Japan Today

The importance of blood type in Japanese culture


It is a good idea to know your blood type. While most Japanese know their blood type, many foreigners do not (and Japanese are frequently surprised to hear this).

Many Japanese people believe that each blood type has a certain personality and affinity, so it is common for them to ask someone their blood type or try to guess someone’s blood type by their personality. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for women in their 20s and 30s to even select a prospective husband based on his blood type.

There are many books about the various blood type personalities. For example, “A, B, O, AB gata jibun no setsumeisho” (A Guide to A, B, O, AB blood types), written by an unknown author who uses the pen name Jamais Jamais, have become best sellers in Japan.

Here is a look at what it's all about.

General personality of people who have type A blood

-- Consider things carefully -- Can understand other people’s feelings easily -- Kind -- Good at hospitality -- Don’t express themselves in order to avoid possible quarrel -- Do things carefully and steadily, and don’t take the next step if they are not satisfied -- Honor student types who don’t go off the rail -- Fastidious -- Big on cleanliness -- Can be calm even when accidents happen -- Strong on taking responsibility -- Hard workers -- Safe drivers

Type A blood people’s affinity with each blood type

Partner who is type A – They have many common points; however, both of them are highly strung, so they may be irritated by each other.

Partner who is type B – Type A person envies type B’s happy-go-lucky personality. However, type A person worries about type B person’s personality.

Partner who is type AB – Type AB person is reliable for type A, someone they can turn to for good advice and help. They can have a stable love relationship.

Partner who is type O – Type O person is protective of type A. However, if type A talks about every small thing, the relationship won’t be good.

General personality of people who have type B blood

-- Like to go their own way -- Do what they want without considering other people’s feelings, rules and customs -- Happy-go-lucky and masters of breaking rules -- Optimistic -- Friendly and open their heart to anybody -- Not pretentious -- Afraid of being alone -- Get lonely easily -- Quick to adapt -- Flexible thinkers -- Pragmatists -- Don’t chase a dream much -- Like to play -- Love festivals and parties -- Have been in love many times -- Don’t get heart-broken over lost love

Type B blood people’s affinity with each blood type person

Partner who is type A – Type A person is always willing to help type B person; however, they get tired of each other easily. Type A often complains to type B.

Partner who is type B – Both of them are not careful, so they may do things that are off the rail.

Partner who is type AB – They attract each other and they may quickly start a relationship. They love each other very much.

Partner who is type O – They can understand each other easily. Type O person covers for type B person’s bad points. They are a great match for friendship.

General personality of people who have type AB blood

-- Chase ideals and dreams -- Don’t have secular needs such as greed and a desire to succeed -- Have strong spirituality -- Calm and rational -- Sensitive and easily hurt -- Have a complicated personality -- Private life is important -- Don’t like interference from other people -- Have various hobbies -- Vigorous in pursuit of knowledge in wide range of fields -- Are bookworms -- Have unique ideas and are creative -- Have fairy tale-like hobbies -- Calm and frank about love relationship

Type AB blood people’s affinity with each blood type person

Partner who is type A – Type AB person respects type A person, and they have a passionate love for each other. However, they may quarrel frequently.

Partner who is type B – They are a good match and connect with each other easily.

Partner who is type AB – Their relationship is always proceeding along parallel lines. They cannot open their minds to each other. It is best not to be too close to each other, nor be too far apart.

Partner who is type O – They can succeed in business and at various activities together. They can produce new things together easily.

General personality of people who have type O blood

-- Realistic -- Good at developing economic concepts -- Vigorous at earning a living -- Strong in face of adversity -- Romanticists -- Dream of getting rich quick, but actually take a steady approach -- Ambitious -- Go straight toward their goal -- Have leadership ability and often take care of younger people and people below them -- Very cautious -- Don’t care about small things, taking a wider perspective instead -- Devoted, but with a strong desire to monopolize

Type O blood people’s affinity with each blood type person

Partner who is type A – Type O person always wants to take the lead for type A person. They are a good combination.

Partner who is type B – They can talk freely and openly and have a comfortable relationship. However, type O person gets confused by type B person’s moody personality sometimes.

Partner who is type AB – Their thoughts are a match. However, if they are in the same “arena,” they compete with each other strongly.

Partner who is type O – They cannot understand each other basically, and they feel alienation easily. It is best not to get too close together.

Source: Ketsuekigatabetsuseikaku (Each blood type’s personality)

Dieting methods by blood type

Erica Angyal, a Miss Universe Japan official nutritionist and health consultant, has published books on health and beauty by blood type, such as “Bijo no Ketsuekigata BOOK” (beautiful women’s blood type) and “Bijo no Ketsuekigata-bestu Obento BOOK” (beautiful women’s lunch box by each blood type).

Also, the fitness and health magazine FYTTE’s February edition introduces a dieting method by blood type directed by Angyal.

Here is brief introduction to the dieting method.

