Although Japan is not often considered the best place for sexual equality, steps are definitely being taken in the right direction. More and more women are trailblazing lifelong careers in not always hospitable corporate environments and forgoing more traditional routes such as marriage and becoming a full-time homemaker.
But sometimes this comes at the cost of getting married and starting a family. While some women are perfectly fine with this, others will no doubt feel the occasional pang of regret when they consider that they never had a chance to get all dressed up and be the center of attention for the day like many of their friends and family.
That’s why Kyoto-based company Cerca Travel has set up a service providing all the glamor of a wedding without any of the commitment in what they call a “Solo Wedding.” That’s right: women can now have the full wedding day experience without actually having to get hitched.
A Solo Wedding is a two-day excursion where clients spend the night in a hotel as they go in for dress fittings, bouquet design, hair and make-up, and even a full photo shoot. Each of these services is handled by a professional in the industry and done with the same level of quality and attention to detail as a real wedding ceremony.
When she’s all done up, the tour coordinator will take the solo bride to some beautiful Kyoto backdrops which complement her appearance for a commemorative photo shoot. If wedding dresses aren’t your cup of champagne, Cerca Travel can also set you up with one of the many other historical dress-up tours around Kyoto such as putting on Geisha make-up and clothes. There is also an option to have a decorative man between the ages of 20 and 70 to pose alongside you, but reportedly none of the 10 women who have enjoyed the Solo Wedding experience since Cerca began offering it in June this year have opted to do so, instead focusing on making the day all about them.
Cerca Travel’s website has some testimonies from past solo-brides:
“It really felt like a dream. I didn’t really care about the wedding dress because I was married and had children already.” [divorcee in 50s]
“That was the best!! I feel great! I’m dating a guy but have totally put off the pain that is getting married. I always wanted to wear a wedding dress and I didn’t want to regret it, but I also didn’t want to pester my boyfriend.” [single in 30s]
“Thank you for the other day. My childhood dream came true at 38…! It really was like a dream.” [single in 30s]
There are a variety of packages to choose from, but since the cheapest starts at around 300,000 yen, just like a real wedding this may be something that you’ll only want to do once.
It goes without saying that this vacation is probably not for everyone, as whether this is a glamorous weekend out or depressing reminder of one’s relationship status really just depends on the individual’s state of mind. Ultimately, though, we see nothing wrong with a woman taking a couple of days to be fussed over, and if there’s a company out there willing to do just that, why not do a little (okay, a lot of) selfish spending?
Source: Cerca Travel via Iroiro
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Wow. I can't think of a sadder way of saying, "I give up."
Wow, just wow. So sad.
What are these steps s/he is talking about? Abe's blathering on about helping women? The gender gap that is twice the OECD average? The complete lack of women in top positions in companies or politics? The fact Japanese men spend the least time on unpaid housework in the OECD? Oh, right! It's more consumer services for "selfish spending".
I reckon I've performed over seven hundred wedding ceremonies.
I'd say the average bride is far more concerned about the guests' wellbeing than her own "special day".
And the grooms look just bored and a bit scared; I doubt there'd be much of a market for a service like this for unmarried men!
Well, I guess it is a way to get it out of their system.... And people say guys indulge in too much fantasy.
BNlightened was only a matter of time in this disgustingly "selfie"-obsessed world whose Number One VIP goes by the names "I," "Me," and "Mine, that people would take the "ultimate" leap and...marry themselves!
How sad and utterly pathetic, though, all the same...
I can already hear the terrible sound of Celine Dion wailing like a demented banshee. Just rent a Disney movie. It's more grown-up.
Sad, indeed. Well, if you aren't especially happy a couple of years down the road, you can always re-new your vows. Does Cerca Travel expect repeat newlyweds?
Next time, there will come up services like "Sarariman service for the unemployed ones for a single day".
Bill Adams
The Geisha experience would undoubtedly be great, but a solo wedding? Good God, there can surely be nothing sadder - or more narcissistic.
Gosh! I hate to think what the honeymoon plan consists of!
Elizabeth Heath
Pathetic. Narcissistic and sad.
So they pay 300,000 Yen for, what exactly? Sorry I don´t get this at all.
For a day of pampering, the chance to dress up and look pretty, and to get pictures taken which they can use to relive the day afterwards.
Steve Crichton
Yes,I think she would end up at one of the million and and one Love Hotels in Japan after the ceremony. I am sure it must be included in the package. The full package anyway.
I was at a party last night and a (drunk) Japanese guy was half-jokingly laying into me about how my husband cooks on the weekend (he enjoys cooking as a hobby) and I should show more gratitude while my husband played victim and nodded along saying he "never gets any gratitude"! OMFG! Aside from the fact that I cook the other 5 days and he either never says a word or doesnt even bother to eat what I cook, I lost it with both of them, saying "You Japanese men - you do what any other grown up man in the developed world would consider perfectly normal and expect us to fall down on the ground and kiss your feet for it??! Get over yourselves or go back to your mothers!"
Yeah - stay single, women of Japan. Dont blame you when this kind of shite is your alternative.
Cant they look pretty and pamper themselves?
Ali Khan
wait a bit please you are really confusing me, what is the meaning of marriage, wedding is the celebration of marriage. if you give me a world cup trophy and I start jumping in the front of the media with out even playing a game, what kind of comments i will get from the people can you imagine.
Knox Harrington
Tragic and disturbing.
Fits well with my image of Japan, though. The ceremony itself sometimes seems to be more important than what it stands for. Surface at all costs. This applies to the Japanese society at large, so who's surprised...?
Mike Wyckoff
Only in Japan
Knox Harrington
Japan really is the country romance forgot... I can't think of a less romantic and loveless society than Japan. No kissing, no hugging. Instead it's all about spending money on BS like this. Or going to Disneyland once a month and pretending you're in Fantasyland.
Goodness. Showing gratitude?
NatherlieB, Is your husband Japanese? Japanese husbands behave like that from shyness, but no Japanese take that kind of comments at the face value.
People on here calling this sad? Sorry if these ladies can't live the "good" life like you are living.
Saves the boyfriend from the constant stress about marriage pressure. A couple shouldn't be married unless both are ready. If he doesn't want to get married now, maybe he will or she can kick him to the curb. It is her prerogative and not a "sad" one.
solo wedding is the definition of narcissism
Holy God this is sad and weird.
I can offer myself for a rent a day husband.... maybe thats a cool business idea here in japan. honeymoon included. lol
But even if you got gorgeous photos, who could you show them to? I'd think they'd be too embarrassing to see the light of day. No groom, no family or friends' is this meaningful? I would find it depressing.
Do they also have a solo divorce?
And solo marriage guidance counselling?
Is it anything like King for a day?
mock it if you like, but how many men do you think there are in Japan who are sitting out there who wish they could have married.
i don't know, unless something is put in place to allow people to keep a career if they are men - not drop down to a lower one if they have children, not leave the workplace completely if they are female- i think you will see the birth rate and things like solo weddings rise
Simona Stanzani
Japan is way too obsessed with getting married and having a family; not surprised there are so many hikikomori and wagamama girls who don't want to follow society rules. as far as man-woman relationships, equality etc. Japan should really get out of the 1950s - Showa is cool, OK, but being retro doesn't mean being retrograde.
Truly pathetic....
Christopher Glen
Sad. Very sad