Suntory's latest addition to the Pepsi Cola lineup is azuki-flavored cola, Pepsi Azuki, which will go on sale Oct 20. The aroma of azuki has been blended into the original Pepsi flavor. Suntory has been releasing seasonal Pepsis every year, and the theme for 2009 is “wa."
The product is the second seasonal drink this year, following the "shiso"-flavored cola released in summer. Suntory says the product targets consumers in their 20s and 30s and said the azuki flavor blends uniquely with the refreshing tang of the carbonated drink.
Priced at 140 yen excluding tax (490ml). The sale will be limited to 200,000 cases (24 bottles/case) and will be sold at supermarkets and convenience stores throughout Japan.
© Japan Today
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Worth a try. Tried Kirin's Mint Julip last year and really liked it. Shame they didn't bring that back this summer.
Patricia Yarrow
An insult to the mighty adzuki-mame. Pepsi is Poison. Don't drink it.
we get the idea yelnats! lol
Sounds like a nice new mix for my shouchu.
Sounds like a nice new mix for my shouchu.
Sounds like a nice new mix for my shouchu.
I thought it wasn't as BAD as I thought it would be.
I don't particularly like shiso to begin with but I figured I would give it a shot just to see if it really was horrid. It was more "bimyo" than anything else.
Of course, I haven't seen it since. Got it real cheap at a local super market (less than 100 yen I think it was.)
...It sounds like it would be interesting, so I might at least try it, but... Kinda wondering how that would be. Anything like cherry pepsi maybe?
And let's not forget Lemon Coke, awesome!
And that will be served hot with bits of mochi in it ? Hey, I have an idea : mochi-favored marshmallow ! That's not as if anything could make pepsi worse.
I have seen miso soup in cans. It's earthquakes food for peeps that don't want bread in cans.
I tried that Shiso... Very, very bad IMHO.
No, thank you. On second thought, why stop at it, put the 'tsubu' beans in there and make a Pepshiruko while you're at it. They should start making miso soup in cans too, if there isn't already. Anyone?
I know a lot of Japanese who hate azuki and a lot of foreigners who don't stand on soapboxes about something as insignifucant as a bottle of fizzy pop.
But no alchohol in it. i hope you are still attracted to the idea.
Sarge, have you ever tried shiso pepsi? Its taste was really everything else but shiso.
Are you pulling my leg? Does or did Shiso Pepsi really look like melon soda ie green? Now I can't wait for that Azuki Pepsi. Azuki Ice Cream was pretty good too.
What happened to lemon Pepsi and vanilla Coke? I loved them, and haven't seen them in years.
"Shiso pepsi tasted and looked like melon soda"
It may have looked like melon soda but it certainly did not taste like melon soda, it tasted like, well, shiso!
I'll take my Pepsi Azuki with ice, Love!
Daniel McNeill
That's right Ironchef, if a foreigner is skeptical about Azuki Pepsi it's because they are a foreigner. We all know that no foreigners can eat any Japanese food, and every Japanese person likes all Japanese food. I admire your wisdom. Here's more: foreigners who leave their countries and move to Japan hate trying things they aren't accustomed to. As for urging those who dismiss Azuki Pepsi to leave the country, hear hear! How dare they?
Andrew Decena
Pepsi Miso sounds catchy.
Shiso pepsi tasted and looked like melon soda. For the man of my dreams I will serve Azuki with ice.
Doubt it. I know a lot of Japanese people that don't like Azuki. They won't be buying it either.
Pepsi Shiso was (to my surprise) totally awesome. I'm not a big fan of azuki in general, however, so I probably won't be trying this one...
ironchef: "As for me I love azuki so I'm gonna try it and not be a typical gaijin who can only eat western food. Might as well leave japan then."
I hope you dislike it and have to be classed as a 'gaijin', since your groupings are so general. Almost every single foreigner I know who has chosen to live in Japan or another Asian country LOVES the local cuisine. Sure, once in a while some culture shock creeps in and I feel the need for something Western, but show me a Japanese who doesn't like karaage or Italian food once in a while (as in, Japanese also like other types of foods).
In other words, drop the racism. Some of us like azuki but don't feel that combinations like these will be good whatsoever. I like natto, funazushi, tarako, and all sorts of other 'non-Western' dishes as well, but I don't think they should be combined with Pepsi or any other beverage, either. Whatever happened to the Japanese maxim, "Simple is best"?
You might also want to stop and think, in your anti-Western and racist rants, about the fact that Pepsi is a Western product, and not 'made-in-Japan'.
They have beer in little cans...why not do these new products in those so people can have a taste? I don't want to waste 150 yen and dump out 490ml.
ironchef: "Typical gaijin reaction to something they are unaccustomed to. If you don't like azuki, then don't buy it."
No, not at all, but your response is a typical pro-anything-Japan response, singling out foreigners as those who would dislike it without trying it. Look, if they made a chicken-wing flavoured Pepsi in the West I wouldn't like it either, despite liking both chicken wings and azuki. There's a reason they limited production to even fewer cases than they normally limit 'seasonal beverages' -- it's because it's a risk.
Despite this and a few other cases of very bad combinations, I really hate it when Japan takes successful seasonal drinks/foods off the market simply because the season is over. Especially Autumn -- where they think everything has to have a heavy, creamy taste/texture.
Am I the only one who thinks this sounds good?
I heard they did a cucumber Pepsi a few years ago.
The shiso flavor was not as good as I thought it would be. Not enough shiso taste. Same with the wasabi cider another company put out. Just not enough wasabi taste for me. I will probably try this azuki pepsi (not coke), but I have a feeing the flavor will be weak like the shiso pepsi. I kind of like the green tea coke. The green tea masks the aftertaste of the sweetener they use. Same reason I prefer Pepsi Nex to Coke light, the lemon used to mask the sweetener taste.
Oh..I missed that shiso flavour, is it still on sale? I hope that the azuki coke will taste better than the Green Tea coke. I wonder how much the azuki flavour will come out though.
did they do Squid-flavored pepsi already?
I do like azuki. What I don't like is the idea of mixing perfectly good beans with fizzy pop. Or perfectly good food of any description.
It sounds revolting to me, but I can imagine anyone who likes Azuki will love it.
It`s not a "gaijin" thing necessarily - I think cherry coke and lemon coke were equally revolting.
As for me I love azuki so I'm gonna try it and not be a typical gaijin who can only eat western food. Might as well leave japan then.
Typical gaijin reaction to something they are unaccustomed to. If you don't like azuki, then don't buy it.
Why don't they put some natto and miso in it, for good measure?
more like 'uwaaaaaaaa'
Can't imagine what this would taste like, but unconciously I'm vomiting in the general direction of Pepsi Co. right now.