Fuji TV’s morning informational show "Nonstop!" recently aired a segment about new company employees. But its focus wasn’t on just any new recruits to the workplace…it was about monster recruits. Read on to find out what kinds of unthinkable behavior shocked netizens and made them lament the rude ways of the younger generation.
“Who do they think they are??” was the general consensus of people who saw the special segment detailing “monster” employees arriving for their first week of work.
The following are some of the actual situations that were introduced on the show:
-- A new employee who complains about the system of picking desk locations by lottery/switching desks every week -- A new employee whose assigned seat falls in a direct path of sunlight and complains to her boss that it will ruin her complexion -- A new employee who doesn’t take memos on paper but sends picture attachments on his phone -- A new employee who doesn’t participate in drinking parties (nomikai) after work because “my private time is important” -- A new employee who doesn’t participate in drinking parties with the excuse that “the food in my fridge will go bad if I don’t eat it now”
These two points may cause our readers to question, “What’s so bad about saying no to going drinking?” Some of you may even come from cultures where drinking with your coworkers would be abnormal, or even frowned upon. However, in Japan, a tremendous deal of company bonding and teamwork strengthening occurs outside of the office at these gatherings. More than that, although staff will nod and agree to almost anything during their working hours, grievances and ideas are often discussed over drinks where it is seen as acceptable to say things like, “Actually, I think the boss’ idea won’t work so well…”. Don’t feel like going to the drinking party? Too bad. It’s basically an obligation, and not going could even have negative ramifications on your career, least not cause people to consider you the black sheep.
-- A new employee who gets mad if a superior scolds him -- A new employee who goes home if they are scolded -- A new employee who goes home crying after she made a mistake copying something, only to submit her letter of resignation the next week
The complex system of hierarchy and deferral to your superiors in Japanese work culture makes talking back to your boss an unthinkable offense. Snapping back, even if you’re sure you’re in the right, is not going to go down well.
-- A new employee who misses a date because of working overtime, gets yelled at by his girlfriend, and who then tells his boss to “find me a new girlfriend” -- A new employee whose wife sneaks the kids in just to see him because his overtime has increased so much
Working uncompensated overtime is often the norm at many Japanese companies, even at the sacrifice of home life.
-- A new employee who sends the lunch menu to his mother (umm…?)
Some of the other viewer reactions included comments such as, “I don’t want to be like them!”, “I’m pretty flexible, but these guys are too much even for me!”, and “I watched the program and had a feeling that I was like them, haha.”
Source: Yukawa Net
Read more stories from RocketNews24. -- Does Japan really need company drinking parties? -- Seven things that surprise Japanese people working in foreign offices -- Five things that keep Japanese people chained to their jobs
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Drinking parties. No wonder families are fractured. It is truly sad that people are FORCED to drink and/ or spend precious time away from their homes and families. And you get to pay yourself for this abuse of power.
David Varnes
Sorry, but a few of those examples of "monster workers" should be relabeled as examples of why the business culture is so screwed up.
People are actually willing to complain because someone wants to see their family? Oh the humanity, he wants to see his children! How terrible!
Someone doesn't enjoy going out and getting sloppy stupid drunk with his co-workers, being forced to down glass after glass of overpriced beer and yuk it up? Perhaps they enjoy somewhat healthier activities than poisoning their livers and watching their bosses make complete asses of themselves? Oh, how terrible!
I have been in several Japanese businesses now, and personally have tried to dance a pretty difficult line between respect for the culture of the business that employs me and my own ideas about what is acceptable in business and life.
We could all point to all kinds of oddities and unfairness Im sure but I actually think there is something more important, the future of Japan.
Here a couple of points I have quite strong feelings about.
I have never been a clock watcher and work for as long and as hard is required to complete the critical due tasks, however, working long doesn't equal working hard. I actually feel if you are actually good at your job and work intelligently you should be able to finish it within working hours the vast majority of the time.
In my experience people with healthy work life balances are happier, actually work better and are positive influences on the work place.
Japanese Businesses have changed as far as company support for salary, accommodation support, annual raises, and the promise of a job for life if you are willing to stick it out. There are very few businesses than can or do offer this, yet people are still expected to sacrifice everything, maybe it once made sense but Im not sure it does anymore.
Both of which are partly responsible for where we are now, a country with a massive population problem. A lot of elderly and an ever decreasing birthrate.
Young people simply don't have the time, stability or financial means to make and support a family.
All of those are just examples of people thinking for themselves and they are getting chastised. That is why Japan is only sleep walking into the future.
