Canon's EOS Kiss5 digital SLR camera is simple to use, even for a photography novice. The camera automatically adjusts colors and brightness of photos for best results. Canon bills this technology as “Scene Intelligent Auto.” Users can also take short videos with the camera.
On sale March 3. Cost: About 100,000 yen.
© Japan Today
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The recent incarnations of the Kiss Series (X4 and now X5) are actually pretty hard to fault. ISO is usable up to crazy levels previously only achievable on the full-frame 5D. Even the new "kit lenses" offer quite amazing image quality for the price - not like 5 years ago when the kit lens was a throw-away lens.
The only thing that irks me about the camera is the naming. Why do they insist on calling their camera Kiss and advertising it like a toy in Japan? Can't they call it the 600D like they do in Europe?
They want to get casual users into DSLRs. It's less intimidating to pick up a Kiss instead of a 600D.
I understand the strategy, but Nikon don't resort to childish names or advertising, and have overtaken Canon in DSLR sales in recent years.
I hate the marketing departments in camera companies. They seem to cripple cameras to differentiate them when they could easily make an all-rounder that does everything.
The 600d and 60d both have low fps on continuous shooting while the 7d doesn't allow manual control over audio recording.
..and yeah, kiss is a stupid name.
Keep It Simple Stupid
market for novices(and females, where "cute" is important) here in Japan... but even this Kiss series is way more capable than most people need... an outstanding camera at a great price.
I love my X4... still way more camera than my current needs. The X5 adds an articulating display... which is nice but no need to upgrade.
people like to complain about the "video" limitations... but it's NOT a video camera, but for cinematic type filming it's fine, how often do you shoot scenes longer that 10 minutes anyway? most scenes I have shot never go more than 4-5 min. and those undoukai races only last a few seconds...
When the kawai culture catch up in Europe you may expect Canon to be more consistent and call all their models KISS, not the other way round ;-)
I am Nikon user but papasmurf you are wrong! Nikon overtook Canon only for 1-2 quarters 3 years ago.
Nikon and even Canon have some work to do as Panasonic, Olympus and Sony are pushing the mirror-less DSLR format - smaller bodies due to lack of the flipping mirror, faster live view focusing, better video modes and very good resolution. The only department where the conventional APC-S and FF lead is the High-ISO performance.
@ bogva
BCN Ranking placed Nikon's D90 as the top selling camera for 2010, with Nikon's share up 3.6%. Canon's share decreased 8% compared to 2009. The X4 has been a strong seller this year though so perhaps 2011 rankings will be different.
Canon is still the market leader overall however.
And range and quality of lenses, an important factor for many, many people.
papasmurfinjapan, you're wrong. The "Kiss" brand corresponds to the "Rebel" brand abroad (which is almost as stupid a brand name...). The 60D exists in Japan, and is a totally different, and rather sexy, camera.
No, I'm right :). Check your facts...
In the European market it is called the 600D (what I stated in my original post). The US market calls it the Rebel. The Japanese market calls it Kiss. Kiss is the worst name of the three in my opinion, but rebel is not far behind...
oh, you are right about one thing though, the 60D is a completely different camera altogether.
Sir, you ARE right, and I was wrong - actually, I miscounted the "0"s and thought you were talking about the pile of sexy beastliness that is the 60D (want want want want).
I agree, 600D is a better name (feels a bit more "credible") than the Kiss.
Incidentally, I got the Panasonic GH1 last year, the articulated viewfinder was hard to look past, which is why I am now longingly fixated on the 60D....
By all counts though, the Kiss is a very solid camera, and of course it lets people build up their lens collection before they upgrade to a more "serious" Canon camera.
Anyway, my humblest apologies.
Great point. It's all about the lenses. I wish Olympus made a camera to match the high-quality of their lenses, which I think are the best of the SLRs.
@ Hikozaemon
No worries. I can imagine some people in Europe are scratching their heads too. I guess with Canon the lower the number the better the camera 600D - 60D - 7D - 5D - 1D.
I LOVE my KISS. Great camera.