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2016 presidential race off to an early start


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Run, Hillary, run ! Madam President, get used to it ! It's her time !

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

First female U.S. president? I'd love to see it happen, but honestly I don't think it will.

Face it, Obama's election was a squeaker and he's been one of the best U.S. presidents in recent history - I don't agree with everything he's done, but overall he's been pretty darned good... and he was running again that human slime-ball Romney.

If Obama struggled to win with his clean record, amazing campaign and great ideas then I don't see a hope in hell for Hillary, who'd dragging a ton of political baggage behind her, all of which will be aired during the campaign:

Whitewater Cattle Futuresgate Filegate Lewinsky Vandalgate etc.. etc.. etc..

She's simply got too much baggage to win and the U.S. presidential elections are all mudslinging. She's a bad choice.

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

Elizabeth Warren would be fairly decent I reckon. Her, or Rick Santorum, that guy is hilarious

0 ( +2 / -2 )

This is definitely too early. The US may have broken up into several countries by then. Hopefully, the breakup will be friendly.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

If Obama struggled to win with his clean record,

You've got to be kidding me. really? a "clean" rec?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Red pill / blue pill, no difference. Reset and start over.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

@Frungy squeaker? His popular vote and electoral vote margins were significantly wider than either of Bush's elections.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

If Hilary wins, then it's going to get worse for America I'm afraid. Hilary is a Pentagon alumni with a hawkish attitude. Don't be fooled, the woman is a die hard hawk. She will complete the agenda of the Pentagon, which is to increase tensions with Russia and China.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

It`s all ridiculous anyway.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

If Hilary wins, then it's going to get worse for America I'm afraid. Hilary is a Pentagon alumni with a hawkish attitude. Don't be fooled, the woman is a die hard hawk. She will complete the agenda of the Pentagon, which is to increase tensions with Russia and China.

It seems tensions are being increased with these countries anyway, so maintaining the status quo is obviously not an option.

Personally, I think Hillary is a hateful bitch, but she is twice the man Barack Obama is. She is the kind of boss everyone hates, but who runs her business well enough to move it to the top. I was in the Army during the Clinton presidency, and in a position to see some of the workings in the White House. It was obvious enough to anyone who knew the Clinton's which one of them had balls, and it wasn't William Jefferson.

I don't like Hillary Clinton, and I agree she is hawkish, and not on just military matters. I am leery of her as president, but once again, we aren't being given many options to choose from. I am tired of seeing compulsive liars with good hair speaking at us (they don't have enou substance to talk to us) on television, talking about policies they themselves haven't written, and don't understand, and taking every bad situatio which comes their way and make it worse.

Frungy, being an American, and having met a few presidents (including Mr Obama), and having known others who were friends of my father and grandfather, I honestly have to say that Obama is probably the worst president we have ever had the misfortune to elect. He has kept none (not even one) of his campaign promises, and he will very likely leave office with America in a worse situation than when he took office. Fools will say Obama saved America from the greatest financial crisis since the great depression, but did he? What are the real unemployment numbers in America? and how much real growth (not paper growth from pumping computer-generated numbers into the banks) has there been? And for the miniscule growth he was able to create, how much did it cost? That the cost for 1% annual growth and miserable unemployment numbers is more money than all previous presidents have spent over two centuries, I fail to see how anyone in their right mind could say that Mr Obama has been a good president. We have wasted 8 years that we will never be able to get back.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Personally... I think Hillary Clinton is a way better option than any Republican....

You know what the last Republican president did?... you know that the damage he caused is still hurting a lot of people in the US and around the world.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Hillary would be a disaster candidate and a disaster president. She has no qualifications to speak of: being first lady means nothing, being a carpetbagger senator parachuting into a safe Senate seat is no big deal, and she has no accomplishments to speak of from her term as SecState. Another consummate Washington insider. It shows how thin the Democratic pool of potential candidates actually is that she gets so much attention.

Not to mention if she ever got into a debate against someone like Ted Cruz, he would totally destroy her.

I think Christie can resurrect his political reputation with no trouble. He has two years and the electorate has a notoriously short attention span. As a running mate........ perhaps Paul Ryan again?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The US presidential election is the best entertainment I have ever seen. Looking forward to it with my pop corn and vuvuzela. Just too sad that the result has an impact on every one in the world either directly or indirectly.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

RowanMApr. 15, 2014 - 12:21PM JST @Frungy squeaker? His popular vote and electoral vote margins were significantly wider than either of Bush's elections.

Considering who he was up against? I mean honestly I was shocked when I saw how many people voted for that train-wreck Romney.

sangetsu03Apr. 15, 2014 - 04:54PM JST Frungy, being an American, and having met a few presidents (including Mr Obama), and having known others who were friends of my father and grandfather,

Do you have any other names you'd like to drop?

I honestly have to say that Obama is probably the worst president we have ever had the misfortune to elect. He has kept none (not even one) of his campaign promises

Under his watch there have been substantial improvements in the LGBT situation, he's pushed through Obamacare, he's given increased protection to whistleblowers, and overall he's kept just under half the promises he's made.