Recommended diet for type A

Recommended foods for type A people are carbohydrates such as rice and grain, vegetables, and fruits because type As originated from agricultural tribes who mainly ate foods from plants. However, type As usually don’t digest dairy products easily, so it is better to have yogurt. Also, meat is difficult to digest and turns into fat easily for type A people, so it is better to eat beans and fish for protein. Japanese traditional foods such as miso soup, natto, tofu, and so on are a good match for type A people.

Recommended exercise for type A

Stress is the main enemy for type A people, so slow exercise such as yoga is the best way to relax.

Recommended diet for type B

Type B people have the ability to digest various foods such as vegetables, fruit, fish, meats, grain and dairy products because type Bs originated from nomad tribes who ate various foods to survive in their extreme environment. It is best to have various foods, especially protein, otherwise type B people get irritated and tired easily. Lean meat with low fat, especially beef and lamb, are good because they are easy to digest and make metabolism faster for type B people. However, chicken, sesame, corn, soba noodles and wheat make type B people fat.

Recommended exercise for type B

Type B blood people have high stress, so it is best to play active sports such as tennis and golf, and also try slow exercise such as yoga to relax.

Recommended diet for type AB

Type AB people have features of both type A and type B. For example, type AB people don’t have enough stomach acids to easily digest some kinds of meat like type As. Protein from soy beans is good for type AB people, as are some dairy products. Therefore, it is best to take protein from fish and soy beans, and other various foods such as vegetables, fruit, nuts, yogurt, and so on, with a good balance. Wheat, chicken, corn, sesame and soba noodles are not good for dieting.

Recommended exercise for type AB

Type AB people have negative feelings such as anger and hostility and it is bad for their body when they get excited too much. So the best exercises for type AB people are yoga to relax their body and aerobics to let stress out.

Recommended diet for type O

Type O people can digest meat easier than other blood types. However, lack of protein tires them easily too because type O people originated from tribes that hunted animals and gathered nuts, fruit and plants. The tribes ate low fat meat, so low fat beef and lamb are good for type O people. Especially fish with omega-3 fatty acid are the best protein source for them. Eating fresh vegetables and fruit is recommended. The early tribes did not eat grains and dairy products, so those foods are difficult to digest for type O people. Wheat and dairy products make type O people get fat easily.

Recommended exercise for type O

Exercises which improve the heart rate function and muscles, such as running and boxing are good for type O people. Active exercises keep their hormone balance right.

Source: FYTTE (in February, 2012)

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Astrology by another name. Fortunately after 10+years in Japan, I've never met anyone who openly admits to believing any of this utter nonsense.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

I think this is akin to the getting married on taiyan day. Instead of relying on an auspicious day to have a wedding, better work on actually loving and honoring your partner (read that as getting to know your partner, be willing to compromise or let things go because you love your other half). So be an adult and don't seek confirmation that he/she is the one by checking out the blood type or whatever nonsense; have a relationship! Talk, discuss things, question whether you really want to spend the rest of your life with a man/woman who loves to do this and hates to do that.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"The importance of blood type in Japanese culture...." had there been any truth to it, the divorce rate in Japan would not be that high !

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Pinch of salt if that. Since the majority of pople n japan are A (they say), just take a look at the A characteristics, diet etc., to see how these "results" are skewed.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I'm "O". Definitely but my wife must be a mutant. Her blood type changes everyday according to the above partner's blood type...

8 ( +8 / -0 )

My wife will love this - although she tells me that as a water dragon / Capricorn, she does not believe in any form of astrology.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I don't know my blood type and don't intend on needlessly delving into it. BooYAH!

0 ( +4 / -4 )

It requires a certain lack of IQ in order to believe this BS...

6 ( +8 / -2 )

And absolutely zero know their RH factor.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


2 ( +4 / -2 )

Type B blood people have high stress, so it is best to play active sports such as tennis and golf

Since when is golf "active'???

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Have been asked this question a lot here, and always refuse to answer. People pigeonhole others enough as it is.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

If asked your blood type, answer "red".

11 ( +11 / -0 )

I am O pos. The reason I know?...... Ex Forces, pays to have your blood group on your dogtag. In UK O pos is the most common group , but dont know how common this group is in Japan. I would rather there was plenty of blood available in the blood bank for me, rather than having to scour Japan for a match :)

0 ( +1 / -1 )

If asked your blood type, answer "red".

Mine is blue! ;)

5 ( +6 / -1 )

The tribes ate low fat meat, so low fat beef and lamb are good for type O people.

So clearly these early tribes shopped at Sainsbury's - stunning choice of low fat meats there.

The early tribes did not eat grains and dairy products.

Oh, and they had dairy's in those days too?

All good fun, but not the least bit convinced.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Oh ... the old blood (stereo) typing thing.

My Japanese friends have talked to me about these things since I first arrived in Japan, and still get it from time to time.

"Sasuga A-gata" "Yappari b-gata" "AB-gata dakara" "Sugeee ~ O-gata"

I wonder if they also have a thing about hair styles, specially ones that seem unkempt and spiky.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

So.... everyone should do Yoga???