If I had to change desks every week, I'd complain too! What a stupid idea.
It's not that the recruits are problematic. It's the business culture. If you come from a loving, caring family and have just graduated from a luxuriously comfortable university lifestyle, you are going to be utterly slapped in the face by the brutality of the Japanese workplace. Adverse reactions should be considered the norm.
drinking parties shouldn't be mandatory period. Some people shouldnt be forced to drink or sit in a smoky izakaya. But when they are sick, they are mandatory to come to work. bs. Priorities mixed up.
The crying and pouting is a bit ridiculous (provided the scolding was a legitimate one, whch is doubtful), but everything else is...being an individual. Which is not really very well accepted in Japanese culture. Theres a Japanese expression known to basically all, "The nail that sticks out will be hammered down." Theres just not much room for individuality, here.
Sorry, lame article. As others said, most of this has nothing to do with "monster" workers and everything to do with J-business wasting company time. Changing desks every week? How much clock time is that, and for what purpose?
Forced nomikai? No, actually I give props for the guy who says "no thanks, I'd rather be with family"
So much overtime that a loving wife/kids surprises him by dropping by the office? Not exactly good from the management POV, but he's already working off the clock. They should be thankful he doesn't just call it a night.
Out of those reasons, the drinking parties part was the most ridiculous thing I've seen in a while. Why do you even need an excuse to not participate in it? It is not part of your job! You've done your job, and it is up to you to use your free time in any form you want. Surely, company can arrange activities and invite you, but if you don't want to go to it, you have right to just don't go, without any excuses.
A few of those like the desk seating I can see as being a bit over the top. But the ones where they didn't want to go drinking or wanted to go home after putting in a regular days work, I have no problems with. Probably the ones who complain the most are the ones who have nothing but work to show for their life.
Overtime is required at times, but if you can't get the work done in 8 or 9 hours, then maybe the company needs to look at what they are doing or the person may need to find another line of work. Just saying that I worked 12-13 hours a day doesn't mean that you are the best. The company will go on if you dropped dead, so why put all of that effort without taking care of yourself at times.
We all have choices.
This company needs a kick up the ass. No one ever said on their deathbed, "I wish I'd spent more time in the office."
I've met people in Japan who would say that, Japanese and non-Japanese. Their job defines them, and nothing lese. It's a great pity that, as Reckless and Alphaape have noted
No one is indispensable.
Pretty good example here of Japan's older generation ruining the country through their absurd expectations and reluctance to change...
Brigitte Amor
"However, in Japan, a tremendous deal of company bonding and teamwork strengthening occurs outside of the office at these gatherings."
Seems to me, a tremendous deal of company bonding and teamwork strengthening should be occurring in the goddamn office. No wonder the Japanese are such robotic automatons. Their entire lives are governed by their companies -- a form of indentured slavery, since they certainly don't get paid for being forced to attend these useless forms of worker abuse.
They just show up at the office the next day hung over and doing half the work they might have done had they been allowed to go home and get a decent nights' sleep the day before.
Absolutely typical from a nation of robots raised as such from cradle to the grave.
"More than that, although staff will nod and agree to almost anything during their working hours, grievances and ideas are often discussed over drinks"
Okay, people should really think about that sentence. So Japanese are admitting that they are incompetent and they need more hours to do what people in other countries can accomplish. Instead of complaining about those who don't want to join in, they should be taking a hard look at business culture and interpersonal relations.
Obviously no everyone wants to join in. And as NZ2011 said, maybe you would be okay with it if you were on a fantastic salary package, but it's different now.
Basically, people are saying that workers miss out on seeing their children, friends, get involved in other activities which could benefit themselves and society, because Japanese adults haven't learned how to express their opinions during company time.
Fix it guys!
They are not examples of 'monster' employees, they are examples of not-being-a-sheep employees (most of em anyway).
'Forced nomikai? No, actually I give props for the guy who says "no thanks, I'd rather be with family"'
Well put. I made it clear early on that I go out with coworkers on special occasions only. A few times a year is enough. Special occasions do not include Friday night or when the boss fancies having his arse kissed after hours.
Everything but the Nomikai.... Nomikai's are a waste of time and money. I can see once or twice a year having a Nomikai but two or three times a month is too much.
And now the nomikai gets a 50% write off on taxes. I think things just got worse. Where's that third arrow again? That's right, it landed in the ground 2 meters away with Abe exclaiming "suckers!"
Being forced to go to drinking parties should be illegal. I can't think of anything worse than having to drink with co-workers that you may find irritating and uninteresting. Or what if you either are allergic to alchohol, simply don't like it, or have had a problem with it that means you have to completely forgo it? Not to menttion the fact that you have to spend your own money too.