These aren't matters of opinion, they're matters of record. You're obviously not a fan of Obama, but there's a world of difference between not being a fan of someone and being so hate-filled that you lose any connection with reality.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Electing Hillary as the first american president is no different from what the US has no in Obama, nothing is going to get better if anything it will get worst. No country in the middle east respects women. LMAO they don't even respect Obama now and he isn't a women!! We need a president with some Gonads Hillary definitely don't have them, we don't need a puppeteir or magician! We need a true blooded american who thinks and live for the american people the american way and not one who gives everything away!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Whistleblower protection?!? Does the name "Snowden" ring a bell? Obama has declared war on WHistleblowers- he has used the law to supress them more than any president in recent memory. Obamacare is a sad joke, the worst of private care plus the worst of government bullying all rolled into one useless law. As for his "support" of the HGBTIQTW community, it can best be described as weak. He was against gay marriage until Joe Biden forced his hand last year.

He's an intelligent guy, but dismal as a president. He looks down on those he sees as inferior, his vaunted communication skills are largely electronics, and he doesn't have 1/10 the political skill of a president like Clinton. Nowhere to go but up for whoever succeeds him.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Hillary would be a disaster candidate and a disaster president.

Hillary will be president, for the simple reason that the right will shoot themselves in the foot by spitting so much vitriol in the party leadership campaign that they have no hope of winning the presidential campaign. Just look at 2012 for an example.

But other than that, she will likely be the most qualified person ever to be voted president, having been with Bill for eight years, then having her more recent political career to add to that experience.

She'll likely be even better than Obama, and he's pretty hard to top, being one of the best presidents in modern history.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Good grief, already?

"she will likely be the most qualified person ever to be voted president, having been with Bill for eight years...

She'll likely be even better than Obama, and he's pretty hard to top, being one of the best presidents in modern history."


-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I'm all for Hillary, but wouldn't Bill ("The First Gentleman") really be orchestrating and running the show in the background, suggesting to her how to handle Congress, the U.S. and the world -- what to do, when and how to do it -- from upstairs at the dinner table, breakfast table, and over pillow-talk?

I mean, seriously, wouldn't that happen? How could it not happen? Other than his humongous, outrageous, totally stupid affair with Monica, ol' Bill did a pretty good job in the White House, so she should listen to his advice.

Or maybe she'll lock Bill out of the WH.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Stranger, if sharing a bed with a president were qualification, then Nancy Reagan would have been a great Commander in Chief. Also, parachuting into a very safe Senate seat doesn't show any talent other than rank opportunism. As for her stint as SecState, can you name any accomplishments? Major treaties or deals?

Didn't think so. She's all hat and no cattle.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

She'll likely be even better than Obama, and he's pretty hard to top, being one of the best presidents in modern history.

My stomach doesn't turn so easily, but this has done it!. I'll be right back,

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

U.S. politics have become image based rather than content based. We need to know how candidates are going to make citizens respond to them and their ideas. And what their plan is to turn the country around. U.S. economy is slowing and still facing a slow recovery from the recession that ended few years ago. U.S. can expect substantial increase in federal budget deficits in less than decade because of weaker economic growth. U.S. have the potential to growth around 2 percent per year over the next decade. What U.S. needs is a pro-growth strategy for the economy. U.S. need to move forward on the Keystone Pipeline in a safe, responsible way. Plus a fix for the healthcare bill involving free market principles, including the opportunity to buy insurance across state lines.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

We're all gonna get soooo burned out by this race; it'll be ridiculous. The wannabe candidates will flame out early and all we'll have left is a handful of monied mouths who'll soon run out of stuff to say, unless they turn to gasp policy issues.

Maybe as we get really bored, a couple of darkhorses will show up late in the game and make things interesting, which would be a good strategy, actually. If candidates are smart, they'll play a longer hand. And the culture war hand-waving? That's gonna be a circus.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I like and respect Elizabeth Warren.

I have also liked and respected Christie, at least right until the bridge gate business. I'm not sure if he indeed set that kind of thug tone for his team, or if that's just endemic in NJ and not his personal fault, but I'm a touch wary. Still keeping an open mind to him.

Perry is a nutter. Cruz too, and he was born in Canada, wasn't he?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

It still surprises me that the losing party in US elections don't pick themselves up as quickly as they can and choose a leader who will be their candidate next time around, like British parties do. A year or so of bickering and mudslinging with six or seven other people and then six months to campaign against the incumbent just looks dumb to me. The Republicans should have got their candidate ready by June last year.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Hillary will be president, for the simple reason that the right will shoot themselves in the foot by spitting so much vitriol in the party leadership campaign that they have no hope of winning the presidential campaign. Just look at 2012 for an example.

