Burger King is selling a new hamburger, the Bourbon Whopper, which uses bourbon whisky in the sauce. The product features sauce made with brown sugar, balsamic vinegar and bourbon, considered to blend well with soy sauce to enhance the aroma. Price: 450 yen.
Two types of highball drinks using the whisky Four Roses (350 yen each) are also on sale. There is a daily 200-yen discount for the Bourbon Whopper and highball set, usually sold at 800 yen, after 5 p.m.
© Japan Today
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This is fine and dandy, but first you need a Burger King. No news for us out here in the country.
Fast food and alcohol? Gross, gross, gross. I feel sick already.
This is only more evidence supporting my theory that you can drink literally ANYWHERE in Japan. However, I draw the line at Burger King. If you need hard alcohol that bad, you have a problem. Who would drink whiskey there?
Oh waht a surprise the sauce contains soy sauce, how unique for Japan.
They should call it a ROYALE DE FROMAGE as the Bourbons and Sam Jackson do.
Serving whiskey at Burger King, I love it!
so true.
Why not? Some of the Burger Kings in Tokyo serve beer in the evening!
Have you never been to a sporting event. That is all they sell along with peanuts and other goodies.
@biglittleman- I haven't been to a sporting event since I was a kid.
Besides, it's a little different (a beer at a ballgame) from going to my local BK and ordering a whiskey with my whopper. Fast food eateries are nauseating in general, I don't think whiskey goggles will improve the ambiance much.
Have it your way! At Burger King!
Where is a burger king in Japan? They left years ago. US Bases have them, but I doubt they would sell a bourbon burger there.
Liquor and burger combo! Yes!!
A Royale De Fromage ? In Paris a Big Mac's a Big Mac, but they call it "Le Big Mac". But as for the Whopper I don't know, I didn't go in a Burger King.
Where have you been for the past couple of years, Stanley? Take your pick: http://www.burgerkingjapan.co.jp/locations
HEY no FAIR we don't have any bourbon burgers here in the good ole USA or a bourbon shot and a burger no fair the bourbon sauce actually sounds good might have to try and emulate it
http://www.burgerkingjapan.co.jp/locations Thanks Chef!
I hope the closings of all 71 Wendy's will help Burger King open more outlets. I've only been once each to the Shinjuku and Shibuya shops and I think it's been almost 3 years now...
Now if only we could afford it. 1000 yen for a burger and fries *which come no were close to other fast food chains, is just simply too expensive.
if you stay all night, you can get hammered and also have the hangover food at the same place...saves you the trip
...and 20,000 yen for the Shinkansen.
I hope they open a Burger King in Kansai soon.
Andrew Decena
I'll have a whopper and a bourbon medium, hold the pickles.
I could see beer with a burger but why Bourbon?
Good sir I would like your finest Whopper and a Bourbon Sour. If you don't have a Bourbon Sour perhaps a Kentucky Blizzard or a Bloody Jim.
Most likely it will just be a whiskey-cola.
@stirfry- Too funny! Man, this would be the WORST hangover food ever! As if you don't feel bad enough, shoving a cheesy, greasy whopper down your gullet will absolutely finish you off.
I'll stick with ramen and avoid this gastronomic nightmare entirely.
At 30, I'm getting a little old for binge drinking in general, let alone the suicide that drinking at BK would be.
Traffic cop: Just blow into this for me would you? Have you been drinking sir?
Punter: No ossifer, nothing but a burger 'n coke, scout's honor!
Looking at that monstrosity, I've just about decided to make a new year's resolution to give up eating meat.
A metro-burger I'd love to have, but nothing outside of the city.
No BurgerKin in Kansai!
@flatearther protein is the best thing for a hangover the next day. (and fluid). It helps youprocess the blood-alcohol poisoning and rebuild stuff. cheese and burger= perfect.
I'll have the Bourbon Burger, no vegetable or mayo, extra bourbon please.
if whoppers actually looked like that picture, i'd eat more of 'em
whatever next? yikes
Patricia Yarrow
The question unanswered is: is there any alcohol in that Whiskeyburger? Heat evaporates the alcohol out of the food. Leaves the flavor, which is what I hope this is. On the other hand, what are any of you doing eating in these places? Here in one of the best places for great food ever...
Sounds like the stock Jim Beam BBQ sauce that's become over used in the US.
Completely random, but did you know Jack Daniels have a bbq sauce now and it goes well with Daikon?
What's next? The opium wopper?
Sure, you can have a poppyseed bun, if you like.
m5c32, Sarge, too funny.
Sowhatnow, out of curiosity, the JD sauce, was that the JD honey sauce, JD hickory and brown sugar, or the JD number 7 sauce?
The burbon sauce they are offering looks kind of close to what they are offering thru JD. Kind of. :)
For dessert, hash brownies! Step right up!