Japan Today
Image: PR Times
new products

The cutest hot water compress you’ll ever need


Following last year’s launch, the Mugyu Plush Heat Storage Hot Water Bottle collection has added a cat called Oyaki to its lineup. The 43cm plushie keeps you warm for up to seven hours with just 15 minutes of charging.

All you need to do is plug in the hot water bottle attachment, wait for it to fully heat up and place it inside the stuffed toy. It has an automatic temperature detection that keeps it from overheating.

Additionally, the water bottle lining is made up of PVC layering to prevent any leakage so it’s safe for kids to use. If you’re looking to save on heating this winter, this dual-use plushie might just be the way to go on cold nights. 


Get it for yourself, or give it away as a gift this holiday season. Priced at ¥5,984, you’ll never want to use another type of yuntanpo (hot water bottle) again. Available on e-commerce websites like Rakuten, Amazon or Yahoo! Shopping.

Source: PR Times

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Looks more like a dog to me.

Down below is the cat, right? Hmmm...

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Leave it up to Japan to keep coming up with the 'cutesy-wutesy'. Pac-Man, Pokémon, Lil Kitty, anyone?

This would be a wonderful item for me. Beings that I'm allergic to cats and any furry animals, this would be the cat's meow for confort!

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