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Transsexual Thai air hostesses: gimmick or equality?


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0 ( +0 / -0 )


4 ( +4 / -0 )

Well, at least we know they can open the emergency door.

When I was a kid I always got excited about those honey roasted nuts they used to give us. I can already see the situation in my mind.

FA: How' your flight sir? Would you like a snack? We still have some nuts. Passenger 57: No thank you. FA: Some fruit? We still have some Adamss....cough.....we still have some apples. 57: I'm fine really.

Not sure if this is a good move but I'm glad they are fair.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Not sure if this is a good move but I'm glad they are fair.

Why are you not sure?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

If they can do the job well, why would they not be allowed to do so? I'd rather airlines weeded out the non-performers regardless of gender to make the inflight experience better. Things are better than they were 10 years back, hope it keeps moving forward.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

NetNinja, Classic!! LOL

How is transphobica 'Classic!! LOL'

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

“They use the zany, outrageous, bizarre side of transsexuals,”

If you look back at the 1980's when the LGBT rights issue was finally gaining some ground the same stereotypes pervaded, with the "simply faaabulous" queer stereotype well in force. I remember one gay rights activist being asked about how he felt about the triviliasing of gay rights by this comedic stereotyping, and his reaction was that it was forward progress, laughter was neutralising aggression towards gays.

I think you're seeing a similar phenomenon here. There are undoubtedly a lot of people who are transphobic, and as long as they're laughing they're not throwing punches. This is a step towards equality for these people, and while I think that Thai air is obviously doing it for the profit (they are a business after all) they're also simultaneously advancing the civil rights movement for this very vulnerable sector of Thai society. A good example of corporate social responsibility.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I think it is quite beautiful that they are allowed to do what they want and are happy to do so. Way to go. Definitely equality. More rights is never a gimmick.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

@ frungy, you're right. I don't think Netninja was being deliberately transphobic, just juvenile. Transgendered individuals are seen the same way today as gays were in the 80s... it'll take time.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Leading the way go Thailand!

2 ( +4 / -2 )

As long as I don't know that they are transgender, I couldn't care less. It's a bit like religion - as long as I'm not told, I don't care.

And if I know - they might have interesting stories to tell. At least the transgender case in my family has. An acquaintance once said that you really needed balls to go through the full process to be accepted as a woman by society. Law is really still at stone age level in that respect.

Btw, the "Judeo-Christian" sexual repression is an extremely over-generalising term. Just as a matter of fact, the first hippies came from a Christian background, maintained their faith and cannot be associated with "sexual repression". It is more a problem with conservatism and exertion of power instead of faith.

I wish these ladies safe flights and a good time at their jobs.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The thing is those Thai transexuals are stunning. Ever seen shots of the finalists at the annual Thai transexual Beauty pagent? I'd say it is a publicity stunt and a dammed good one that has the added bonus of giving these people a career outside of the sex industry.

My only concern is that if it spreads to PC countries we will have cabin crew who are obvioulsy men dressed as women working the airlines. As it is, it is rare to get on a Qantas flight today and not have a least one overly obvious gay on the team. But no (South Park) Mr Garrisons please.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

I think it is great for these Gals.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

My only concern is that if it spreads to PC countries we will have cabin crew who are obvioulsy men dressed as women working the airlines.

Your 'concern' is nothing more than paranoia. What you see is 'men dressed as women' could be pre-op transexuals. And people should wear what they like anyway.

As it is, it is rare to get on a Qantas flight today and not have a least one overly obvious gay on the team. But no (South Park) Mr Garrisons please.

Oh dear, poor you, having to put up with 'at least one overly obvious gay' on your Quantas flights. If you're uncomfortable with it, that's your problem.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Look, I guess I have to hand it to the Airline for being so progressive and inclusive and it's good these people have the chance to do something they want to do. If passengers are disgusted by it they can always choose another airline.

3 ( +3 / -1 )

I don't care if the flight attendant is MoMo the chimp as long as they don't take my request for a coffee refill and then promptly forget it.

2 ( +2 / -1 )

Just as a matter of fact, the first hippies came from a Christian background, maintained their faith and cannot be associated with "sexual repression".


0 ( +1 / -1 )

Are all transsexuals supposed to live in the closet? I think it is a good move.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Did you pack this fudge yourself, sir?