2 ( +2 / -0 )

When will Japanese accept that this is utter nonsense? And how many of you know that this theory of blood type personality is based on Nazi racialist pseudo-science from the WWII era? Or doesn't it matter?

The German scientists were trying to prove their point about racial purity and superiority. To do so they dreamed up a lot of practices to assign greater meaning to specific human attributes. Some examples include extensive measurements of human head shape to define superior vs inferior people.

Assigning personality meaning to blood type was just one other way of separating people into classes. When you recognize that some blood types are more common in certain regions than others, the racialist thinking starts to become more clear.

The bottom line here is that there is truly no science at all here. Blood type does not drive personality or temperment. It is fiction. Since people are so eager to believe this fiction, they look for validations of the categories while ignoring the obvious discrepancies. Meanwhile society then pressures you to adhere to the expected personality for your blood type, making this almost self-fulfilling.

Silly. And sick when you think of the origins.

9 ( +12 / -4 )

This article leaves a bad taste in my mouth. If you know the history of how this garbage arrived in Japan, it would probably do the same for you.

Quoting a bit from Wikipedia's article about Blood Types in Japanese Culture. (History section)

The ABO blood group system is widely credited to have been founded by the Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner, who discovered three different blood types in 1900.[4] Ethnic studies showed different blood group distributions across the world (for example, Asian people were discovered to have a higher percentage of blood type B). This research was used by the Nazis to further ideas of supremacy over different races.[1] These notions were debunked before Nazi Germany invoked race laws such as the Nuremberg Laws, where the wording "German blood" is figurative for Aryan lineage.

In 1926, Rin Hirano and Tomita Yashima published the article "Blood Type Biological Related" in the Medical Journal of Army. It was seen to be a non-statistical and unscientific report, motivated by racism.

In 1927, Takeji Furukawa, a professor at Tokyo Women's Teacher's School, published his paper "The Study of Temperament Through Blood Type" in the scholarly journal Psychological Research. The idea quickly took off with the Japanese public despite Furukawa's lack of credentials, and the militarist government of the time commissioned a study aimed at breeding ideal soldiers.[1] The study used ten to twenty people for the investigation.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

It amazes me that Japanese who love to spout this stuff as harmless fun never seem to know its very sinister origination.

2 ( +6 / -4 )


I don't know my blood type and don't intend on needlessly delving into it. BooYAH!

You can choose to not believe this blood type BS, as I myself don't, but you should at least know what your blood type is. Do you really not know? Hopefully you'll never need an emergency blood infusion/transfusion, but the wrong blood type can literally kill you as can the extra time a doctor needs to run a blood type test if you're bleeding to death in the ER.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

And Christmas used to be Saturnalia...and?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Actually not a bid article. I've been here for years and never took the time to figure out the details of the pre-occupation with Blood Type. It was good to get some clarity of what they believe. Whether I believe it or not is besides the point, its what many Japanese believe.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

the wrong blood type can literally kill you as can the extra time a doctor needs to run a blood type test if you're bleeding to death in the ER.

A person bleeding to death in ER is probably past telling the doc his blood type, and a check would be done anyway. Only takes a second. No doc is going to lay himself open to a malpractice suit because he believed the delirious ramblings of an accident victim in dire straits.

Patient : Oh doc, it hurts! Oh! help me!

Doc: Right, you've been run over by a bus, shot by a gangster and stabbed by a little old lady who just happened to be passing by. You're losing a lot of blood and need a transfusion. Now, what's your blood type?

Patient: Oh! Help me doc! Oh! Oh!

Doc: O it is. Nurse, get me a large bag of O type blood.

Patient: Ey? What did you say? I can't hear you....things are fading away...

Doc: A? You say you're type A? Make your mind up!

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Back on topic, this blood-group-personality thing is a load of hogwash. According to all the books, Mr cleo and I are the worse possible combination in terms of both blood group and zodiac sign - we should be tearing each other's throats out. And we don't do that more than once a month at the most.

4 ( +8 / -4 )


Docs in an ER? How about an EMS crew in an ambulance at the scene of an accident? But what was I thinking. You're right. There's no need to know your blood type.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

this blood-group-personality thing is a load of hogwash. According to all the books, Mr cleo and I are the worse possible combination in terms of both blood group and zodiac sign

I agree, but your evidence is anecdotal. You could be the happy exception that proves the rule.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

....on the other hand, Cleo, your mazai is an excellent argument.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

