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© 2024 AFPSlow down to save the planet, says Japan's rock star philosopher Saito
By Katie Forster TTOKYO©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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This guy will really resonate with the majority of the pro-US military types here lol.
What, greed is not good?
An associate professor with such high book sales presumably doesn't have to worry about paying the rent and can take a few days off to move rocks. Lucky guy. As peaceful as nature looks, it really is 'red in tooth and claw'. Pretty much every bug out there is trying to prey on smaller creatures whilst avoiding being something else's lunch.
Degrowth books are the latest publishing bandwagon, sold to fill the coffers of publishers. An important part of their aggressive growth strategies.
We do need to moderate target levels of profitability at corporates, but it may take more than a celebrity Marxist urging kids to, how does it go, 'Tune In, Turn On, Drop Out'. Bonus points for trying though.
Retail therapy certainly has a dark side, but it is the only therapy available to many. People get by as best they can. Not having all those book sales, an associate professorship or rock star status.
finally rich
Karl Marx never had a job in his life.
Marx was a greedy/ selfish person when it came to money. He never paid his maid who worked for him. He also took advantage of his position as her boss and got her pregnant. Marx like many left wing radicals (Mao, Marx, D’Annunzio, Che, etc…) refused to bath and had horrible hygiene.
Chairman Rexton
There are enough Marxists already infecting academia and the people they teach. Best to ignore this one.
Finally Rich
Marx was also a sexual deviant with a bad temper.
People make personal attacks when they can't defend their position on the issue.
Cant see any personal attacks on the author. Did you post in the wrong place in error?
reduce, re-use, recycle, what an original concept. where's my doctorate? i've practiced this philosophy my whole life, including going childless, unlike guru boy.
I think he makes a good point here. (Although I'm not sure if the terms "left" and "right" are appropriate. ) We seem to be reaching a point in developed nations where we're not sure how to progress. Can we feed, clothe, and house everyone in the world? And if so, is that not enough? I really don't know. But I think most of us want some kind of purpose in our lives - whether to discover a cure for cancer or simply to look after our kids.
So, what is a more attractive vision of the future?
There is more than enough money and more than enough resources in the world to feed and clothe everyone. Most of it is being hoarded by a small number of super wealthy however, who want us to keep thinking the problem is a left/right divide so we won’t notice their hoarding.