa to ask the locals there what experiences they had from its patriotic government.
Note that Akie Abe, Yasunori Kagoike, Chinami Kagoike and others pushing this 'offer yourselves courageously to the state' nonsense on kiddies are pushing it from the safety of the classroom and the principle's office, not from the ranks of the SDF.
If they sincerely believe what they spout, they should shut up, sign up and ship out, and stop pouring this filth into the unsullied ears of innocents.
As if the Japanese education system isn't screwed up enough as it is.
You're totally right. These aren't people who want to sacrifice themselves for the country. Instead, they're people who get off over making other people sacrifice themselves.
Choosing to die for our beliefs can be heroic. Making other people die for our beliefs is just sick and cowardly.
Well, next you will see more cartoons like G.I. Joe, training these kids up for war like they did to us 80's kids.
Les Coles
Out of interest, when did America remove the Stars and Stripes from classrooms and do away with making students receit the Pledge of Alligence?
You know, I don't agree with this at all, but really people. This is one... what... youchien in the whole country, and some group or individual invited the media to troll everyone and make great click bait. It will get a lot of coverage, because, let's face it, people are prejudiced to believe that Japan is full of warlike tormentors despite 70 years of domestic and international peace.
The article panders to prejudices. Does that occur to anyone?
Does anyone see this in real life? Because what I see every day is a peaceful tolerant community with which I have endured the most dire of disasters.
It's been over a year now that the History Channel Japan starting filling their airtime with shows of the SDF caring out military exercises. These are not documentaries and their is no dialog. It could have come from "the State" or just History Channel Execs trying to rape their customers with cheap useless shows, or both.
What if dissent (probing journalism, political satire, etc.) has no voice?
I guess they're not going to teach these kids what happened to Japan as a result of this kind of education.
"the Tsukamoto kindergarten in Osaka looks like any other school in Japan, but its unique curriculum is reminiscent of pre-war Japan."
Japanese chidren are not given enough to learn their own national history. Basically Japanese kids do not hear about WW2 at school. Have no ideas what their grand parents did, agreed or endured. This could also stretch a parallel with nowadays Islamic extremist schools such as Boko Haram teaching women or small children to become terrorists and brainwash them for years. It just happened to these 2 girls, 7 and 8, apparently "kamikaze" who were blown up Sunday morning in a market in northeastern Nigeria. Not that we heard about such crimes yet here although there are more and more cases of discriminations in Japan (the kids evacuated from Fukushima for instance) (hate speeches and nasty behaviours during demonstrations) (low salaries for foreign workers, especially Asians) (history revisionism) etc. Now, be clear, nothing bad to teach a child to respect the flag of his her country. But this school of Osaka has options, and it is definitely carrying a strong sense of nationalism. And nationalism leads to wars! Who can say what will happen with the new world disorder and what exactly is Education ministry doing?
syarpDEC. 13, 2016 - 02:06PM JST
You are absolutely wrong. Read school curriculum.
Seriously -- send these girls and boys on a field trip to Okinawa and to Himeyuri-no Tou and show them that this is their future with this kind of education. Of course, they'll try to spin it and say it was American aggression that resulted in the children's death and their sacrifice for the nation's "troubles" was glorious, but I want them to see and know what these educators expect of them, because I know a WHOLE lot of people who find that monument and the girls who died an absolute tragedy, but these educators think so for all the wrong reasons. I can just imagine the parents who send their kids to this school. And people here would be offended if you told them Japan is the same as North Korea in terms of brain washing.
Alistair Carnell
"LDP has been in power most of the time since the end of WW2. If it were what we are supposed to expect under LDP, why would not it have happened already?"
Uh, I don't know, just maybe it has something to do with a global swing to the right, and someone like Abe at the reigns.
The only people who benefitted at the time of Japan's empire were the military leadership and the Imperial royal family. Everyone else who was Japanese suffered despite Japan's stranglehold on most of south east Asia. I believe that one of the reasons why the Japanese miraculously rebuilt after 1945 was because they had experienced suffering from years of this nationalism anyway.
are you kidding??? even the japanese realize it IS brainwashing.
What a horseplay. It's just one private school. doesn't force your kids to join the class.
Is there anybody who knows their class in detail?
What's with these half measures? Restore the emperor, repel the barbarians!
Straight from the ISIS playbook.
Well done Japan.
Stephen Denney
This is the same messed up nationalism as anywhere – bravado and projection to make up for pathological feelings of inferiority.
Just look at the contradictory statements from the staff at the nursery. First, the principle talks of instilling pride (ostensibly a positive emotion): “What we’re aiming to foster in education is patriotism or ‘Japanese-ism’, expanding Japan’s spirit all over the world.”
But then what is the purpose of this pride and how should it be manifested? The answer seems overwhelmingly to be the following:
1) “If an imperialist nation is trying to harm Japan, we need to fight against it.”
2) “Using an analogy of stopping a burglar getting into the house, - the principal’s daughter - said she teaches students it is necessary to fight against such threats to protect themselves and their families.”
