Japan Today
Image: Thanko
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Make your apartment cozy this fall with Swedish Torch Humidifier


As the temperature starts to drop, the air will gradually get drier, which could cause a host of new problems. Dry air indoors can lead to infections, itchy or flaky skin and in some severe cases, nosebleeds. Humidifiers help add moisture to combat all these potential problems and are a must during the colder months. If you haven’t already, now’s a good time to shop around for a humidifier that can last you until springtime. 

As the name suggests, the Thanko Swedish Torch Humidifier uses LED lights to resemble a smoldering cypress log. It has two settings depending on the amount of humidity and it’s small enough to fit perfectly on your desk or by your bedside table. Aromatic oils can also be added to it to give your room a more relaxing vibe as you unwind at home. Available for ¥8,980 on the official Thanko online store

Source: Thanko

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