-9 ( +2 / -10 )

Guys, guys. Please don't get me wrong. Truth be told, I blog as if I'm in my living room with friends talking.

What I said is nothing that you wouldn't laugh at if Jay Leno were doing his monologue . These are hard times and people no matter what their race, religion or gender is have to make money. As long as these guys / girls, dammit, are professional I could care less.

I'd rather have them than some American Airlines flight attendants scaring everybody on the plane.

Phillipine Airlines had these dancing flight attendants that were pretty hot.

-2 ( +3 / -4 )

If they can do the job well, why would they not be allowed to do so? I'd rather airlines weeded out the non-performers regardless of gender to make the inflight experience better.


2 ( +3 / -1 )

I disagree with it totally. Now if the airlines wanted to make jobs available to people who werent specified height and weight, then I would say there is progress and fairness. But this? Definitely a gimmick. Definitely nothing about the job and fairness, just appearance. They needed a transexual to show what in appearance? That the world is fair? To anybody who is slimline? No? Or perhaps it is the appeal of serving while advertising sexual appetite? I wont be going to Thailand ever. And they are probably happy about that, so what's an opinion?

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

So what's wrong with people dressing just the way they are supposed to dress. Women in dresses and men in suits and pants. As far as make up and hair go, that's another point. I personally would rather be served by men as men and women as women. Seems rather strange that an airline would skirt the norm.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )


Only the most deluded,sentimental people could think its about "equality."

If equality were the motivation here the "ladies" in question,since they are adults in a professional occupation, would come in all shapes , sizes and most importantly - ages . You can bet your sweet bhat you won't be seeing transgendered stewardesses on Thai Airways anywhere near as old as some of the stout, matronly, doughty old stewardesses whose unions basically force American carriers to employee them.

it hardly needs pointing out - except to the aforementioned deluded among us - that here is yet another example of the much-maligned free market pushing the envelope and indirectly fostering "tolerance" and acceptance - but in a non-compulsory way, and by offering people choices instead of limiting them. Ironic, isnt it.

To settle the matter maybe all you have to do, if stuff like this or Lady Gaga's latest outfit is that momentous in your world, is to watch what routes employ these persons. I dont think too many will be going to the Mid East, though you do find many Arabs vacationing in Thailand. Even the more religious, uptight, provincial parts of Europe (Ireland comes to mind) probably wont be very accepting of gimmicks like this.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Thai tolerates and acknowledges the "third sex", so why shouldn't the rest of the world? It doesn't mean that every country should have "transsexual air hostesses." But why not treat them equally? If they are passable and professional enough, then I'd even get a kick out of seeing a Japanese newhalf stewardess. Sometimes, especially Asian transsexuals can be even more feminine looking than genetic women. At the very least, they are human beings too, so we should be quicker to have compassion for them than to judge them.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

That would be an issue for her co-workers to deal with. As long as they are OK with the creature, it should not matter to the passengers, if food is served by an xx, xy or anything in between.

Besides, Thai "katoy" are a famous tourist attraction...

-6 ( +0 / -5 )


" I dont think too many will be going to the Mid East, though you do find many Arabs vacationing in Thailand "

LOL, no. They would have a short half-life in the Middle East. Read what the Shariah has in store for them.

-6 ( +0 / -5 )

Does Mew like cats?

-1 ( +1 / -3 )

Living in America, this would never happen. Even though a majority would say they'd have no problems with it, they would never allow transgendered individuals to be near them.

However, I myself am very impressed with PC for doing the right thing. Is it a gimmick? I have no clue and don't really care. As long as the individual is happy with what they are doing, then why should I trample on their wants? I am happy to read that there are many out there who feel the same. If you don't like the idea... I don't see PC holding a gun to your head and saying "buy the ticket". I wish those narrow-minded would just leave their opinions to themselves. Anyway, sorry for ranting, but go PC! Maybe Delta and American Airlines will be next in twenty years.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I have zero problem with airlines hiring transsexuals. They are all welcome in my eyes.

-2 ( +1 / -2 )

This meaningful employment is so much more a healthier and a dependably financially stable lifestyle than performing in spotty Shemale Videos. Thank You

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I disagree with it totally. Now if the airlines wanted to make jobs available to people who werent specified height and weight, then I would say there is progress and fairness. But this? Definitely a gimmick. Definitely nothing about the job and fairness, just appearance. They needed a transexual to show what in appearance? That the world is fair? To anybody who is slimline? No? Or perhaps it is the appeal of serving while advertising sexual appetite? I wont be going to Thailand ever. And they are probably happy about that, so what's an opinion?

