Sharp's Brain PW-AC20 is a super lightweight Japanese-English dictionary weighs in at 98 grams. It also contains TOIEC review tests and voice recordings. The practice tests run between four and 20 minutes, making them perfect for train and bus commuters. Comes with earphones. Price: 15,000 yen
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Dictionary brainpower
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The electronic dictionary market seems to be happily stuck in the 1990's, alongside CD-burners and laser discs.
Side note: amazing how many times I have seen 'TOEIC' improperly spelled. Even in presentations by TOEIC authors.
I like how it looks.
I took a look at a Japanese friend's iPhone Japanese/English dictionary app, and was amazed at the quality and functionality the developers have packed into it--easily matching what all but the most specialized of these stand-alone electronic dictionaries provide.
shirokuma, what was the name of that app?
mojibake, the best site is ALC's eijiro. I have a shortcut/App thing for android that works great. highly recommend it if you cab find it for the iphone.
Wish I could remember, mojibake. Not owning an iPhone myself, I didn't think to note it down.