Anyone who’s been to Japan from July to September knows what it’s like to be drenched in sweat after spending an hour outdoors. There are products like underarm sweat pads to create the illusion of looking fresh while you the humidity is at an all-time high. If you’re looking for the next Japanese “cooling product” of the summer, here’s another one to add to your list. The Thanko fan-equipped backpack it keeps you cool while storing all your work or vacation essentials.
Built to blow cool air directly onto your back, the fan has three modes. To activate it, press a button on the right strap. There are blocks that help improve airflow to keep you feeling fresh. There’s enough space to store a 16-inch laptop and an 11-inch tablet, making it the perfect backpack for commutes or teleworking. It can last for up to 25 hours, depending on the mode you set it on, and it uses a USB charger.
Get it while stocks last at the Thanko Akihabara store for ¥9,480.
Source: Thanko
© Japan Today
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I’ll just push a small suitcase around which obviates the need for a sweat inducing backpack…
Gene Hennigh
Ah, so many times this would have been a great relief to use. As I age there is a lot more work in just getting around. A little relief would be welcomed. I need to use a backpack often (a briefcase only holds so much) and it doesn't make getting around any easier. I would certainly try this. I'm old.
But does not let you go hands free as the headline clearly says.
I have seen some fans that come alone so you can just attach it to the backpack to get the same functionality without having to buy the whole thing, they are much cheaper (2-3000 yen) and may be better if you use a larger backpack, you only have to check if it fits.
It’s amazing that I’m still here without buying all these made in China gadgets!
I’m certainly wealthier though…
Elsewhere in today's JapanTimes there is an article about the problem of working in got greenhouses. Perhaps a lightweight backpack with dry ice and a fan would help in the hothouses.
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