This month, Burger King started selling its Stacker burger. In line with its Have It Your Way policy, you can order either one, two or three patties and the same for slices of cheese. The Stacker comes with bacon and original pepper cheese sauce (a mixture of mayonnaise and black pepper). A single Stacker costs 390 yen, a double, 540 yen and a triple, 690 yen.
© Japan Today
Burger King's Stacker
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Customer: "I'll take a Triple Stacker(800kcal)". Staff: "Just one, sir?"
Rather go to Hooters and have some buffalo wings and beer.
may have been a bit harsh on you eaters of cholesterol and grease and supporters of food inc. all the power to ya. scarf whatever ya like. but if ya think soy lattes or anything from starbucks for that matter is supposed to be healthy, think again.
Guys if life were all about doing things politically correct, we would be living like 1950's Soviets or taunting a little red book in the middle of the Great Leap Forward. Live a little and forget about you soy milk lattes and organically grown green salads. Sharpie you stick with your "non-disgusting" diet. As northlondon says I'm a happy man
Not really a fast food guy myself. But it might be fun to get me a big ol' King Stacker, wif fries, to go; so's I can scarf it down in public, while reading aloud from George W Bush's recently published memoir Decision Points. Yeah. All that, in front of a certain Starbucks where all the politically correct sensitive ponytails go to sip their soy milk lattes and twitter to each other.
Kua Aina beats all the others by a long, long way. Absolutely no contest. It's like Meisa versus Becky..
Ah, heart attack! help!
Guys, I'm now in HK having eover enjoyed myself in japan. To add to the jealousy, BK is getting huge here. A Private equity firm took the franchise and are now expanding, I have a BK which is a 3 minute walk from my office and one that is a 10 minute drive from my home (if only I could find parking nearby...). The point is (a) the stacker is not here yet but (b) they give you the option to add patties at an extra cost. You can stack a 3rd whopper patty to your double whopper with BBQ and bacon. It sure as hell beats the lotteria 7 patty cheese burger I tried in May and the freshness burgers you get here. I still love the MOS teriyaki burger, which is defientely a hall of fame burger for me.
Sarge -- Sorry, was away yesterday. In answer to your first question, I want a burger, not a salad. BK and McDonald's just throw like half a head of lettuce on burgers here -- I guess to make the folks think they are getting their money's worth. In regards how I requested the no lettuce and no mayonaise -- I did it in perfectly proper Japanese. The wrappers on each one clearly had the lettuce and mayo crossed out. They just couldn't seem to make them right anyway. Too much assembly-line mentality.
This sandwich LOOKS impressive in the photo, but if the ones in Japan are the same as the ones in the States, the three-patty version is about the same size as a closed adult fist. They use their basic hamburger patties rather than the ones they use for the Whopper®
Why would I care? Seems like the rest of the country forgot us. We don't have BK in Kyushu, which really sucks!!!
Can I get a little more meat with my cholesterol?
Freshness better than Zat's and their Sasebo Burgers?
How is this different from their regular double-bacon cheeseburger ? Freshness Burger is great too, better than all the other J-franchises, but their double cheese is ¥740 all by itself and is a 5 -7 minute wait.
I,d love to have burger King in shikoku....
irrelevant if you live outside Tokyo
Buger King went private very recently for a pretty penny, so we'll see how the dust settles and if/when they have the capital to expand. There's one a five minute walk from my place and that pic sure is tempting, but as a former smoker (16 months ago) now bulging and dieting, I keep my distance.
No Beckers?
This is all well and good, I would just be happy if there were a Burger King in Hiroshima. When are they gonna expand?
It goes like this...
Wendy's (now gone sadly), MOS, Burger King, First Kitchen, Kua Aina, Lotteria, McDonalds.
I like my Chicken or Fish burgers and prefer to eat at Beckers.
Their Fish-sand or Chicken burgers are very tasty plus they make some decent fries not those sloppy joe's you get at other places.
Add in good coffee in decent mug, Poutine or etc on the side.
Burger King is ok but they still got few franchises so far.
Guy, I'll take a BK Stacker or whopper anyday over the Mickey D's products or Lotteria (their 7 patty cheeseburger is disgusting!).
Hey guys, that's why we are all faaat!!!
But they're both correct. It's just that one is Japanese and one is English.
Heck, you can even say "no mayo" and they should understand. I don't like mayo myself, and always ordered it "nuki" but had it repeated back to me, "Whopper setto, no mayoneezu"
And yeah, you do have to do it like "mah-yo" and not "may-yo." Even the fluentest of the fluent students I teach can't understand me if I pronounce "mayonnaise" correctly.
Wow, three meals in one.
herefornow - Be sure to say mayo nuki like "My yo nuki" not May like in "May I help you."
herefornow - Why would you want a Whopper with no lettuce? But if you really don't want lettuce, just say "Retasu nuki." And no mayonaise is "Mayo nuki."
Good luck with the "Have it Your Way" idea. Took me four tries just to get a Whopper with Cheese with no lettuce or mayonaise.
Well if I could FIND a Burger King, maybe I would consider it... Maybe. I can see the calories oozing off of that a mile away!
I thought the Windows 7 (Win7) burger was better.
come on guys, once a month is not so bad for ya! or at least that's what I tell myself...
How much is a quadruple? LOL.
double, triple? what? heart by pass in your 50's...
bit pricey
Bun crown, Pepper Cheese Sauce, Bacon, Cheese, Beef, Cheese, Beef, Cheese, Beef Bun heel.
A "healthy" meal with only four quadrillion units of cholesterol in it.
To be fair, the picture is the most unhealthy of the options. You can actually get it with only one patty and a slice of cheese, but it isn't really a "stacker" then.
Looks like a lot of beef? to me. Wonders where the cheese is in the pepper cheese source? Just looking at the thing makes me gain weight!
Wow. They're just releasing this now?! It's been in the U.S. for years.
You have to wonder about a "Pepper Cheese Sauce" that only has mayonnaise and black pepper in it. Where's the "cheese"?