And absolutely zero know their RH factor

All I need to know is whether they RH.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The blood type thing always gets me. I never fault my friends for bringing it up; since they give so many real life examples to prove their points.And yet, I guess, while looking into the history of this theory, one might discount it. I personally don't see it as much more than a semi-quasi-like scientific theory. it sometimes rears it head at my Japanese friends, get together s. Not something i would base my life on as far as who i end up with. On the other hand, the blood transfusion thing is something I'm not at all about to throw out as myth. An I find it interesting, is that blood types A,AB, and B can all receive blood transfusions from type O. However Type O would certainly die if they were to receive any other type blood transfusion, other than that of type O. being type O myself, its nice to know you can help anyone, however, a little disconcerting knowing that O's can only help each other. And lets not even get into the "+" and "-" 's i think it would be best to leave it at the transfusion thing, and not get to carried away with the whole relationship aspect. And the dietary part seems good as well. Aside from the racist aspect from where which these theories arise, i think its just best to let people have there opinions. and if a little truth arises from it time and again ' being in Japan, just go, HEH~, MAJIIDE?NARUHODO DA NE, SOKA, SOKA, JA, WAKATA ARIGATO!  Or something to the effect, my Japanese isn't so good. Peace

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Yeah, let's tie this in with the Nazis. Nazis used blood types as propaganda, therefore Japanese in 2012 are nazis.

They also believe in Chinese astrology so let's label them as comnunists too!

1 ( +5 / -4 )

I cannot believe that any rationale person with an ounce of inteligence would believe any of this BS.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I had read that the Japanese themselves had reduced its use and it was a recent publication in the last 35 years or so(?) that reignited this blood racism.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

It's like comparing 50Hz to 60Hz electrical systems. If a machine is designed to work with electricity a certain way then that's that. Why make everything a factor in discrimination? Surely the blood differences and so many other systems are things the Japanese culture could finally let go of. If this doesn't stop what hope does the end of racism in Japan ever have?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I have green blood, I am an Resident Alien in Japan, "live long and prosper"!

5 ( +6 / -1 )

TRUE conversation heard once in English class, on the topic of blood types. (both students were older males).

Student A: You know, during the war, they chose the fighter pilots based on blood type.

Student B: It didn't work.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

I asked a group of Japanese to guess my blood type. It was about evenly divided among the four groups. And you just know that, had I told them what it was (I didn't) that everyone would have said, "Yeah, I THOUGHT so!"

1 ( +2 / -1 )

An ex girlfriend used to say "anata ha settai O type dayo". Then the ex after that one always said "you are B type". And now my current girlfriend says that I am AB type. I'm confused -_-#!.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

As far as crazy theories go, the "blood type" one is actually pretty rational.

0 ( +4 / -4 )


The Japanese started with there blood type fixation during the thirties or fourties as far as I know. And this physical pseudo-science hogwash of that time is mostly due to nazi "pseudo-scientists". They are not nazis, but they should know the origin of their customs.

If these descriptions were right, I'd have to be a type A-B-AB-O blood type, because - hey, I'm a fully-fledged human, not just a stereotype. I always wonder how adults can actually be so dumb and uneducated to beliece such rubbish. Still they came up with a piece of statistics not too recently that many larger companies have still people deciding about hiring and firing who judge people's characters by the SHAPE OF THEIR HEADS. How ludicrous is that?

And even though most Japanese will deny believing this blood-type nonsense - I fear that it is ingrained too deeply into this society. Even though they deny it, it is still a prejudice which takes effect all too often.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

oh man i wanna know what blood type i am!! i asked my doc and he said who cares. lol! wtf man!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

BWAHAHAHAHA! UncleBudah that's a good one!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

no wonder whenever I look up on artists' profile they would include blood type. which I find quite strange. to me, blood type and other type of DNA identifications are personal. why would I want to made known to the world which blood type I am and which rhesus.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

HimajinJAN. 19, 2012 - 10:38AM JST

And Christmas used to be Saturnalia...and?

Which has nothing to do with Nazis. Saturnalia is originally a Pagan Holiday.

Hmm...sounds like "somebody" borrowed something from the Pagans again.. LOL

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

as idiotic as homoeopathy, osteopathy, aroma-thearpy and any "alternative medicine". Do you know what alternative medicine is called when it works?..... "Medicine"

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Back on topic please.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Chinese also believe in it, though for the most part it does sound interesting and a possibility to truth :P

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

i love japan, honestly: one foot in this reality, and one in a myth-fantasy-dream world. it is easy to prove or disprove all this thing about blood type related to the rest of your life scientifically. but i'm sure japanese don't care, since it is enough to believe in something for it to be true, at least here in this culture (which makes me love this culture even more)

1 ( +3 / -2 )

"... though for the most part it does sound interesting and a possibility to truth."

Truth? This is the problem with this theory. People really want to believe it. It ties in with the obsession Japan has with putting everything and everyone into a neat little definitive box. "Sato-san is type B so you can expect him to do this....."