How are they 'advertising sexual appetite'? Doing their jobs as air hostesses doesn't involve sleeping with the passengers. If you think they advertise sexual appetite, then that's your problem.


Only the most deluded,sentimental people could think its about "equality."

If equality were the motivation here the "ladies" in question,since they are adults in a professional occupation, would come in all shapes , sizes and most importantly - ages . You can bet your sweet bhat you won't be seeing transgendered stewardesses on Thai Airways anywhere near as old as some of the stout, matronly, doughty old stewardesses whose unions basically force American carriers to employee them.

it hardly needs pointing out - except to the aforementioned deluded among us - that here is yet another example of the much-maligned free market pushing the envelope and indirectly fostering "tolerance" and acceptance - but in a non-compulsory way, and by offering people choices instead of limiting them. Ironic, isnt it.

<To settle the matter maybe all you have to do, if stuff like this or Lady Gaga's latest outfit is that momentous in your world, is to watch what routes employ these persons. I dont think too many will be going to the Mid East, though you do find many Arabs vacationing in Thailand. Even the more religious, uptight, provincial parts of Europe (Ireland comes to mind) probably wont be very accepting of gimmicks like this.

Of course it's about equality. It's strange, earlier on in your post, you denounced this a 'gimmick' but then you later go on to say that decisions such as this show the 'triumph of the free market in how it indirectly fosters tolerance' blablabla. If it was a gimmick two lines ago, how is equality now? Make your mind up. Air lines everywhere will try and hire the most aesthetically pleasing people who can do the job, America's unions nonwithstanding. This IS a step forward, why don't American companies hire transsexuals then even if they're as dowdy as the ones you say you have now? Your simplistic free market interpretation also overlooks Thai culture and its historically more accepting view of transgendered people, especially in comparison to the so-called 'enlightened' Western countries. Nothing to do with the free market there. And, no, Irish people would not have a problem with this, it's a nominally Catholic country, but religous extremism and psychosis like what you'd still find all over America has basically died here. Pity you can't say the same for the likes of Alabama and Louisiana though, oh dear.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

What I said is nothing that you wouldn't laugh at if Jay Leno were doing his monologue

Leno's not funny either.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

From visiting Thailand and having seen the 'katoey' on home ground,I am at a loss to see how an airline believes that it can benefit from the hiring of these individuals.

Call me old fashioned.....

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

From visiting Thailand and having seen the 'katoey' on home ground,I am at a loss to see how an airline believes that it can benefit from the hiring of these individuals.

'These individuals' are people in their own right. The 'katoey' you saw have nothing to do with the ones being hired to be hostesses.

Call me old fashioned.....

I will.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

johannes weber:

As long as I don't know that they are transgender, I couldn't care less

That's like saying you don't care if your wife is sleeping around with other people, as long as you don't know. You either care or you don't care.


Now if the airlines wanted to make jobs available to people who werent specified height and weight, then I would say there is progress and fairness.

A dwarf would be useless at putting luggage into the overhead compartments. An obese cabin crew would have difficulty moving about in an emergency. There are certain requirements - what is inside your underwear is not one of those requirements. I'd just like to see someone smile, provide excellent service and get the job done.

And as for going for appearances - they already do this when hiring female crew (for Asian airlines, anyway).

0 ( +1 / -1 )

kurisupisu, they benefit from employees. As a passenger why does it matter if the pretty flight attendant was once a man? She is going to serve you food and drink. Also assist you in an emergency. As a Catholic they do not bother me at all.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

It's a good disincentive to join the Mile High Club

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

If they do their jobs well, then more power to them.

I would guess anyone who's flown domestically in the US within the past 15 years or so might agree.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

As long as they are professionals and can do the job then it is a great idea.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Good eye candy slowly dieing... sigh

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

What someone does with their body is their business.

I just hope its not a Gimmick.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

anglootakuMAR. 15, 2012 - 12:03PM JST

Good eye candy slowly dieing... sigh

Eye Candy? Flight attendants are "eye candy" for you? Is that how YOU see women in general? Then I guess I shall file my own complaint to the airlines and demand they hire more men as I'm sick and tired of seeing how women out weight men 10 to 1. Equality for everyone, including the LGBT!!

