Japan Today
new products

Canned chardonnay


Kirin Beer is reintroducing its 2003 line of canned chardonnay. The beverage, which costs 148 yen, is made with 5% white grape juice and the recipe will remain unchanged from the previous incarnation.

The drink previously enjoyed sales from 2003 to 2008, when it was terminated. Consumers voted it the number one discontinued drink they wanted to see return, in a survey conducted by the company.

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It's not chardonnay as in wine, it's chu-hi made with 5% chardonnay grape juice. It says on the can that it's grape-flavoured, not wine-flavoured, so set your expectations accordingly! Personally, I think it tastes grapeity great.

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I like alcohol drinks. I drink alcohol about once a week. I enjoy drinking party at Izakaya with my friends. And I sometimes drink alcohol at my house with my family. So I’m enjoying communication with alcohol. By the way, I have drunk this “Hyouketu” series. It is easy for me to drink these drinks. So I bring and drink it every drinking party “Takunomi”. I want try to drink new Chardonny.

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It looks so good. I like alcohol drinks very much. And I often drink series of the Kirin’s CHU-HI (Hyoketsu). I didn’t like wine before but I tried it recently and I like it very much! So I tried the Kirin’s CHU-HI -chardonnay (Hyoketsu)! I think that it is very good price.

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Shouchu at 5% alcohol, and white grape juice at 5% also. Why is this so special? I like SPARKY Lemon at 9% alcohol. Nice and sappari.

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it is disgusting.

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I'll stick to the strong lime Chu-hi.

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Give me a good box of wine any day.

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This one brings me back. but ive moved on to two tall cans of Sparxx. that will put ya in the right place.

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Chardonnay in a can? I am sure real French would role over in their graves, well dead ones, just at the thought of his stuff and in a tin can?

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Consumers voted it the number one discontinued drink they wanted to see return, in a survey conducted by the company.

I wish some other products were back too. Companies take them out of the market too soon.

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Smell of chuhai is the same, it does not matter if charodnnay or plum. I hope men smell of nice soap and cleanliness, not chuhai.

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Prefer ice wine more.

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2 persons with very similar user names tell us how wonderfull this drink is. c81 and c13 are too similar, me smelles something fishy and it aint canned chardonnay.

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