It is utter and complete rubbish. And to be fair so are most other mystical, pseudo-science ways of categorizing people. The truth is you can grab any two people off the planet earth and put them in a room and find some ties to legends, astrology, blood type myths and whatever have you if you want to do that. The more you believe in it, the more you will create exceptions to prove the rule. When in actuality what you are seeing is nothing more than coincidence.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

to think a person would not do this or that because he/she is under this blood type/zodiac, is too simple even for a simple person. what made a person is not just when he was born or which blood type or what time. if a person would think as such, well, you are in a big trouble. life, however simple we might think, can be complicated.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Blood transfusions are simple... O- is the universal donor and AB+ is the universal receiver. So doctors will give you O- blood if they don't know your blood type and need to give you some in a hurry. It is also more problematic if the mother is a RH neg and the father is RH positive since an RH pos baby can kill the mother if this is the second RH pos baby. End of science class.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

It is also more problematic if the mother is a RH neg and the father is RH positive since an RH pos baby can kill the mother if this is the second RH pos baby. End of science class.

The mother is fine, it's the second and subsequent babies that are at risk. In the past a rhesus baby stood a very good chance of brain damage or death, now they can prevent problems by giving the mother injections after the first pregnancy.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


It is also more problematic if the mother is a RH neg and the father is RH positive since an RH pos baby can kill the mother if this is the second RH pos baby. End of science class.

Thanks for the science lesson, but I always thought the risk with a second RH positive pregnancy for a RH negative mother was that the Mothers immune system might kill the baby, not the other way around as you state it. (Disregarding here, that a stillbirth may of course be dangerous for the mother as well as I don't think that was what you meant)

0 ( +1 / -1 )

cleoJAN. 19, 2012 - 04:25PM JST

The mother is fine, it's the second and subsequent babies that are at risk. In the past a rhesus baby stood a very good chance of brain damage or death, now they can prevent problems by giving the mother injections after the first pregnancy.

That is correct. Not to mention the Rh positive baby's blood could pass through the placenta and kill the mother. I am A-Rh negative and I was giving the rhogam shots before and after each of my pregnancies. The risk is certainly higher after the second baby but I didn't have any problems so far, even after the third baby. These shots provide temporary immunity, so RH negative moms should be ok.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

This is a very good link about the Rh negative factor and pregnancy.


-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I'm shocked that this kind of discrimination is allowed to continue in Japan. Will they use it against foreigners in some way?

yes, yes, it's in the pure japanese news, no translation for "AmericanForeigners", don't let them sample your holy blood. btw, i wonder who you work for, calling yourself american and disparaging japan to the max.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

When Japanese ask me what my blood type is , I always reply "HIV-positive". Get's em every time...

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Furthermore, it is not uncommon for women in their 20s and 30s to even select a prospective husband based on his blood type.

It is not uncommon for them to dump one based on this nonsense too! It`s just a bit of fun, basically. The same as horoscopes. I try not to take too much notice of it all, but I have to admit to still feeling a little antsy at having married an A type Gemini Rat!!! Seriously - could I have picked a worse combo??! So far he hasnt quite lived up to his supposed reputation.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The article starts by saying it is good idea to know your blood type. The writer then promptly fails to give a single explanation why.

As cleo said if you need urgent blood transfer you are not in a state to tell it to the doc even if you know it and moreover they will test it anyway.

This is exactly same than horoscopes in west. If asked I always tell my sign is Omega and blood type C.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Many of the characteristics listed above are completely different from what my wife uses to tell me about blood types. But as long as she tells me we are a good match, I don't care about the scientific basis...

3 ( +3 / -0 )

They really believe this blood type bollox........and are serious about it. How brain washed they are!!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Japanese culture?? I read, a longtime ago that this came from Germany back in the early 1900's and the Japanese ate it up as it sought to classify people which, apparently, was something the Japanese were looking for at the time.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

When Japanese ask my blood type I always say "H" and it usually gets a laugh or at least a high-pitched, nasal yaaaaa daaa!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Blood types are excellent.

I love how it is a big thing in Japan.

I'm glad it's a big point for the Japanese... it's one more different thing between here and back home... great!

It's always an interesting topic for conversation with Japanese people.

On other hand, hearing the predictable chorus from foreigners about how blood types are bogus is not interesting.

Well anyway, I'm A plus... the best of course ;-)

It would be interesting to know what blood types the other regular posters are... come on everybody... 'fess up!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Well, I would say there is something to it, I descend from an African people who have stand the test of time, many years of slavery. Africans have a genitic marker which they go by, in choosing mates. First thing there is no inter-tribal cohabiting, one have to find ones mate far afield. I am not saying Africans are perfect, but we do have strong geans. As humans going forward in to the future, I strongly believe that we should not be wanton about our genetics, blood or otherwise, selecting a mate is very important thing, the older African thought so, maybe they were on to something and so we should consider everything when mating, for a better future with a stronger race, everyone of us. Nothing should be left out blood, shape, or physical features all should be considered. The ancient did it, so that we could be here today standing strong, we have to do even better.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I remember reading somewhere that the Japanese basically got the obsession with blood type from the Prussians, who influenced their medical system late 19th century. A bunch of medical terminology is still in German here - heck those Prussians even inspired the Japanese school uniforms we still see! I don't think Germans give a hoot anymore about blood type, but it remained a popular thing here (and Koreans too according to my Korean friend). Personally I reckon it's about as accurate as starsigns. Almost no Japanese has ever correctly guessed my blood type! (Type O-)

0 ( +0 / -0 )

" And Christmas used to be Saturnalia...and?

