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fashion trends

Who cares about hemlines? Women's pants again on the radar


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Good! It;s about the women's lib faction came to realize that if men have to wear suits to work, so do they. That is equal rights!

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Oh my gosh!! Japanese men wearing skirts and Japanese women wearing pants?! What is the world coming to?

Funny story: The other day I was shopping and keeping my eye out for a nice pair of black pants. I went into a men's/women's clothing store and I spotted a cool pair of black pants. I grabbed a medium and tried them on but they were a little big. thinking this was a bit strange, I went back to the rack and looked for a small. Then it dawned on me; these were men's pants!!

I look forward to Japan having more lady's fashion that isn't all about skirts and frills, skinny pants and flimsy blouses.

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I hope Disillusioned is joking ... otherwise, you know, men can feel free to wear pantyhose and heels 12 hours a day and see which they prefer.

Pants can't come back fast enough. Everything I've found these days is skinny, too expensive, or needs dry cleaning. Can I please have a wide-legged, moderately priced, machine washable pant? Please? Maybe this month? That would be swell.

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skirts work on all women, pants do not basically your legs need to be longer than your torso to wear pants (for tailored) if you are below 160cm you should wear cropped pants

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Were pants for women ever in style in Japan?(not a rhetorical question) Looks to me that most Japanese professional/office women I've seen wear skirts. In the west pants seem more like a matter of style. True?

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There's nothing womanly or sexy about pants -- pants are men's wear and aren't attractive in the least! Skirts are flattering to ladies' legs, and we guys love seeing all the interesting colors and patterns that are on tights these days. Why a woman who wants to look attractive would choose pants is beyond my imagination! Trust me, skirt-wearers, we men appreciate you!

Down with women's pants!

(Wait, that didn't sound right... but you get the idea!)

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I dunno Thon - I love a super-short skirt on a girl as much as the next man - but a skin-tight pair of pants can be very revealing too...

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The idea that pants are only for men and dresses & skirts are only for women is relatively modern cultural belief. I, for one, am not going to wear a skirt just to please men who want to look at my legs!! Forget it! I want to wear something that is comfortable and practical; especially when I am working. If a woman wears a skirt or dress she usually feels she has to wear pantyhose/tights/leggings along with her outfit. And then there's the high heels! This is 2010, selling pants to women should not be a revolutionary fashion concept.

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If a woman wears a skirt or dress she usually feels she has to wear pantyhose/tights/leggings along with her outfit. And then there's the high heels!

All those things look great! (Well, maybe not the leggings, with those bare feet sticking out. But all the other items!) They have the same effect -- making a woman's legs look longer, smoother, and slimmer -- as a typical sport jacket does for men: the squared shoulders look more masculine.

Traditional wear didn't come about by accident -- it makes the wearer look more attractive to the opposite sex. And that's a good thing!

Whenever I get complimented by a woman on a fashion choice, I want to wear that more often. What's wrong with putting other people's pleasure first? Sure, I could go with what's simple and wear a hockey sweater and jeans every day, but if I did that, I'd be the same as women who ruin their attractiveness with a pair of baggy pants. I'd rather put a smile on a woman's face!

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On a side note, make sure you use the word 「ズボン」 when referring to pants - NOT 「パンツ」- especially when speaking about/to women. I've only made that mistake about a million times.

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Why always the wrong women wear pants? Those who's ass looks like in a potato sack when wearing pants.

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This does not seem to be a Japan specific article. Actually, everyone quoted is from the "west". Aren't pants always "in" back in the "west"???

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Short skirts for those who can; pants for those who can't. Always.

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Oh...that kind of "pants". I was in British English mode and getting all excited for a moment... ;)

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Meh. Pants are not the sole property of men. 300 years ago people would think a man was strange if he wore full-length pants. I say lets return to knickers and stockings! Who's with me!?...



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Why does this article make it sound like pants for women are a revolutionary concept? Where I work a lot of women wear either skirt-looking shorts with leggings or 3/4 pants to work. I have to agree that some people look better than others when wearing pants. If the shoe (pants) fit, wear it.

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This is why Japanese girls are so beloved; they don't mind working a little harder to look pleasing to the eye. You could say the same about men, but that's another can of worms. I find it funny that foreigners of the female persuasion are so disdainful of well-dressed and made-up girls because they're so set on denying pleasure to men.

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I don't care what other women wear. It's their choice. Ah, but that's the real point. Choice. So many girls and women still have to wear a skirt as part of their uniform for school or work and so many girls and women still feel that they are expected to wear skirts, make-up, heels and so on. Women are not on this planet to strut around like pieces of eye-candy.

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Men, I have a question and I'd appreciate a dead-honest answer, as non-PC as it may be (this is the internet, after all).

You have to choose between two qualified women to be your new employee. This job doesn't require any PR whatsoever: this isn't sales, reception, or any similar job in which looking good may play a role. It's an office job. For sake of argument, both women are equally attractive in your mind, but one puts significantly more work into her appearance. She wears make-up, styles her hair, and wears all the latest fashions. The other does not wear make-up and looks undeniably professional in all respects, but without keeping up with all the latest fashions (and may not wear the sort of clothing that's best suited to her figure). While the former does not exceed the most basic job qualifications, the other has demonstrated through the course of the interview some extra skills and initiative that would really benefit your company (though not OVERqualified).

Who do you pick?

BTW, please excuse the cliche nature of this scenario.

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There's nothing womanly or sexy about pants

That is completely false! Depending upon the pants the girl is wearing they can show off her butt pretty well! My math teacher from taiwan she was wearing these type of pants/slacks(see link below) all the time and man did they show off here gorgeous butt!


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A great black pant goes desk to dinner, morning to evening. It’s easy and you don’t have to think about it too much.

And it looks like you put exactly that much work into it. At least look like you care!

You have to choose between two qualified women to be your new employee. This job...

I'm not a man, but if they were truly equally qualified, I would pick the well-dressed one, because if someone can't care about themselves, then how well will they care for my company? They also made much more effort to make herself look presentable than the other. If the other one has much better job qualifications, then I might pick her. But even as a woman, I want someone who cares about herself as much as the job.

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And it looks like you put exactly that much work into it. At least look like you care!

How does it make them look like they don't care? A nice pair of black pants/dress pants like the one I linked to in my opinion show that they would care.

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