Japan Today
new products

Combination washer/dryer


Panasonic will release a combination washer/dryer for small families on April 15. The compact machine is ideal for single residents and couples, the company says, and is the perfect size for small homes.

A cycle for a full load of laundry requires approximately 35 minutes. Price: 30,000 yen.

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Wow; and it's a FRONT loader TOO...is this a good deal ? I wonder how fast it will BREAK.

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Perfect for me.

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Finally Japanese makers are embarking on front loaders. The type of washers that have been around in huge numbers in Europe for more than half a century. I can't believe the price listed here however. That must be an error. 30,000 yen for a washer/dryer? No way.

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Front-loaders been available here for quiet some time(way more than a decade). Prices are what they are.

Just take a hike down to Yodo, etc.

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Front-loaders been available here for quiet some time(way more than a decade). Prices are what they are. Just take a hike down to Yodo, etc.

Yes, they have been around, in very small numbers for very large prices. Having lived in Japan for more than 4 decades I'm aware of that, thank you.

I see used machines selling for 30,000 to 80,000 yen, so if the quoted price of 30,000 for a NEW machine, washer/dryer is correct, that would indicate a revolution. If you can point me to a seller on line I'd appreciate it. I bet you can't.

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Got to kakaku.com.

Since 2004 2nd-hand appliances have shot up to nearly new prices with the new recycling regulations. Try getting rid of any per-2004 appliance and you will pay big to have it removed.

My current machine an LG is a 5.5kg and does an optional 2hr spin-cycle which allows me to hang the clothes indoors. Cost me a mere 25.000Yen(new), still not a front-loader(but I am in old apartment so space is tight).

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Zenny, thank you. But I've been there and there is nothing in the price range suggested in this news item! I guess it should be 130,000 yen.

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Japanese make the best whiteware around. ( and in colours ) We have had a Toshiba front loader for more than 10 years and without one single problem. I still prefer top loading washing machines and there are various models with horizontal drums like a front loader but still loaded from the top.

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Dont like front loaders, we've always had a top loader, and with the instructions in Japanese, I can always say "Hey honey, I cant figure out which buttons to press" .. always works, even after years (the excuse I mean).

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Panasonic will release a combination washer/dryer for small families. The compact machine is ideal for single residents and couples and is the perfect size for small homes.

So not only can small people fit into it, but even small homes can be cleaned?! This could save a lot of time, both on hygiene and housework, and completely revolutionize my Sunday schedule!

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