Which has nothing to do with Nazis. Saturnalia is originally a Pagan Holiday.

Hmm...sounds like "somebody" borrowed something from the Pagans again.. LOL"

Just pointing out that because something has weird roots it isn't necessarily weird. Nazis postulated on blood type. Does that mean the anyone who buys a blood type book is thinking of wiping people out? Just because Christmas used to be a pagan holiday, does that make Christmas a bad holiday?

You people really can't understand inference or sarcasm?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

this blood type thing is total BS, if your in an accident that requires you to have a blood transfusion, doctors will never take your word and always test your blood to be sure before giving you a transfusion, mainly because you may not be thinking straight because of the blood loss & people can often mistaken there blood type, getting the wrong blood transfusion can be fatal.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


" oh man i wanna know what blood type i am!! i asked my doc and he said who cares. lol! wtf man! "

Change your doc. Everbody should know their blood type, it can can be a life or death issue if you need a transfusion quickly. I am B and completely agree with all the characteristics the Japanese assign to it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

it can can be a life or death issue if you need a transfusion quickly

So - you are lying there unconscious after an accident - and the doctors are going to ask you your blood type? Ummm...they don't need to buddy! I know my type - but in 2012 it just aint necessary. Starsigns are actually more accurate - pretty much everyone I know has no correlation to the above stated blood type characteristics!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

junk science at it's best. BUT a very good ice breaker especially you meet a nice gorgeous Japanese lady.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I'm blood type A-. Let's see how this matches-up:

General personality of people who have type A blood

—Consider things carefully

I decided to take a vacation to Russia. Met a girl there and decided to marry her. Divorced four years after marriage. So this one is a BZZZZZT!

—Can understand other people’s feelings easily

Didn't see the divorce coming, that's for sure! BZZZZT!


Well I don't kick kittens even though I'm allergic to them, so I guess this one gets a DING!

—Good at hospitality

This could go either way. Call it a tie.

—Don’t express themselves in order to avoid possible quarrel

YuriOtani can answer this one for me. BZZZZT!

—Do things carefully and steadily, and don’t take the next step if they are not satisfied


—Honor student types who don’t go off the rail

Last semester my JPN201 grades fell off sharply because of Skyrim. BZZZZT!


Actually, I'm pretty easy going about things around me except for smoking (hate smokers). So BZZZZT!

—Big on cleanliness


—Can be calm even when accidents happen

I totaled my car once. I was pretty calm once I realized no one was hurt. Give this a DING!

—Strong on taking responsibility

If it was "my bad", I'll own up to it. DING!

—Hard workers

Exhibit B: My work backlog BZZZZT!

—Safe drivers

No accidents/tickets in the last seven years. DING!

So the final tally has 8.5 BZZZTs to 4.5 DINGs. That's a resounding 66% FAIL on the tendencies of a Blood Type A. You watch, someone will say that's because I'm an A Negative and not an A Positive.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The only book I've ever read considering blood types was that "Eat Right 4 your blood type" Which is the only book that actually makes sense in regards to genetic attributes and diet that benefits you most. It mentions absolutely nothing bout personality and all that other mumbo jumbo thank goodness since its there to make you eat food that makes you healthy and stay away from food that isn't.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The diet and exercise sounds like crap. But my husband is type A, and Japanese so he is a super hard worker and fussy about details. I'm O and American so I'm more laid back about the details (the economic stuff was dead on too) and we sometimes do fight because I get irritated with him being all fussy!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

i love japan, honestly: one foot in this reality, and one in a myth-fantasy-dream world

I agree and that is one of the most maddening and yet great things about the Japanese.

I don't get all the 'this stuff is fake!' crap, yes we all know, but it's fun nevertheless.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

@ Johannes Weber

The Japanese started with there blood type fixation during the thirties or fourties as far as I know. And this physical pseudo-science hogwash of that time is mostly due to nazi "pseudo-scientists". They are not nazis, but they should know the origin of their customs.

Just like we should drum into our kids that Ring Around the Roses is about the Black Plague?

Seriously, what possible benefit would this have? Let's drag out WW2 yet again and make sure Japanese born decades after it finished are suitably guilt-ridden?

Should we harass catholics about the Inquisition while we are at it? Give it a rest already.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

What utter nonsense.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

My blood type is my attitude here in Japan.....B (Positive)

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I've worked in Japanese companies where they include blood types on the seating chart for the office, and B types were pretty directly discriminated against.

I'm O and have worked under a boss in IT who had it in his head that only As and ABs were good for IT, and that Os were not reliable for detail work - that is the most direct case of blood type discrimination I've ever heard of (I've never heard of anyone so directly believing in blood types and citing them that way). However, talking to type Bs in my last company where all blood types were published by the company, there was a consistent feeling that they came in for harsher treatment.