Any smart employer would realize that a certain amount of productivity was being lost as a result of these enforced drinking parties.
Besides the lady the quit over the copy mistake, I dont see anything wrong with anything those new employees are doing.
Why does the article come across like Japanese older generations oppose any kind of change? Kudos to those people who have the guts to break away from the 'norms' and actually be individualistic! That's how I feel that societies move forward!
People don't live to work! Ugh
I might be biased because I come from a southern European country but honestly, I wouldn't survive a Japanese company, I'd go crazy.
I have a Japanese friend who lives only to work, we clash so much!! I come across as lazy for him, and to me he over-works. I think 40hrs/week is sometimes too much already when it takes you 2hrs to go back home!!
Ricky Kaminski
Japanese corporate culture is so off course its ridiculous. Time to wake up to the times. These youngsters may have alot to offer if they are given a decent chance. Conformity is a pit. I fear a whole generation of old hard headed fools is going to have to die off before anything changes though. Power plays, black companies with useless kachos and buchos puffing their feathers is the name of the current japanese corporate game. Im sure there are some forward thinking firms, but from what i hear on the ground they are few and far between. Gambare young nippon. Faito!
sounds like these "monster" recruits are actually standing up for NORMAL workers rights.
My private time is important too. I am happily working in the same company since 10 years now..
The place I work has about 6-8 parties a year. I go if I want to, and not when I don't want to.
Surely that's how all adults make decision about their own free time?
So much for the third arrow of Abenomics, reforming the status-quo thinking.
Asakura Cowboy
"....when the boss fancies having his arse kissed after hours". Thanks, that made me laugh. The problem with the obligation drinking is that in a way it is an extension of work even though you are not actually working. It is so engrained into Japanese working life that it is usually frowned upon if you refuse too many times, and you may end up alienating yourself from your boss or colleagues which in turn may have a detrimental affect on your job. It's a fact in Japan whether we like it or agree with it or not. Having to sacrifice family time or drink when you don't want too sucks though. That's one of the reasons why I would never work for that type of Japanese company.
@Reckless- haha no, I am too reckless to be followed :P But I'm guilty of leaving my previous 2 jobs because I didn't have enough time for myself or for my family. During my first job, I worked 12hr shifts and my second job I worked 40hrs/week but took me hours to arrive home because I travel by bus and especially on summer I'd be stranded at the bus stop for an hour, waiting for a bus which isn't full up (I'm claustrophobic)..ended up walking it many times haha. Probably, my ideal job would be to be my own boss.
It's the sunlight comment that's got me. I've been in and out of hundreds of offices and have never known one let any light in. The blinds are permanently down in Japanese offices, so how can anyone be sitting in direct sunlight? Some of this stuff's been made up by someone who doesn't work in a Japanese office.
Kazuaki Shimazaki
Well, who knows, Hampton, surely at least one of them can let light in. That said, except for the "light affects my complexion" thing, I have to agree with the majority opinion here that it is the company and bosses that's the problem.
Patricia Yarrow
and don't forget that those nomikai involve sitting in a closed room full of your coworkers blowing clouds of stinking carcinogen laced clouds of smoke your way all bloody night. No the hello thank you. A true picture of life in hell.
Sorry, I'm not seeing any "monster" employees in these examples. Even the girl who broke down in tears and then resigned isn't a"monster" because she realized the job wasn't for her and left.
If he really was a "new employee", how long had he been there to have his overtime "increase so much" that his family felt forced to come visit him? And why did the wife have to sneak at all? What, was he working on some highly classified project? As a "new employee", it's doubtful.
I actually asked for something to be done when I was sitting in the office in direct sunlight once. I didnt care so much abot my complexion (only 21 and didnt really think about that kind of thing at the time) but it was hot and uncomfortable and the light reflected off my computer screen making me squint half the day. Occupational health stepped up and installed better blinds within a few days. Not an unreasonable request I thought, and no one disagreed with me. Much later I found out that everyone hated that desk for that very reason and as the newbie I had been given it.
This just an issue of an older business culture having to integrate a younger generation. One side is going to have to give.
Welcome to the future, bu-cho. The new kids coming up are less willing to just bend over and take it. Good for them, I say.
So about that third arrow of structural reform to the Japanese workforce ... Yeah.
Millennial Generation v. Traditional Japan Same as in the US, no difference. Gen M has a lot of growing up to do Worldwide, cellphone has turned them into introverted narcissist.