3) “I teach children that the Japanese government has clearly demonstrated its will, so you also need to break silence and go forward and say you want to protect your family.”
Somebody is always out to get you, look away, don’t think too much, and fall into the comforting arms of the nationalist state (aka, Daddy).
The irony is that nationalists claim to be the “real men (and women)’ of a nation, proudly standing up to all-comers, defending their womenfolk and bringing up strong heir. But in actual fact they are weedy, lack all personal responsibility, and have a mentally disturbed approach to dealing with other people.
True patriots of Japan (or elsewhere), who want their country to be forward looking and successful, should call such ideas out for what they are.
yoshidashian, millions of butchered victims of japan are crying out from their graves disagreeing with you.
Have you seen the "English textbooks" used in public schools?
And Abe's wife visiting there gives us a hint of his intentions as PM.
Just like any other typical kindergarten - in North Korea.
Are you somehow related to the folks that teach radicalism in the middle east? Right, Japan is "special" and everyone should butt the frick out right?
Thinking like this is a disease that needs to be eradicated ASAP!
Nippon Kaigi. Must be a special school for special (ultra right, elitist) families. In a world of internationalization who else would promote nationalism now? Meant for future small minded e!itist,war mongering kids. BTW, what emperor? Thought he was abdicating. Kimigayo would start losing its meaning. Am I missing something here or is this the next phase of dysfunctionality?
Patrick Kimura-Macke
Be human!
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. It looks like Japan is getting ready for the 2020's and 30's not like we had hoped.
Since no one has answered this question:
This is a little comparing apple to oranges, since there is no 'Should emergencies arise, offer yourselves courageously to the state.”
But, the simple answer is I don't think the pledge of allegiance should be part of public schools. Especially since it made me say every day 'with liberty and justice for all' yet I have seen no proof of these words in 40 years.
This is why I denounce indoctrination of kids any where. Look, I love my country. It is my home and my childhood. I love Japan, it is my adulthood and my husband's home. BUT both countries are run by corrupt elites and we need to stop sending our children to go die in order to make them more ridiculously rich. Teach our kids to be leaders who truly care about the human race and the wonders of the world. Countries are just stupid line used for passports and taxes
Some of Akie Abe's recent "media friendly" comments...
"I want to pick up and pass on the views that don’t get through to my husband or his circle. That is a bit like an opposition party, I suppose."
Oh yeah sure, Akie.
You are just so sassy and independent... opposing your husband at every opportunity... not!
I don't suppose you will be passing on any views about this kindergarten, given that you're going to be honorary principal of the new primary school.
Opposition party?!
What a load of two-faced rubbish she speaks.
"So women try to appear to be the type that men like."
You said it, Akie.
I'm sure your husband loves to see you as principal, watching over these poor brainwashed kids chanting nationalist nonsense.
No more pointless wars... What a waste to die for the emperor, a man and not God.
Text from link:
"23rd year of Meiji" = 1890 (
For comparison, (required of certain public servants, and newly naturalized citizens):
(wikipedia) allegiance: "An allegiance is a duty of fidelity said to be owed, or freely committed, by the people, subjects or citizens to their state or sovereign."
USA's is similar.
So how different are they? Japan's rescript just seems a bit wordy.
Too many people think that Fascism died with Hitler et al, but the fascist vampire was laid to rest without a stake being driven through its heart, so now after decades of incubation this ugly, undead virus is reviving all around the world. Japan is not immune after over half a century of nationalist, right-wing social engineering, which is why reports about the indoctrination of children by teachers ignorant of WW2 and of the consequences of this greatest catastrophe in the last 2000 years of Japanese history are worrying. Is this just the thin end of the Nippon Kaigi wedge?
I guess this will just prepare the students for later on when they do the course " How to drive around in a Black Van and yell at people 101".
Normal. Nothing wrong with it. Surprised only one other person responded to this question.
This attitude taken to the extreme got Japan nuked in 1945 (the summation of Japan's blind obedience to a mere man in the past). You don't even have to justify the US action here but just see where playing with this kind of "fire" leads a country.
Brian Wheway
children singing the national anthem in front of the country’s flag...(.good),.reciting in stilted Japanese the pre-war Imperial Rescript on Education, containing commandments set out in 1890 to nurture “ideal” citizens under the Emperor Meiji..(bad) "principal of the kindergarten." Kindergarten is an American expression, I am surprised he's not banned it and used a traditional word, this guy worries me a lot, I am all for teaching history and countries national identity and cultural heritage, but teaching or some would say brainwashing young impressionable children into paying the "ultimate price" is not a good idea.
Basically teaching xenophobia and hatred of foreigners and nurturing of the superiority mindset. Very dangerous. Not just to the region but to Japan itself. Japan needs the world. The world doesnt need Japan. Things have changed.
Because this stuff worked out so well before, right.
And by the same token, I guess it's none of Japan's business what other countries teach their children... so let's hear no more stupid complaints about how other countries are brainwashing their kids to hate Japan in history classes, hmm?