But forget about that. If you want to ever go to a gokon, or want an icebreaker with a Japanese member of the opposite sex, this is essential information. Guessing someone's blood type is code talk for saying what you think someone is like (outgoing or introverted, artistic or logical, etc). It's worth learning.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

I am always interested in things like this. I don't really believe it but it is a good way to talk in code and much easier to remember than horoscopes.

Choiwaruoyaji: I'll fess up. I am A type. Also an aries and an ox...so I guess I should be the the most stubborn hardworking thing in the world...which clearly I am not if I am writing in the comments on JT :P

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Hey Sakurala, Nice to meet a fellow Aries! My blood type is also A (Rh-) Take care!

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Don't see why I should share my blood type when being a Brit they won't even let me donate blood.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

When will Japanese accept that this is utter nonsense? And how many of you know that this theory of blood type personality is based on Nazi racialist pseudo-science from the WWII era? Or doesn't it matter?

In answer to your questions:

Probably never.

Almost certainly none, which is the right answer because it is not Nazi science, but based on Japanese pseudo science of the 1920s.

No, it does not matter.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Wow, people even get critical over this! Blood type personality thing is just fun, it is a traditional Japanese thing, and it has no "sinister" history.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

What a collective body of people chose to think is real, it is real for them. And anyone can have a contrary believe, it is a choice. But It is self-rightous to decide what is real or unreal for others, especially a large collective body of people. This is where tyricanical idea gerninates, in the mind of small people deciding what is correct or right thinking for the masses. Therefore, if Japanese people decide there is merits in blood types, so be it, let them enjoy that belief.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

@KuYani many years ago a collective body of people thought the world was the center of the Universe and that it was also flat, it was real for them, it was there choice, but as we know now it was TOTAL BS, blood type superstition is not like religion where your faith makes it true, its based on science, theres no scientific facts that proves a link between blood type & personality, so until its proven otherwise its just superstitious BS

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Blood type personality thing is just something made up for people who are BORING or BORED SH``LESS, hold on, there may be some truth in it yet!!??

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Never a thought for us AB- (that's AB negative)...the rarest of the lot.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Don't see why I should share my blood type when being a Brit they won't even let me donate blood.

Don't worry, if you need blood, they'll let you have it.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Yes it is all for fun. Since there are just 3 main types that are common that means at least 33% of the people will find some truth in what is written by chance. There could be overlap and the general nature of the observation makes it so that overlap does happen. Someone said this is like astrology and that is far from the truth. Astrology is based on the positions of planets which have magnetic and electrical effects on our planet so there is something coming from these sources--it is just the interpretation of astrology that could be off and the fact that no one can really tell the future. The blood type thing has no scientific basis except that there are individuals with these different blood types and with that there could be differences in temperament. The problem is that we do not know what these differences are because a large clinical study has not been done. Maybe there is something or maybe not. I think it is mainly nonsense but I am still open to see the facts and change my view unlike others who get stuck in their thinking because of limited knowledge. Show me the pudding.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


" What a collective body of people chose to think is real, it is real for them. "

Exactly. Just look at the Blood Type doctrine as a religious belief and apply some religious tolerance. It certainly both a) makes more sense and b) is less dangerous than some religions out there, which we are always asked to "respect".

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Blood type personality thing is just fun, it is a traditional Japanese thing, and it has no "sinister" history.

Yeah? Tell that to the people who get divorced or passed over for job opportunities because of their blood type. "Fun" indeed.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I'm a type O, let's see. —Realistic and a dreamer and a visionary too.(check!) —Good at developing economic concepts (if this included saving on my piggy bank, (check!) —Vigorous at earning a living (because I have to of course, check!) —Strong in face of adversity (check! and Check?) —Romanticists (check!) —Dream of getting rich quick, but actually take a steady approach (I bought jumbo lotto,last week, check!) —Ambitious (check! I think) —Go straight toward their goal (hmmm..check?) —Have leadership ability and often take care of younger people and people below them (check!) —Very cautious (check! and check?) —Don’t care about small things, taking a wider perspective instead '(check, I think!) —Devoted, but with a strong desire to monopolize (not at all,hahaha)

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Nonsense or not and this is the first time i've ever looked up characteristics. However I'm type O blood and i share a majority of those characteristics given.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I do agree that it is important to know your blood type in that it will help out in many instances. I do not agree with the way the Japanese do it, however. The person that said that it is traditional, get it together. This is more of a recent phenomenon than a years old tradition. This is not a tradition, this is another form of elitism that the Japanese are so fond of but don't admit. I do not say this with contempt, but rather out of observation.

People can and will have major points in their lives affected by their blood type! This is not a myth, this is the true hard FACT. Some people may try to convince you that it is something that the Japanese don't really take seriously, when in fact, most of them do. Everyone of them will at least think about your blood type, if not take a guess. And if they guess wrong? They knew the truth all along, and were just toying with you, of course. I've been at the first enkai of the year, where they introduce the noobs, and have watched conversations turn frigid because of blood typing(not that the alcohol helps things).

