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Miley Cyrus: 'I'm not trying to be slutty'


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No. She'd be practically virginal up around Dogenzaiya in Shibuya. Really, it's sad to see such fluff for a story.

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Why did JT pick up the article about her? Is she planning to visit Japan this summer or fall?

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She doesn't need to try...

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"I'm Not Trying To Be Slutty": The title of her new cd.

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My god she is irritating....

talentless and over-rated. I liked her best in the beginning of hannah montana - but shes heading on a path to britneydom now.

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17? damn

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No, she's trying to make money. Lots of it.

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“When you’re 11, the word you would use to describe someone is definitely not sexy, and as you get older I think you grow into that. And I think I’ve done that, but that’s not my schtick."

Neither is speaking English (your schtick).

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Nothing good can come from a Cyrus.

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Instead of the blonde wig -she may want to try a mullet. -Worked for Billy Ray.

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Sex sells and people are buying. So what?

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All the other girl singers do it, and make millions, why shouldn't she?

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...it just comes naturally.

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You go girl! That picture is HOT!

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I’m really comfortable with my body

I am also comfortable with your body.

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"I'm Not Trying To Be Slutty": The title of her new cd.

Or "Slutty as I wanna be."

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As long as she doesn't go all Lohan, I say ... do whatever you want. There are always going to be people who are pissed off that young women have a sexuality and try to shame them and throw the proverbial burqa over them. Hopefully she won't let them shame her for wanting to be who she wants to be.

And hopefully someday guys won't equate a woman wearing popular fashion with being sexually available. But I'm not holding my breath.

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Slutism is a new Webster word now!

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Re-fried Britney, I hope she doesn't go rock bottom like britney did. The father is making alot of money off her.

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There is such a fine line now.. between art and porn, between slut and sekushi.. and she is wanting 2 ride on that edge, just poking her toe in the water.. testing how it feels. i understand that feeling completely, and i also understand that after being told what to wear and what to say and who to be seen with and who not to be seen with and what is proper and what is not proper in a Disney kid for so long.. it is no wonder then at all that she is feeling finally free from a very big yoke of responsibility and restrictions. But now after saying all of that, i wonder if she has forgotten her fans who truly bought the most of her music and who bought the things she endorsed? She is wanting to grow.. wanting to maybe embrace being a woman and hoping with her new songs to become a star to a new group of fans.. but to do so she has come so very close to alienating all of her fans who love her older work and her acting. A very fine line between pop star and has-been.. i honestly wish her the best of luck and the best of promoters or she too will end up in the pile where Britney and Lindsey went. Good Luck and best wishes to you Miss Cyrus!

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I can't stand her.

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Re-fried Britney, I hope she doesn't go rock bottom like britney did. The father is making alot of money off her.

Big ditto. Cookie cutter pop stars. She's already lost her childhood, and being surrounded by this atmosphere doesn't help.

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Please don't follow the likes of Spears and Lohan....please!! Stick to 'Party in the U.S.A.' kiddo!

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Agree with Monkeyz. The word "slut" says far more about the people making the accusation. It must be tough for them knowing that females have sexuality while the accusers may never get to use theirs for lack of appeal.

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Sorry your too young

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If she shoots a raunchy AMV before she turns 18 will it be Art or Child-Pornography?

But got for her to want to do her own things.

Just wish to say to her the words of "Wild World"


Now that I've lost everything to you You say you wanna start something new And it's breakin' my heart you're leavin' Baby, I'm grievin' But if you wanna leave, take good care Hope you have a lot of nice things to wear But then a lot of nice things turn bad out there

CHORUS: Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world It's hard to get by just upon a smile Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world and I'll always remember you like a child, girl

You know I've seen a lot of what the world can do And it's breakin' my heart in two Because I never wanna see you sad, girl Don't be a bad girl But if you wanna leave, take good care Hope you make a lot of nice friends out there But just remember there's a lot of bad and beware


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I say she is just becoming her own person, and we are used to seeing her as innocent "Hannah Montanna"but thats just a television character, thats not who she is! That's why it is so easy to criticize her, but ppl like Lohan, and Britanny, just break down, cause they have no life...they cant do anything or go anywhere, they are constantly being watched, and not everyone can handle the pressure being a star can have on you.I say let them live there own lives, there only human, and the ones who do the criticizing are more than likely "jealous" and need to live there own lives, and leave other ppl to live alone!

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Going through typical stages. Let her explore. It's part of life stages and should be interesting to see what time will tell.

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why the hell not?

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poor example for the tweens that buy her music and image. I fell realy sorry for the Dad's of daughters around the world.

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ok how about whore?

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Well I hope none of the posters here who support Slutty Cyrus have ever b*tched about girls posing in bikinis for the comics in Japan.

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Miley Cyrus: 'I'm not trying to be slutty'

Well... if she felt she had to explain what she is trying to look like, she is definitely onto something there. She looks slutty but she still has issues with looking that way. Perhaps it's about time for her to fire her fashion adviser, if she really thinks she does not want to look that way.

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Nothing wrong with showing skin. But like others have posted here, let's hope she doesn't give into the Lohanisms, Spearsisms or Hiltonisms.

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KaptainKichigai said: poor example for the tweens that buy her music and image. I fell realy sorry for the Dad's of daughters around the world.

Maybe you should feel more sorry for the preachers of the world. Their daughters are quite famous and its for trying to hard to make them less like Miley Cyrus et. al. As Princess Leia said to Darth Vader--The more you squeeze your grip the more star systems will slip through your fingers.

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If that's what she's like without trying to be slutty, what would she be like if she tried?

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Miley Cyrus: “I’m not trying to be ‘slutty,’”

Right. How about tart?

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If that's what she's like without trying to be slutty, what would she be like if she tried?


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Brittany Spears Part 2! Wonder if she is gonna shave her head bald in the future hahaha

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I can understand how she wants to leave her goody two shoes image behind but since she is a product of the Disney Factory her bread and butter are kids and teenyboppers. I dont support her and honestly think her music blows (thats just me) If she wants to hang on to her fame I suggest she stick with her current image. Though I do see her getting on the same disaster train as Brittany, oh well Disney can always pump out more artificial talent to replace her.

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Miley Cyrus article: 40 comments

Kan on tax plans: 30 comments

Japan promotes nuke technology: 7

Miley Cyrus is a Disney product for little girls and crazy old men. I don't know anyone who knows the name of a single one of her songs. It is very doubtful that this autotune wonder has written even one of them. If you look closely at Disney, you will see that it portrays women as weak and as sex objects because that plays most safely internationally. That doctrine also happens to jibe well with a certain religion that is prominent in the US.

Miley Cyrus wanted a headline including her name with "slutty." Mission accomplished. Enjoy your "news" everybody.

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"I want people to buy my record because of my music.”

Then why feel the need to dress like a Brittney Spears wanna-be? To be honest, not even a good one.

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Next stop shaved head stage!!!

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Not trying. Just is.

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There sure are a lot of jealous grumblers here - old f@rts should be seen and not heard.

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We have a new Britney on our hands.

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She's an adiot. End of story

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"Sex Sells". Nothing wrong with showing off young great legs. Only fat and ugly women can be against it. And that's why we embrace Miley's style even more. Bring it on baby! (I can hear the fat ladies in the back screaming: "but she's only 17!! she's a baby!!). Yes sure.

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Her little sister's scary too-


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Really..... who cares?

With everything going on in the world, why is this little tart even making news at all? Even as a distraction from serious things, she's a fail.

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