It's NOT a shoe in and Hilary has too much baggage on her, notoriously the Benghazi scandal. If you think she can just shake that off, it will be an even bigger issue if she runs, the Republicans will pound her and this time, shunning the cameras and NOT answering will NOT be an option. As for winning elections. What happened in 2010? What will happen this year? Dems are in the exact same position that the Repubs were in 2006, sorry and at the rate the way everything is turning out, within 2 years, Democrat will be a curse word.

But other than that, she will likely be the most qualified person ever to be voted president, having been with Bill for eight years, then having her more recent political career to add to that experience.

Wishful thinking and a very, very long stretch.

She'll likely be even better than Obama, and he's pretty hard to top, being one of the best presidents in modern history.



U.S. politics have become image based rather than content based. We need to know how candidates are going to make citizens respond to them and their ideas. And what their plan is to turn the country around. U.S. economy is slowing and still facing a slow recovery from the recession that ended few years ago. U.S. can expect substantial increase in federal budget deficits in less than decade because of weaker economic growth. U.S. have the potential to growth around 2 percent per year over the next decade. What U.S. needs is a pro-growth strategy for the economy. U.S. need to move forward on the Keystone Pipeline in a safe, responsible way. Plus a fix for the healthcare bill involving free market principles, including the opportunity to buy insurance across state lines.

I agree with you 110% Spot on!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Under his watch there have been substantial improvements in the LGBT situation, he's pushed through Obamacare, he's given increased protection to whistleblowers, and overall he's kept just under half the promises he's made.

Among the myriad real problems facing the world, LGBT issues are not in the top 200. Obama has not increased protection of whistleblowers, he has increased the punishments for "leakers", limited press access to the white house, tried to change the definition of what the word "reporter" means, and created the most opaque administration we have yet known. Nixon's administration was as transparent as glass in comparison to Obama's administration. Obama has used the IRS to punish those whose viewpoints differ from his own, and he has done as much as he can to increase the power of the executive branch, and diminish the power of the other two branches.

Obamacare has not yet fully become the debacle it is destined to be, it usually takes about 6 years for the full effect of a major policy change to be felt. When looking at the current numbers, there is not yet any net change in the numbers of uninsured. After promising not to raise taxes on the middle class, Obamacare was ruled by the supreme court as a tax, and as such, it will become the biggest middle class tax increase in history. The "pushing through" of Obamacare is probably the thing most likley to put republicans into the senate and white house, and when they get there, do you doubt for a moment that they won't put to full use the increased power of the executive branch, decreased transparency, and domestic spying infrastructure which Obama has initiated?

Fully 1/3 of Americans are on food stamps, the highest in the history of the country, yet we are somehow led to believe that unemployment is decreasing, and the economy is growing? I export goods to America, and my sales to America have been weak, and getting weaker, which is hardly a sign to me of decreasing unemployment and economic growth.

Obama has been the greatest disappointment ever to find its way into Washington.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Anybody as long as they know what they're doing...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I wonder how much cash will be spent on the 2016 election.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

And yet, the Democrats and the president want us to believe the people and the public in general are very happy with the way the country is headed, but as you said, to LGBT rights to the bogus "war on women" the White House is focusing on subject matters that are NOT a major priority for the average American. Unemployment, creating jobs and cutting taxes should be the main and central issue.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

sangetsu03Apr. 16, 2014 - 10:56PM JST Under his watch there have been substantial improvements in the LGBT situation, he's pushed through Obamacare, he's given increased protection to whistleblowers, and overall he's kept just under half the promises he's made.

Among the myriad real problems facing the world, LGBT issues are not in the top 200.

Human rights don't even make your top 200 "real problems"? ... well, enough said really.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Human rights don't even make your top 200 "real problems"? ... well, enough said really.

Tell me exactly how Obama has furthered LGBT rights? And after you come up with a few scant examples, tell me about what Obama has done to improve other human rights? How about the right to use the phone, or internet without being listened-in on by the federal government? How about the right to make simple life decisions (like not buying insurance) without having to pay a fine to the government? How about exercising the right to support a poltical party without being audited by the IRS? One of thr few things Obama has done during his presidency is to create more rules, regulations, and red tape than any previous president, no other has added as many pages to the federal register. Exactly how are 81000 pages of rules and regulations furthering human rights? Each regulation is yet another command, telling us what we may and may not do. Is it possible to have human rights when there is no longer any freedom?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

"competition for the nomination is well under way" and if history is any guide, the GOP-Tea will return to their flat earth candidates attacking women, the elderly, young, poor and families as they have been doing for the past three decades.

Americans have already seen the only way GOP-Tea candidates can save the village is by burning it to the ground. Their hatred for Hillary will further alienate their candidates from a population that has moved past the 15th century.

Hillary has the only resume suitable to a modern educated citizenry. Which sadly doesn't say much for the depth of Democrats choices.

The GOP-Tea will revamp their 'destructive criminal white guys' theme and present the world with the usual suspects in their parade of felons and hostage takers.

It would be funny if the serious damage the Bush/Cheney wars had hid the criminality of the GOP-Tea, instead, it only proved the GOP-Tea capable of bank robbery and little else.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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