This is not to say that ALL Japanese people believe in it, but it is part of their lives whether they like it or not, and therefore everyone must know. So, as a foreigner, when you got a Japanese person that you know doesn't take it seriously, it is okay to share. You need to be 100% sure, though, as it can cause awkwardness in your friendship if they take it even half way serious.

Now, this idea of grabbing an idea and holding onto it even though there is nothing there is not unique to the Japanese. Every culture has something that they prescribe to that doesn't make sense. So, yeah, call it bupkis, but don't hate. In summary, if you know someone is not serious about it, share, but if you are unsure, refuse to tell.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

My blood type? Supposed to be "blue" however has been proved to be red (positively Cabernet Sauvignon...)

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Yet another falsehood that needs the to be crushed by the presence of truth.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I have been told by doctors in JP that Japanese cant take foreign blood transfusions because JP blood is so pure.. HAHA. I prefer not being judged simply because of my blood type. It is no different from being judged by the color of your skin. Ridiculous that anyone believes this non-sense. Sounds more like what Hitler used to talk about and study about during WWII. Reality check: To all girls in Japan: Get a 'realistic personality' (not one from a comic book) and most likely you will find a nice man.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I have been told by doctors in JP that Japanese cant take foreign blood transfusions because JP blood is so pure.

Really? In which circumstances? Talking to several doctors at the same time or individually over a period of time?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I was told that mosquitoes are attracted to type "O" more than any of the other groups. Is this a general consensus in Japan?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Let's see how I do across the board. Hai=true iie=false

General personality of people who have type A blood

—Consider things carefully....hai —Can understand other people’s feelings easily......hai —Kind......hai hai —Good at hospitality......hmmmm —Don’t express themselves in order to avoid possible quarrel......hai —Do things carefully and steadily, and don’t take the next step if they are not satisfied......hai —Honor student types who don’t go off the rail.....hai —Fastidious....hai...ish —Big on cleanliness....hai —Can be calm even when accidents happen....hai —Strong on taking responsibility —Hard workers....hai..ish —Safe drivers....hai

General personality of people who have type B blood

—Like to go their own way.....hai —Do what they want without considering other people’s feelings, rules and customs....iie —Happy-go-lucky and masters of breaking rules.....iie —Optimistic....hai....ish —Friendly and open their heart to anybody......hai —Not pretentious......hai —Afraid of being alone....iie —Get lonely easily.......iie —Quick to adapt.........hai....ish —Flexible thinkers.....hai —Pragmatists....hai —Don’t chase a dream much......iie —Like to play.....hai —Love festivals and parties......iie —Have been in love many times...........iie —Don’t get heart-broken over lost love......iie

General personality of people who have type AB blood

—Chase ideals and dreams....hai —Don’t have secular needs such as greed....iie) and a desire to succeed.....hai —Have strong spirituality....hai hai hai —Calm and rational....hai —Sensitive and easily hurt.......hai —Have a complicated personality.....hai —Private life is important......hai —Don’t like interference from other people........hai —Have various hobbies,.....hai —Vigorous in pursuit of knowledge in wide range of fields.....hai.....ish —Are bookwormshai....ish —Have unique ideas and are creative.......hai —Have fairy tale-like hobbies.........iie —Calm and frank about love relationship.........hai

General personality of people who have type O blood

—Realistic.........hai —Good at developing economic concepts.......hmm —Vigorous at earning a living.......hai —Strong in face of adversity.........hai —Romanticists........hai —Dream of getting rich quick, but actually take a steady approach......hai —Ambitious.......hai —Go straight toward their goal......hai —Have leadership ability and often take care of younger people and people below them......hai....ish —Very cautious........hai —Don’t care about small things, taking a wider perspective instead.......hmmmm —Devoted, but with a strong desire to monopolize...iie)......hai .....ish

Darn!!! I belong to all the blood groups!!!!!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Just because someone corrupts an idea doesn't make the idea bad all together. The idea that 4 major blood groups makes us who we are is actually very interesting and worth exploring. Whether you believe in God, Buddha, Creation, Evolution, or any other explanation for existence we have historic and modern proof that everything grew and changed through another source that came before the last. It is not far off to believe aspects of the blood type theories. I do not believe that there is any one device or man made system that can completely distinguish, categorize, or assign any set of traits to any one human being for any reason. It will never be conclusive with 100% accuracy. But the idea of having a better take on how our bodies have evolved based on characteristics and the environment or habitat of ancestors who carried our blood type isn't a bad idea at all and it isn't really a big risk. Experimenting with these simple diet and exercise methods aren't going to hurt anybody, not even in the slightest and might actually work. 20 years from now and billions of tax payer dollars later they will do modern research on this and find that some of it's true. SMH They laughed at a lot of ideas throughout history but we're not laughing now at some of them.

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't know it well enough." Albert Einstein

0 ( +0 / -0 )

If i'm O+, Then why am i lazy asf? i have not even gone to school for a damn year, and my whole class visited my house and they all went inside my room.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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