-2 ( +3 / -4 )

Franchesca, calm down, wouldjya? There are some Thai Trans genders that are quite stunning, or....nice eye candy, if you ask me. It has nothing to do with degrading women in general. It's a reality.

The reason why there are more women flight attendants than males, is because of the average physical size of women compard to men.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The emotional mental balance or imbalance,stacks of hormones and a desire for attention is IMHO quite a volatile mix. The behavior (in public) that I have seen from transvestites In Thailand Include nudity,assault,violent tantrums theft etc. Yes, of course there ARE well behaved individuals but in general putting them on a plane in the highly charged emotional states that are possible is a mistake.......

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Time will tell ......

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Your simplistic free market interpretation also overlooks Thai culture and its historically more accepting view of transgendered people, especially in comparison to the so-called 'enlightened' Western countries

LOL. Aviation, and the era of gloabl air travel - made possible by America of course, just so some here do not forget - is in oginome's mind apparently a mere accoutrement of Thai culture, which is more of "accepting" of the transgendered (did they pioneer such surgeries? No need for you to answer....) and therefore somehow superior to the Western countries.

Have you even been to Thailand?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I imagine that a lot of the commentators here haven't ....

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

A cabin attendant's working time in the air is precious to the airline. That's why transvestite CAs are a good deterrent against passenger getting it on with them in toilets.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Franchesca Miyara Yang, go get him women! These guys with their "eye candy" make me sick! Do they think about having sex with them all of the time? Seems that way! About the TG flight attendants, unless you give them a medical exam, you would never know the difference. Like women after the operation they have a Vagina and all of the external women parts.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

LOL. Aviation, and the era of gloabl air travel - made possible by America of course, just so some here do not forget - is in oginome's mind apparently a mere accoutrement of Thai culture, which is more of "accepting" of the transgendered (did they pioneer such surgeries? No need for you to answer....) and therefore somehow superior to the Western countries.

More distortion from Lieberman. Did you even read my post? Point out where I said aviation travel was invented by Thailand, I correctly stated that Thailand has historically been more accepting of transgendered people than the land of the 'free', even if the land of the 'free' pioneered these surgeries, how ironic. And the first country which carried out a sex change surgery was Germany. If 'the era of global air travel' is all made possible by America, then why doesn't America, as a 'pioneer', hire transsexual air hostesses, your argument about the homely ones that force employers to keep them employed through their union doesn't work, when there are plenty of not-so-beautiful Western transsexuals who I don't see getting employed by these air line companies.

Franchesca Miyara Yang, go get him women! These guys with their "eye candy" make me sick! Do they think about having sex with them all of the time? Seems that way! About the TG flight attendants, unless you give them a medical exam, you would never know the difference. Like women after the operation they have a Vagina and all of the external women parts.

Yuri, you're right, Western men have that pseudo macho thing going on, a 'macho' persona which is weirdly dependant on being hugely homophobic and transphobic.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


Western men have that pseudo macho thing going on, a 'macho' persona which is weirdly dependant on being hugely homophobic and transphobic

"homophobic" ? literally: fear of men.

Oh my...

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

"homophobic" ? literally: fear of men.

Oh my...

Oh my, its literal meaning may be one thing, but we all know what homophobia is. More deflection, Liebermann?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

It's a gimmick. When you go to Thailand you see what a thrill it is for those from provincial , theologically-obsessed colder climes of northern Europe.Kind of embarrassing really.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

It's a gimmick. When you go to Thailand you see what a thrill it is for those from provincial , theologically-obsessed colder climes of northern Europe.Kind of embarrassing really.

You've already said it was a 'gimmick' earlier on in the thread. Or did you forget? Pretty sad if you did. And no, I don't have any plans to go to Thailand, maybe you might though, considering these hostesses sound like an upgrade from the frumpy 'unionised' American employess who obviously depress you so. I can just imagine how being served by these transsexual air hostesses would send Americans' obese, stupid, religious fundamentalist selves into a frenzy! They'll end up fleeing home so they can seek refuge in their greasy McDonalds and munch on fatty Burger Kings, all the while clutching onto their bibles and guns, praying to God to forgive them for going on a flight that employed satanic transsexuals! What a wonderful country.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Agree it is a gimmick, cashing in on that Thailand recognises the 3rd sex.

