Japan Today
Image: Lithon
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Pocket Controller Retro

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If you miss video games and consoles of yesteryear, you aren’t alone. The retrogaming market is said to have been valued at an estimated $1 billion in 2021 and the number is only expected to grow. Offering a sense of nostalgia for older gamers, nowadays, the vintage feel of retro gaming has even attracted younger gamers. While there aren’t any strict rules to what makes a “retro game” the term is usually meant for games and consoles older than 15 years or games that are discontinued. 

If you want to play some old-school video games, all you need is the Pocket Controller Retro by Lithon. Priced at ¥1,980, it comes with 200 built-in games with single- and multiplayer options. Simply connect it to your TV, and you’re ready to go. As it fits in the palm of your hand, you can bring it with you wherever you go.

Source: Lithon

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Sorry, but the only market for which these "200 built-in games" provide nostalgia to is the Chinese market who grew up with these games. My Raspberry PI with Recalbox gives me all the retro gaming I could ever need.

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