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© Copyright 2018 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Technologies can help lives but boost inequality: U.N. report
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Andrew Topolski
The article is nonsense. The only cause of inequality in the world is Government. If a country is not economically advanced it is because there is a government in that country preventing evolution to this century.
For example, when most central asian countries and north african countries ban women going to school and allow psychos to pour acid on little girls going to school, that is an effect of government making laws preventing education and not protecting rights. Same with food, any country could adopt the use of modern technology for agriculture, problem is those same countries and more of them in africa would again ban use, or the local political class or religious theocratic would demand paybacks and bribes preventing adoption and even if all that was overcome, those same people in local governments, warlords etc would steal the food produced anyway.
The next main fakery in this article is the claim technology kills jobs. It does not. If this were true then the industrial age would have ended in calamity not evolve into todays economy where billions have jobs and live well, technology has lifted more people out of poverty in the world, not created more. What happens is jobs change. For example, here in California the worry was self help and kiosk based cashiering would replace that type of job, the order taker or clerk. Irrelevant, what has happened is a personal delivery service companies to go to the same exact grocery story now exist, who needs a kiosk, when a human can delivery it, so the jobs simply moved to new and better.
What actually kills jobs is government as well. Not protecting the Right to Work, over taxation, over regulation are what kills jobs. What is happening today is jobs like Manufacturing are coming back because the above three government scamming on jobs was reduced enough for those types of companies to come back to the US. In any country, Government kills the job, they dont create jobs they can only get in the way.
So this UN article is nonsense. It is taking as assumption left wing socialist nonsense like inequality as a assumption as true, when its totally false, then writing an article to support the false assumption.