Also some posters seem to confuse transvestite with transsexual. Those are woman as much as Haruna Ai, etc yep all former males/females and now 100% women/men(neither are they shemales). Met a few transsexual personally(2 worked out at the same gym) all great people and happy with their "new" sex.

I have been to Thailand and was told to check the feet as that gives away a transsexual fast(shoe-size/shape don't change).

Apart from that as was said I don't care if my flight attendant is male, female, whatever they need to do their job right(met many who didn't).

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Agree it is a gimmick, cashing in on that Thailand recognises the 3rd sex.

No, it's equality, which comes from Thai culture being more historically accepting of the 3rd sex, hence why they've hired these hostesses, while the country which 'pioneered' of aviation travel is still mired in transphobia.

And I agree with the rest of your posts, being get transsexual and transvestite mixed up all the time, they're two totally different things.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

More than a gimmick.

I would say art, as in the fine art of fleecing rubes and tourists, something I can assure you Thais know a thing or two about.

The marketing, advertising and PR folks find a niche - - self-righteous but timid Walter Mitty-esque tourist/crusader for "equality " , often a type who has no qualms about seeing it imposed it by force or threats to personal liberty - - and then the "product" is offered up as easily as a new bubble gum might appear on store shelves.

Simple supply and demand, allowed the wonderous interplay only the free market can provide.

I reckon Thai Air execs and bigwigs laughed so hard at the unlikely success of this campaign that they had to table the cognac snifters, put down the extremely rare pre-embargo Cuban cigars and take to the plush support and comfort of the office's imported Italian leather furniture, so easily sorted out is the shallow moral calculus of people - still consumers after all - who like to preach about "diversity" and "equality."

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@Franchesca Miyara Yang

I treat everyone with respect and I am no chauvinist.. the airlines do seem to hire 'attractive' women if you have not noticed or visually impaired..

So for you to see a good looking pilot or male cabin attendant you wouldn't think hey that guy is good looking? you seem like a hypocrite cause I know for sure Yang that you have thought in your head that guy looks good looking at one point in your life... In this regard it is CA

0 ( +1 / -1 )


Don't get me wrong but by making or public they are cashing in on it. As they won't be on all flights.

Personally don't care if the person I am dealing with was a male/female previously.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

More than a gimmick.

I would say art, as in the fine art of fleecing rubes and tourists, something I can assure you Thais know a thing or two about.

The marketing, advertising and PR folks find a niche - - self-righteous but timid Walter Mitty-esque tourist/crusader for "equality " , often a type who has no qualms about seeing it imposed it by force or threats to personal liberty - - and then the "product" is offered up as easily as a new bubble gum might appear on store shelves.

Simple supply and demand, allowed the wonderous interplay only the free market can provide.

I reckon Thai Air execs and bigwigs laughed so hard at the unlikely success of this campaign that they had to table the cognac snifters, put down the extremely rare pre-embargo Cuban cigars and take to the plush support and comfort of the office's imported Italian leather furniture, so easily sorted out is the shallow moral calculus of people - still consumers after all - who like to preach about "diversity" and "equality."

How are they 'fleecing' tourists by hiring these air hostesses, the person flying on these planes are perfectly aware the hostesses are transsexual. Nothing underhanded here and definitely don't see anything of the 'fine art of fleecing rubes and tourists' you warn us about, so your bizarre assertion makes no sense. Oh dear, trying to impose something else entirely on something which definitely is equality. You can go on about the 'Walter Mitty' types all you want, but I have no intention of visiting Thailand. And once again, you've contradicted yourself, you do it in all your posts, lol. Implying that the 'free market' is responsible for creating tolerance while previously stating that this step towards equality is achieved 'by force or threats to personal liberty'. So which one is it? The free market explanation is once again laugable. If it was the case that the free market alone was responsible for these transsexuals being hired, then why don't airlines in all the 'free market' countries in the world hire transsexuals? Oh that's right, because acceptance of transgendered individuals is more ingrained in Thai CULTURE - it's culture, not the free market which is responsible for this. And of course only a person like you would put quotation marks around 'equality' and 'diversity', says more about you than any of the 'shallow consumers' you're criticising.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

As long as they look good and don't mess up my drink order we're cool.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

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